Profiles in "Narrative" Expertise Area

  • Dr. Ralston is the chair of the GIT program. She teaches video production, print/digital design, and research methods. She also directs the Make Media Lab on the Polytechnic campus.
  • In addition to teaching First-Year Writing, Duerden also enjoys teaching Writing About Literature for nonmajors, which ties into her own interest in contemporary British fiction.
  • Williams studies English education and visual/multimodal narrative. She is a Maricopa County Master Gardener and classically trained chef.
  • Kimberly Holst's scholarship examines the intersection of law and media—particularly how media impacts public understanding of law. She presents on effective law school pedagogy before domestic and international audiences.
  • Prior holds a doctorate in second language acquisition (SLA). He teaches courses in applied linguistics, qualitative methods, discourse analysis and pragmatics, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, and TESOL.
  • Elizabeth Sheets is an Editor Associate for Knowledge Enterprise’s Research Development. There she edits journal manuscripts, grant proposals, and book proposals for ASU faculty and research staff.
  • Beschloss is an award-winning writer, editor, journalist and filmmaker. He is a professor of practice in three colleges and schools and directs the Narrative Storytelling Initiative across the university.
  • Dr. Steven Hartman is Founding Executive Director of the BRIDGES Sustainability Science Coalition in UNESCO’s Management of Social Transformations programme.