Bertram Jacobs is a professor of virology with the School of Life Sciences. He is also a member of ASU-Banner Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center at the Biodesign Institute, where his research is focused on developing a vaccine for HIV — one that prevents infection or extends the lives of HIV patients. Jacobs also leads a group of students every summer to sub-Saharan Africa to teach AIDS prevention to the international community.
Jacobs is one of the world’s foremost experts on a poxvirus called vaccinia, a cousin of the smallpox virus. He has genetically engineered vaccinia as a vehicle against a number of infectious agents, bioterrorism threats, cancer, and other viruses, including HIV.
He also assists HIV/AIDS-related support organizations. He currently serves on the Board of Director’s for Aunt Rita’s Foundation, on the Advisory Board for Support for International Change, and on the Board of Directors for HEAL.
PhD Biochemistry, University of California-Berkeley 1981
Wellensiek BP, Larsen AC, Flores J, Jacobs BL, Chaput JC. A leader sequence capable of enhancing RNA expression and protein synthesis in mammalian cells. Protein Sci (2013).
Wellensiek BP, Larsen AC, Stephens B, Kukurba K, Waern K, Briones N, Liu L, Snyder M, Jacobs BL, Kumar S, Chaput JC. Genome-wide profiling of human cap-independent translation-enhancing elements. Nature Methods (2013).
Arndt W, Mitnik C, Denzler KL, White S, Waters R, Jacobs BL, Rochon Y, Olson VA, Damon IK, Langland JO. In vitro characterization of a nineteenth-century therapy for smallpox. PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e32610. doi: 10.1371 (2012).
White SD, Jacobs BL. The amino terminus of the vaccinia virus E3 protein is necessary to inhibit the interferon response. J. Virology (2012).
Denzler KL, Babas T, Rippeon A, Huynh T, Fukushima N, Rhodes L, Silvera PM, Jacobs BL. Attenuated NYCBH vaccinia virus deleted for the E3L gene confers partial protection against lethal monkeypox virus disease in cynomolgus macaques. Vaccine (2011).
Denzler KL, Rice AD, MacNeill AL, Fukushima N, Lindsey SF, Wallace G, Burrage AM, Smith AJ, Manning BR, Swetnam DM, Gray SA, Moyer RW, Jacobs BL. The NYCBH vaccinia virus deleted for the innate immune evasion gene, E3L, protects rabbits against lethal challenge by rabbitpox virus. Vaccine (2011).
Denzler KL, Schriewer J, Parker S, Werner C, Hartzler H, Hembrador E, Huynh T, Holechek S, Buller RM, Jacobs BL. The attenuated NYCBH vaccinia virus deleted for the immune evasion gene, E3L, completely protects mice against heterologous challenge with ectromelia virus. Vaccine (2011).
Jancovich JK, Jacobs BL. Innate immune evasion mediated by the Ambystoma tigrinum virus eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha homologue. J. Virology (2011).
White SD, Conwell K, Langland JO, Jacobs BL. Use of a negative selectable marker for rapid selection of recombinant vaccinia virus. Biotechniques (2011).
Jacobs BL, Langland JO, Kibler KV, Denzler KL, White SD, Holechek SA, Wong S, Huynh T, Baskin CR. Vaccinia virus vaccines: past, present and future. Antiviral Res (2009).
Zhang P, Langland JO, Jacobs BL, Samuel CE. Protein kinase PKR-dependent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases occurs through mitochondrial adapter IPS-1 and is antagonized by vaccinia virus E3L. J Virol (2009).
Y Ye, K Hauns, J Langland, Bertram Jacobs, B Hogue. Mouse Hepatitis Coronavirus A59 Nucleocapsid Protein is a Type I Interferon Antagonist. J Virol (2007).
J Langland, J Kash, V Carter, M Thomas, M Katze, Bertram Jacobs. Suppression of proinflammatory signal transduction and gene expression by the dual nucleic acid binding domains of the vaccinia virus E3L proteins. J Virol (2006).
Jeffrey Langland, Jason Cameron, Michael Heck, James Jancovich, Bertram Jacobs. Inhibition of PKR by RNA and DNA viruses. Virus Research (2006).
Langland, J, Cameron, J, Heck, M, Jancovich, J, Jacobs, Bertram. Inhibition of PKR by RNA and DNA viruses. (2006).
J Jancovich, E Davidson, N Parameswaran, J Mao, V Chinchar, J Collins, Bertram Jacobs, A Storfer. Evidence for emergence of an amphibian iridoviral disease because of human-enhanced spread. Mol Ecol (2005).
T Brandt, M Heck, S Vijaysri, G Jentarra, J Cameron, Bertram Jacobs. The N-terminal domain of the vaccinia virus E3L-protein is required for neurovirulence, but not induction of a protective immune response. Virology (2005).
C Auch, R Saha, F Sheikh, X Liu, Bertram Jacobs, K Pahan. Role of protein kinase R in double-stranded RNA-induced expression of nitric oxide synthase in human astroglia. FEBS Lett (2004).
J Langland, Bertram Jacobs. Inhibition of PKR by vaccinia virus: role of the N- and C-terminal domains of E3L. Virology (2004).
K Kibler, A Miyazato, V Yedavalli, A Dayton, Bertram Jacobs, G Dapolito, S Kim, K Jeang. Polyarginine Inhibits gp160 Processing by Furin and Suppresses Productive Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection. J Biol Chem (2004).
J Jancovich, J Collind, Bertram Jacobs, J Mao, V Chinchar, C Wyatt, S Case, Sudhir Kumar, G Valente, S Subramanian, E Davidson. Genomic Sequence of a Ranavirus (Family Iridoviridae) Associated with Salamander Mortalities in North America. Virology (2003).
J Jancovich, James Collins, Bertram Jacobs, J Mao, V Chinchar, C Wyatt, S Case, S Kumar, G Valente, S Subramanian, E Davidson. Genomic sequence of a ranavirus (family Iridoviridae) associated with salamander mortalities in North America. Virology (2003).
J Langland, P Kao, Bertram Jacobs. Regulation of IL-2 gene expression and nuclear factor-90 translocation in vaccinia virus-infected cells. J Interferon Cytokine Res (2003).
S Vijaysri, L Talasela, A Mercer, C McInnes, Bertram Jacobs, J Langland. The Orf virus E3L homologue is able to complement deletion of the vaccinia virus E3L gene in vitro but not in vivo. Virology (2003).
Y Kim, M Muralinath, T Brandt, M Pearcy, K Hauns, K Lowenhaupt, Bertram Jacobs, A Rich. A role for Z-DNA binding in vaccinia virus pathogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003).
J Langland, Bertram Jacobs. The Role of the PKR-Inhibitory Genes, E3L and K3L, in Determining Vaccinia Virus Host Range. Virology (2002).
Y He, H Nakao, S Tan, S Polyak, P Neddermann, S Vijaysri, Bertram Jacobs, M Katze. Subversion of cell signaling pathways by hepatitis C virus nonstructural 5A protein via interaction with Grb2 and P85 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. J Virol (2002).
Y Xiang, R Condit, S Vijaysri, Bertram Jacobs, B Williams, R Silverman. Blockade of interferon induction and action by the E3L double-stranded RNA binding proteins of vaccinia virus. J Virol (2002).
T Brandt, Bertram Jacobs. Both carboxy- and amino-terminal domains of the vaccinia virus interferon resistance gene, E3L, are required for pathogenesis in a mouse model. J Virol (2001).
Y He, S Tan, S Tareen, Bertram Jacobs, S Vijaysri, J Langland, M Katze. Regulation of mRNA translation and cellular signaling by hepatitis C virus nonstructural protein NS5A. J Virol (2001).
Research Activity
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*, Kibler,Karen. A Novel Replication Competent Flavivirus-based HIV Vaccine Platform ie RepliVax as a Priming Component for Improving Antibody Response. CHUV(9/6/2012 - 8/31/2016).
Denzler,Karen, Jacobs,Bertram Lewis, Langland,Jeffrey Olaf. Characterization of herbal formulations for the treatment of human disease. (3/1/2012 - 2/28/2013).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. XVII International Poxvirus, Asfivirus and Indorvirus Symposium. HHS-NIH-NIAID(6/2/2010 - 5/31/2011).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*, Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. Development of a Therapy for Smallpox Vaccinia and Monkeypox. MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECHNOLO(8/1/2009 - 7/31/2011).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. Development of a novel, low-cost Point of Care HIV viral load diagnostic for resource-limited communities. NCIIA(4/1/2009 - 4/30/2010).
Chaput,John C*, Jacobs,Bertram Lewis, Kumar,Sudhir. Discovering a Hidden Proteome in the Human Genome. HHS-NIH-NIGMS(8/1/2008 - 7/31/2013).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*, Chang,Yung. Disabling Vaccinia IFNr: A New Smallpox Vaccine. HHS-NIH-NIAID(7/1/2008 - 12/31/2010).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. SUPP: Disabling Vaccinia IFNr: A New Smallpox Vaccine. HHS-NIH-NIAID(7/1/2008 - 6/30/2009).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. Development of Poxvirus-Based Vectors as Vaccines Against Biodefense Threat Agents. PSWRCE(9/1/2007 - 4/30/2009).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*, Chang,Yung. Disabling Vaccinia IFNr: A New Smallpox Vaccine. HHS-NIH-NIAID(7/1/2007 - 6/30/2010).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. SUPP: Disabling Vaccinia IFNr: A New Smallpox Vaccine. HHS-NIH-NIAID(7/1/2007 - 6/30/2008).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. Development of a Safer Smallpox Vaccine. HHS-NIH-NIAID(4/1/2007 - 3/31/2010).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*, Chang,Yung. Disabling Vaccinia IFNr: A New Smallpox Vaccine. HHS-NIH-NIAID(7/10/2005 - 6/30/2006).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. DEVELOPMENT OF A SAFER SMALLPOX VACCINE. HHS-NIH-NIAID(4/1/2005 - 3/31/2007).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. Development of a Post-Exposure Vaccine for Smallpox. HHS-NIH-NIAID(3/15/2005 - 8/31/2007).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. Joint University Project #1638, Combinatorial Antibody Libraries of Orthopoxviruses. UNIV OF NEW MEXICO(1/1/2005 - 12/1/2009).
Chang,Yung*, Brophy,Colleen M, Jacobs,Bertram Lewis, Misra,Rajeev, Pettit,George Robert, Sierks,Michael Richard, Zautra,Alex John. THE BD FACSARIA, A NEW FLOW CYTOMETER SORTER. HHS-NIH-NCRR(4/1/2004 - 3/31/2005).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. DEVELOPMENT OF A SAFER SMALLPOX VACCINE. HHS-NIH-NIAID(9/30/2003 - 3/31/2005).
Dowling,Thomas Edmunds*, Bingham,Scott Edward, Blankenship,Robert E, Jacobs,Bertram Lewis, Wojciechowski,Martin Francis. A capillary DNA and denaturing HPLC for molecular genetics, ecogenomics, and experimental bioinformatics. NSF-BIO(9/1/2003 - 2/29/2008).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. Role of the E3L Gene in Poxvirus Pathogenesis. Continuation of LMS0010. HHS-NIH-NIAID(7/1/2003 - 12/31/2008).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*. ROLE OF THE E3L GENE IN POXVIRUS PATHOGENESIS-Continued in JKS0033. HHS-NIH-NIAID(7/1/2003 - 12/31/2007).