Kevin Dooley
Phone: 480-965-6833
BA 426 TEMPE, AZ 85287-4706
Mail code: 4706Campus: Tempe
Dr. Kevin J. Dooley a Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management in the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, Chief Scientist of The Sustainability Consortium, and a Senior Global Futures Scientist in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory. At TSC Dooley leads a global research team that works with over 100 of the world’s largest retailers and manufacturers to develop tools that measure and track progress on critical product sustainability issues. He has published more than 100 research articles and has provided training or consultation for over 200 companies in the areas of sustainability, supply chain management, quality, and technology and innovation. He obtained his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at the University of Illinois.
- Ph.D. Mechnical Engineering, University of Illinois 1987
- M.S. Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois 1984
- B.S. Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois 1982
- Supply Chain Management
- Quality Management
- Management of Technology and Innovation
- Complex Systems
- Sustainability
- Text Analysis
- Chief Scientist, The Sustainability Consortium
- Co-Director, Complex Adaptive Supply Networks Research Accelerator
- Associate, Center for Biodiversity Outcomes
Recent publications:
- Dooley, K., Pathak, S., Kull, T., Wu, Z., Johnson, J., and Rabinovich, E. (2019), “Process network modularity, commonality, and greenhouse gas emissions,” Journal of Operations Management, 65(2): 93-113.
- Johnson, J., Dooley, K., Hyatt, D., and Hutson, A. (2018), “Cross-sector relations in global supply chains: A social capital perspective,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 54(2): 21-33.
- Yan, T., Yang, Y., and Dooley, K. (2017), “A theory of supplier network-based innovation value,” Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 23(3): 153-162.
- Choi, B-J., Raghu, T.S., Vinze, A., and Dooley, K. (2017), “Effectiveness of standards consortia: Social network perspectives,” Information Systems Frontiers,
- Cheon, S., Maltz, A., and Dooley, K. (2017), “The link between economic and environmental performance of the top ten US ports,” Maritime Policy and Management, 44(2): 227-247.
- Dooley, K. (2016), “Using manifest content analysis in purchasing and supply management research,” Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22(4): 244-246.
- Chen, Y-S., Dooley, K., and Rungtusanatham, M. (2016), “Using text analysis and process modeling to examine buyer-supplier relationship dissolution: The Ford-Firestone breakup,” Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22(4): 325-337.
- Ugarte, M., Dooley, K., and Golden, J. (2016), “Lean versus green: The impact of lean logistics on greenhouse gas emissions in consumer goods supply chains,” Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22(2): 98-109.
- Dooley, K., and Johnson, J. (2015), “Product category-level sustainability measurement: The Sustainability Consortium’s approach to materiality and indicators,” Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19(3): 337-339.
- Dooley, K. (2014), “The whole chain”, Science, 244(6188): 1108.
- Kull, T., Oke, A., and Dooley, K. (2014), “Supplier selection behavior under uncertainty: Contextual and cognitive effects on risk perception and choice,” Decision Sciences, 45(3): 467-505.
- Tate, W., Ellram, L., and Dooley, K. (2014), “The impact of transaction costs and institutional pressure on supplier environmental practices”, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 44(5): 353-372.
- Yan, T., and Dooley, K. (2014), “Buyer-Supplier collaboration quality in new product development projects,” J. of Supply Chain Management, 50(2): 59-83.
- Between 2008 and 2019, part of leadership of The Sustainability Consortium which has raised $50M from corporate donors as gifts to ASU and University of Arkansas.
- Dooley,Kevin John*, Choi,Thomas Younghoon, Kull,Thomas J, Rabinovich,Elliot. Supply Network Design and Product Environmental Performance. NSF-SES (9/15/2010 - 8/31/2012).
- Dooley,Kevin John*, Maltz,Arnold. Supply Chain Resiliency - A Risk Assessment Framework for Global Service Supply Chains. IBM( 8/1/2006 - 12/31/2007).
- Corman,Steven Robert*, Dooley,Kevin John. STTR: Phase II-Text Mining Under Storage Constraints. CRAWDAD TECH 2/28/2005 - 6/27/2007).
- Corman,Steven Robert*, Dooley,Kevin John. Molecular Imaging to ASU Software Factory. MOLECULAR IMAGE CORP (1/1/2004 - 5/15/2004).
- Choi,Thomas Younghoon*, Dooley,Kevin John, Ye,Nong. SCALABLE ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS: CONTROL VERSUS EMERGENCE. NSF-ENG (8/1/2000 - 8/31/2002).
- Capone,Jeffrey*, Bhattacharya,Sourav, Dooley,Kevin John, Dooley,Kevin John. QUALITY AND PROCESS IN ENGINEERING OF COMPLEX NETWORK SYSTEMS - A WORKSHOP PROPOSAL. NSF-CISE (9/15/1999 - 8/31/2001).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
SCM 792 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 502 | Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt |
SOS 592 | Research |
SCM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BUS 593 | Applied Project |
SCM 517 | Business Process Analytics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 599 | Thesis |
BUS 593 | Applied Project |
SCM 591 | Seminar |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 592 | Research |
SCM 591 | Seminar |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 599 | Thesis |
SOS 792 | Research |
BUS 593 | Applied Project |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 592 | Research |
SCM 591 | Seminar |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 484 | Internship |
SOS 792 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 599 | Thesis |
SOS 792 | Research |
BUS 593 | Applied Project |
IVD 494 | Special Topics |
IVD 598 | Special Topics |
CRJ 494 | Special Topics |
CRJ 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 592 | Research |
SCM 591 | Seminar |
SOS 792 | Research |
SCM 581 | Mgmt of Technology/Innovation |
SCM 581 | Mgmt of Technology/Innovation |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 484 | Internship |
SOS 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 599 | Thesis |
ASU 140-WPC | ProMod |
SCM 581 | Mgmt of Technology/Innovation |
SCM 581 | Mgmt of Technology/Innovation |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 592 | Research |
SCM 591 | Seminar |
BUS 593 | Applied Project |
SOS 792 | Research |
IVD 598 | Special Topics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 599 | Thesis |
ASU 140-WPC | ProMod |
SCM 581 | Mgmt of Technology/Innovation |
SCM 581 | Mgmt of Technology/Innovation |
- Biography published: Eoyang, G. (2017), “Kevin J. Dooley: Complexity – Simple and Useful,” in The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, D. Szabla, W. Pasmore, M. Barnes, and A. Gipson (eds.), p 435-450, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Winner of Best Theoretical Research Paper, 2017 Decision Sciences Conference, Washington, D.C. (Behravesh, S-A., Kinicki, A., Basile, G., and Dooley, K., “Uncovering sustainable business practice bundles.)
- Winner of Best Student Paper, OSCM Division, 2016 Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA. (Golara, S., and Dooley, K., “The influence of manufacturing services on innovation).
- In 2015 ASU highlighted The Sustainability Consortium as one of the exemplars of the New American University in a film produced for the Arizona Board of Regents.
- Wrote an invited editorial about sustainable supply chains for Science in 2014.
- Scientific American named the research project I was managing one of the “Top Ten World Changing Ideas in 2012”.
- Identified as 8th most “impactful” business faculty in world in 2010 by an Editorial by the journal Technovation (22: 2012).
- Associate Editor Appreciation Award (2010): Journal of Supply Chain Management.
- Associate Editor Appreciation Award (2009): Journal of Supply Chain Management.
- Best Reviewer Award (2008): Journal of Operations Management.
- Finalist for the Harold E. Fearon Best Paper Award (2008): Azadegan A., Dooley K., Carter J., and Carter P. “Supplier innovativeness, learning contingencies and manufacturer performance: An organizational learning perspective,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 44 (4): 14-35.
- Associate Editor Appreciation Award (2008): Journal of Supply Chain Management.
- Best Book Award (2001), International Communication Association, Organizational Communication Division: Poole, M., Van de Ven, A., Dooley, K., and M Holmes (2000), Organizational Change and Innovation Processes: Theory and Methods for Research, Oxford Press
Journal Editorial Staff
- Elementa: Science of the Anthropecene
- Journal of Business Logistics
- Journal of Supply Chain Management
- Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences
Trustee, Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences (2002-present) Member, Institute of Supply Management Sustainability Committee (2013-present) Member
- Sina Golara, “Product-Service Bundles in the Manufacturing Sector,“ 2018.
- Shirley-Ann Behravesh, “Uncovering Relationships between Sustainable Business Practice Bundles, Organizational Culture, and Performance,” 2017.
- Tingting Yan, “Communication, Goals and Collaboration in Buyer-Supplier Joint Product Design,” 2011.
- Marco Ugarte, “Energy and Carbon Dioxide Impacts from Lean Logistics and Retailing Systems: A Discrete-event Simulation Approach for the Consumer Goods Industry,” 2011.
- Arash Azadegan, “Supplier Innovation and the Impact of Orgnizational Learning,” 2008.
- Marcos Primo, “Supply Failure and Recovery Incidents in Business-to-Business Exchanges,” 2003.
- Carlos Alsua, “Psychological Empowerment and Goal Orientation,” 2002.
- Anand Subra, "Assessing Maturity and Best Practices in New Product Development," 2000.
- Robert Monson, "The Contribution or Personality Traits And Context to the Career Success of Project Managers," 1999.
- Daniel Rand, "Modeling and Experimentation for Multi-Response Optimization," 1998.
- Mike Usrey, “Defining and Measuring Software Quality,” 1997.
- David Bush, "Creativity in Real-World Engineering Design," 1997.
- Sylvia Stevenson, "A Risk Analysis Methodology for an Advanced Intelligent Telecommunications Network," 1995.
- Xiaohe Liu, "Process Knowledge Base for Continuous Process Improvement," 1992.
- Yuan Guo, "A Decision Support System for Enhanced Evaluation of Quality," 1991.
- Farzad Mahmoodi, "An Investigation of Dynamic Group Scheduling and Releasing Heuristics in Cellular Manufacturing", 1988.
Arizona State University (1997-present) Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management (2003-present) Senior Sustainability Scientist, School of Sustainability (2010-present) Professor of Management, Professor of Industrial Engineering (1997-2003) The Sustainability Consortium (2008-present) Roles as Academic Director, Executive Co-Director, and Chief Scientist Co-founder and CEO, Crawdad Technologies (2002-2013) University of Minnesota (1987-97) Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1992-97) Assistant Professor (1987-92) Director, Industrial Engineering Program (1993-97)
- Trustee, Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences
- Member, Institute of Supply Management Sustainability Committee
- Member, Product Stewardship Institute Advisory Board
- The Sustainability Consortium, Chief Scientist
- Business Sustainability Degree/WPC ProMod Coordinator
- Complex Adaptive Supply Networks Research Accelerator, Co-Director
- SCM Personnel Committee, Chair
- SCM Ph.D. Committee
- ASU Sustainable Coffee Challenge Representative
- ASU Cold Water Saves Initiative Representative