Eugene Judson
Phone: 602-741-1754
Tempe Farmer Building 444F Tempe, AZ 85281
Mail code: 1811Campus: Tempe
Eugene Judson has a broad base of experience in science education, educational policy, and school improvement. His research focuses primarily on educational policies and their effects on STEM education in both K-12 and higher education environments. In the context of STEM, Dr. Judson addresses (1) understanding effects of education policy, (2) examining issues of inclusion and equity, and (3) supporting effective learning environments. Recent and ongoing project topics include promoting STEM aspirations among youth of refugee communities in Arizona; gender-based differences in how STEM faculty are assigned various duties; trends in science and math Advanced Placement (AP) among underrepresented students; and evaluating how educators make sense of Next Generation Science Standards.
- Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction, Science Education, Arizona State University 2002
- M.Ed. Educational Media and Computers, Arizona State University 1997
- B.A. Secondary Science Education, Arizona State University 1990
Current Research Projects:
Eugene Judson is leading two National Science Foudation projects focused on promoting STEM aspirations among youth and families of refugee backgrounds. The projects focus on the importance of families learning together as they develop social capital. The projects utilize innovative technologies in reaching goals, such as e-mentoring with STEM professionals on smartphones and digital storytelling.
Dr. Judson is also working on a CSForAll project aimed at promoting equitable computer science instruction among rural counties in Arizona.
Judson, E., Hayes, K. N., & Glassmeyer, K. (2021). Understanding how educators make sense of content standards. American Journal of Educational Research, 8(10), 812–821.
Judson, E., & Glassmeyer*, K. (2020). What school administrators think about computer science counting as a math or science graduation requirement. Computers in the Schools, 37(2), 74–91.
Judson, E., Hayes, K. N., & Glassmeyer, K. (2020). What influences development of science standards? Science Education, 104(1), 50–74.
Judson, E. (2019). Learning stations in college classrooms. College Teaching, 67(4), 250–251.
Judson, E., & Glassmeyer, K. (2019). Are teachers and schools ready to accept computer science as a graduation requirement? Journal of Research on Technology in Education.
Judson, E., Bowers, N. L., & Glassmeyer, K. (2019). Recruiting and encouraging students to complete Advanced Placement (AP) courses and exams: Classroom policies. Journal for the Education of the Gifted.
Judson, E., Ross, L., & Glassmeyer, K. (2019). How research, teaching, and leadership roles are recommended to male and female engineering faculty differently. Research in Higher Education.
Ross, L., & Judson, E. (2018). Gender-based differences in faculty members’ view and use of student-centered learning strategies. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 9(3), 205–220. Available at
Judson, E., Ross, L., Middleton, J. A., & Krause, S. J. (2017). Measuring engineering faculty views about benefits and costs of using student-centered strategies. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 7(2), 65-78. Available at
Judson, E. (2017). How science and math teachers address classes of different levels: Advanced Placement (AP), honors and regular. The High School Journal, 100(4), 226-249.
Judson, E. (2017). Science and math Advanced Placement (AP) exams: Growth and achievement over time. The Journal of Educational Research, 110(2), 209-217.
Judson, E., Ernzen, J., Krause, S., Middleton, J. A., & Culbertson, R. J. (2016). How engineering standards are interpreted and translated for middle school. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research 6(1).
Judson, E., & Hobson, A. L. (2015). Growth and achievement trends of Advanced Placement (AP) exams in American high schools. American Secondary Education, 43(2), 59-76.
Judson, E. (2014). Addressing teachers' feelings of lack of control over policy issues. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2(1), 1-10.
Judson, E. (2014). Effects of transferring to STEM-focused charter and magnet schools on student achievement. The Journal of Educational Research, 107(4), 255-266.
Alvarado, C., & Judson, E. (2014). Using celebrations to recruit women to computer science. Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), 57(3), 70-77.
Judson, E. (2013). The relationship between state accountability practices and time allocated for science in elementary schools. Science Education, 97(4), 621-636.
Judson, E. (2013). Development of an instrument to assess and deliberate on the integration of mathematics into student-centered science learning. School Science and Mathematics, 113(2), 56-68.
Judson, E. (2012). When science counts as much as reading and mathematics: An examination of differing state accountability policies. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 20, 26.
Judson, E. (2012). Learning about bones at a science museum: Examining the alternate hypotheses of ceiling effect and prior knowledge. Instructional Science, 40(6), 957-973.
Judson, E. & Kulinna, P. H. (2012). Recruiting and retaining girls and women to pursue STEM careers and play sports: Comparing challenges and lessons learned. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 4(2), 191–207. Available at
Judson, E. (2011). The impact of field trips and family involvement on mental models of the desert environment. International Journal of Science Education, 33(11), 1455–1472.
Judson, E. (2010). Improving technology literacy: Does it open doors to traditional content? Educational Technology Research & Development, 58(3), 271–284.
Judson, E. (2010). Science education as a contributor to adequate yearly progress and accountability programs. Science Education, 94(5), 888–902.
Judson, E. (2007). Retaking a high stakes mathematics test: Examination of school interventions and environments. American Secondary Education, 36(1), 15–30.
Judson, E. & Lawson, A. E. (2007). What is the role of constructivist teachers within faculty communication networks? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(3), 490–505.
Judson, E. (2006). How teachers integrate technology and their beliefs about learning: Is there a connection? Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 14(3), 581–597.
Adamson, S.L., Burtch, M., Cox III, F., Judson, E., Turley, J. B., Benford, R., and Lawson, A.E. (2003). Reformed undergraduate instruction and its subsequent impact on secondary school teaching practice and student achievement. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40(10), 939–957.
Judson, E. & Sawada, D. (2002). Learning from past and present: Electronic response systems in college lecture halls. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 21(2), 167–181.
Judson, E. & Sawada D. (2002). Tracking transfer of reform methodology from science and math college courses to the teaching style of beginning teachers of grades 5-12. Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, 5, 189–207.
Lawson, A. E., Benford, R., Bloom, I., Carlson, M. P., Falconer, K. F., Hestenes, D. O., Judson, E., Piburn, M. D., Sawada, D., & Wyckoff, S. (2002). Reforming and evaluating college science and mathematics instruction. Journal of College Science Teaching. 31(6), 388 – 393.
Sawada, D., Piburn, M., Judson, E., Falconer, K., Benford, R. & Bloom, I. (2002). Measuring reform practices in science and mathematics classrooms: The Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol. School Science and Mathematics, 102(6), 245–253.
Judson, E. & Sawada, D. (2000). Examining the effects of a reformed junior high school science class on students' math achievement. School Science and Mathematics. 100(8), 19–25.
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 532 | Infrmd Consumer of Ed Research |
TEL 792 | Research |
TEL 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
DCI 792 | Research |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 565 | Critical Topics in Ed Policy |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 532 | Infrmd Consumer of Ed Research |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 565 | Critical Topics in Ed Policy |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 792 | Research |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 532 | Infrmd Consumer of Ed Research |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 792 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 565 | Critical Topics in Ed Policy |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 532 | Infrmd Consumer of Ed Research |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 565 | Critical Topics in Ed Policy |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
TEL 792 | Research |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 532 | Infrmd Consumer of Ed Research |
TEL 792 | Research |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 791 | Seminar |
TEL 791 | Seminar |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 565 | Critical Topics in Ed Policy |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 791 | Seminar |
TEL 791 | Seminar |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
2019 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 532 | Infrmd Consumer of Ed Research |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 791 | Seminar |
TEL 791 | Seminar |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |