Colette Jung
Phone: 602-496-2438
Arizona State University, Downtown Phoenix Campus College of Integrative Sciences & Arts, Languages & Cul 455 N. 3rd Street, STE 380 PHOENIX, AZ 85004
Mail code: 0320Campus: Dtphx
Colette Jung is an Instructor for the Department of Languages and Cultures in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts at the ASU Downtown Campus.
Dr. Jung is also Teaching Faculty Fellow with the Center for Studies in Race and Democracy.
She is also an editorial member of LAPÍZ, a journal of the Latin American Philosophy of Education Society.
PhD, Philosophy--State Uniersity of New York (SUNY), Binghamton, NY.
MA, Communication--Purdue University, West Lafyette, IN.
BA, Communication--Arizona State University, West Valley, AZ.
Jung, C. (2024). Decolonial Philosophies and Complex Communication as Praxis. Philosophies. 9. 142. 10.3390/philosophies9050142.
Jung, C., E. Aguirre, C. Sánchez-Martinez, M. Ángel Blanco Martínez, C. Thomás Reed, “Introduction We(Fem)/Yo Colectivo: Feminist Pedagogies in the Americas and the Caribbean.” In LAPÍZ, Latin American Philosophy of Education Society. No. 8. Special Issue: Pedagogías Feministas. (2024) ISSN (Print) 2374-2402
ISSN (Online) 2373-9150
Review of Is Affirmative Action Fair? Natasha Warikoo. Journal of Race and Policy. Ohio State University Press. Forthcomming per Book Review Editor. 2022-2023 (Shillana Sanchez, Ian Derk, Colette Jung)
Review of To Fulfill these Rights: The Political Struggle over Affirmative Action, Amaka Okechukwu. Journal of Race and Policy (JRP). Old Dominion University. Forthcoming per Book Review Editor. 2021-2022. ISSN: 1540-8450. (Shillana Sanchez, Ian Derk, Chris Burrell, Kermit Brown, David Moody, and Colette Jung)
Jung, Colette S. “Revelatory Perceptions; A Phenomenological Interpretation of Personal Statements in Recognition of the Lived-Body as Finite.” Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of The Semiotic Society of America. Peter Lang Publishing: 2000. Pp. 101-111. Digital copy available _1
Jung, Colette S. “The Manner and Style of Response: The Levinasian Call, Communicative Praxis and an Ethics of Relief.” The Carleton University Student Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 19, No. 1, 2000. Archive link,
Jung, Colette S. and Melissa Erhardt. “No Space for Power: Analysis of Mainstream Hollywood Portrayals of Women’s Power and Sexuality.” New Directions in Communication: The Journal of the Arizona Communication Association. Vol. 23, Fall 1997. Pp. 61-70.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking & Presentation |
COM 225 | Public Speaking & Presentation |
COM 263 | Cultures and Global Engagement |
COM 371 | Language, Culture & Communictn |
COM 225 | Public Speaking & Presentation |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
COM 364 | Cultural Communicology |
COM 364 | Cultural Communicology |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
PHI 105 | Intro to Ethics |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
PHI 306 | Applied Ethics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
PHI 105 | Intro to Ethics |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 371 | Language, Culture, &Comm |
PHI 306 | Applied Ethics |
2019 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
PHI 105 | Intro to Ethics |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
ACUE, Certificate in Effective Teaching Practices. American Council on Education. (2020)
American Philosophy Association (APA)
Contract Faculty Annual Review Committee (2021-2022)
AI Research Networks
Editorial Board