Mahour Parast
Phone: 480-727-4562
660 S. College Avenue CAVC 529 Tempe, AZ 85281
Mail code: 3005Campus: Tempe
Mahour Parast is an Eminent Scholar at the Del E. Webb School of Construction. His research focuses on supply chain disruption risk, supply chain resilience, and process and product innovation. His scholarly works have appeared in several peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, and Production Planning & Control. He is a member of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), and Academy of Management (AOM). He is also a member of the International Supply Chain Risk Management Network (ISCRiM). He has been the principal investigator of several projects related to supply chain management, technology management, and technological innovation and entrepreneurship from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), VentureWell, and the Qatar Foundation. He has several years of industrial experience as a quality manager and strategic planner in the auto, electric power, and agriculture industries.
- Ph.D. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- M.S. University of Science and Technology
- B.S. Sharif University of Technology
Supply chain disruption risk
Supply chain resiliecne
Supply chain quality
Product and process innovation
Technological innovation
- Parast, M. M. and Golmohammadi, D. (2020) The impact of firm size and business strategy on mitigating service disruptions: evidence from the US domestic airline industry, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Accepted for publication)
- Golmohammadi, D., Parast, M. M., and Sanders, N. The Impact of service failures on firm profitability: Integrating machine learning and statistical modeling, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Accepted for publication)
- Azadegan, A. Parast, M. M., Lucianetti, L., Nishant, R., and Blackhurst, J. (2020) Supply chain disruptions and business continuity: an empirical assessment, Decision Sciences, 51(1), 38-73.
- Parast, M. M. (2020) The impact of R&D investment in mitigating supply chain disruptions: empirical evidence form the US supply chains, International Journal of Production Economics, 227, (in press)
- Sabahi, S. and Parast, M. M. (2020) The impact of entrepreneurship orientation on project performance: A machine learning approach, International Journal of Production Economics, 226, (in press)
- Shekarian, M. and Parast, M. M. (2020) An integrative approach to supply chain disruption risk and resilience management: A literature review, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 220, (in press)
- Esmizadeh, Y. and Parast, M. M. (2020) Logistics and supply chain network designs: incorporating competitive priorities and disruption risk management perspectives, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (Accepted for publication)
- Shekarian, M., Nooraie, S. V. R., and Parast, M. M. (2020) An examination of the impact of flexibility and agility on mitigation supply chain disruptions, International Journal of Production Economics (in press)
- Nooraie, S. V. R., Fathi, M., Narenji, M., Parast, M. M., Pardalos, P. M., and Stanfield, P. (2020) A multi-objective model for risk mitigating in supply chain design, International Journal of Production Research, 58 (5), 1338-1361.
- Sabahi, S. and Parast, M. M. (2020) Firm innovation and firm resilience to supply chain disruptions: A dynamic capability perspective, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 23(3), 254-269.
- Parast, M. M. (2019) A learning perspective of supply chain quality management: empirical evidence from the US supply chains, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 25(1), 17-34.
- Parast, M. M. and Golmohammadi, D. (2019) Quality management in healthcare organizations: empirical evidence from the Baldrige data, International Journal of Production Economics, 216 (c), 133-144.
- Miller, J. and Parast, M. M. (2018) Learning by applying: the case of the Malcolm Baldrige national quality award, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 66 (3), 1-17.
- Kamalahmadi, M. and Parast, M. M. (2017) An assessment of supply chain disruption mitigation strategies, International Journal of Production Economics, 184, 210-230.
- Kamalahmadi, M. and Parast, M. M. (2016) A review of the literature on the principles of enterprise and supply chain resilience: major findings and directions for future research, International Journal of Production Economics, 171 (1), 116-133.
- Nooraie, S. V. and Parast, M. M. (2016) Mitigating supply chain disruptions through the assessment of trade-offs among risks, costs, and investments in capabilities, International Journal of Production Economics, 171, 8-21.
- Kamalahmadi, M. and Parast, M. M. (2016) Developing a resilient supply chain through supplier flexibility and reliability assessment, International Journal of Production Research, 54(1), 302-321.
- Parast, M. M., Golmohammadi, D., McFadden, K, and Miller, J. (2015) Linking business strategy to service failures and financial performance: empirical evidence from the US domestic airline industry, Journal of Operations Management, 38, 14-24.
- Parast, M. M. (2015) A longitudinal assessment of the Baldrige criteria using independent reviewers scores, International Journal of Production Economics, 164, 24-34.
- Nooraie, S. V. and Parast, M. M. (2015) A multi-objective approach to supply chain risk management: integrating visibility with supply and demand risk, International Journal of Production Economics, 161(c), 192-200.
- Parast, M. M. (2015) An institutional theory of buyer-supplier quality and performance: the effect of strategic alliance, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 32(4), 346- 360.
- Parast, M. M. (2014) Linking quality citizenship to process design: A quality management perspective, International Journal of Production Research, 52 (18), 5484-5501.
- Parast, M. M. and Spillan, J. (2014) Logistics and supply chain process integration as a source of competitive advantage: an empirical analysis, International Journal of Logistics Management, 25 (2), 289-314.
- Krueger, D., Parast, M. M., and Adams, S. G. (2014) A new way of looking at Six Sigma implementation: A qualitative case study using grounded theory, Production Planning and Control, 25 (10), 873-889.
- Parast, M. M. (2013) Supply chain quality management: An inter-organizational learning perspective, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 30 (5), 511-529.
- Parast, M. M. (2013) Quality citizenship, employee involvement and operational performance: An empirical investigation, International Journal of Production Research, 51 (10), 2805-2820.
- Parast, M. M. (2013) Convergence theory in management of quality: evidence from the petroleum industry, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 30 (2), 177-196.
- Parast, M. M. and Adams, S. G. (2012) Corporate social responsibility, benchmarking and organizational performance in the petroleum industry: A quality management perspective, International Journal of Production Economics, 139 (2), 447-458.
- Golmohammadi, D. and Parast, M. M. (2012) Developing a grey-based decision-making model for supplier selection, International Journal of Production Economics, 137 (2), 191-200.
- Williams, A., Parast, M. M., and Adams, S.G. (2012) Employees’ perception of the effect of Six Sigma projects on customer satisfaction, International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 4 (3), 177-194.
- Parast, M. M. and Fini, E. (2011) Effect of disruptions on service quality and market share: evidence from the US domestic airline industry, Journal of Transportation Research Record, 2214, 34-40.
- Parast, M. M. and Fini, E. (2011) Investigating the effect of productivity, quality, and safety on profitability in the US airline industry, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 10 (1), 70-89.
- Parast, M. M., Adams, S. G., and Jones, E. C. (2011) Improving operational and business performance in the petroleum industry through quality management, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 28 (4), 426-450.
- Jones, E.C., Parast, M. M., and Adams, S. G. (2011) Developing an instrument for effective implementation of Six Sigma, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 9 (4), 429-452.
- Parast, M. M. (2011) The effect of Six Sigma projects on innovation and firm performance, International Journal of Project Management, 29 (1), 45-55.
- Parast, M. M. and Fini, E. (2010) The effect of productivity and quality on profitability in the US airline industry: An empirical investigation, Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 20 (5), 458-474.
- Jones, E.C., Parast, M. M., and Adams, S.G. (2010) A framework for effective Six Sigma implementation, Total Quality Management, 21(4), 415-424.
- Lee, S.M. and Parast, M. M. (2009) The formation of initial trust in the strategic supply chain partnership, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 7(1), 28-43.
- Parast, M. M. and Digman, L. (2008) Learning: the interface of quality management and strategic alliances, International Journal of Production Economics, 114 (2), 820-829.
- Parast, M. M., Adams, S.G., and Jones, E.C. (2007) An empirical study of quality management practices in the petroleum industry, Production Planning and Control, 18 (8), 693-702.
- Parast, M. M., Jones E.C. and Adams, S.G. (2007) A relationship between Six Sigma and Malcolm Baldrige quality award, Quality Progress, 40 (9), 45-51.
- Parast, M. M. and Digman, L. A. (2007) A framework for quality management practices in strategic alliances, Management Decision, 45 (4), 802-818.
- Schniederjans, M., Parast, M. M., Nabavi, M., Subba Rao, S., and T.S. Raghu-Nathan (2006) Comparative analysis of Malcolm Baldrige national quality award criteria: an empirical study of India, Mexico, and the United States, Quality Management Journal, 13 (4), 7-21.
- Parast, M. M., Adams, S. G., Jones, E. C., Subba Rao, S., and T.S. Raghu-Nathan (2006) Comparing quality management practices between the US and Mexico, Quality Management Journal, 13 (4), 36-49.
- Parast, M. M. and Adams, S. G. (2004) Dysfunctional past, functional future: team-based rewards, IEE Engineering Management, 14 (2), 12-13.
- Ghazanfari, M. and Parast, M. M. (2001) A fuzzy multiple attribute decision making model for project evaluation based on the refined weights, International Journal of Engineering Science, 11 (5), 61-71.
1. An Exploratory Study of R&D Investment on Innovation using Business R&D and Innovation Survey (BRDIS) Data
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
2. Feasibility Study for International Research, Education and Workforce Development on Sustainable Bio-materials Using NSF I-Corps Framework
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
3. Education and Training in Technological Innovation
Sponsor: VentureWell
2025 Spring
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CON 598 | Special Topics |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
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CON 598 | Special Topics |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
CON 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
2022 Fall
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CON 598 | Special Topics |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CON 598 | Special Topics |
1. Shanghai Jia Tong University Technological Innovation in Infrastructure July 15, 2019
2. Jinan University Managing Risk in technological innovation in Infrastructure July 3, 2019
3. Harbin Institute of Technology Managing technological innovation process June 10, 2019
4. University of Bath Managing technological innovation process May 9, 2019
5. Washington State University Managing Risks in technological innovation April 29, 2019
6. University of Hawaii Managing Risks in technological innovation April 12, 2019
7. Qatar University Supply chain risk and resilience management March 11, 2019
8. University of Minnesota Managing Risks in technological innovation February 1, 2019
9. Hong Kong Polytechnic University Managing Risks in technological innovation December 28, 2019
10. National Cheng Kung University Managing Risks in technological innovation December 25, 2018
11. Chang'an University Supply chain risk and resilience management December 18, 2018
12. Columbia University Managing Risks in technological innovation October 16, 2018
13. California State University Managing Risks in technological innovation October 8, 2018
14. EMPA (Switzerland) Managing Risks in technological innovation June 21, 2018
15. University of Rhode Island Managing Risks in technological innovation April 12, 2018
16. Worcester Polytechnic Institute Managing Risks in technological innovation March 23, 2018
17. University of Illinois Managing Risks in technological innovation February 9, 2018
18. Adhesive and Sealant Council Supply chain risks in the chemical industry April 2016
19. International Management Conference The future of quality management December 2014
20. The Adhesive and Sealant Council Bio-adhesive technology commercialization October 2014
21. International Management Conference Best practices in quality management December 2011
22. Shahid Beheshti University Supply chain management in the pharmaceutical industry December 2011
23. Clark Atlanta University How to develop and write a research paper April 2011
24. University of Nebraska How to develop and write a research paper July 2010
Best Paper Award, European Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), 2024
Mentoring Award, Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2018
Outstanding Young Investigator, NC A&T State University, 2017
Best Application Paper, Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), 2016
Highly Commendable Paper, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2016
Highly Commendable Paper, International Journal of Logistics Management, 2015
Best paper award, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2011
Teaching Fellow, University of North Carolina-Pembroke, 2008
Faculty Research Award, University of North Carolina-Pembroke, 2008
Research Fellowship, University of North Carolina-Pembroke, 2008
Teaching Enhancement Award, University of North Carolina-Pembroke, 2007
Honorary Member of Phi Beta Delta (International Scholars Honor Society), 2006
Best Student Paper Award, Academy of Management – Operations Management Division, 2006
Student Paper Award, American Society for Quality, 2006
Student Paper Award, Midwest Decision Sciences Institute, 2006
Outstanding International Student, Phi Beta Delta, 2005
Doctoral Dissertation Travel Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2005
Student Paper Award, American Society for Quality, 2005
Student Paper Award, American Society for Quality, 2004
Othmer Graduate Fellowship Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001-04
Employee of the Year, Electric Power Research Center, 1999-01
Outstanding Graduate Student Research, University of Science & Technology, 1999
Best Thesis Award, University of Science & Technology, 1999
Editorial Review Board, Journal of Business Ecosystems, 2018-present
Editorial Advisory Board, IEEE Trasanctions on Engineering Management, 2021-presnet
Area Editor, Operations Management Research, 2021-present
International Supply Chain Risk Management Network (ISCRiM)
Decision Sciences Institute (DSI)
Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
Academy of Management (AOM)
Phi Beta Delta (International Scholars Honor Society)
Alpha Pi Mu (Industrial Engineering Honor Society)
Farshad Madani (Post-doc), Big data, innovation, and risk management, 2018-2019
S. V. R. Nooraie (Post-doc), Big data, innovation, and risk management, 2018-2019
Albert Hung (Post-doc), Bio-based construction materials innovation, 2017-2018
Shahrzad Hosseinnezhad (Post-doc), Bio-based construction materials, 2018-2019
Jia Ma (Ph.D.), Survey design and data analysis in innovation, 2018
Farshid Damirchilo (Ph.D.), Data scice and machine learning in transportaion, 2019-present
Patricia Banks (Ph.D.), Patterns of diffusion of disease, Graduated (2019)
Sima Sabahi (Ph.D.), Innovation and supply chain risk management, 2017-presnet
Fredrick Dande (Ph.D.), IT in service management, 2018
S. V. R. Nooraie (Ph.D.), Antecedents of supply chain responsiveness, 2017-2019
David Freet (Ph.D.), A framework for maximizing network data analysis, Graduated (2016)
Bonaventure Mills-Dadson (Ph.D.), Modeling and monitoring of unstable damage growth, Graduated (2015)
Amirul Rajib (Ph.D.), Structure-property relationships to define true rejuvenation,Graduated (2020)
Daniel Oldham (Ph.D.), Implications of bio-modification on moisture damage, Graduated (2020)
Alireza Sameadel (Ph.D.), Multi-scale characterization of bitumen, Graduated (2020)
Faisal Kabir (Ph.D.), Surface activated rubber modified asphalt, Graduated (2020)
Mansoor Shekarian (M.S.), Supply chain disruption risk mitigation strategies, Graduated (2019)
Enoch Sarku (M.S.), Supply chain adaptability and resilience, 2018-2019
Ali Jamei (M.S.), Determinants of service innovation, 2018-2019
Sabrieh Mouraki (M.S.), Technological innovation in biomaterials, 2018-2019
Masoud Kamalahmadi (M.S.), Supplier selection and allocation in supply chain disruption, Graduated (2015)
Ronald Kolo (M.S.), Supply chain resiliency management, Graduated (2015)
Alfanso Hale (M.S.), A rearview of best practices in supply chain resiliency, Graduated (2015)
Kara Bradley (B.S.), Survey of student entrepreneurship skills, Graduated (2017)
David Nganga (B.S.), Supply chain risk management in manufacturing, Graduated (2015)
Dennis Mills (B.S.), Supply chain risk management practices in services, Graduated (2015)
(NSF):Small Business Innovation Research (2012, 2013,2014, 2015, 2016); Environmental Sustainability (2010, 2011, 2014); Transforming Undergraduate Education (2010, 2011, 2012); Major Research Instrumentation (2012); Systems Science (2015); Science of Science and Innovation Policy (2015, 2016); Innovation and Organizational Sciences (2009)
EPA Small Business Innovation Research (2016)
Reviewer, Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (2007, 2010)
Reviewer, Academy of Management Annual Meeting (2006, 2007, 2008, 2012,2015)
Reviewer, Institute for Industrial Engineers, Engineering Management (2006)
Co-Chair, Sustainable Bio-Adhesive from Bio-Mass Symposium, January 29-30, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC (2018)
Co-Chair, Sustainable Bio-Adhesive from Bio-Mass Symposium, January 26-28, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC (2017)
Scientific Committee Member, the 9th European Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Udine, Italy (2018)
Scientific Committee Member, the 8th European Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Granada, Spain (2017)
Track Chair, Service Management, The Global Interdisciplinary Conference:Green Cities Business, Engineering, Architecture, Design & Technology June 26-29, 2019, Wroclaw, Poland.
Track Chair, Service Management, The Global Interdisciplinary Conference: Green Cities Business, Engineering, Architecture, Design & Technology June 27-30, 2018, Nancy, France.
Track Chair, Entrepreneurship Track, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Springfield, MA (2017)
Track Chair, Manufacturing Management Track, International Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (2013)
Session Chair, Supply Chain Management Track, Decision Sciences Annual Meeting 2011)
Track Chair, Supply Chain Management Track, Decision Sciences Annual Meeting (2009)
Track Chair, Decision Support/Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems Track, Decision Sciences Annual Meeting (2008)
Session Chair (Decision Support/Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems),
Decision Sciences Annual Meeting (2008)
Session Chair, Engineering Management Track, Industrial Engineering Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (2006)