G M Fahad Bin Mostafa
Building: FAB, Room: N209; 13591 N. 47th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85306
Campus: West
G M Fahad Bin Mostafa, a.k.a. Fahad Mostafa, is a tenure-track assistant professor in statistics at the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University. He works in the fields of medical statistics, data science, stochastic process, and AI in biology and medicine.
Mostafa's PhD dissertation, "Statistical Machine Learning Models for Biomedical Science", highlights his passion for learning algorithms in medical statistics. He has a strong foundation in statistical science and his research encompasses machine learning, uncertainty quantification, computational biology, and biostatistics. His recent focus has been on identifying patterns in high-dimensional biomedical data, particularly in infectious diseases, Cancer and Alzheimer disease research.
Using statistical learning/AI, Mostafa aims to enhance disease diagnosis and monitoring, with a special emphasis on EHR, cancer infrared tomography, genomics, and medical imaging. His interdisciplinary approach merges advanced statistical modeling, time series analysis, and machine learning techniques, improving the accuracy and reliability of disease prediction, diagnosis, and treatment. He collaborates with institutions such as TTUHSC, CU Anschutz, NJMS, and the FDA, making significant contributions to the advancement of biomedical and statistical science.
- Postdoctoral Biostatistician. University of Colorado School of Medicine 2024
- ORISE Postgraduate Fellow. Machine Learning, NCTR, FDA 2023
- PhD Statistics, Texas Tech 2024
- MS. Statistics, Texas Tech 2022
- MS. Applied Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh 2016
- BS. Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh 2014
- Statistical Learning
- Medical Statistics
- Time Series Analysis
- Stochastic Process
- AI in Medicine and Genomics
SIAM Mathematics of Data Science Conference, Travel Award 2024.
SIAM Annual Meeting, Spokane WA, Travel Award 2024.
TTU Graduate Student Research Award, 2023-24
Deans Award, TTU Graduate School, 2024.
SIAM Graduate Student Research Award 2023.
SIAM Mathematics of Data Science Conference, Travel Award 2022.
47th Annual Spring Lecture Series, Numerical Linear Algebra: from Scientific Computing to Data Science Applications, University of Arkansas, Travel Award 2022.
Texas Tech University Hildebrand Scholar Award, 2022.
TTU Graduate School Travel Award, 2021.
SIAM TX-LA Travel Award, 2020.
TTU Graduate School Carl H. Gelin Scholarship, 2020.
TTU Graduate School Research Poster Competition winner, 2019.
Sweden-BGD Trust Fund Fellowship, 2019.
TTU Hua Yu Memorial Scholarship, 2019-20.
National Science and Technology Fellowship, 2015-16.
DU Undergraduate Merit Scholarship 2014-15.
International Statistical Institute (ISI)
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Royal Statistical Society, United Kingdom
- Postdoctoral Researcher, CU Medicine, 2024
- ORISE Postgraduate Fellow, 2023
- GPTI/TA/RA, Texas Tech, 2018-2024
President SIAM TTU Chapter, 2022-23
Judge, Undergraduate Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech, 2022-23.
Judge, Virtual Poster Competition, Texas Tech Graduate School, 2021.
Vice President of Math Club (MATHEMA), University of Dhaka, 2014-15.
General Secretary, F.H. Hall Debating Club, University of Dhaka, 2013-14.
Convener, 6th National Science Debate Competition, University of Dhaka, 2013.