Profiles in "Digital Storytelling" Expertise Area

  • Dr. Ralston is the past chair of the GIT program. She teaches video production, print/digital design, and research methods. She also directs the Make Media Lab on the Polytechnic campus.
  • Kim’s research interests include cancer patient/caregiver supportive care, quality of life, and psychosocial well-being, with a particular emphasis on digital storytelling as a therapeutic intervention.
  • Kristy Roschke is a media literacy scholar and educator. She is the director of the News Co/Lab, an initiative aimed at advancing media literacy via journalism, education and technology.
  • Facilitate the widespread production and consumption of geoscience Virtual Field Trips for place-based education as a tool to help students navigate the promises and perils of the Anthropocene.
  • Roddy Nikpour is a Phoenix native and ASU alum. He works in public radio, teaches classes primarily in audio production, and helps administer online course instruction for the Cronkite School.
  • Mark Hass is an educator, author and former global marketing executive teaching as a professor of practice and a member of the Barrett Honors faculty at the W. P. Carey School of Business.
  • Melby is an accomplished producer, actress, and director as well as owner and head coach of Verve Studios.
  • Matthew Toro is a broadly trained geographer serving as the director of maps, imagery, and geospatial services at ASU Library. He oversees the Map and Geospatial Hub, a traditional map library fused with a modern GIS center.
  • Klucsarits is an award-winning cinematographer working in narrative, documentary and commercial film.