Andrea Cherman
Phone: 480-727-6641
6049 S. Backus Mall, Sutton Hall 340A Mesa, AZ 85212
Mail code: 2880Campus: Poly
Dr. Andrea Cherman is associate teaching professor in the Technological Entrepreneurship and Management Department at the Polytechnic School in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University, and TEM Industry Advisory Board Faculty Chair. She also teaches at the Master's of Innovation Venture Development. Before joining ASU, Dr. Cherman worked for 15 years in the Department of Business Administration, at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Her late position was Clinical Professor. There, she also acted as a member of the Undergraduate Departmental Committee and as a coordinator of the Exchange and Dual Certificate Program for business administration students.
Dr. Cherman received her Ph.D. and master's degree in business administration from PUC-Rio and her bachelor's degree in social communication from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Her doctoral dissertation thesis won the Honorable Mention of 2014 CAPES Dissertation Award from the Brazilian Departments of Technology & Science and Education, and the 2015 Best Paper Award from the Brazilian Academy of Management. In addition, she won the 2003 Best Paper Award from the Brazilian Academy of Management for her master's thesis.
Additionally, she has more than 20 years of experience in the industry, most of it in management positions at multinational companies, with a very solid and positive understanding of how interdependent, complementary and integrative, academy and industry activities should be, assuring that a steady development of our society turns more viable and effective.
Dr. Cherman's research pursues three lines of study that may contribute to bringing a contemporary and innovative approach to the organizational knowledge field: i) Integrative Knowledge in Organizations, analyzing the dynamics of innovative knowledge creation in a scenario that science and spirituality can experience synergistic effects impacting innovation, strategy and corporate cultures in organizations; ii) Spirituality in Knowledge Development, examining the major benefits of incorporating into organizational structures a more spiritual mindset, thus contributing to a more comprehensive, evolutionary and integrative knowledge framework for individuals, organizations, and society; iii) Ethics in Knowledge-Based Organizations, dealing with complex and consciousness-related ethical boundaries that involve the individuals' wellbeing in their workplace, collectively aspiring for a more spiritual, humanistic and egalitarian society.
- Ph.D. Business Administration, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
- M.S. Business Administration, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
- B.S. Social Communication, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Dr. Cherman’s research line, named Integrative Knowledge in Organizations, in which she proposes an Integrative Knowledge Model that incorporates a new Spiritual Dimension of wisdom and awareness into the already well-known Rational Dimension of data and information. Her research unfolds in two narrower fields of associated study lines: i) Spirituality in Knowledge Development, examining the major benefits of incorporating into organizational structures a more spiritual mindset, thus contributing to a more comprehensive, evolutionary and integrative knowledge framework for individuals, organizations, and society, and ii) Ethics in Knowledge-Based Organizations, dealing with complex and consciousness-related ethical boundaries that involve the individuals’ well-being in their workplace, collectively aspiring for a more spiritual, inclusive, fairer, and egalitarian society.
Work in Progress
Cherman. A.; Azeredo, F. E. M. (Work in progress) Rescuing the Essentialities of Education: Consubstantiating Progress Accordingly.
Published Papers
Cherman. A.; Azeredo, F. E. M. (2022) A reductionist approach to an infinite of political identities: reformulating progress concepts as a new order moves forward. In Baikady et al (Eds) Palgrave Handbook of Social Change. London: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Cherman. A.; Azeredo, F. E. M. (2020) The Languages of Spirituality and Science: Two Fraternal Twins. In press. In Dhiman, S. (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Wellbeing and Fulfillment. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Cherman. A.; Azeredo, F. E. M. (2020) Integrative Knowledge: A mindful approach to Science. In press. In Dhiman, S. (Ed.) The Routledge Companion to Mindfulness at Work. NY: Routledge.
Cherman. A.; Azeredo, F. E. M. (2018) Mindfulness in the context of integrative knowledge: Separating Science from the Hype. In Dhiman, S.; Crossman, J.; Roberts, G. (Eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfilment. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, p. 211-235.
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto; S. R. (2016) Fenomenografia e valoração do conhecimento nas organizações: diálogo entre método e fenômeno / Phenomenography and the valuing of knowledge in organizations: dialog between method and phenomenon . RAC Revista de Administração Contemporânea. v.20, p. 630 - 650.
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto; S. R. (2016) Valuing of knowledge in organizations and its embedding into organizational practices and routines. Review of Business Management / Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios. v.18, p. 416 - 435.
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto; S. R. (2016) Valoração do conhecimento nas organizações: as concepções dos indivíduos no contexto do trabalho / Valuing of knowledge in organizations: conceptions of the individuals at the work context. Organizações & Sociedade. v.23, p.307 – 328.
Franca, L. S.; Turano, L. M.; Cherman, A. (2016) Conhecimento científico sobre comércio justo: um estudo bibliométrico de 2001 a 2013 / Scientific knowledge on fair trade: a bibliometric study from 2001 to 2013. RGSA Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental. v.10, p.41 – 57.
Martins, L. A. R.; Cherman, A. (2015) Dinâmica de poder nos espaços organizacionais de uma administradora de Shoppings Centers: um estudo etnográfico / Power dynamics inside the organizational spaces of a shopping mall management company: an ethnographic study. Revista Pensamento Contemporâneo em Administração. v.9, p.1 - 14.
Turano, L. M.; Cherman, A; Franca, L. S. (2014) Sustentabilidade em uma grande corporação: uma análise da discrepância entre discurso e prática / Sustainability in a big corporation: an analysis of the discrepancy between discourse and practice. Revista de Administração da UFSM. v.7, p.111 - 127.
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto, S. R. (2013)Valoração do conhecimento: significação e identidade na ação organizacional / Valuing knowledge: meaning and identity in organizational activities. RAE Revista de Administração de Empresas. v.53, p.142 - 155.
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto, S. R. (2013) Gestão do conhecimento no Brasil: visão da academia / Knowledge management in Brazil: a view from the academy. Revista Pensamento Contemporâneo em Administração. v.7, p. 92 – 107.
Rocha-Pinto, S. R.; Bezerra, K.; Cherman, A. (2013) Technical vocational education in Brazil: the contractors’ perceptions. Journal of Technical Education and Training. v.5, p.14 - 35.
Cherman, A.; Tomei, P. (2005) Códigos de ética corporativa e a tomada de decisão ética: instrumentos de gestão e orientação de valores organizacionais? / Corporate codes of ethics and the ethical decision-making process: Is code of ethics a management and guiding tools for organizational values? RAC Revista de Administração Contemporânea. v.9, p. 99 - 120.
Conference Papers
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto, S. R. Fenomenografia e a valoração do conhecimento nas organizações: diálogo entre método e fenômeno / Phenomenography and the valuing of knowledge in organizations: dialog between method and phenomenon. In: XXXIX EnANPAD Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 2015, Belo Horizonte.
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto, S. R. Valoração do conhecimento nas organizações e sua incorporação nas práticas e rotinas organizacionais / Valuing of knowledge in organizations and its embedding into organizational practices and routines. In: V EnGPR Encontro de Gestão de Pessoas e Relações de Trabalho, 2015, Salvador.
Turano, L. M.; Cherman, A. Comércio Justo no Século XXI: Uma análise bibliométrica de citações e cocitações sobre o tema de 2001 a 2013 / Fair trade in the 21st Century: a bibliometric analysis of citations and co-citations from 2001 to 2013 In: XVI ENGEMA Encontro Internacional de Gestão Empresarial e Meio Ambiente, 2014, São Paulo.
Nogueira, N.; Cherman, A. Empresas conflitantes com o meio ambiente: como os funcionários lidam com a dissonância cognitiva acerca do tema de Sustentabilidade / Companies conflicting with the natural environment: how employees deal with cognitive dissonance about Sustainability. In: XVI ENGEMA Encontro Internacional de Gestão Empresarial e Meio Ambiente, 2014, São Paulo.
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto, S. R. Valoração do conhecimento nas organizações: as concepções dos indivíduos no contexto do trabalho / Valuing of knowledge in organizations: conceptions of the individuals at the work context. In: VIII Encontro de Estudos Organizacionais da ANPAD – EnEO 2014, Gramado - RS.
Cherman, A.; Turano, L. M.; Franca, L. S. Sustentabilidade em uma grande corporação: uma análise da discrepância entre discurso e prática / Sustainability in a big corporation: an analysis of the discrepancy between discourse and practice. In: XV ENGEMA Encontro Internacional sobre Gestão Empresarial e Meio Ambiente, 2013, São Paulo.
Martins, L. A. R.; Cherman, A. As relações de poder nos espaços organizacionais: um estudo etnográfico / Power relations in organizational spaces: an ethnographic study. In: XXXVII EnANPAD Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 2013, Rio de Janeiro.
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto, S. R. Valoração do conhecimento nas organizações pela percepção dos indivíduos: caminho para uma construção teórica / Valuing of knowledge in organizations by the individuals perceptions: paths for a theoretical construct. In: XXXVII EnANPAD Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 2013, Rio de Janeiro.
Franca, L. S.; Cherman, A. Os pontos críticos da implementação de comércio justo e solidário: um estudo de caso em uma empresa nacional / Critical issues in the implementation of fair trade: a case study in a Brazilian company. In: XIV ENGEMA Encontro Gestão Empresarial e Meio Ambiente, 2012, São Paulo.
Franca, L. S.; Cherman, A. Percepção e conhecimento sobre a prática de comércio justo dentro da cadeia produtiva: um estudo de caso em uma empresa nacional / Perceptions and knowledge about fair trade throughout the productive chain. In: XIV ENGEMA Encontro Gestão Empresarial e Meio Ambiente, 2012, São Paulo.
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto, S. R. Valoração do conhecimento nas organizações: significação e identidade na ação organizacional / Valuing knowledge in organizations: meaning and identity in organizational activities. In: VI EnEO, Encontro de Estudos Organizacionais, 2012, Curitiba.
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto, S. R.; Rocha, A. Gestão do conhecimento no brasil: uma visão da academia / Knowledge management in Brazil: a view from the academy. In: XXXV EnANPAD Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 2011, Rio de Janeiro.
Cherman, A.; Rocha-Pinto, S. R. Knowledge in organizations: valuing and meaning in the organizational action. In: 27th EGOS Colloquium, European Group of Organization Studies Congress, 2011, Gothenburg.
Cherman, A.; Macedo-Soares, T. D. V. A. Knowledge transfer within the organization: investigating the international literature. In: 37th EIBA Annual Conference, European International Business Association, 2011, Bucharest.
Cherman, A.; Tomei, P. Environment, culture and organizational discourse for change: The AmBev-InterBrew ‘Global Alliance’. In: BALAS Conference, Business Association for Latin American Studies,
2005, Madrid.
Cherman, A.; Tomei, P. Códigos de ética e a tomada de decisão ética: instrumentos de gestão e orientação de valores organizacionais? / Corporate codes of ethics and the ethical decision-making process: Is code of ethics a management and guiding tools for organizational values? In: XXVII EnAnpad Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 2003, Atibaia.
Full papers can be downloaded from
Additional Publications
Cherman, A. Códigos de ética corporativa e a tomada de decisão ética: instrumentos de gestão e orientação de valores organizacionais? / Corporate codes of ethics and the ethical decision-making process: Is code of ethics a management and guiding tools for organizational values? Rio de Janeiro: FUNENSEG, 2004.
Book Chapter
Cherman, A. Gestão do Conhecimento In: RAMAL, A. (Org.) Educação Corporativa: Fundamentos e Gestão. 1 ed., Rio de Janeiro: Grupo GEN, 2012, p. 58-89.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
TEM 494 | Special Topics |
TEM 598 | Special Topics |
TMC 498 | Pro-Seminar |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
OMT 520 | Strategic Mgmt of Technology |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
TMC 498 | Pro-Seminar |
TEM 494 | Special Topics |
TEM 598 | Special Topics |
TMC 498 | Pro-Seminar |
FSE 570 | Data Science Capstone |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 593 | Applied Project |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
TEM 494 | Special Topics |
TEM 598 | Special Topics |
TEM 301 | Applied Soc Entrepr II |
TEM 301 | Applied Soc Entrepr II |
FSE 301 | Entrepreneur & Value Creation |
FSE 301 | Entrepreneur & Value Creation |
TMC 498 | Pro-Seminar |
OMT 520 | Strategic Mgmt of Technology |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
OMT 520 | Strategic Mgmt of Technology |
TMC 584 | Internship |
IVD 525 | Fund of Entrepreneurial Leader |
TMC 498 | Pro-Seminar |
TEM 301 | Applied Soc Entrepr II |
TEM 301 | Applied Soc Entrepr II |
FSE 301 | Entrepreneur & Value Creation |
FSE 301 | Entrepreneur & Value Creation |
IVD 525 | Fund of Entrepreneurial Leader |
TEM 494 | Special Topics |
TEM 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
TMC 584 | Internship |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
TMC 584 | Internship |
TEM 494 | Special Topics |
TEM 598 | Special Topics |
TEM 301 | Applied Soc Entrepr II |
TEM 301 | Applied Soc Entrepr II |
FSE 301 | Entrepreneur & Value Creation |
FSE 301 | Entrepreneur & Value Creation |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
OMT 520 | Strategic Mgmt of Technology |
IVD 525 | Fund of Entrepreneurial Leader |
TEM 301 | Applied Soc Entrepr II |
TEM 301 | Applied Soc Entrepr II |
FSE 301 | Entrepreneur & Value Creation |
FSE 301 | Entrepreneur & Value Creation |
IVD 525 | Fund of Entrepreneurial Leader |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TMC 584 | Internship |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TEM 294 | Special Topics |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TEM 294 | Special Topics |
TMC 498 | Pro-Seminar |
TMC 498 | Pro-Seminar |
TEM 598 | Special Topics |
TEM 598 | Special Topics |
TEM 481 | Consulting Project |
TEM 481 | Consulting Project |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
OMT 520 | Strategic Mgmt of Technology |
IVD 525 | Fund of Entrepreneurial Leader |
TMC 498 | Pro-Seminar |
TEM 598 | Special Topics |
TEM 481 | Consulting Project |
TMC 498 | Pro-Seminar |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 330 | Leading the Enterprise |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TMC 498 | Pro-Seminar |
TMC 498 | Pro-Seminar |
TEM 598 | Special Topics |
TEM 598 | Special Topics |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TEM 481 | Consulting Project |
TEM 481 | Consulting Project |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
TEM 294 | Special Topics |
TEM 294 | Special Topics |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
ASU 101-TPS | The ASU Experience |
IVD 525 | Fund of Entrepreneurial Leader |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 330 | Leading the Enterprise |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TMC 430 | Enterprise Strategy & Innov |
TEM 294 | Special Topics |
TMC 110 | Understanding the Enterprise |
TEM 294 | Special Topics |
Social Innovation Startup Lab
Experiential lab customizes technology for community impact: ASU students are collaborating with industry and nonprofits to bring innovation and sustainability initiatives to communities in need. Inner Circle, March 8, 2021.