Eduardo Caro Melendez
Phone: 602-496-6515
School of Integrative Sciences and Arts Languages and Cultures Phoenix, AZ 85287-0202
Caro holds a Ph.D. in interdisciplinary Spanish (Spanish Applied Linguistics and Critical Cultural Studies) from Arizona State University, where he has served as faculty (Spanish, Film and Media Studies) and leadership positions (supervisor of Graduate Spanish students, coordinator of in-person and hybrid undergraduate Spanish Language-Culture courses, and course coordinator in the Spanish for the professions/Specific Purposes program.) While in his doctoral studies, Dr. Caro received the ASU Graduate Excellence Teaching Award and served as chair of Linguistics-Literature-Cultural Studies Graduate Student conferences. He also holds an MA in Peninsular/Latin American literatures and cultures from the University of Arkansas. In addition, he obtained an MA degree in English/Spanish for Specific Purposes (Universidad del Norte, Colombia) and Diploma Courses (diplomados) in English as a second and foreign language/culture from Oxford and Cambridge Universities (England). Likewise, Dr. Caro holds a BA (licenciatura) in Bilingual (Spanish-English) Education and Foreign Language Pedagogy from Universidad del Atlántico (Colombia). Dr. Caro has done translation and interpretation work in a variety of professional contexts and in the community in Colombia, Spain, Mexico, the United States, England, and Canada.
Dr. Caro has many years of teaching experience at the undergraduate and graduate levels in Colombia, Mexico, Spain, the United States, and England, where he has, too, worked in leadership positions. His teaching and research interests include all levels of Spanish language and culture, Spanish for specific purposes, Second Language Pedagogy, Spanish/Latin American cinema and cultural studies, Latin American/Colombian literature and cinema, translation/interpretation (Spanish-English-Spanish), and digital humanities. Dr. Caro has served as early reader and reader of the Spanish Language-Culture and Spanish Literature-Culture Advanced Placement (AP) programs of the College Board & Educational Testing Services. He has published research articles, critical book and film reviews in (inter)national journals such as Revista de Estudios Colombianos, Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, Hispanic Issues, Cuadernos de ALDEEU (Spanish Professionals in America), the Rocky Mountain MLA Journal, and encyclopedic entries in The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Daily Life Through History, Gender and Identity Worldwide and The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Actors and Acting. He is currently working on a book proposal on Language, culture, and society in Colombian Film (2000-2020).
Dr. Caro has a significant record of research presentations in (inter)national conferences and congresses, such as the Rocky Mountain MLA Association, the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), International Association of Colombianists, International Congress of Caribbean Literatures and Cultures, Spanish Professionals in America (ALDEEU), and the International Language for Specific Purposes/CIBER conference. He has been an invited guest speaker in the Humanities Lecture Series at ASU, where he has presented on Latin American Cinema and the Human Condition, the (in)visibility of "otherness" in Contemporary Latin American Cinema and on Corruption, Violence and Human Rights in Venezuela. Similarly, he has been a special guest speaker on "Needs Analysis, Experiential Learning in the Second/Foreign Language-Culture classroom" at the Colombian-American Center in Barranquilla. Moreover, Dr. Caro has directed and taught Spanish Summer programs abroad in Mexico and Spain. His service to the profession includes being guest editor of Revista de Estudios Colombianos, review editor of Hispania (a journal devoted to the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese), the Rocky Mountain Review and of Letras (Revista de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru). He has, as well, served as General Secretary of the Association of Colombianists, vice-president, and past president of the Rocky Mountain MLA, where he received the Excellence in Leadership and Service Award.
Second Language Acquisition/Foreign Language Pedagogy
Applied Linguistics/Bilingual Education/Spanish for Specific Purposes
Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis
Spanish/Latin American Cinema and Critical Cultural Studies
Spanish/Latin American/Colombian Literatures and Cultures
Translation and Interpretation (Spanish-English-Spanish)
Digital Humanities
Some publications include:
Book Chapter in El malestar del posconflicto en Colombia: aportes de la crítica literaria y cultural. Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá, Colombia.
Guest editor of Revista de Estudios Colombianos 49. Special Edition on Queer Colombian Cultural Production. January-July, 2017.
Interview: "Jaime Manrique: Un autor queer per excellence" Revista de Estudios Colombianos. 49. January-June 2017.
Several Refereed/Research articles in Revista de Estudios Colombianos, Hispanic Issues, and ALDEEUU (Association of Spanish Professionals in America)
Critical Book and Film Reviews in Chasqui Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana and in The Rocky Mountain MLA Review.
Encyclopedic entries in the Greenwood Encyclopedia of Stage Actors and Acting, LGBT Issues Worldwide and the Greenwood Encyclopedia of Daily Life Through History.
"Colombia": in Gender and Identity Worldwide.
Continues to do research on:
- Second Language Acquisition/Applied Linguistics
- Spanish for Specific Purposes/the professions.
- Latin American/Colombian Literature and Cultural Studies
- Latin American/Colombian Literature and Cinema
- Latin American/Colombian cultural production
- Digital Humanities/Digital Cultures
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 317 | Spanish for the Professions |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 202 | Intermediate Spanish |
SPA 403 | SPA Gram and Stylistics for Pr |
- Caro has taught all levels of Spanish language and culture at ASU, from Spa 101 to Spa 400+ levels.
- For SILC, taught the practicum, as part of the Teaching Methods Course for Graduate Students and his supervisory work with Graduate Spanish Teaching Assistants.
- For the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts (Language and Culture Unit) has taught (in-person, hybrid, and online) all levels of Spanish and courses on Spanish for the professions program.
- For the English Department (Film and Media Studies program) has taught Latin American Cinema.
- For NAU, has taught online Spanish for Business, Peninsular Literature and Culture, and Latin American Culture and Civilization.
- Team Collaboration Award (SILC) 2019-2020
- Excellence in Teaching; Leadership and Service Award (RMMLA, 2015)
- ASU Graduate Teaching Excellence Award. March 2004.
- ASU Spanish Internship Award. April 2003
- ASU Great Graduate Student Jewish Studies Award. March 2003.
Guest Editor or Peer Editor for specialized Journals, such as Hispania, Chasqui, Revista de Estudios Colombianos, and Letras (Revista de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas de Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos), and The Rocky Mountain Review.
- Modern Language Association (MLA)
- Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA)
- Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
- Southwest Conference on Language Teaching (SWCLT)
- International Association of Colombianists
- American Federation of Teachers
For a variety of Honor Contracts, has mentored students in the ASU Barrett Honors College.
- Arizona State University
- University of California, San Diego
- Northern Arizona University
- University of Arkansas
- Promoted the Spanish for the Professions Program in community-based events, such as Feria de la Educación and Univision
- Helped in the organization and coordination of extracurricular activities, such as "Night of the Open Doors", "Language Fair" and "Homecoming"
- Helped in the organization and coordination for the 3rd Symposium on Language for Specific Purposes/CIBER Business Language Conference. March 17-19, 2016.
- Served as vice-president and president of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (2013-2015)
- Served as General Secretary of the International Association of Colombianists (2005-2009)
- Initiated and chaired the first Special Sessions (then regular session at RMMLA) on Spanish for Specific Purposes/Spanish for the professions at LASA and RMMLA
- Spanish for Specific Purposes
- Spanish for the Professions
- Spanish for Academic Purposes
- Advanced Placement (AP College Board/Educational Testing Services): Spanish Language and Culture and Spanish Literature and Culture.
- Spanish-English-Spanish Translations and interpretations.