La Verne Abe Harris
CISA MESA, AZ 85287-0180
Mail code: 2780Campus: Poly
Dr. La Verne Abe Harris came to the university with many years of industry experience in information design, illustration, and computer graphics. She was the art director of The Phoenix Gazette, the computer graphics production manager at Phoenix Newspapers, Inc., an editorial illustrator for The Arizona Republic, the creative director of a Phoenix advertising company, and the owner of Abe-Harris Studio.
She was the founder and curriculum developer for the first graduate online course in Graphic Information Technology, when she was an assistant professor at Arizona State University.
Dr. Harris then became a tenured associate professor (Computer Graphics Technology) at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. She was the founder of the IdeaLaboratory, a creative thinking, interactive, and animation research and development laboratory. She was a tenured Associate Professor at Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana) in the Department of Computer Graphics Technology. Her research areas were: (1) creative thinking; (2) information design, (3) interactive media and gaming; (4) illustration and design.
She moved back to Arizona and is presently a clinical professor at ASU in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts (School of Applied Professional Studies) in visual communications, information design, sociotechnology, and UX.
- Ph.D. Higher Education (Sociotechnology) and Media Arts, University of Arizona
- Master's Degree. Graphic Communications Technology, Arizona State University
- Bachelor's Degree. Art Education/Commercial Art, Arizona State University
visual communications, creative thinking, interactive media, user experience, design
Evidence of grantsmanship activities related to instructional development/delivery
- Externally funded grants (Purdue University)
(1) Title: Building a Serious Game to Teach Secure Coding in Introductory Programming
- Total Award: National Science Foundation NSF 09-529 Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI)
- 3 years
Total award: $493,712 (revised budget 07/2010; Award No. DUE-1022557)
My Role: Co-PI on a Phase 3 NSF CCLI proposal; Steven Cooper/Nicoletta Adamo-Villani, PI
(2) Title: National Pastime: An Educational Video Game for Teaching about the Internment of Japanese- Americans in World War II (Part 1)
- ESA Entertainment Software Assoc. Foundation
- 1 year (2010) $
Total award: $50,000 (funded)
My Role: Co-PI
NOTE: One CGT graduate student and one CGT undergraduate student funded for one year).
(3) Title: National Pastime: An Educational Video Game for Teaching about the Internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II. (Part 2)
- NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Level 2
- 1 year
Total Award: $50,000
My Role: Co-PI
(PI) Bill Watson
[This was an extension of the ESA funding that was recently awarded.]
(4) Title: EnVISIONS: Enhancing Visualization Skills -- Improving Options aNd Success
Agency: NSF 04-23 HRD-Research on Gender in Science & Engineering
Duration: 2 years (05/01/07 - 04/30/09)
Total Award: $199,650 (Purdue: one of 7 institutions)
My Role: Senior Contracted Personnel for Purdue University
The EnVISIONS pilot project represents a partnership of seven institutions: Michigan Technological University (MTU), Pennsylvania State University-Erie (PSUE), Arizona State University (ASU), Virginia State University (VSU), University of Iowa (UI), Purdue University (PU), and Virginia Tech; This pilot study is designed to remove barriers to success for technologists and engineers. It is based on prior spatial visualization research (the Michigan Tech Project and the VIZ project at Penn State Erie).
b. Externally funded (Arizona State University)
(1) Title: CareerBound: Internet-Delivered Resilience Training to Increase the Persistence of Women Ph.D. Students in STEM Fields
Agency: NSF-REESE #0634519
Duration: 5 years (2007-2012) $
Total Award: $1,000,000
My Role: Lead faculty consultant in the production of three multimedia prototypes of “Herstories” interviews of prestigious women in the STEM disciplines for NSF approval. Bianca Bernstein, PI
(2) Title: Hewlett Packard Digital Publishing for Teaching and Learning: Whispered Words
Agency: Hewlett Packard Philanthropy and HP University Relations
Duration: 18 months (2006-2008); Completed at Purdue
Total award: $73,000
My Role: PI (100%)
(3) Title: Excellence and Access: The IdeaLaboratory Virtual Laboratories
Agency: Women & Philanthropy. ASU Foundations
Duration:18 months (2006-2007)
Total award: $33,000
My Role: PI (100%)
(4) Title: Online LCE IdeaBook: Integratings LCE, Learning Styles, and Technology
Agency: Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR)
Duration: 12 months (2006-2007)
Total Award: $24,911
My Role: PI (50%) with Dr. Jane Humble and Dr. Ernest Hirata
(5) Title: H2O4U, an interactive multimedia game
Agency: Central Arizona Project (CAP)
Duration: 6 months (2006); Went live October 2007.
Total award: $11,000
My Role: co-PI (50%) with Dot Lestar
(6) Title: Arizona STEP to Success
Agency: SF DUE - #0230562 Student Talent Expansion Grant (STEP)
Duration: N3 years (01/01/2003 – 12/31/2006)
Total award: $599,125
My Role: Major grant consultant Lead faculty in managing the graphic technologists in the Streaming Media Enterprise and setting up the laboratory. Laksmi Munukutla, PI Richard Newman, co-PI
- (7) Title: Security Engineering Technology Module 1
Agency: Internal Workforce Development Grant
Duration: 1 summer (2002)
Total award: $7,500
My Role: Senior Personnel (25%): Contributed to the writing of the grant, the project management workflow, the final review report, and the computer graphics implementation of the first distance education module; PI: Gary Grossman
(8) Title: The Personalization of Data for Print and E- Commerce Publishers
Agency: Electronic Document Systems Foundation (EDSF)
Duration: 6 months (2005)
Total award: $3,000
My Role: PI (100%)
c. Internally funded at Purdue University
(1) Title: I Wanna Be a Vet or Vet Technician (summer camp promotional research and music video)
Agency: Purdue University Veterinary Medicine (internal funding for IdeaLaboratory students)
Duration: Jan. 30, 2009 – October 15, 2009
Total award: $5,000
My Role: PI
d. Other IdeaLaboratory Research and Development Projects
(1) 2006-2007 collaboration with Northwestern University, Arizona State
University, and Purdue University Non-Viral Gene Therapy Education for Lung Diseases Through Interactive Multimedia Learning Objects Collaborating Faculty: La Verne Abe Harris, Ph.D., CSIT Rajeswari Sundararajan, Ph.D., Purdue University David Machado-Aranda, M.D., Northwestern University David A. Dean, Ph.D., Northwestern University Dr. Christopher Sanchez, Arizona State University This research study and serious gaming project began as a collaboration between the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and the IDeaLaboratory on solving the best practice for communicating the electroporation surgical process virtually.
Dr. Harris is continuing to research and develop the virtual electroporation surgery interactive multimedia project in collaboaration with Dr. Christopher Sanchez, Applied Psychology at Arizona State University. The goal is two-fold: to produce an improved interactive virtual biotechnology lab to teach the steps of the cutting-edge surgical procedure, and to produce an interactive multimedia learning object for usability, cognitive, and affective learning assessment.
(2) CGT 411 capstone project: The HIV Game (2008-2009) A prototype of The HIV Game, a serious game for Mayan youths (ages 12-18) in the Yucatan is being developed for four Cyber Cafés in remote villages in Central America. Dr. Harris spent part of the summer of 2008 working with Dr. Carlos Cabrera of the Yucatan and internationally-acclaimed Dr. Gordon Crofoot of Houston, in collaboration with Brazos Abiertos, a non-profit HIV/AIDS education organization. The research about the effects of culture on the pre-production design process is being presented in Japan at SIGGRAPH-Asia.
(3) CGT 411 capstone project: Samantha’s Song (2007-2009) A prototype of Samantha’s Song, a serious game for 5 to 8 year olds about spina bifida was developed for the capstone course. After the results of the usability assessment, the game was revised and has developed into a directed project for Hana AlJaberi and will be presented to St. Joseph’s Hospital of Phoenix, Children’s Memorial Hospital of Chicago, and the Spina Bifida Association.
(4) Cancer education animation for children (faculty sponsor) The Adventures of Zak and Dakota is a cancer education animation for children in collaboration with Boston University and Boston’s Children’s Hospital.
e. Internally funded at Arizona State University
(1) Title: Technology Acceptance Model Research
Agency: College Summer Assistantship Program grant Arizona State University (internal grant to fund research assistant)
Duration: Summer 2004
Total award: $1,705.20
My Role: PI (100%)
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 593 | Applied Project |
TWC 593 | Applied Project |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 506 | Research Design & Development |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 452 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 552 | Information in the Digital Age |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 411 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
TWC 511 | Prin of Visual Communication |
Advertising Agency Art Director
Phoenix Teleguide, Phoenix Newspapers, Inc. Production Manager
The Phoenix Gazette Art Director
Harris Studio Owner and Creative Director