Niko Verdecias-Pellum
College of Health Solutions Phoenix, AZ 85004
Mail code: 9020Campus: Dtphx
Niko Verdecias-Pellum is an assistant professor of population health in the College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University (ASU). She has training in public health, intervention development, and dissemination and implementation science. With more than 15 years in public health, she has led various studies funded by Health Resources and Services Administration Special Projects of National Significance, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of Health. Verdecias-Pellum’s research focuses on designing and implementing strategies with an emphasis on health-related social needs and a particular interest in diabetes and related chronic disease comorbidities. As a community-engaged researcher, and implementation and intervention scientist, Verdecias-Pellum’s research aims to develop sustainable and tailored evidence-based interventions to improve diabetes and chronic disease self-management, reduce multi-morbidity risk, and empower self-efficacy by reducing the severity of social needs among at-risk adults.
- Postdoctoral fellowship: Washington University in St. Louis
- Dr.PH. Drexel University
- MPH. SUNY Downstate Medical Center
- B.S. Psychology, Syracuse University
Social determinants of health and social needs, diabetes, chronic disease comorbidity, health disparities, health equity, intervention science, dissemination and implementation science, community-engaged research, and mixed methods.
RADx® Underserved Populations NIH COVID-19 Research Consortium:
- Video: Partnering with 2-1-1 helplines to understand and increase COVID-19 testing and vaccination in underserved populations
Select Publications:
Journal Publications
- Verdecias, N; Carroll-Scott, A; Silverman, C; Yudell, M. (2024) Inequities in Community-Engaged Autism Research: Community Member Perspectives. Progress in Community Health Partnerships. In Press. Preprint link:…
- Von Nordheim, DA; Herrick, C; Verdecias, N; Garg, R; Kreuter, MW; McQueen, A. (2024) Correlates of self-reported executive function impairment among Medicaid beneficiaries with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Spectrum. July 10:ds230067.
- Kroll, C; Johnson, M; Kepper MM; Verdecias, N; Kreuter MW. (2023) An exploratory qualitative analysis of St. Louis residents: “I don’t really pay attention to the racial stuff very much”. Preventing Chronic Disease. Nov 9:20:E100. doi: 10.5888/pcd20.230103. PMID: 37943728
- Martinelli, S; McCoy, M; Reddy, S; Verdecias, N; Mishra, S. (1/22/24) Arizona opinion: The critical role of free school meals. Op Ed; Arizona Daily Star.
- McQueen, A; de la Vega, T; Marsh, A; Kroll, C; Poor, T; Verdecias, N; Caburnay, C; Kreuter, M. (2023) Trusted sources for COVID-19 testing and vaccination: Lessons for future health communication. Journal of Communication in Healthcare. E-pub ahead of print DOI: 10.1080/17538068.2023.2255408.
- Verdecias, N; McQueen, A; Von Nordheim, D; L; Broussard, D; Smith, R; Kreuter, M. (2023) Diabetes Distress in a Medicaid Sample: The Role of Psychosocial and Health-Related Factors. Diabetes and Its Complications.37(7):108495. DOI: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2023.108495
- Reddy, S; Saxon, M; Verdecias, N; Biviji, R, Don, R; Kizer, E; Mishra, S. (2023) Parallel Crisis by State Lines: The Unintended Consequences of Dobbs in Health Care. Clinics in Medicine; 5(1):1051
- McQueen, A; Charles, C; Staten, J; Broussard, DJ; Smith, RE; Verdecias, N; Kreuter, MW. (2022) Social needs are associated with greater anticipated needs during an emergency and desire for help in emergency preparedness planning. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness.1-5.17:e279. DOI: 10.1017/dmp.2022.208. PMID: 36239053; PMCID: PMC9918631
- Garg, R; Muhammad, SN; Cabassa, LJ; McQueen, A; Verdecias, N; Greer, R; Kreuter, M. (2022) Transportation and other social needs as markers of mental health conditions. Journal of Transport & Health. 25:101357. DOI: 10.1016/j.jth.2022.101357
- McQueen, A; Li, L; Verdecias, N; Broussard, D; Herrick, C; Brown, D; Kreuter, MW. (2021) Examining social needs and their associations with health outcomes and healthcare utilization among Medicaid beneficiaries. Population Health Management. 24(6):681-690. DOI: 10.1089/pop.2021.0065 PMID: 33704849 PMCID: PMC8433262
- Verdecias, N; Garg, R; Steensma, J; McQueen, A; Greer, R; Kreuter, M. (2020) Expressed and unexpressed social needs in low-income adults in the US. Health and Social Care in the Community. 00:1–8. https://doi. org/10.1111/hsc.13265. PMID: 33378603; PMCID: PMC8243392
- Verdecias, N; McQueen, A; Li, L; Baddam, CDR; Smith, R; Kreuter, M. (2020) Examining the intersection between unmet social needs, chronic disease comorbidities, and emergency room utilization among Medicaid beneficiaries with diabetes. Diabetes. 69 (Supplement 1):743-P DOI: 10.2337/db20-743-P
- Martinez-Donate, AP; Verdecias, N; Zhang, X; Gonzalez-Fagoaga, E; Asadi-Gonzalez, A; Guendelman, S; Amuedo-Dorantes, C: Rangel, MG. (2020) Examining the health profile and healthcare access of Mexican migrants traversing the Northern Mexican border. Medical Care. 58(5):474-482.
- Verdecias, N; Steensma, J; Kreuter M; Bernhardt, J. Enhancing dissemination through marketing and distribution systems: A vision for public health; In Textbook Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: Translating Science to Practice. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press; Published Fall 2023.
- 2022-present Assistant Professor of Population Health for Arizona State University, College of Health Solutions; Phoenix, AZ
- 2021-2022 Co-Investigator for three COVID-19 information, testing, vaccination, and health communication messaging grants; CDC- and NIH-funded; Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
- 2020-2022 Scholar in the Institute for Implementation Science Scholars (IS-2)
- 2019-2020 Lead Qualitative Consultant for National Science Foundation: Ethical Autism Research and Community Engagement; Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health, Philadelphia, PA
- Summer 2018 Graduate Assistant for West Philadelphia Promise Neighborhood; Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health & the Urban Health Collaborative, Philadelphia, PA
- Spring - Summer 2018 Qualitative Analytical Consultant for a Vietnamese Nail Salon worker study; Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health, Philadelphia, PA
- 2017-2019 Evaluator (Research Fellow) for the Master of Public Health program redesigned curriculum; Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health, Philadelphia, PA
- 2016-2017 Graduate Assistant for the Migrante study; Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health, Philadelphia, PA
- 2014-2017 Graduate Assistant and Project Coordinator for the Evaluation of Philadelphia Mental Health First Aid study; Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health, Philadelphia, PA
- 2009-2015 Project Director for Innovations in Enhancing Access to and Retention in Quality HIV Care for Women of Color Initiative (Evaluation Center); Albert Einstein College of Medicine & Montefiore Medical Center Departments of Family and Social Medicine, Bronx, NY
- 2007-2009 Project Director for Innovations in Oral Health Care and HIV Initiative (Demonstration Site); Albert Einstein College of Medicine & Montefiore Medical Center Departments of Family and Social Medicine, Bronx, NY
- 2006-2007 Research and Data Consultant for the Acute Coronary Syndrome Study; SUNY Downstate Medical Center Departments of Cardiology and Preventive Medicine, Brooklyn, NY
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CHS 340 | Health Theory |
POP 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
POP 692 | Research |
POP 615 | Organizational Behavior |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CHS 340 | Health Theory |
CHS 340 | Health Theory |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CHS 340 | Health Theory |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
POP 615 | Organizational Behavior |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CHS 340 | Health Theory |
Courses Taught:
- PHBL 505 Qualitative Data and Mixed Methods Analysis; Online; Graduate level core course; Spring 2021 at Drexel University
- PHBL 101 Introduction to Public Health; In-person and online versions; Undergraduate level course; Fall 2017 - Spring 2020 at Drexel University
- PHBL 550 Program Planning and Evaluation; In-person; Graduate level major specific requirement; Spring 2016 and 2017 (Teaching Assistant) at Drexel University
- PHBL 540 Prevention Principals and Practice; In-person; Graduate level requirement; Fall 2015 and 2016 (Teaching Assistant) at Drexel University
Invited Guest Lectures:
- Spring 2022; M19-559 Dissemination and Implementation Science at Washington University in St. Louis; Lecture title: Using CBPR to examine care management approaches towards CVD risk assessment and reduction involving people of color living with HIV/AIDS
- Spring 2018; Brown Bag Lunch presentation to MPH LEAP Pathway students at Thomas Jefferson University College of Population Health; Lecture title: Care management approaches towards CVD risk assessment and reduction involving people of color living with HIV/AIDS
- 2019 Recipient of the Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health - Public Health Practice Award
- 2016-2018 Three time recipient of the Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health Conference Travel Award
- 2014-2016 Recipient of the Drexel University Provost Fellowship
- 2020-present: American Diabetes Association
- 2008-present: American Public Health Association
- 2018-2019: Drexel University - Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health Group
- 2008-2013: Public Health Association of New York City (PHANYC)
- 2008-2012: PHANYC Chairperson of the HIV/AIDS Committee
- 2023- present: Postdoctoral Fellow Mentor (# of mentees: 2)
- 2023- present: PhD Graduate Advisor (# of mentees: 1)
- 2023- present: PhD Supervisory Committee Member (# of mentees: 2)
July 2023: ASU News Feature, ASU study: How outside stressors affect those with diabetes-related distress.…
Feb 2023: Expert Guest Respondent, PBS TV show – Arizona Horizon; Content: Black History Month - healthcare disparities and inequities affecting the Black community.…
Grant Reviewer
- 2023-present: Grant reviewer for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Healthcare Effectiveness and Outcomes Research Study Section
Ad hoc Manuscript Peer Reviewer
- 2024 Manuscript peer reviewer for the American Journal of Preventative Medicine
- 2023 Manuscript peer reviewer for Healthcare
- 2022 Manuscript peer reviewer for Health Education Research
- 2022 Manuscript peer reviewer for Health Education and Behavior