Alexandra Ros
Phone: 480-965-5323
1001 S McAllister Biodesign C, Office C399A TEMPE, AZ 85287
Mail code: 1604Campus: Tempe
Alexandra Ros is a professor in the School of Molecular Sciences and faculty member of the Center for Applied Structural Discovery (CASD) at the Biodesign Institute. She received her Diploma in Chemistry from the Ruprecht-Karls University in Heidelberg, Germany, and her Ph.D. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland. Professor Ros has been interested in microfluidic platforms and their analytical applications, since completing her doctorate. She joined the Biophysics and Nanoscience Group at Bielefeld University, Germany, in 2000 where she followed her interests in microfluidics and biophysics during her post doctoral training. Since 2001, she served as principle investigator at Bielefeld University, Germany, on several projects investigating migration mechanisms and single cell analysis in the microfluidic format. In 2007, she finished her Habilitation and received the Venia Legendi in Experimental Physics from Bielefeld University.
Professor Ros joined Arizona State University in 2008 as an assistant professor where she was promoted to associate professor in 2014. In the same year she was appointed faculty member of the Center for Applied Structural Discovery (CASD) at the Biodesign Institute. In 2015-16, she was a visiting scientist at the Georg-August University Goettingen, Germany. She is recipient of an NSF Career Award, a Fellowship for Experienced Researchers from the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, Germany, the FACSS Innovation Award and the AES Midcareer Award. Dr. Ros was promoted to Professor in 2020. Her current research interests include migration mechanisms in the micro- and nanoenvironment for biomolecules and sub-cellular species with a focus on electrokinetic methods, hyphenation of analytical approaches for single cell analysis, and developing microfluidic tools for emerging crystallography techniques.
- Ph.D. Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne 2000
- Diploma. Chemistry, Ruprecht-Karls University in Heidelberg, Germany 1994
- Habilitation, Bielefeld University, 2007
The research in my group focuses on the chemical and physical basis of migration mechanisms for biopolymers and colloids as model systems. Tailored micro- and nanofluidic devices are developed wherein migration processes of biomolecules (e.g. DNA, proteins) are studied by optical single molecule as well as ensemble techniques. A second focus lies on the development of micro- and nanofluidic devices as platforms for novel single cell analysis tools. The ultimate goal consists in elucidating novel bioanalytical and biotechnological tools as well as efficient lab-on-a-chip systems for proteom research and systems nanobiology.
Migration mechanisms of biomolecules are studied via fluorescence video microscopy with subsequent particle tracking and on-chip separation experiments. A major interest lies in the dielectrophoretic behaviour of biomolecules which can be advantageously used in separation experiments. A very important part of our work is dedicated to adequate surface design, providing not only for the control of electrokinetic properties in the micro-and nanodevices but also as an additional design tool for novel migration mechanisms. Soft lithography serves as a primary fabrication method for tailored microdevices, whereas other appropriate micro- and nanofabrication methods find application for specific structuring problems. Our single cell studies focus on biologically relevant questions in organisms such as insect cells and bacteria. Single cell manipulation is developed for reproducible and parallel cell positioning. Our work also includes the integration of ultra sensitive detection methods in the microfluidic chip such as laser induced fluorescence as well as off-chip coupling to sensitive state of the art detection methods.
See full list of publications at:
- J. Cruz Villarreal, R. Kruithoff, A. Egatz-Gomez, P. D. Coleman, R. Ros, T. R. Sandrin, A. Ros*, MIMAS: Microfluidic Platform in Tandem with MALDI Mass Spectrometry for Protein Quantification from Small Cell Ensembles, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2022) 414, 3945–3958 DOI: 10.1007/s00216-022-04038-y
- D. Doppler, M. T. Rabbani, R. Letrun, J. Cruz Villarreal, D. Kim, S. Gandhi, A. Egatz-Gomez, M. Sonker, J. Chen, F. H. M. Koua, J. Yang, M. H. Youssef, V. Mazalova, S. Bajt, M. L. Shelby, M. A. Coleman, M. O. Wiedorn, J. Knoska, S. Schön, T. Sato, M. S. Hunter, A. Hosseinizadeh, C. Kupitz, R. Nazari, R. C. Alvarez, K. Karpos, S. Zaare, Z. Dobson, E. Discianno, S. Zhang, J. D. Zook, J. Bielecki, R. de Wijn, A. R. Round, P. Vagovic, M. Kloos, M. Vakili, G. K. Ketawala, N. E .Stander, T. L. Olson, K. Morin, J. Mondal, J. Nguyen, J. Domingo Meza-Aguilar, G. Kodis, S. M. Vaiana, J. M. Martin-Garcia, V. Mariani, P. Schwander, M. Schmidt, M. Messerschmidt, A. Ourmazd, N. Zatsepin, U. Weierstall, B. D. Bruce, A. P. Mancuso, T. Grant, A. Barty, H. N. Chapman, M. Frank, R. Fromme, J. C. H. Spence,S. Botha, P. Fromme, R. A. Kirian, A. Ros* Co-flow Injection for Serial Crystallography at X-Ray Free Electron Lasers J. Applied Crystallography (2022) 55, 1-13, DOI:10.1107/S1600576721011079
- R. Ortiz, D. Koh, M. T. Rabbani, C. Anguaya Velasquez, M. Sonker, E. Arriaga, A. Ros*, Continuous organelle separation in an Insulator-based dielectrophoretic device Electrophoresis (2022), 43, 1283-1296 DOI: 10.1002/elps.202100326
- M. Yang, J. Cruz Villarreal, N. Ariyasinghe, R. Kruithoff, R. Ros, A. Ros*, Quantitative approach for protein analysis in small cell ensembles by an integrated microfluidic chip with MALDI mass spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry (2021) 93, 6053–6061
- M. Sonker, B. Abdallah, A. Ros*, Surface coating of microfluidic-based medical devices, in “Microfluidic devices for biomedical applications”, XiuJun James Li and Yu Zhou (Editors), 2nd edition, invited chapter, Woodhead Publishing, August 5 (2021)
- D. Koh, R. Ortiz, M. T. Rabbani, M. Sonker, C. Velasquez, E. A. Arriaga, Continuous Flow Deterministic iDEP Ratchet Devices for High-throughput Organelle Separation, µTAS Proceedings (2021) in press
- J. Cruz Villarreal, R. Kruithoff, R. Ros, A. Ros* Protein Analysis from Small Cell Ensembles by An Integrated Microfluidic Mass Spectrometry Assay, µTAS Proceedings (2021) in press
- D. Doppler, M. Sonker, A. Egatz-Gomez, G. Nelson, M. T. Rabbani, J. Cruz Villarreal, R. Nazari, S. Zaare, D. Thiefault, S. Botha, T. Grant, P. Fromme. R. Kirian, A. Ros* Electronically Stimulated Segmented Flow for Reduced Sample Consumption During Serial Femtosecond Crystallography, µTAS Proceedings (2021) in press
- A. Manna, M. Sonker, A. Ros* Microfluidic devices for membrane protein crystallization and structure determination µTAS Proceedings (2021) in press
- M. T. Rabbani, C. F. Schmidt, A. Ros*, Length-Selective Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Analytical Chemistry (2020) 92, 8901–8908
- M. T. Rabbani, M. Sonker, A. Ros*, Carbon Nanotube Dielectrophoresis: Theory and Applications, Electrophoresis (2020) 41, 1893-1914 invited review
- A. Echelmeier, J. Cruz Villarreal, D. Kim, S. Gandhi, S. Botha, A. Egatz-Gomez, D. Thifault, J. Coe, G. Brehm, M. Messerschmidt, C. Madsen, S. Bajt, J. Domingo Meza-Aguilar, D. Oberthür, M. O. Wiedorn, H. Fleckenstein, D. Mendez, J.j Knoška, J. Martin Garcia, H. Hu, S. Lisova, A. Allahgholi, Y. Gevorkov, K. Ayyer, S. Aplin, H. Mary Ginn, H. Graafsma, A. J. Morgan, D. Greiffenberg, A. Klujev, T. Laurus, J. Pöhlsen, U. Trunk, F. R. N. C. Maia, D. Mezza, R. Fromme, B. Weinhaussen, G. Mills, P. Vagovic, Y. Kim, J. Schultz, K. Döner, J. Sztuk-Dambietz, M. Kuhn, T. D. Grant, T. A. White, V. Mariani, A. Barty, A. P. Mancuso, U. Weierstall, J. C.H. Spence, H. N. Chapman, N. Zatsepin, P. Fromme, R. Kirian, A. Ros*, Segmented Flow Generator for Serial Crystallography at X-Ray Free Electron Lasers, Nature Communications (2020) 11, 4511 DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-18156-7
- S. Pandey, R. Bean, T. Sato, I. Poudyal, J. Bielecki, J. Cruz Villarreal, O. Yefanov, V. Mariani, T. A. White, C. Kupitz, M. Hunter, M. H. Abdellatif, S. Bajt, V. Bondar, A. Echelmeier, D. Doppler, M. Emons, M. Frank, R. Fromme, Y. Gevorkov, G. Giovanetti, M. Jiang, D. Kim, Y. Kim, H. Kirkwood, A. Klimovskaia, J. Knoska, F. H. M. Koua, R. Letrun, S. Lisova, L. Maia, V. Mazalova, D. Meza, T. Michelat, A. Ourmazd, G. Palmer, M. Ramilli, R. Schubert, P. Schwander, A. Silenzi, J. Sztuk-Dambietz, A. Tolstikova, H. Chapman, A. Ros, A. Barty, P. Fromme, A. Mancus, M. Schmidt, Time-Resolved Serial Femtosecond Crystallography at the European XFEL, 2019 Nature Methods (2020) 17, 73-78 DOI:10.1038/s41592-019-0628-z
- J. Cruz Villarreal, A. Egatz-Gomez, J. Liu, R. Ros, P. D. Coleman, A. Ros*, Amyloid β Analysis from Microdissected Brain Cells Using Microfluidics and MALDI Mass Spectrometry, µTAS Proceedings (2020) 711-712
- M. T. Rabbani, C. F. Schmidt, A. Ros*, Manipulation of Biomolecules using a 3D-Printed Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis Device, µTAS Proceedings (2020) 651-652
- C. Gisriel, J. Coe, R. Letrun, C. Luna-Chavez, N. E. Stander, S. Lisova, O. N. Yefanov, V. Mariani, M. Kuhn, T. D. Grant, K. Dörner, T. Sato, A. Echelmeier, J. Cruz Villarreal, M. S. Hunter, M. O. Wiedorn, J. Knoska, V. Mazalova, S. Roy-Chowdhury, J.-H. Yang, A. Jones, R. Bean, J. Bielecki, Y. Kim, G. Mills, B. Weinhausen, J. Domingo Meza, N. Al-Qudami, S. Bajt, G. Brehm, S. Botha, D. Boukelef, S. Brockhauser, B. D. Bruce, M. A. Coleman, C. Danilevski, E. Discianno, Z. Dobson, H. Fangohr, J. M. Martin-Garcia, Y. Gevorkov, S. Hauf, K. Giewekemeyer, A. Hosseinizadeh, F. Januschek, G. K. Ketawala, C. Kupitz, L. Maia, M. Manetti, M. Messerschmidt, T. Michelat, J. Mondal, D. Oberthür, A. Ourmazd, G. Previtali, I. Sarrou, S. Schön, P. Schwander, M. L. Shelby, M. Sikorski, A. Silenzi, J. Sztuk-Dambietz, J. Szuba, M. Turcato, T. A. White, K. Wrona, C. Xu, M. H. Abdellatif, J. D. Zook, J. C. H. Spence, H. N. Chapman, A. Barty, R. A. Kirian, M. Frank, A. Ros, M. Schmidt, R. Fromme, A. P. Mancuso, P. Fromme and N. A. Zatsepin, Membrane Protein Megahertz Crystallography at the European XFEL, Nature Communications (2019) 10, 5021 DOI:10.1038/s41467-019-12955-3
- D. Kim, S. Gandhi, A. Echelmeier, J. Cruz Villarreal, S. Quintana, A. Egatz-Gomez, A. Ros*, Electric Triggering for Enhanced Control of Droplet Generation, Analytical Chemistry (2019) 91,792-9799 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b01449
- A. Echelmeier, D. Kim, J. Cruz Villarreal, J. Coe, S. Quintana, G. Brehm, A. Egatz-Gomez, R. G. Sierra, J. E. Koglin, A. Batyuk, M. S. Hunter, S. Boutet, N. Zatsepin, R. A. Kirian, T. D. Grant, P. Fromme, A. Ros*, 3D printed droplet generation devices for serial femtosecond crystallography enabled by surface coating, Journal of Applied Crystallography (2019) 52, 997-1008 DOI:10.1107/S1600576719010343
- A. Echelmeier, M. Sonker, A. Ros* Microfluidic sample delivery for serial crystallography using X-ray free electron lasers, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2019) 411, pages 6535–6547, Invited Review Article
- M. Sonker, D. Kim, A. Egatz-Gomez, A. Ros*, Separation Phenomena in Tailored Micro- and Nanofluidic Environments, Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry (2019) 12, 475–500 DOI:10.1146/annurev-anchem-061417-125758
- I. Ishigami, A. Lewis-Ballester, A. Echelmeier, G. F. Brehm, N. Zatsepin, T. D. Grant, J. Coe, S. Lisova, G. Nelson, S. Zhang, Z. Dobson, S. Boutet, R. G. Sierra, A. Batyuk, P. Fromme, R. Fromme, J. C. H. Spence, A. Ros, S.-R. Yeh, D. L. Rousseau, Snapshot of an Oxygen Intermediate in the Catalytic Reaction of Cytochrome c Oxidase, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019) 116, 3572-3577 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1814526116
- D. Kim, M. Sonker, A. Ros*, Dielectrophoresis: From Molecular to Micrometer-Scale Analytes, Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 277–295 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b05454
- D. Kim, S. Gandhi, A. Echelmeier, J. Cruz Villarreal, S. Quintana, A. Egatz-Gomez, A. Ros*, Electric Triggering for Serial Femtosecond Crystallography using 3D-printed Microfluidics, µTAS Proceedings (2019) 1470-1471
- A. Echelmeier, J. Cruz Villarreal, D. Kim, S. Gandhi, A. Egatz-Gomez, D. Thifault, J. D. Coe, G. Brehm, C. Madsen, S. Quintana, S Bajit, M. Messerschmidt, J. Domingo Meza-Aguilar, D. Oberthür, M. O. Wiedorn, H. Fleckenstein, S. Botha, D. Mendez, J. Knoska, J. Martin Garcia, H. Hu, S. Lisova, A. Allah Gholi, Y. Geverkov, K. Ayyer, S. Aplin, H. M. Ginn, H. Graafsma, A. J. Morgan, D. Greiffenberg, A. Klujev, T. Laurus, J. Pöhlsen, U. Trunk, R. R. N. C. Maia, D. Mezza, R. Fromme, B. Weinhausen, G. Mills, P. Vagovic, Y. Kim, J. Schulz, K. Dörner, J. Sztuk-Dambietz, M. Kuhn, T. D. Grant, T. A. White, V. Mariani, A. Barty, A. P. Mancuso, U. Weierstall, J. C. H. Spence, H. N. Chapman, N. A. Zatsepin, P. Fromme, R. A. Kirian, A. Ros*, Sample Consumption Reduction for Serial Crystallography using Water-in-Oil Droplets, µTAS Proceedings (2019) 1476-1477
- D. Kim, J. Luo, E. Arriaga, A. Ros*, Deterministic Ratchet for Sub-micrometer (Bio)particle Separation, Analytical Chemistry (2018) 90, 4370-4379 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b03774
- J. Coe and A. Ros*, Small is Beautiful: Growth and Detection of Nanocrystals, in “X-ray Free Electron Lasers - A Revolution in Structural Biology”, Petra Fromme, Mark Hunter and Sebastien Boutet (Editors), invited chapter Springer (2018) ISBN 978-3-030-00550-4
Selected Grants:
- Ros, Alexandra Fractionation of Organelles for Subpopulation and Subtype Analysis NIH-NIGMS (04/01/2018 - 03/31/2022)
- Spence,John Charles*, Carpenter,Ray W, Frasch,Wayne D, Fromme,Petra, Halden,Rolf, Hogue,Brenda G, Labaer,Joshua, Leket-Mor,Tsafrir Shlomo, Liu,Jingyue, Liu,Wei, Mason,Hugh S, Muthuswamy,Jitendran, Olive,Michael Foster, Rege,Kaushal, Rez,Peter, Rittmann,Bruce Edward, Roberson,Robert Wayne, Ros,Alexandra, Ros,Robert, Stabenfeldt,Sarah E, Torres,Cesar I, Van Horn,Wade Dale, Vermaas,Willem F J, Wachter,Rebekka M, Weierstall,Uwe Juergen, Westerhoff,Paul, Wiktor,Peter Jan, Yan,Hao. MRI: Acquisition of Cryo-EM for Southwest Regional Center. NSF-BIO-DBI(9/1/2015 - 8/31/2018).
- Fromme,Petra*, Ros,Alexandra, Schmidt,Kevin Edward, Spence,John Charles, Weierstall,Uwe Juergen. Femtosecond nano-crystallography of membrane proteins. HHS-NIH-NIGMS(6/1/2015 - 5/31/2019).
- Ros,Alexandra*. PFI:AIR - TT: Dielectrophoretic Fractionation of DNA for Next Generation Sequencing. NSF-IIP(8/15/2014 - 1/31/2016).
- Ros,Alexandra*. Microfluidic Tools Improving Serial Femtosecond Nanocrystallography. HWI(5/22/2014 - 9/30/2015).
- Ros,Alexandra*. CAREER: DNA Analysis Based on Dielectrophoresis. NSF-ENG-CBET(4/15/2012 - 3/31/2017).
- Fromme,Petra*, Doak,R Bruce, Ros,Alexandra, Schmidt,Kevin Edward, Spence,John Charles, Weierstall,Uwe Juergen. Femtosecond Nano-Crystallography of Membrane Proteins. HHS-NIH-NIGMS(9/30/2010 - 5/31/2015).
- Ros,Alexandra*. A Microfluidic Protein Separation Device Based on Dielectrophoresis. HHS-NIH-NIGMS(9/1/2010 - 8/31/2014).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 325 | Analytical Chemistry |
CHM 325 | Analytical Chemistry |
BDE 792 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 494 | Special Topics |
CHM 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 792 | Research |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 792 | Research |
CHM 325 | Analytical Chemistry |
CHM 325 | Analytical Chemistry |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
CHM 326 | Advanced Analytical Chem Lab |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 325 | Analytical Chemistry |
CHM 325 | Analytical Chemistry |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 325 | Analytical Chemistry |
CHM 325 | Analytical Chemistry |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 598 | Special Topics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 501 | Current Topics in Chemistry |
CHM 325 | Analytical Chemistry |
CHM 325 | Analytical Chemistry |
- B. Abdallah, C. Kupitz, P. Fromme, A. Ros. Fractionation of Nanocrystals for Femtosecond Nanocrystallography of Membrane Proteins. AIChE Annual Meeting (Nov 2013).
- L. Gan, T.-C. Chao, F. Camacho Alanis, H. Yan and A. Ros. Insulator Based Dielectrophoresis for the Manipulation of DNA Origami. AIChE Annual Meeting (Nov 2013).
- B. G. Abdallah, C. Kupitz, P. Fromme, A. Ros. Microfluidic Tools to Study Membrane Proteins. X-ray Lasers in Biology, The Royal Society, London, England (Oct 2013).
- B. G. Abdallah, C. Kupitz, P. Fromme, A. Ros. Microfluidic Tools to Study Membrane Proteins. X-ray Lasers in Biology – Techniques, The Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire, England (Oct 2013).
- J. Luo, B.G. Abdallah, G. Woken, E. Arriaga, A. Ros. Manipulation of Mitochondria by Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis. SciX Conference (Oct 2013).
- F. Camacho Alanis, A. Nakano, A. Ros. Protein Dielectrophoresis: A Promising Purification Method. SciX Conference (Oct 2013).
- M. Yang, T.-C. Chao, R. Nelson, A. Ros. Protein identification and quantification for single cell analysis by coupling a microfluidic platform with MALDI-TOF. µTAS conference, Freiburg, Germany (Oct 2013).
- F. Camacho Alanis, A. Nakano, A. Ros. Protein Dielectrophoresis: A Promising Purification Method. SciX Conference (Oct 2013).
- J. Luo, B.G. Abdallah, G. Woken, E. Arriaga, A. Ros. Manipulation of Mitochondria by Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis. SciX Conference (Oct 2013).
- A. Ros. Beyond Miniaturization: Tailored Microfluidic Platforms for Biomolecular Dielectrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry. Invited Department Seminar, Purdue University (Sep 2013).
- A. Ros. Beyond Miniaturization: Tailored Microenvironments for Bioanalysis. Arizona State University, Tempe (Aug 2013).
- A. Ros. A Hyphenated Microfluidics and Mass Spectrometric Approach for Single Cell Analysis. Single Cell Genomics and Transcriptomics Asia Congress, Singapore (Jun 2013).
- A. Ros. Dielectrophoresis Applied to Biomolecule Manipulation and Nanocrystal Sorting. ISCC Conference, Palm Springs (May 2013).
- A. Ros. Exploiting Microfluidic Environments for Dielectrophoresis of Biomolecules and Nanocrystals. Department Seminar, University of Arizona (May 2013).
- F. Camacho Alanis, A. Nakano, A. Ros. Dielectrophoresis of proteins in nanostructured microfludic devices. Biophest (Apr 2013).
- B. Abdallah, A. Ros. Dielectrophoresis of proteins and protein nanocrystals. Biophest (Apr 2013).
- F. Camacho-Alanis, A. Nakano, A. Ros. Protein Dielectrophoresis under AC and DC Conditions. Microscale Bioseparation (MSB) Conference (Mar 2013).
- A. Ros. Exploiting Microfluidic Environments for Dielectrophoresis of Biomolecules and Nanocrystals. University of Indiana, Bloomington (Feb 2013).
- A. Ros. Nanocrystal Sorting in a Microfluidic Device. Southwestern Analytical Professors Meeting, Fort Collins, CO (Jan 2013).
- F. Camacho Alanis, A. Ros. Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis Applied to Bovine Serum Albumin and lambda DNA Concentration. Southwestern Analytical Chemistry Professor Meeting 2012 (Jan 2013).
- A. Ros. Direct coupling of microfluidics and MALDI mass spectrometry for single cell analysis. Southwestern Analytical Chemistry Professor Meeting 2012 (Jan 2013).
- A. Ros. Surface Coating of Medical Microfluidic Devices. Nanoscience Seminar, Physics Department, ASU (Nov 2012).
- B. Abdallah, T.-C. Chao, P. Fromme, A. Ros. Dielectrophoretic Sorter for Nanoparticle and Nanocrystal Separation. SciX Conference (Formerly FACSS) (Oct 2012).
- B. Abdallah, C. Kupitz, P. Fromme, A. Ros. Microfluidic Tools Coupled to Numerical Simulations to Study Membrane Protein Crystallization. SciX Conference (Formerly FACSS) (Oct 2012).
- M. Yang, T.-C. Chao, R. Nelson, A. Ros. Hyphenation of a Microfluidic Platform with MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry for Single Cell Analysis. SciX Conference (Formerly FACSS) (Oct 2012).
- R. Martinez-Duarte, F. Camacho-Alanis, A. Elkholy, Philippe Renaud, A. Ros. Lambda-DNA Dielectrophoresis in a 3D Carbon-Electrode Micro-Post Device: Theoretical and Experimental Studies. AIChE and American Electrophoresis Society Meeting (Oct 2012).
- F. Camacho-Alanis, L. Gan, A. Ros. Combining Focused Ion Beam Milling and Optical Lithography to Fabricate Microfluidic Devices for DNA Dielectrophoresis. AIChE and American Electrophoresis Society Meeting (Oct 2012).
- F. Camacho-Alanis, A. Nakano, T.-C. Chao and A. Ros. Frequency Dependence of Protein Dielectrophoresis Probed with Insulator Based Devices. AIChE and American Electrophoresis Society Meeting (Oct 2012).
- A. Nakano, F. Camacho-Alanis, T.-C. Chao and A. Ros. AC and DC Protein Streaming and Trapping with Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Devices. AIChE and American Electrophoresis Society Meeting (Oct 2012).
- A. Nakano, K. Bush, A. Ros. Temperature Measurement in a Microfluidic Device for Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Applications. AIChE and American Electrophoresis Society Meeting (Oct 2012).
- S. Bhattacharya, T.-C. Chao, A. Ros. Selective Trapping of Single Human Breast Cancer Cells by Insulator Based Dielectrophoresis in a Microfluidic Device. SciX Conference (Formerly FACSS) (Oct 2012).
- M. Yang, T.-C. Chao, R. Nelson, A. Ros. Protein affinity capture, digestion and MALDI-TOF detection from a microfluidic platform for Single cell analysis. SciX Conference (Formerly FACSS) (Oct 2012).
- B. Abdallah, T.-C. Chao, P. Fromme, A. Ros. Size Based Nanoparticle Separation using Dielectrophoretic Focusing for Femtosecond Nanocrystallography of Membrane Proteins. µTAS Conference (Sep 2012).
- A. Nakano, F. Camacho-Alanis, T.-C. Chao, A. Ros. Dielectrophoretic Protein Manipulation in a Microfluidic Device. ITP 2012-19th Internat. Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separation Techn (Sep 2012).
- L. Gan, B. Ding, H. Yan, A. Ros. Experimental and Theoretical Study of DNA Origami Dielectrophoresis in a Microfluidic System. ITP 2012-19th Internat. Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separation Techn (Sep 2012).
- B. Abdallah, C. Kupitz, P. Fromme, A. Ros. Salting-out Crystallization of Photosystem I in a Microfluidic Device. Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Membrane Proteins Workshop, Arizona State University (May 2012).
- F. Camacho Alanis, L. Gan, A. Ros. Combining Focused Ion Beam Milling and Optical Lithography to Fabricate Microfluidic Devices for DNA and Protein Dielectrophoresis. Biophest 2012 Conference (Apr 2012).
- A. Nakano, F. Camacho Alanis, T.-C. Chao, A. Ros. Streaming Dielectrophoresis of Proteins in a Microfluidic Platform. Biophest 2012 Conference (Apr 2012).
- A. Ros. Two Examples Showing the Potential of Microfluidics for Biomolecule Analysis: Dielectrophoresis and Single Cell Mass Spectrometry. University of California San Diego, Invited Department Colloquium (Apr 2012).
- A. Ros. Biomolecule Dielectrophoresis. Microscale Bioseparations Conference 2013 (Feb 2012).
- M. Yang, T.-C. Chiao, R. Nelson, A. Ros. Direct coupling of microfluidics and MALDI mass spectrometry for the detection of peptides and proteins with single cell sensitivity. Microscale Bioseparations Conference 2013 (Feb 2012).
- A. Ros. Beyond Miniaturization: Tailored Microenvironments for Bioanalytical Applications. IBM Research Laboratories, Rueschlikon, Switzerland (Feb 2012).
- A. Nakano, F. Camacho-Alanis, T.-C. Chao, A. Ros. Micro- and Nanoenvironments for Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Proteins. Nanotech Conference, Montreux, Switzerland (Nov 2011).
- L. Gan, B. Ding, H. Yan, A. Ros. Dielectrophoretic (iDEP) Manipulation of DNA Origami in a Microfluidic System. AIChE and American Electrophoresis Society Meeting (Oct 2011).
- R. Martinez-Duarte, Philippe Renaud, A. Ros. Concentration of DNA Using 3D Carbon-Electrode Dielectrophoresis. AIChE and American Electrophoresis Society Meeting (Oct 2011).
- A. Gencoglu, F. Camacho-Alanis, V.T. Nguyen, A. Nakano, A. Ros, A. Minerick. pH Gradient Formation In An Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis Device Used In Protein Trapping Applications. AIChE and American Electrophoresis Society Meeting (Oct 2011).
- L. Gan, H. Yan, A. Ros. Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Naturally Occurring and Origami DNA. FACSS (Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy) Meeting (Oct 2011).
- A. Nakano, F. Camacho-Alanis, T.-C. Chao, A. Ros. Manipulation of Proteins via Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis in a Microfluidic Device. FACSS (Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy) Meeting (Oct 2011).
- A. Ros. Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Biomolecules in Micro- and Nanofluidic Devices. FACSS (Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy) Meeting (Oct 2011).
- A. Nakano, F. Camacho-Alanis, T.-C. Chao, A. Ros. Systematic Investigation of Insulator-Based Protein Dielectrophoresis under DC condition. µTAS meeting (Oct 2011).
- A. Ros. Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Biomolecules in Micro- and Nanofluidic Devices. Nanoscale Science Seminar, Arizona State University (Sep 2011).
- A. Ros. Microstructure Induced Biomolecular Separation and Single Cell Analysis in a Lab-on-a-Chip. Department Seminar, Arizona State University (Mar 2011).
- A. Ros. Single Cell Analysis on Microfluidic Platforms. NIMBIOS Investigative Workshop - Individual-based Ecology of Microbes (Jun 2007).
AES (The Electrophoresis Society) Mid Career Award (2020)
Appointed NIH Instrumentation and Systems Development Study Section Member (2019)
Innovation Award - Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) (2018)
Humboldt-Fellowship for Experienced Researchers (2015)
NSF CAREER Award (2012)
Best Oral Presentation Award at Nanotech, Montreux, Switzerland (1997)
Biophysical Reports, Founding Associate Editor