Abhishek Singharoy
Mail code: 1604Campus: Tempe
Abhishek Singharoy is an Assistant Professor in the School of Molecular Sciences at Arizona State University. His research is at the confluence of statistical mechanics, molecular biology, hybrid modeling and large-scale computer simulations.
The unified theme of Singharoy laboratory’s research is to combine rigorous statistical mechanical methodologies with state-of-the-art computational approaches for capturing cell-scale biological responses with atomic precision. Many of the high-throughput computations essential for approaching this grand challenge are pioneered in the group's past and ongoing work on molecular dynamics, free energy and kinetic modeling methods. Spanning multiple spatio-temporal scales ranging from that of single proteins to complexes up to the whole cell, these computations have led to discoveries in voltage-sensing and ion transport mechanisms of Ci-VSP and NRAMP proteins, ribosomal insertion pathways via YidC and holotranslocon complexes, allosteric networks controlling immunogenicity of Human Papilloma virus, and the bioenergetics of bacterial membranes. The laboratory's most recent endeavors focus on dissecting the evolutionary design principles of mitochondrial respiration, in particular, through investigation of an outer membrane-embedded supercomplex called the respirasome. This study brings to light a couple of cutting-edge biomedical applications, namely, determination of the molecular origins of cellular ageing and programmed cell death, and creation of a novel computer-aided pipeline pertaining to intricate pathology of the respiratory network. To put together large-scale membrane systems in atomic detail requires theoretical advances in terms of fitting/refining structural data from experiments. To address this need, group members have been developing and applying an array of flexible-fitting tools that derive high-resolution molecular models from low-resolution experimental data, such as from X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy, quantitative mass-spectrometry and chemical cross-linking.
Some recent research highlights are provided here:
Flexible-fitting tools for refining low-resolution crystallographic and electron microscopy (EM) data. X-ray crystallography remains the most dominant method for solving atomic structures. However, for relatively large systems, the availability of only medium-to-low-resolution diffraction data often limits the determination of all-atom details. We have developed a flexible fitting-based real space refinement approach, xMDFF, for determining structures from such low-resolution crystallographic data. Even during the testing phases, xMDFF solved the structure of a voltage sensor protein, Ci-VSP. The refinement enabled resolution of search models 6 angstrom away from the target data even with maps as coarse as 7 angstrom, a feat very rare in the 100 years of X-ray crystallography. Resorting to the application of chemically accurate force fields, xMDFF allows uniquely the use of macromolecular structure determination strategies for resolving small molecule crystals. Finally, since xMDFF very naturally addresses whole-molecule disorder, we are currently employing it with to decrypt low-resolution diffraction patterns from X-ray free electron laser data of membrane proteins. In recent years, however, cryo-EM has evolved into one of the most effective structure determination tools rivaling X-ray crystallography, and also reaching 3-5 angstrom resolutions. Taking advantage of this overlapping resolution limits, we have successfully modified our low-resolution crystallographic tools into ones for addressing high-resolution cryo-EM data. Termed resolution-exchange MDFF, these novel cryo-EM tools have applied to validate the structure of TRP channels, and determine the latest human proteasome model.
- Li Q, Wanderling S, Paduch M, Medovoy D, Singharoy A, McGreevy R, Villalba-Galea CA, Hulse RE, Roux B, Schulten K, Kossiakoff A, Perozo E. Structural mechanism of voltage-dependent gating in an isolated voltage-sensing domain. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2014 Mar;21(3):244-52. PubMed PMID: 24487958; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4116111.
- McGreevy R, Singharoy A, Li Q, Zhang J, Xu D, Perozo E, Schulten K. xMDFF: molecular dynamics flexible fitting of low-resolution X-ray structures. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2014 Sep;70(Pt 9):2344-55. PubMed PMID: 25195748; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4157446.
- Singharoy A, Venkatakrishnan B, Liu Y, Mayne CG, Lee S, Chen CH, Zlotnick A, Schulten K, Flood AH. Macromolecular Crystallography for Synthetic Abiological Molecules: Combining xMDFF and PHENIX for Structure Determination of Cyanostar Macrocycles. J Am Chem Soc. 2015 Jul 15;137(27):8810-8. PubMed PMID: 26121416; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4504762.
- Singharoy A, Teo I, McGreevy R, Stone JE, Zhao J, Schulten K. Molecular dynamics-based refinement and validation for sub-5 Å cryo-electron microscopy maps. Elife. 2016 Jul 7;5. pii: e16105. PubMed PMID: 27383269; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4990421.
Structural systems biology of photosynthetic and respiratory membranes. Bioenergetic membranes compose key cellular apparatus in many life forms that carry out a series of interlinked energy conversion processes, providing ATP and other metabolites to a cell. The individual processes and their underlying membrane proteins have been investigated intensively, but rarely have these processes been studied together, in particular on a system-scale covering all the dynamical steps. The reasons are both lack of whole membrane atomic resolution models, and huge complexity. Combining MD and Brownian Dynamics simulations, and GPU-accelerated molecular visualization, we have constructed the first all-atom model of an entire cell-organelle, namely that of the chromatophore of a purple bacteria. Thereafter, we have recognized the role of protein-imposed membrane curvature in chromatophore vesicle budding – a phenomenon that has been hypothesized by AFM experiments, now confirmed using our simulations. The study delivers further a systems-scale functional model that connects fast electronic processes with slow diffusive and conformational transition steps to identify key rate-determining bottlenecks that affect the ATP yield. These rate-determining energy conversion steps are evolutionarily conserved and surprisingly, contribute to pathways of cellular ageing across multiple life forms. Finally, we have accessed the millisecond-scales dynamics of the ubiquitous motor protein ATP synthase to showcase how it’s protein-protein interface conformations directly mediate the ~100% efficiency of ATP turnover – a processes indispensible sustaining all the cellular activities.
Singharoy A, Barragan AM, Thangapandian S, Tajkhorshid E, Schulten K. Binding Site Recognition and Docking Dynamics of a Single Electron Transport Protein: Cytochrome c2. J Am Chem Soc. 2016 Sep 21;138(37):12077-89. PubMed PMID: 27508459.
- Sener M, Strumpfer J, Singharoy A, Hunter CN, Schulten K. Overall energy conversion efficiency of a photosynthetic vesicle. Elife. 2016 Aug 26;5. pii: e09541. PubMed PMID: 27564854; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5001839.
- Singharoy A, Chipot C. Methodology for the simulation of molecular motors at different scales. J Phys Chem B. 2016 Nov;121(15): 3502-3514.
- Singharoy A, Chipot C, Moradi M, Schulten K. Chemomechanical Coupling in Hexameric Protein-Protein Interfaces Harnesses Energy within V-Type ATPases. J Am Chem Soc. 2017 Jan 11;139(1):293-310. PubMed PMID: 27936329.
- Ali, Md. E.; Singharoy, A.; Datta, S.N. Molecular Tailoring and Prediction of Strongly Ferromagnetically Coupled Trimethylenemethane-Based Nitroxide Diradicals J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 5523.
- Singharoy, A.; Yesnik, A.; Ortoleva, P. J. Multiscale Analytic Continuation Approach to Nanosystem Simulation: Applications to Virus Electrostatics J.Chem. Phys. 2010, 132, 174112 (Reviewed in Virtual Journals in Science and Technology).
- Singharoy, A.; Cheluvaraja, S.; Ortoleva, P. J. Order Parameters for Macromolecules: Application to Multiscale Simulation J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 134, 044104 (Reviewed in Virtual Journals in Science and Technology).
- Joshi, H.; Singharoy, A.; Sereda, Y.; Cheluvaraja, S.; Ortoleva, P. J. Multiscale Simulation of Microbe Structure and Dynamics Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 2011, 107, 200.
- Singharoy, A.; Joshi, H.; Cheluvaraja, S.; Brown, D.; Ortoleva, P. J. Simulating Microbial Systems: Addressing Model Uncertainty/Incompleteness via Multiscaling and Entropy Methods Microbial System Biology: Methods and Protocols, Editor: A. Navid, Springer Science: New York, 2012.
- Singharoy, A. ; Joshi, H.; Ortoleva, P.J.; Miao, Y. Space Warping Order Parameters and Symmetry: Application to Multiscale Simulation of Macromolecular Assemblies J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116, 8423 .
- Sereda, Y.; Singharoy, A.; Jarrold, M. F.; Ortoleva, P. J. An Information Theory Approach to Multiple Free-energy Basin Discovery J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116, 8534 .
- Singharoy, A.; Sereda, Y.; Ortoleva, P. J. Hierarchical Order Parameters for Macromolecular Assembly Simulation I: Construction and Dynamical Properties of Order Parameters J. Chem. Theor. Comput. 2012, 8, 1379 .
- Singharoy, A. ; Joshi, H. J.; Ortoleva, P. J. Multiscale Macromolecular Simulation: Role of Evolving Ensembles J. Chem. Info. Model. 2012, 52, 2638.
- Pankavich, S.; Singharoy, A. ; Ortoleva, P.J. Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of Macromolecules and their Assemblies Soft Matter 2013, 9, 4319.
- Quick, R.*; Singharoy, A.* ; Ortoleva, P.J. Quasiperiodic Oscillation and Possible Second Law Violation in a Nanosystem Chem. Phys. Lett. 2013, 571, 61.
- Joshi, H.; Lewis, K.; Singharoy, A. ; Ortoleva, P.J. Epitope Engineering and Molecular Metrics of Immunogenicity: A Computational Approach to VLP-based Vaccine DesignVaccine 2013, 31, 4841.
- Singharoy, A.* ; Polavarapu, A.*; Joshi, H.; Baik, M.; Ortoleva, P. J. Epitope Fluctuation in the Human Papillomavirus are under Dynamic Allosteric Control:a Computational Evaluation of a New Vaccine Design Strategy J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 18458.
- Li, Q.; Wanderling, S.; Paduch, M.; Medovoy, D.; Singharoy, A. ; Mcgreevy, R.; Villalba-Galea, C.; Hulse, R.E.; Roux, B.; Schulten, K.; Kossaikoff, A.; Perozo, E. Structural mechanism of Voltage-dependent Gating in an Isolated Voltage-sensing Domain Nat. Struct. Chem. Biol. 2014, 21, 244.
- Wickles, S.; Singharoy, A. ; Andreani, J.; Seemayer, S.; Bischoff, L.; Berninghausen, O.; Soeding, J.; Schulten, K.; Van der Sluis, E. O.; Beckmann, R. A Structural Model of the Active Ribosome-bound Membrane Protein Insertase YidCi eLife 2014, 3, e03035 .
- Mcgreevy, R.*, Singharoy, A.* ; Li, Q.; Zhang, J.; Xu, D.; Perozo, E.; Schulten, K. xMDFF: Molecular dynamics flexible fitting of low-resolution X-Ray structures Acta. Cryst. D 2014, 70, 2344.
- Singharoy, A.* ; Venkatakrishnan, B.*; Liu, Y.*; Mayne, C.; Lee, S.; Chen, C.; Zlotnick, A.; Schulten, K.; Flood, A. Macromolecular Crystallography for Synthetic Abiological Molecules: Combining xMDFF and PHENIX for Structure Determination of Cyanostar Macrocycles J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 8810.
- Singharoy, A.* ; Liu, Y.*; Mayne, C.*; Sengupta, A.; Raghavachari, A.; Schulten, K.; Flood, A. Flexibility Coexists with Shape-Persistence in Cyanostar Macrocycles J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 4843.
- Sener, M.; Strumpher, J.; Singharoy, A. ; Hunter, N.; Schulten, K. Overall energy conversion efficiency of a photosynthetic vesicle eLife 2016, 5, e09541.
- Singharoy, A. ; Teo, I.; Mcgreevy, R.; Stone, J.; Jhao, J.; Schulten, K. Molecular dynamics-based refinement and validation with Resolution Exchange MDFF for sub-5 Å cryo-electron microscopy maps eLife 2016, 5, e16105.
- Bozzi, A.; Bane, L.; Singharoy, A. ; Chipot, C.; Schulten, K.; Gaudet, R. Conserved methionine dictates substrate preference in Nramp-family divalent metal transporters PNAS 2016, 113, 10310.
- Singharoy, A. ; Barragan, A.; Thangapandian, S.; Tajkhorshid, E.; Schulten, K. Binding site recognition and docking dynamics of a single electron transport protein: revisiting cytochrome c2 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 12077.
- Singharoy, A. ; Chipot, C. Methodology for the Simulation of Molecular Motors at Different Scales J. Phys. Chem. B 2016, 121, 3502 .
- Singharoy, A. ; Moradi, M.; Chipot, C.; Schulten, K. Chemomechanical coupling in hexameric protein-protein interfaces harness energy within V- type ATPases J. Am. Chem. Soc 2017, 139, 293.
- Wang, Y. ; Shekhar, M. ; Thifault, D. ; Williams, C. J. ; McGreevy, R., ; Richardson, J. ; Singharoy, A.; Tajkhorshid, E. Constructing Atomic Structural Models into Cryo-EM Densities using Molecular Dynamics-Pros and Cons Journal of Structural Biology 2018, 204, 319-328.
- Benson, C. R.; Maffeo, C. ; Fatila, E. M. ; Liu, Y. ; Sheetz, E. G. ; Aksimentiev, A. ; Singharoy, A. ; Flood, A. H. Inchworm Movement of Two Rings Switching onto a Thread by Biased Brownian Diffusion Represent a Three-Body Problem Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2018, 115, 9391-9396.
- Dashti, A. ; Shekhar, M. ; Hail, D.B. ; Mashayekh, G. ; Schwander, P. ; des Georges, A. ; Frank, J.; Singharoy, A. ; Ourmazd, A. Functional Pathways of Biomolecules Retrieved from Single-particle Snapshots bioRxiv 2019, 291922.
- Singharoy, A. ; Chipot, C.; Ekimoto, T. ; Suzuki, K., Ikeguchi, M. ; Yamato, I. ; Murata, T. Rotational Mechanism Model of the Bacterial V1 Motor Based on Structural Computational Analyses Frontiers in Physiology 2019, 10, 46.
- Singharoy, Abhishek; Maffeo, Christopher; Delgado-Magnero, Karelia H.; Swainsbury, David J. K.; Sener, Melih; Kleinekathofer, Ulrich; Vant, John W.; Nguyen, Jonathan; Hitchcock, Andrew; Isralewitz, Barry; Teo, Ivan; Chandler, Danielle E.; Stone, John E.; Phillips, James C.; Pogorelov, Taras V.; Mallus, M. Ilaria; Chipot, Christophe; Luthey-Schulten, Zaida; Tieleman, D. Peter; Hunter, C. Neil; Tajkhorshid, Emad; Aksimentiev, Aleksei; Schulten, Klaus, Atoms to Phenotypes: Molecular Design Principles of Cellular Energy Metabolism. Cell 2019, 179 (5) 1098-1111
- Doole, Fathima T.; Singharoy, Abhishek; Brown, Michael F.; Kim, Minkyu, Effect of Biopolymer Tethers on Antimicrobial Peptide Activity in Biomembranes. Biophysical Journal 2019 116 (3) 84A-85A
- Sarkar, Daipayan; Vant, John; Shekhar, Mrinal; Richardson, Jane S.; Skeel, Robert; Singharoy, Abhishek, MDFF Error Analysis: A Tool for Determining Stereochemical and Thermodynamic Correct Structures. Biophysical Journal. 2019 116, 3, 140A-141A
- Chan, Chun Kit; Singharoy, Abhishek; Tajkhorshid, Emad, Probing the Effect of Cardiolipin on the Redox-Partner Recognition between Cytochrome C-2 and Cytochrome Bc(1) Complex. Biophysical Journal. 2019 116, 3, 371A
- Singharoy, Abhishek; Chipot, Chris; Ekimoto, Toru; Suzuki, Kano; Ikeguchi, Mitsunori; Yamato, Ichiro; Murata, Takeshi, Rotational Mechanism Model of the Bacterial V-1 Motor Based on Structural and Computational Analyses. Frontiers in Physiology. 2019 10
- Roh, Soung-Hun; Shekhar, Mrinal; Pintilie, Grigore; Chipot, Christophe; Wilkens, Stephan; Singharoy, Abhishek; Chiu, Wah. Cryo-EM and MD infer water-mediated proton transport and autoinhibition mechanisms of V-o complex. Science Advances. 2020 6, 41
- Vant, John W.; Lahey, Shae-Lynn J.; Jana, Kalyanashis; Shekhar, Mrinal; Sarkar, Daipayan; Munk, Barbara H.; Kleinekathofer, Ulrich; Mittal, Sumit; Rowley, Christopher; Singharoy, Abhishek. Flexible Fitting of Small Molecules into Electron Microscopy Maps Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Neural Network Potentials. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2020 60, 5, 2591-2604
- Gupta, Chitrak; Khaniya, Umesh; Chan, Chun Kit; Dehez, Francois; Shekhar, Mrinal; Gunner, M. R.; Sazanov, Leonid; Chipot, Christophe; Singharoy, Abhishek. Charge Transfer and Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Respiratory Complex I. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2020 142, 20, 9220-9230
- Salas-Estrada, Leslie A.; Grant, Thomas D.; Perera, Suchithranga M.; Struts, Andrey V.; Chawla, Udeep; Xu, Xiaolin; Fried, Steven D.; Weerasinghe, N., Mendez, D., Alvarez, R., Karpos, K., Lisova, S., Zaare, S., Nazari, R, Zatsepsin, N.A., Singharoy, A., Boutet, S., Carbajo, S., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Seaberg, M. D., Fromme, R., Fromme, P., Kirian, R.A., Brown, M.F., Grossfield, A., Rhodopsin's Ultra-Fast Activation Dynamics in Bilayer and Micelle Environments. Biophysical Journal. 2020 118, 3, 92A-92A.
- Grant, T.D., Perera, S.M., Salas-Estrada, L.A., Struts, A.V., Chawla, U., Xu, X., Fried, S.D., Weerasinghe, N., Mendez, D., Alvarez, R., Karpos, K., Lisova, S., Zaare, S., Nazari, R., Zatsepsin, N. A., Singharoy, A., Boutet, S., Carbajo, S., Hunter, M.S., Liang, M., Seaberg, M. D., Fromme, R., Fromme, P., Grossfield, A., Kirian, R.A.; Brown, M.F., Membrane Protein Dynamics Revealed by X-Ray Scattering with a Femtosecond Free-Electron Laser. Biophysical Journal. 2020 118, 3, 365A-365A.
- Wilson, E.A., Anderson, K., Singharoy, A., Resolving the Connection between Major Histocompatibilty Complexes and Immune Outcomes using Unsupervised Clustering of Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Biophysical Journal. 2020 118, 3, 452A-452A.
- Vant, J.W., Singharoy, A., Periodic Table of F-Type Atpases. Biophysical Journal. 2020 118, 3, 521A-521A.
- Doole, F.T., Chan, C.K., Kim, M., Singharoy, A., Brown, M.F., Antimicrobial Peptide Functionalized Biomaterials Investigated by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Biophysical Journal. 2020 118, 3, 380A-381A.
- Zook, J, Shekhar, M, Hansen, D, Conrad, C, Grant, T, Gupta, C, White, T, Barty, A, Basu, S, Zhao, Y, Zatsepin, N, Ishchenko, A, Batyuk, A, Gati, C, Li, C, Galli, L, Coe, J, Hunter, M, Liang, M, Weierstall, U, Nelson, G, James, D, Stauch, B, Craciunescu, F, Thifault, D, Liu, W, Cherezov, V, Singharoy, A, Fromme, P, XFEL and NMR Structures of Francisella Lipoprotein Reveal Conformational Space of Drug Target against Tularemia. Structure. 2020 28, 540 - 547.
- Grant, TD, Perera, SM, Salas-Estrada, LA, Struts, AV, Chawla, U, Xu, X,; Fried, SD, Weerasinghe, N, Mendez, D, Alvarez, R, Karpos, K, Lisova, S, Zaare, S, Nazari, R, Zatsepsin, NA, Singharoy, A, Boutet, S, Carbajo, S, Hunter, MS, Liang, M, Seaberg, MD, Fromme, R, Fromme, P, Grossfield, A, Kirian, RA, Brown, MF, Membrane Protein Dynamics Revealed by X-Ray Scattering with a Femtosecond Free-Electron Laser. Biophysical Journal. 2020 118, 365A-365A.
- Khaniya, U, Gupta, C, Cai, X, Mao, J, Kaur, D, Zhang, Y, Singharoy, A, Gunner, M R, Hydrogen bond network analysis reveals the pathway for the proton transfer in the E-channel of T. thermophilus Complex I. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics. 2020
- Dashti, A, Mashayekhi, G, Shekhar, M, Ben Hail, D, Salah, S, Schwander, P, des Georges, A, Singharoy, A, Frank, J, Ourmazd, A, Retrieving functional pathways of biomolecules from single-particle snapshots. Nature Communications. 2020 11, 1.
- Phillips, JC, Hardy, DJ, Maia, JDC, Stone, JE, Ribeiro, JV, Bernardi, RC, Buch, R, Fiorin, G, Henin, J, Jiang, W, McGreevy, R, Melo, MCR, Radak, BK, Skeel, RD, Singharoy, A, Wang, Y, Roux, B, Aksimentiev, A, Luthey-Schulten, Z, Kale, LV, Schulten, K, Chipot, C, Tajkhorshid, E, Scalable molecular dynamics on CPU and GPU architectures with NAMD. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2020 153, 4.
- Gupta, C, Khaniya, U, Chan, CK, Dehez, F, Shekhar, M, Gunner, MR, Sazanov, L, Chipot, C, Singharoy, A, Charge Transfer and Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Respiratory Complex I. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2020 142, 20, 9220-9230.
- Vant, JW. Sarkar, D, Streitwieser, E, Fiorin, G, Skeel, R, Vermaas, JV, Singharoy, A, Data-guided Multi-Map variables for ensemble refinement of molecular movies. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2020 153, 21.
- Wilson, E.A., Hirneise, G., Singharoy, A., Anderson, K.S., Total predicted MHC-I epitope load is inversely associated with population mortality from SARS-CoV-2. Cell Reports Medicine. 2021 2, 3.
- Wilson, E., Vant, J., Layton, J., Boyd, R., Lee, H., Turilli, M., Hernández, B., Wilkinson, S., Jha, S., Gupta, C., Sarkar, D., Singharoy, A., Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cellular Compartments. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2021 2302, 335-356.
- Lucas, T.M., Gupta, C., Altman, M.O., Sanchez, E., Naticchia, M.R., Gagneux, P., Singharoy, A., Godula, K., Mucin-mimetic glycan arrays integrating machine learning for analyzing receptor pattern recognition by influenza A viruses. Chem. 2021 7(12), 3393-3411.
- Baker, A., Boyd, R.J., Sarkar, D., Teijeira-Crespo, A., Chang, C.K., Bates, E., Waraich, K., Vant, J., Wilson, E., Truong, C.D., Lipka-Lloyd, M., Fromme, P., Vermaas, J., Williams, D., Machiesky, L., Heurich, M., Nagalo, B.M., Coughlan, L., Umlauf, S., Chiu, P-L., Rizkallah, P.J., Cohen, T.S., Parker, A.L., Singharoy, A., Borad, M.J., ChAdOx1 interacts with CAR and PF4 with implications for thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome. Science Advances. 2021 7(49).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
MIC 495 | Undergraduate Research |
MBB 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BCH 463 | Biophysical Chemistry |
BCH 463 | Biophysical Chemistry |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 463 | Biophysical Chemistry |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
BCH 463 | Biophysical Chemistry |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MIC 495 | Undergraduate Research |
MBB 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BCH 463 | Biophysical Chemistry |
BCH 463 | Biophysical Chemistry |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MIC 495 | Undergraduate Research |
MBB 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 598 | Special Topics |
CHM 494 | Special Topics |
CHM 501 | Current Topics in Chemistry |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MIC 495 | Undergraduate Research |
MBB 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 598 | Special Topics |
CHM 598 | Special Topics |
CHM 494 | Special Topics |
CHM 494 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 463 | Biophysical Chemistry |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MIC 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 394 | Special Topics |
CHM 394 | Special Topics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 463 | Biophysical Chemistry |
BCH 463 | Biophysical Chemistry |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 394 | Special Topics |
CHM 394 | Special Topics |
2005-2006 Burjor Godrej Fellowship, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
2010 Best Poster award at the Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, Purdue University
2011-2012 McCormick Science Grant by the College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University
2012-2013 David A. Rothrock. Jr. Scholarship by the Department of Chemistry, Indiana University
2013-2016 Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
2014 Best Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase at the International Conference for High
Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, New Orleans
2016-2017 NSF Center for the Physics of Living Cells Postdoctoral Fellow
2017-2019 INCITE Leadership Computing Award, U.S. Depart of Energy
2017-2020 Executive member of Oakridge Leadeship Computing Facility (OLCF) Users Board
2018 Faculty Sponsor of Biophysical Society's Arizona Student Chapter
2018 Scialog Fellow for "Chemical Machinery of Cells" by Research Corporation
and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation