Profiles in "Artificial Intelligence" Expertise Area

  • Advanced optimization, control, and machine learning for reliability and economically integrating large-scale distributed energy resources (DERs) into power system planning, operations, stability, and electricity markets.
  • Dr. Sean M. Leahy is a Foresight Catalyst and Research Scientist for the Future of Being Human Initiative, catalyzing thinking on advanced technology transitions, technology for good, and the future of being human.
  • Dr. Huang is a Research Assistant Professor at ASU. She specializes in using Human Factors methods to do interdisciplinary research on human-AI-Robot teaming.
  • Li is a biological oceanographer, remote sensing scientist, and computer scientist.
  • Dan is an Executive Director of Next Lab and the Lead Design Architect of Next Generation Learning at ASU Enterprise Technology.
  • Beghetto is an internationally recognized expert on creative thought and action in educational settings.
  • NSF National Research Trainee Fellow for Citizen-Centered Smart Cities and Smart Living. R&D of AI-enabled Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy device for the treatment of trauma-related conditions