Shiyou Wu
Phone: 602-496-0084
Mail code: 3920Campus: Dtphx
Shiyou Wu is an Associate Professor and the Associate Director for Doctoral Education at the School of Social Work at Arizona State University. Wu has been involved in interdisciplinary collaborative research locally, nationally, and internationally, using a social determinants of health framework and a person-in-environment perspective to explore the multilevel (individual, interpersonal, household, community, societal) determinants of youth substance use and other related health outcomes, especially among youth from impoverished families (e.g., welfare recipients). His research interests also include design and development of social interventions, with special emphasis on interventions to prevent substance use and reduce health disparities among youth.
Wu also serves as the assistant director for China Initiatives of the ASU Global Center for Applied Health Research. Wu is the president of the Asian & Pacific Islander Social Work Educators Association. He is also a faculty affiliate of the ASU Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center (SIRC) and Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy.
Ph.D. University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
• Social determinants of behavioral health(e.g., substance use, depression)
• Interventions to reduce health and social disparities
• Global development of social work
• Advancing research methods in social work
Dr. Wu is currently working on the following projects:
1. ASU Watts College Seed Grant Funding Initiative: Identifying Seasonal Variations in Determinants of Health Among Homeless Young Adults (Role: PI; 2023-2024).
2. U54 Pilot Project (an NIH/NIMHD Specialized Center of Excellence on Minority Health and Health Disparities; 2U54MD002316-11): Reducing Health Disparities among Homeless Young Adults: Using a Social Determinants of Health Perspective (Role: PI; 2020-2023).
3. ASU Glen J. Swette Seed Grant: Identifying Intervention Targets to Reduce Disproportionality and Disparate Substance Use Outcomes Among Homeless Young Adults: A Social Determinants of Health Perspective. (Role: PI; 2022-2023).
4. ASU Watts College Seed Grant: Identifying Intervention Targets to Reduce Disproportionality and Disparate Substance Use Outcomes Among Homeless Young Adults: A Social Determinants of Health Perspective. (Role: PI; 2022-2023).
5. FPNG project: examining the effectiveness of a combined child and parenting substance use intervention among Latino middle school youth;
6. Using Arizona Youth Survey Data to examine the patterns and determinants of youth substance use in Arizona;
7. Add Health Restricted Data (updated for Wave V; using Add Health restricted data for health related projects);
8. Chinese Youth Substance Use & Behavioral Health: A Feasibility Study. (currently collecting data in six provinces in China).
(Welcome to my research group! Please feel free to email me if you want to join any of these projects.)
Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center (SIRC), ASU
Global Center for Applied Health Research (GCAHR), ASU
Peer Reviewed Articles (in English)
(+ corresponding author; * denotes student)
2024 (Online first & Accepted)
75. Ayers, S.L., Wu, S. & Marsiglia, F.F. (2024). Assessing unmet social and medical needs among Latinx in Arizona throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: Time-varying patterns by social determinants of health. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. Online first.
74. Bisgrove, D.*, Wu, S., & Sheehan, C. (2024). Social determinants of pet needs among young adults experiencing homelessness in the Southwest United States. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness. Online first.
73. Fu, L.*, Wu, S., & Kang, X.* (accepted). Consequences of forced conjunction: Social work's struggles for independence from sociology in Mainland China. International Social Work.
72.Wu, S., Lara, L.,* Ferguson, K., Narendorf, S., Prock, K., Hsu H., Maria, D., Barman-Adhikari, A., Bender, K., & Shelton, J. (2024). Exploring the relationship between public assistance use and depressive symptoms among young adults experiencing homelessness. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.
71. Wu,S., Ta, L.*, Vieira, J.*, Schwartz, K.*, Perez, J.*, Zeien, J.*, Li, D.*, & Hartmark-Hill, J. (2024). Adverse childhood experiences and depression among homeless young adults: A social determinants of health perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.21(1),81.
70. Marsiglia, F. F., Campos, A. P., Wu, S., Nuño‐Gutiérrez, B. L., García‐Pérez, H., & Glick, J. E. (2024). Exploring the association between educational aspirations and intentions to migrate among youth in Central Mexico by gender. International Journal of Social Welfare. 33(3)579-590.
69.Yoder, G.*, Wu, S.+ & Marsiglia, F.F. (2024). Social determinants of youth cigarette use over time: Findings from the Arizona Youth Survey 2010–2018. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.
68. Wu, Q., Zhu, Y., Brevard, K., Wu, S., & Krysik, J. (2023). Risk and Protective Factors for African American Kinship Caregiving: A Scoping Review. Children and Youth Services Review, 107279.
67. Huang, C.K.*, Wu, S., Marsiglia, F. F., & Campos, A. P. (2023). Association between Community Attachment and Prescription Drug Misuse among American Indian Adolescents in Arizona. Societies, 13(4), 79.
66. Jenkins, G. T.,* Janich, N., Wu S., Shafer, M. S. (2023). Social Isolation and Mental Health: Evidence from Adults with Serious Mental Illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal.46(2), 148–155.
65. Wang, Y., Wu., S., He, L., Li, L. & Wang, Z. (2023). Social work research ethics in China: A scoping review of research involving human subjects during COVID-19. International Social Work.66 (1), 233-253.
64. Oh, H., Marsiglia, F. F., Pepin, S., Ayers, S., & Wu, S. (2023). Health Behavior and Attitudes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Vulnerable and Underserved Latinx in the Southwest USA. Prevention Science, 1-12.
63. Marsiglia, F., Wu, S.,+ Han, S., Nuño-Gutierrez, B., García-Pérez, H., Yabiku, S. & Glick, J. (2023). Migration Intentions and Alcohol Use Among Adolescents in West-Central Mexico. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. 40:119–130.
62. Wu, S.,+ & Farmer, A. (2021). Risk and protective factors of youth prescription drug misuse: Variations across racial/Ethnic groups. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. 39 (4), 499-514.
61. Zhu, Y., Wu, S.,+ Marsiglia, F.F., Wu, Q., & Chen, Q. (2021). Adaptation and validation of the European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire for Chinese adolescents. Health & Social Care in the Community. 30 (4), 1363-1372.
60. Wu, S.,+ Hodge, D., Wu, Q., Marsiglia, F., & Chen, W. (2022). A longitudinal examination of the relationship between religious service attendance and young adult substance use. Social Work Research. 46 (1), 65-78.
59. Wu, S.,+ Wang, M., Perron, B., Huang, J., Li, J.,* Zhou, X., Zhu,Y., He, X., Wen, J., & Ma, F. (2021). Development of research on social work practice in mainland China: Context, challenges, and opportunities. International Social Work. 65 (6), 1130-1144.
58. Wu, S.,+ Rolfes, J., Clarke, C., Smith, A., Thanh, D., Thu, B., Giang, N., Anh, N., Huong, P., Hien, P., & ODonnell, R. (2022). Integrated Behavioral Health Care in Viet Nam: Examples from the Hanoi Bach Mai Hospital of Patients with Hypertension. Asian Journal of Health Sciences, 8(1), ID28.
57. Wu, S., Johnson, S., Wolfersteig, W., Diaz, M., & Aguilar-Amaya, M. (accepted). The Power of Local Research to Inform Adverse Childhood Experiences in Substance Use Prevention in Adolescents and Adults. BMC Public Health.22,1197.
56. Wang, X., Shen, F., Zhang, Y., & Wu, S. (2022). Adverse Childhood Experiences in Latinx Families: A Comparison between Intraracial and Interracial Families. Societies, 12(6), 173.
55. O'Donnell, R., Rolfes, J., Wu, S., Abdalla, M., Marsiglia, F., Mei, P., Pham, L., Senanuch, P., Bhatarasakoon, P., Koy, V., Tao, H., Savuon, K., & Kessler, R. (2022). Evaluating the gap of integrated behavioral health programs for NCDs in China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Asian Journal of Health Sciences. 8 (1), ID39.
54. O'Donnell, R., Wu, S., Bhatarasakoon, P., Rolfes, J., Tamdee, D., Turtle, E., Gilpatrick, K., Sato, K., Reeser, B., Abdalla, M., & Kessler, R. (2022). Integrated behavioral healthcare in Thailand: A case study from Chiang Mai. Psychosomatic Medicine Research. 4(1),1-9.
53. Wu, S., Yao, M.,* Deng, C., Marsiglia, F.F. & Duan, W. (2021). Anxiety disorder and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in China. Journal of Affective Disorders.294, 10-16.
52. Wu, S.,+ Fraser. M., Gao, Q. Chapman, M. & Huang, J. (2021). Welfare participation and depression symptoms among youth in China. Global Social Welfare.8(1). 117-126.
51. Wu, S.,+ Yoder, G.,* Lee, N., Yan, S., & Wolfersteig, W. (2021). Racial disparities in school lunch program participation and cigarette use: Evidence from Arizona Youth Survey data. Substance Use and Misuse.56(10), 1516-1526.
50. Wu, S.+ (2021). Chapter 4: Poverty as the great oppressor. In K. Benner, D. Loeffler, and N. D. Pope (Eds.). Social, Economic and Environmental Justice: Building Social Work Practice Skills. New York: Springer.
49. Zhang, S., Wu, S., Wu, Q., Durkin, D., & Marsiglia, F. (2021). Adolescent drug use initiation and transition into other drugs: A longitudinal examination across race/ethnicity. Addictive Behaviors.113, 106679.
48. Hodge, D. R., Wu, S., Wu, Q., Marsiglia, F. F., & Chen, W. (2021). Religious service attendance typologies and African American substance use: A longitudinal study of the protective effects among young adult men and women. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 56. 1859-1869.
47. O'Donnell, R., Wu, S., Rolfes, J., Tungpunkom, P., & Nguyen, H. (2021). Integrated behavioral health model for COVID-19 patients. Archives of Family Medicine and General Practice.6(1). 169-173.
46. Wu, S.+, Yan, S., Marsiglia, F. & Perron, B. (2020). Patterns and social determinants of substance use among Arizona youth: A latent class analysis approach. Children and Youth Services Review. 110, 104769.
45. Wu, S.,+ Marsiglia, F., Ayers, S., Cutrin, O., & Vega-López, S. (2020). Familial acculturative stress and adolescent internalizing and externalizing behaviors in Latinx immigrant families of the southwest. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.22, 1193-1199.
44. Bo, A., Wu, S.+, Chen, D., Marsiglia, F., Zhu, Y., Zhang, L., & Zhu B. (2020). Understanding alcohol-specific antecedents among Chinese vocational school adolescents. Addictive Behaviors. 110, 106483.
43. Zerden, L., Lombardi, B., Guan, T.,* & Wu, S. (2020). Social work workforce development and Medicaid expansion: Mapping areas of (mis)alignment. Social Work Research. 44(4), 285-291.
42. Pei, F*, Wang, Y., Wu, Q., Shockley McCarthy, K., & Wu, S. (2020). The roles of neighborhood social cohesion, peer substance use, and adolescent depression on adolescent substance use. Children and Youth Services Review. 112. 104931.
41. Xiang, X., Wu, S., Zuverink, A., Tomasino, K. N., An, R., & Himle, J. (2020). Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapies for late-life depressive symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging and Mental Health. 24(8), 1196-1206.
40. Wu, S.+, Villagrana, K.,* Lawler, S.* & Garbe, R.* (2020). School lunch program participation and youth school failure: A multi-racial perspective. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare.47(2), 29-52.
39. Wang, M., Victor, B., Hong, J.S., Wu, S., Huang, J., Luan, H. & Perron, B. (2020). A scoping review of interventions to promote health and well-being of left-behind children in mainland China. British Journal of Social Work. 50(5), 1419-1439.
38. Wu, S., Wu, Q., Wei. X. Bledsoe, S., & Ansong, D. (2020). Exploring the factors of achieving successful educational attainment among Chinese doctoral students in the United States. Journal of International Students, 10 (2),244-264.
37. Luan, H., Wang, M., Sokol, R.L., Wu, S., Victor, B.G., & Perron, B.E. (2020). A Scoping Review of WeChat to facilitate professional healthcare education in mainland China. Medical Education Online. 25 (1), 1782594
36. O'Donnell, R., Rolfes, J., Houston, C.... Wu, S. (2020). An integrated behavioral health to non-communicable Disease in Cambodia. Journal of Nursing and Patient Safety. 1(1),005.
35. Wu, Q., Zhu, Y.,* Ogbonnaya, I., Zhang, S. & Wu, S. (2020). Parenting intervention outcomes for kinship caregivers and child: A systematic review. Child Abuse & Neglect.106, 104524.
34. Wu, S.+, Chapman, M. V., Zhu, M. & Wang, X.* (2020). Household assets, the role of government assistance, and depression among low-income families in Shanghai. Social Indicators Research.149, 571-580.
33. Zhu, Y.* & Wu, S. (2020). The association between the WASH and clean cooking fuels access and the nutritional well-being of adolescents in China. Global Social Welfare. 7, 97-107.
32. Fang, S., Huang, J., Wu, S., Jin, M., Kim, K. & Henrichsen, C. (2020). Family assets, parental expectation, and child educational Achievement in China: A validation of mediation analyses.Children and Youth Services Review. 112,104875.
31. *Wang, X. *Pei, F. Wu, S., & Dillard, R. (2020). Exploring the geographic residential characteristics of registered sex offenders: A GIS analysis. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 11(1),61-81.
30. Wang, M., Luan, H., Sokol, R.L., Victor, B.G., Perron, B.E., & Wu, S. (2020). Mental health service interventions for left-behind children in mainland China: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Children and Youth Services Review. 117, 105304.
29. Qi, D. & Wu, S. (2020). How good are child vulnerability assessment tools in China? Social Sciences.9(7), 118.
28. Marsiglia, F., Wu, S., Ayers, S., & Weide, A. (2019). Randomized effectiveness trial of a parent and youth combined intervention on the substance use norms of Latino middle school students.Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.97,75-83.
27. Zerden, L. S., Wu, S.+, Wu, Q. & Fraser, M. W. (2019). Welfare participation in childhood as a predictor of cigarette use in adulthood in the United States. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 10(3), 371-396.
26. Rothwell, D. & Wu, S. (2019). Exploring the relationship between financial education and financial knowledge and efficacy: Evidence from the Canadian Financial Capability Survey. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 53(4), 1725-1747.
25. Wang, M., Victor, B., Wu, S., & Perron, B. (2019). Associations between family structure and psychosocial development among school-aged children in Mainland China. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 29(4), 249-263.
24. Burlaka, V., Wu, Q., Wu, S. & Churakova, I. (2019). Exploring correlates of child internalizing and externalizing psychopathology: The role of family communication and maternal coping skills. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 28(5),1283–1293.
23. Ansong, D., Chowa, G., Masa, R., Despard, M., Sherraden, M., Wu, S., Osei-Akoto, I. (2019). Effects of youth savings accounts on school attendance and academic performance: Evidence from a youth savings experiment in Ghana. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.40(2),269-281.
22. *Wei, K., *Jacobson, D., & Wu, S+. (2019). The role of language in anti-immigrant prejudice: What can we learn from immigrants’ historical experiences? Social Sciences. 8, 1-18.
21. Wu, S.+, Wu, Q., Fraser. M.W., Chapman, M.V., & Gao, Q. (2018). Welfare participation and depression among youth in the United States: A systematic review. Children and Youth Services Review. 94, 354-367.
20. Wu, S.+, Fraser. M.V., Chapman, M.V., Gao, Q., Huang, J. & Chowa, G. (2018). Exploring the relationship between welfare participation in childhood and depression in adulthood in the United States. Social Science Research. 76,12-22.
19. Wu, S.+, *Wang, X., Wu, Q., & Harris, K. M. (2018). Household financial assets inequity and health disparities among young adults: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice.11, 122-135.
18. Fraser, M. W., Lombardi, B., Wu, S., Zerden, L. S., Richman, E., & Fraher, E. (2018). Integrated primary care and social work: A systematic review. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 9(2), 175-215.
17. Xu, L., Chi, I. & Wu, S. (2018). Grandparent–grandchild relationships in Chinese immigrant families in Los Angeles: Acculturation and the role of the middle generation. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 4, 1-8.
16. Zhao, X., Ma, J., Zhang, J., Wu, S., Chi, I., & Bai, Z. (2018). Light therapy for older patients with non-seasonal depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 232, 291-299.
15. Wu, S.+, *Wang, X., Wu, Q., Zhai, F., & Gao, Q. (2017). Acculturation-based family conflict: A validation of Asian American Family Conflict Scale among Chinese Americans. PsyCh Journal, 6(4), 294–302
14. Wu, S.+, Despard, M., & Chowa, G. (2017). The role of parents in introducing children to financial services: Evidence from Ghana-YouthSave. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 38(3), 453–462.
13. Chapman, M. V., Wu, S.+, & Zhu, M. (2017). What is a picture worth? A primer for coding and interpreting photographic data. Qualitative Social Work,16(6), 810-824.
12. An, Q., Wu, S.+, Chapman, M. V. & Wu, Q. (2017). Culture and context in Chinese field supervision: A case study from Shanghai. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 27(1), 12-27.
....................................... before ASU ................................
11. Wu, S.+, Zerden, L. S., & Wu, Q. (2016). The influence of childhood welfare participation on adulthood substance use: evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 42(6), 657-670.
10. Wu, S., Wyant, D. C., & Fraser, M. W. (2016). Author guidelines for manuscripts reporting on qualitative research. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 7(2), 405-425.
- Interview: Best Practices for Publishing Qualitative Social Work Research
9. Wu, S., Huang, H., Sun, F., & An, Q. (2016). Is social work really being recognized? Problems with social work employment opportunities in Mainland China. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 35(2), 186–203.
- Winner of the Best Empirical Article of 2016
8. Huang, J., Wu, S., & Deng, S. (2016). Relative assets, relative income, and happiness in urban China. Social Indicators Research. 126 (3), 971–985.
7. Fraser, M. W., & Wu, S. (2016). Measures of consumer satisfaction in social welfare and behavioral health: A systematic review. Research on Social Work Practice, 26(7), 762-776.
6. Ansong, D., Wu, S.+, & Chowa, G. (2015). The role of child and parent savings in promoting expectations for university education among middle school students in Ghana: A propensity score analysis. Children and Youth Services Review, 58, 265-273.
5. Gao, Q., Wu, S., & Zhai, F. (2015). Welfare participation and time use in China. Social Indicators Research, 124(3), 863-887.
4. Yu, H., Dong, L., & Wu, S. (2014). An ecosystem-based analysis of environmental problems in rural China: A tale of L village in Yunnan Province of China. In J. Li (Ed.) Environment and sustainable development in Asia (pp. 97-111). London, UK: World Scientific Publishing.
3. Chapman, M. V., Zhu, M., & Wu, S. (2013). Mothers in transition: Using images to understand the experience of migrant mothers in Shanghai. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 4, 245-260.
2. Fraser, M. W., & Wu, S. (2013). Satisfaction with social welfare services: A review. Report prepared for the National Board of Health and Welfare. Stockholm, Sweden: Socialstyrelsen Press.
1. Wu, S.+, & Wu, Q. (2013). Migrant youths in Beijing: A life history analysis of class reproduction. China Journal of Social Work, 6(1), 52-68.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 792 | Research |
SWG 790 | Reading and Conference |
SWG 799 | Dissertation |
SWG 795 | Continuing Registration |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 790 | Reading and Conference |
SWG 792 | Research |
SWG 799 | Dissertation |
SWG 795 | Continuing Registration |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWU 321 | Statistics for Social Workers |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 502 | Human Behavior & Social Env II |
SWG 502 | Human Behavior & Social Env II |
SWG 721 | Statistics |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 721 | Statistics |
SWG 623 | Program Evaluation |
SWG 623 | Program Evaluation |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 721 | Statistics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 502 | Macro Human Behav Soc Environ |
SWG 502 | Macro Human Behav Soc Environ |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 721 | Statistics |
2024 Fellow, Society for Social Work and Research
2022 Fall Teaching Award for Distinguished Instruction, ASU School of Social Work
2021 Fall Teaching Award for Distinguished Instruction, ASU School of Social Work
2012-2017, Five-Year UNC Chancellor Fellowship Award for Doctoral Study, the Society of Royster Fellowship, UNC.
Editorial Service:
Editorial Board:
China Journal of Social Work (2020- )
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal (2020- )
Tsinghua Social Work Review (2020- )
- Social Work Research
- Journal of Family and Economic Issues
- Families in Society
- Social Science & Medicine
- Journal of Affective Disorders
- Children and Youth Services Review
- Journal of Social Work (in Chinese)
- Social Work Education: the International Journal
- Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University (in Chinese)
- Social Construction (in Chinese)
- Journal of Sociology (in Chinese)
- International Journal of Social Welfare
- Journal of Children and Poverty
- Journal of Educational Psychology
- International Social Work
- Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
- CSWE APM conference abstract review
- APHA conference abstract review
- SSWR conference abstract review
- Social Work in Health Care
- Social Indicators Research
- Population Research and Policy Review
- Best Practices in Mental Health
- BMJ open
- PlosOne
- Youth and Society
- Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal
- BMC Public Health
- China Journal of Social Work
- Qualitative Research
- Educational Researcher
- Palgrave Macmillan (book proposal review)
ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH (Professional Junior Trainer);
Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR);
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE);
Financial Capability and Asset Building (FCAB);
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
Doctoral Dissertation Committees:
2023- Patricia Turner, School of Social Work, ASU (committee member)
2020- Amy Mengni Yao, School of Social Work, Boston University (committee member)
2020- Jose Vargas Garcia, School of Social Work, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (committee member)
2020- Bala Samkelo, Department of Social Work/Social Development, University of Fort Hare, South Africa (External Examiner)
Dissertation Title: Assessing the contribution of selected Business Entities in the fight against substance abuse in the city of East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Master Thesis Committees:
2023-2024 Gillian Bryant, School of Social Work, ASU (Chair)
Independent Study/Research Practicum:
2021 Summer - Danyi Li, Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis.
2020 Spring- Grant Yoder, School of Social Work/Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center, ASU
Research Supervision:
2022 Summer to present:
- Aaron Lotten: ASU MSW student
- Caroline Tuskai: ASU MSW student
- Danyi Li: USC Public Health PhD Student
- Jaime Vieira: U of A Medical Student
- Josh Perez: U of A Medical Student
- Kendall Schwartz: U of A Medical Student
- Lac Ta: U of A Medical Student
- Mahnoor Mukarram: Midwestern University Medical Student
- Zachary Van Tol: ASU Sustainability PhD student
2018-2019 Sarah Ford, School of Social Work, ASU (Master student)
2017-2018 Karen Rotna Cruz, Barrett Honors College/ Criminology, ASU (Undergraduate student)
Teaching Supervision:
2020 Fall Cynthia Mackey, School of Social Work, ASU (PhD student)
2019 Fall Siobhan Lawler, School of Social Work, ASU (PhD student)
2018 Fall Renee Garbe, School of Social Work, ASU (PhD student)
President, Asian & Pacific Islander Social Work Educators Association (APISWEA)
Commissioner, CSWE Commission for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice, (2020-)
Committee Member, APISWEA Doctoral Fellowship Committee; ASU School of Social Work PAC Committee(2017-), Scholarship Committee (2018-2019); Doctoral Committee (2019-); Standards Committee(2019-)
Assistant Director for China Initiatives, Global Center for Applied Health Research, ASU
Assistant Director, Office of Global Social Work, ASU