Daniel Gilfillan
Phone: 480-965-8245
Fax: 480-965-0135
DH 404A TEMPE, AZ 85287-0202
Mail code: 0202Campus: Tempe
Daniel Gilfillan is associate professor of German studies at Arizona State University in the School of International Letters and Cultures, senior global futures scholar in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory, and faculty affiliate in Jewish Studies. His primary area of research engages the relationships between sound, media, and the perception of experience. Gilfillan has published widely on German and Austrian radio and sound art, and on the history of the radio in Germany as an experimental art medium, Pieces of Sound: German Experimental Radio, (Minnesota, 2009). He is currently working on a book The Unsung Planet: Resilience, Resonance, and Our Sonic Imagination. This book explores relationships between sound and the environment and invites readers into a more attentive awareness of the sonic dimensions of the Earth. It examines the role and centrality of sound for understanding the complex interconnections within sustainability practice and the equally complex interactions between humans and other ecosystem populations (animals, landscapes, geologies, and atmospheres). In addition, he is co-editing and translating (with Solveig Ottmann) a volume of essays written by Weimar-era radio producer, Hans Flesch with the title Before Brecht: Hans Flesch and Weimar-Era Radio Theory.
- Ph.D. Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Oregon 2000.
Dissertation: From Monstrosity to Liberation: Situating Technology in the Work of Alfred Andersch.
Committee: Karla Schultz (director), Ken Calhoon, Susan Anderson, John Lysaker - M.A. German, University of Vermont 1990
- B.A. German and Anthropology (dual degree), University of Vermont 1987
Twentieth-Century German and Austrian Studies
Media Studies (Film, Radio, Sound Studies)
Critical Cultural Studies
Environmental Humanities
Recent Press Coverage Related to Research and Program Development
- "Moments of Hope: ASU Panel Explores Role of Art and Music during the Holocaust," ASU Now (Emma Greguska), March 11, 2019. https://bit.ly/32eB0cR
- "ASU events to explore themes of populism, immigration from trans-Atlantic perspective," ASU Now (Emma Greguska), October 9, 2017. https://goo.gl/e1XjCX
- "Hitting a more natural note," ASU Now (Emma Greguska), April 4, 2016. http://tinyurl.com/hkter2m
- "Ghosts of victims, survivors past," ASU Now (Emma Greguska), March 22, 2016. http://tinyurl.com/zw4xmov
- “Wenn Papageien Instrumente spielen,” Die Presse (Vienna, Austria), January 15, 2016. http://tinyurl.com/j484h3u
- "Protokoll zur metamusic," Zeit-Ton Magazin, (Susanna Niedermayr), January 13, 2016. http://tinyurl.com/h9gnl5g | https://tinyurl.com/y66plcbv
- Pieces of Sound: German Experimental Radio. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 2009. ISBN: 978-0-8166-4771-2 (HC), 978-0-8166-4772-9 (PB), | http://tinyurl.com/hyhf5bh | http://tinyurl.com/y7ougoxq
Reviews of Monograph: Modernist Cultures, German Quarterly, Journal of Radio and Audio Media, Monatshefte, The Radio Journal, Rundfunk und Geschichte, German Studies Review, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Historical Review of Film, Radio, and Television, Neural, Viewfinder, H-Net.
Work in Progress
- Before Brecht: Hans Flesch and Weimar-Era Radio Theory. Co-edited (with Solveig Ottmann, University of Regensburg) and translated volume of important theoretical texts from the Weimar period in which radio developed as an important cultural, political, and artistic medium. The volume focuses specifically on the programmatic and theoretical texts of Hans Flesch, the first artistic director at Radio Frankfurt, who later became the guiding voice of cultural radio in Berlin.
- The Unsung Planet: Resilience, Resonance, and Our Sonic Imagination. Monograph. The volume explores relationships between sound and the environment and invites readers into a more attentive awareness of the sonic dimensions of the Earth. It investigates the role sound plays as a distinguishing factor within the Anthropocene and as a diagnostic tool to gauge its impact. It focuses on a set of acoustic examples that allow us to rethink the limits of human resilience alongside the nonhuman. The delicate set of entanglements we share with plants, animals, geologies and atmospheres, and with other humans, necessitates that we also continually open our sonic imaginations to those entanglements within and beyond the human.
Refereed Articles in Journals and Edited Volumes
- “Broadcast Space as Exophonic Space: Transcultural Radio, Migration, and Itinerant Thought.” In What is a Mother Tongue? Exophony Today. Ed. Susan Anderson, Jeffrey Librett, and Martin Klebes. Revised/Accepted May 2024, 7100 words.
- “Comet Composition/Alien Materiality: Resilience, Attunement, and our Sonic Imagination,” in Cosmos as a Journal, Ed. Julijonas Urbonas. Vilnius: Lithuanian Culture Institute, 2022.
- “Poetry on the Austrian Radio: Sound, Voice, and Intermediality.” In Tuning in to the Neo-Avant-Garde. Ed. Inge Arteel, Lars Bernaerts, Pim Verhulst, and Siebe Bluijs. Manchester, UK: Manchester UP, 2021. 978-1-5261-5570-2.
- “Der rote Hahn. Werkartikel.” in Walter Kempowski Handbuch. Leben--Werk--Wirkung. Ed. Carla Damiano, et. al. Berlin: de Gruyter. 2020.120-124.
- “Bloomsday ’97. Werkartikel.” in Walter Kempowski Handbuch. Leben--Werk--Wirkung Ed. Carla Damiano, et. al. Berlin: de Gruyter. 2020.174-177.
- “Prima facie Deception: The Immediacy of the Face in Two Nazi Propaganda Films.” Journal of Jewish Identities. 11/2 (2018): 217-244.
- “Independent Media, Transnational Borders, and Networks of Resistance: Collaborative Art Radio between Belgrade (Radio B92) and Vienna (ORF)” in Samizdat, Tamizdat, and Beyond: Transnational Media During and After Socialism. Ed. Friederike Kind-Kovács and Jessie Labov. New York: Berghahn Books, 2013. 245-262.
- “Sites of Performance: Sound, Ephemerality, and the Unhousing of Knowledge.” in alien productions – in state of transition. Ed. Werner Fenz. Vienna: EIKON, 2012. 132-143 [In German and English].
- “Erinnerung zwischen Fotografie und Television: Ein intermedialer Ansatz zu Kempowskis Bloomsday ’97.” in Walter Kempowski: Bürgerlicher Repräsentanz – Erinnerungskultur – Gegenwartsbewältigung. Ed. Lutz Hagestedt. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2010. 153-164.
- “Networked Radio Space and Broadcast Simultaneity: An Interview with Robert Adrian” in Re-Inventing Radio. Aspects of Radio as Art. Ed. Heidi Grundmann, Elisabeth Zimmermann, et. al. Frankfurt am Main: Revolver Verlag, 2008. 199-214.
- “Broadcast Space as Artistic Space: Transcultural Radio, Itinerant Thought and the Global Sphere” in Re-Inventing Radio. Aspects of Radio as Art. Ed. Heidi Grundmann, Elisabeth Zimmermann, et. al. Frankfurt am Main: Revolver Verlag, 2008. 267-299.
- “Technology and Perception in Alfred Andersch’s Early Poetry and Prose.” Seminar: Journal of Germanic Studies 44/4 (2008): 433-452.
- “Media Experiments: Kempowski’s Bloomsday ’97 and Tanaka’s Prométhée numérique.” in "Was das nun wieder soll?" Von "Im Block" bis "Letzte Grüße." Zu Werk und Leben Walter Kempowskis. Ed. by Carla Damiano, Jörg Drews and Doris Plöschberger. Göttingen: Wallstein 2005. 207-219.
- “Radio Art, Documentary, and the Sounds of Displacement. Paunović’s Other Voices – echoes from a warzone. Vienna/Belgrade April 29,1999.” Modern Austrian Literature 38/3-4 (2005): 65-84.
- “‘Don’t Touch that Dial:’ Designing a Collaborative Radio in 1950s West Germany.” EME: Explorations in Media Ecology. 4/3-4 (2005): 247-264.
Proceedings, Exhibition Catalogs, and Readers
- “Resilience, Attunement, and our Sonic Imagination,” in Dust & Shadow Reader #2: On Attunement, Ed. Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney. October 2019. 498 words.
- “Netzwerke von Performance: Sound, Intermedialität und die Enthausung des Wissens.” in Fin/2: Liquid Music 2017. Ed. Heimo Ranzenbacher. 2017. 66-78.
- “The Listen(n) Project: Acoustic Ecology as a Tool for Remediating Environmental Awareness,” Co-authored: Garth Paine, Leah Barclay, Sabine Feisst, Daniel Gilfillan. ISEA 2015: Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art. <http://isea2015.org/publications/proceedings-of-the-21st-international-symposium-on-electronic-art/>
Forums / Blogs
- “Resilience, Attunement, and our Sonic Imagination,” in Dust & Shadow Reader #2: On Attunement, Ed. Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney. Submitted December 2018. 498 words.
- “The Path Not Taken: Or, How to Avoid the Long (and Immediate) History of Radio and Sound Art Criticism.” Radio’s Art, Earlid, <http://www.earlid.org/posts/radios-art/>, July 2017.
- “Space Sight/Space Sound: The Universe and our Sonic Imagination.” Icons of the Non-Visible Exhibition, KSEVT - Kulturno središče evropskih vesoljskih tehnologij, <https://tinyurl.com/yxntjpfm>, August 2015. Reprinted on Medium, October 2018.
- "Thinking about Listening and Attunement." The Listen(n) Project, <http://tinyurl.com/z5r3nm9>, May 2015.
- "From View-Master to EcoRift." The Listen(n) Project, <http://tinyurl.com/z6w4cgj>, May 2015.
- “What is Close Reading? A Focus on Sound Objects.” German Quarterly 82/4 (2009): 423-424.
Sponsored Workshops and Seminars
- “Global Futures Research Accelerator,” Global Futures Laboratory, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, September 2020 – April 2021.
- “Object Lessons Workshop: Writing for a Broader Audience,” National Endowment for the Humanities Institute. Ian Bogost and Christopher Schaberg, Hosts. Tempe, AZ, January 24-25, 2019.
Fellowships (Submitted and Awarded)
- National Humanities Center Fellowship. Project Title: The Unsung Planet: Resilience, Resonance, and Our Sonic Imagination. October 2019. Not selected.
- Radcliffe Fellowship. Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, Project Title: The Unsung Planet: Resilience, Resonance, and Our Sonic Imagination. September 2019. Not selected.
- American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship. Project Title: The Unsung Planet: Resilience, Resonance, and Our Sonic Imagination. September 2019. Not selected.
- Mellon Visiting Scholar - Center for Environmental Futures, University of Oregon. Project Title: The Unsung Planet: Resilience, Attunement, and Our Sonic Imagination. Submitted March 2019. Not selected.
- Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. 2017-18 Fulbright-IFK Senior Fellow in Cultural Studies/Austria. Project Title: Sound in the Anthropocene: Sustainability and the Art of Sound. Submitted August 2016. Advanced to Second Stage: November 2016. Selected as Alternate: February 2017.
- Institute for Advanced Study, School of Social Science, Princeton University, 2017-18. Project Title: Sound in the Anthropocene: Sustainability and the Art of Sound. Submitted October 2016. Not selected.
- Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, Princeton University, 2017-18. Project Title: Sound in the Anthropocene: Sustainability and the Art of Sound. Submitted October 2016. Not selected.
- European Institutes for Advanced Study. 2017-18 Senior Fellowship. Project Title: Sound in the Anthropocene: Sustainability and the Art of Sound. Submitted May 2016. Not selected.
- Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton University. Program Focus: “Searching for Life: An Inquiry on the Societal Implications of Astrobiology.” Project Title: Sound in the Anthropocene: Sustainability and the Art of Sound. Shortlisted: Not Selected.
- Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, Princeton University. Project Title: Sound in the Anthropocene: Sustainability and the Art of Sound. Not Selected.
- American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship. Project Title: Sounding Out the World: Sustainability and the Art of Sound. Submitted September 2015. Not selected.
- European Institutes for Advanced Study. 2016-17 Senior Fellowship. Project Title: Sounding Out the World: Sustainability and the Art of Sound. Not selected.
- Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. 2015-16 Carson Writing Fellowship. Project Title: Sounding Out the World: Sustainability and the Art of Sound. Not selected.
- DAAD Summer Seminar. “Narratives of Modernity: From Lessing to Luhmann.” University of Chicago, June 19-July 24, 2009.
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute. “Melting Pot Vienna: Then and Now.” Vienna, Austria, July – August 2006.
- Fulbright German Studies Seminar. “Visual Culture in Germany: Film, Television and Internet.” Berlin, Germany, Summer 2004.
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Annual Grant for Study and Research, 1993-94.
Research Grants (Submitted and Awarded)
- Scientific Advisor. “metamusic: interactive music for grey parrots.” Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste (PEEK), Österreichische Wissenschaftsfonds (Austrian Science Fund). Primary Investigators: Martin Kaltenbrunner, University of Art and Design, Linz, Austria, alien productions, Vienna, Austria. Funded 3-Year Project. (€345,765).
- Co-PI. “Listen(n): Environmental Stewardship through Acoustic Ecology and Sonic Awareness in American Southwest Deserts.” Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Education. Submitted March 2015. ($91,000). Not funded.
- Co-PI. “Listen(n): Acoustic Ecologies of the American Southwest Deserts – Environmental Engagement through Media Arts.” National Endowment for the Humanities Collaborative Research Grant. Submitted December 2014. ($299,403). Not funded.
- Co-PI. “Listen(n): Virtual Environmental Engagement through Media Arts in Communities of the Southwest Deserts.” National Endowment for the Arts. Submitted August 2014. ($92,421). Not funded.
- Co-PI. “Listen(n): Acoustic Ecologies of the American Southwest Desert(s) and Transmedia Dissemination.” National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Projects for the Public. Submitted June 2014. ($99,997). Not funded.
- Scholarly Consultant. “Vienna’s New Centuries, 1800, 1900, 2000.” National Endowment for the Humanities Planning Grant. Primary Investigator: Carnegie Hall (Festivals and Special Projects). Submitted January 2012. Not funded.
- Co-PI. “Radio’s Railroad Hour: Intersections of Culture, Security, and Economics in the Postwar Era.” National Endowment for the Humanities American Media Makers Development Grant. Submitted January 2010. Not funded.
- Co-PI. “Engaging Radio: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Radio's Role in Building Community.” National Endowment for the Humanities Collaborative Grant, Submitted November 2005. ($310,911). Not funded.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GER 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 592 | Research |
GER 595 | Continuing Registration |
GER 599 | Thesis |
SLC 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GER 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GER 484 | Internship |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 593 | Applied Project |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
GER 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
WWS 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 792 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 592 | Research |
GER 593 | Applied Project |
GER 595 | Continuing Registration |
GER 599 | Thesis |
SLC 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
GER 492 | Honors Directed Study |
GER 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
FMS 461 | Film Theory and Criticism |
SLC 440 | Film Theory and Criticism |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
GER 446 | Weimar-Era German Film |
SLC 446 | Weimar-Era German Film |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GER 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 592 | Research |
GER 595 | Continuing Registration |
GER 599 | Thesis |
SLC 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GER 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GER 484 | Internship |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 593 | Applied Project |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
GER 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
WWS 598 | Special Topics |
FMP 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
FMS 341 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 592 | Research |
GER 593 | Applied Project |
GER 595 | Continuing Registration |
GER 599 | Thesis |
SLC 492 | Honors Directed Study |
GER 492 | Honors Directed Study |
GER 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
FMS 461 | Film Theory and Criticism |
SLC 440 | Film Theory and Criticism |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GER 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 592 | Research |
GER 595 | Continuing Registration |
GER 599 | Thesis |
SLC 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GER 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 593 | Applied Project |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
FMS 341 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
GER 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
WWS 598 | Special Topics |
FMP 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 592 | Research |
GER 593 | Applied Project |
GER 595 | Continuing Registration |
GER 599 | Thesis |
SLC 492 | Honors Directed Study |
GER 492 | Honors Directed Study |
GER 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
FMS 461 | Film Theory and Criticism |
SLC 440 | Film Theory and Criticism |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
GER 445 | Holocaust & German Memory |
SLC 445 | Holocaust & German Memory |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
JST 445 | Holocaust & German Memory |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GER 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 592 | Research |
GER 595 | Continuing Registration |
GER 599 | Thesis |
SLC 492 | Honors Directed Study |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GER 493 | Honors Thesis |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 593 | Applied Project |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
FMP 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
FMS 341 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
GER 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 592 | Research |
GER 593 | Applied Project |
GER 595 | Continuing Registration |
GER 599 | Thesis |
SLC 492 | Honors Directed Study |
GER 492 | Honors Directed Study |
GER 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
GER 445 | Holocaust & German Memory |
SLC 445 | Holocaust & German Memory |
JST 445 | Holocaust & German Memory |
FMS 445 | Holocaust & German Memory |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GER 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 592 | Research |
GER 595 | Continuing Registration |
GER 599 | Thesis |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GER 493 | Honors Thesis |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
GER 593 | Applied Project |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
SLC 450 | Experimental Narrative |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
FMP 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
GER 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 592 | Research |
GER 593 | Applied Project |
GER 595 | Continuing Registration |
GER 599 | Thesis |
SLC 492 | Honors Directed Study |
GER 492 | Honors Directed Study |
GER 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 440 | Film Theory and Criticism |
FMS 461 | Film Theory and Criticism |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
GER 445 | Holocaust & German Memory |
SLC 445 | Holocaust & German Memory |
JST 445 | Holocaust & German Memory |
FMS 445 | Holocaust & German Memory |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GER 590 | Reading and Conference |
GER 592 | Research |
GER 595 | Continuing Registration |
GER 599 | Thesis |
SLC 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 493 | Honors Thesis |
GER 421 | German Lit Survey, 800-1800 |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
GER 593 | Applied Project |
SLC 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
SLC 450 | Experimental Narrative |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 447 | Experimental Narrative |
ENG 598 | Special Topics |
FMS 442 | Experimental Narrative |
FMP 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
See attached Curriculum Vitae
Recipient. Paul Hirt Excellence in Environmental Humanities Prize. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2022-23.
Nomination. Centennial Professorship Award. Associated Students of Arizona State University. 2010.
Nomination. Distinguished Teaching Award in Honor of Zebulon Pearce. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University. 2017-18. 2011-12. 2007-08.
- German Studies Association
- Austrian Studies Association
- Modern Language Association
- Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts
Mentoring History
Doctoral Dissertation Mentoring
- Co-Directing: Sionainn Ditto (Ph.D., Comparative Culture and Language, ASU).
- Co-Directed: Shahrzad Ghobadlou (Ph.D., Comparative Culture and Language, ASU). Completed Spring 2024.
- Co-Directed: Joshua Horton (Ph.D. English, ASU). Completed Spring 2024.
- Co-Directed: Reinhard Gupfinger (Ph.D., Interface Culture, University of Art and Design, Linz, Austria). Completed Spring 2020.
- Co-Directed: Dale Pattison (Ph.D., English, ASU). Completed Spring 2013.
- Committee Member: Rohini Chakraborty (Ph.D. Comparative Culture and Language, ASU).
- Committee Member: Shawn Mitchell (Ph.D., English, ASU). Completed Fall 2024.
- Committee Member: Obenewaa Oduro-Opuni (Ph.D., Comparative Culture and Language, ASU). Completed Summer 2020.
- Committee Member: Jennifer Byron (Ph.D., Spanish, ASU). Completed Spring 2019.
- Dissertation Examiner: Heather Contant (Ph.D., National Institute for Experimental Arts, UNSW, Sydney, Australia). Completed Summer 2018.
- Committee Member: Scott Boras (Ph.D., Communications, ASU). Completed Spring 2012.
Master of Arts Thesis / Applied Project Mentoring
- Directed: Ryan Krebs, (M.A. Comparative Literature, ASU). Completed Spring 2021.
- Directed: Kenya Stanford, (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2019.
- Directed: Dominik Dietz, (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2016.
- Directed: Stefanie Schwarz, (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2014.
- Directed: Hanni Meirich, (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2013.
- Directed: Paul Geisler, (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2013.
- Directed: Azra Mukanovic, (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2011
- Directed: Alena Goldberg (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2011.
- Directed: Anthony Jackson (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Fall 2010.
- Directed: Amila Becirbegovic (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2010.
- Directed: Matthew Clymer (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2009
- Directed: Susanne Ritzel (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2009
- Directed: Andrea Beierl (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Summer 2006.
- Directed: Robert Fischer (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2006
- Directed: Farryl Bertmann (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2004.
- Co-Directed: Alex Pignotti (M. L. St., Film Analysis, ASU). Completed Spring 2011.
- Co-Directed: Jane Grabowski (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2011.
- Co-Directed: Sabine Kunst (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2005.
- Committee Member: Hunter Shinault, (M.A. History, ASU).Completed Summer 2024.
- Committee Member: Erin Smith, (M.A., History, ASU). Completed Spring 2020.
- Committee Member: Anastasia Klenk, (M.A., French, ASU). Completed Spring 2017.
- Committee Member: Robert Parsley, (M.A., French, ASU). Completed Spring 2016.
- Committee Member: Tessa Enright, (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Summer 2015.
- Committee Member: Michelle Gerber, (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2015.
- Committee Member: David Natko (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2014.
- Committee Member: Royal Baysinger (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2013.
- Committee Member: David Wolfe, (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2011.
- Committee Member: Walter Ferjentsik, (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2010.
- Committee Member: Michael Rock (M.F.A., Creative Writing, ASU). Completed Spring 2009
- Committee Member: Cindy Cowles (M.A., English, ASU). Completed Spring 2009.
- Committee Member: Cameron McMurtrey (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Summer 2008.
- Committee Member: Thomas Plazibat (M.A., Art History, ASU). Completed Spring 2008.
- Committee Member: Sarah Garone (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Fall 2007.
- Committee Member: Nickolas DeCarlo (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Fall 2006.
- Committee Member: Jamison Gray (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Fall 2006.
- Committee Member: Michelle Iwen (M.F.A., Creative Writing, ASU). Completed Spring 2006.
- Committee Member: Karin Mayes (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2005.
- Committee Member: Matthew Sheffer (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Fall 2004.
- Committee Member: Karen Whisenhunt (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Fall 2004.
- Committee Member: Julie Sykes (M.A., Spanish, ASU). Completed Spring 2004.
- Committee Member: Mary Ann Brown (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Spring 2004.
- Committee Member: Eric Blankenship (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Fall 2003.
- Committee Member: Udo Rubin (M.A., German, ASU). Completed Fall 2003.
Undergraduate Research Mentoring
- Directed: Clinton Barney, Film and Media Studies (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2021-22.
- Directed: Tristan Brown, Film and Media Studies (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2019-20.
- Directed: Caitlin Kierum, Performance/Orchestral and German (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2018-19.
- Directed: Alexander Price, Performance/Jazz and English (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2018-19.
- Directed: Joshua Galvan, Political Science (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2018-19.
- Co-Directed: Katherine Polmanteer, Creative Writing (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2018-19.
- Directed: Sterling Teipen, German (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2016-17.
- Co-Directed: Ashley March, Secondary Education (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2017.
- Directed: Zachariah Webb, English (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2015-16.
- Directed: Dana Fehnel, German and Russian (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2013-14.
- Directed: Patrick McHugh, English (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2009-10.
- Directed: Danielle Kuffler, English (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2009-10.
- Directed: Jane Grabowski, German Studies (Sun Angel Research Award Application). 2008
- Directed: Mitchell Wilkins, English (Sun Angel Research Award Application). 2006, 2007.
- Directed: Mathew Gacy, Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS Capstone Experience). 2005.
- Committee Member: Charlotte Benchoff, Film and Media Studies/Russian (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2023-24.
- Committee Member: Brennan Ryan, English (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2021-22.
- Committee Member Project Team:
- Adam Kemp, Arts, Media, and Engineering (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2018-19.
- Bradley Kemp, Arts, Media, and Engineering (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2018-19.
- Claire Kemp, Arts, Media, and Engineering (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2018-19.
- Committee Member: Alec Nicely, German (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2016.
- Committee Member: Amanda Andrei, German (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2013.
- Committee Member: Danny Corzon, English (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2009.
- Committee Member: Kali Van Nimwegen, English (Barrett Honors Thesis). 2008.
Academic / Administrative Appointments
- Associate Professor, German Studies and Information Literacy, School of International Letters and Cultures, Arizona State University, May 2008-present.
- Senior Sustainability Scholar, Global Institute of Sustainability, December 2014 – present.
- Affiliate Faculty, English, May 2008-present.
- Affiliate Faculty, Film and Media Studies, May 2008-present.
- Affiliate Faculty, Jewish Studies, May 2008-present.
- Acting Director, Institute for Humanities Research, Arizona State University, July 2012-June 2013, and July-December 2010.
- Assistant Professor, German Studies and Information Literacy, School of International Letters and Cultures, Arizona State University, August 2002-May 2008.
- Research Associate, Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon, August 2000 – July 2002.