Kathleen Andereck
Phone: 602-496-1056
Fax: (602) 496-0953
Mail code: 4020Campus: Dtphx
Professor Kathleen Andereck is a professor in the School of Community Resources and Development. Her research focuses on the tourism experience from the perspective of both visitors and residents particularly as it applies to sustainable tourism. Professor Andereck has done research work with a diversity of organizations and agencies at the federal and state level including the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, the Arizona Office of Tourism and the Arizona Department of Transportation as well as individual organizations and communities. She has published this work in numerous academic journals including the top-tier publications in tourism studies. She has also presented many papers at national and international conference. Professor Andereck is active in a number of local and national organizations. She is an associate editor for three academic journals.
- Ph.D. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Clemson University 1989
- M.S. Recreation and Resources Development, Texas A & M University 1986
- B.S. Natural Resource Management, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.Minors: Environmental Education/Interpretation and Biology 1983
The Tourism and Recreation Experience; Sustainable Tourism; Community-Based Tourism; Tourism and Quality of Life; Resident Attitudes toward Tourism; Volunteer Tourism; Tourism Marketing
Peer reviewed journal papers
- Olsen, L.M.*, Andereck, K.L. and Vogt, C.A. (2021). Providing hope: Influences of volunteer tourism on program youth. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29:1403-1421
- Knollenberg, W.*, McGehee, N.G., Perdue, R. and Andereck, K.L. (2021). We’re all in this together: How tourism advocates’ build influence across the tourism industry. Journal of Travel Research, 60: 235-250.
- Lindblom, J.*, Vogt, C.A. and Andereck, K.L. (2020). Construal level theory as a framework for navigating community contexts in tourism planning. Tourism Planning and Development, DOI: 10.1080/21568316.2020.1855238
- Vogt, C.A., Andereck, K.L., and Pham, K.* (2020). Designing for quality of life and sustainability. Annals of Tourism Research, 83. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2020.102963
- Pham, K.*, Vogt, C.A., Andereck, K. (2019). Spiritual tourism: Travel to experience vortex energy. Journal on Tourism and Sustainability, 3(1):32-48.
- Pachmayer, A.* and Andereck, K. (2019). Enlightened Travelers? Cultural Attitudes, Cultural Competency and Study Abroad. Tourism Culture and Communications, 19(3):165-182.
- Aquino, J.F.* and Andereck, K.L. (2018). Volunteer tourists’ perceptions of their impacts in vulnerable communities. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(11):1967-1983.
- Buzinde, C.N., Vogt, C.A., Andereck, K.L., Pham, L.H, Ngo, L.T. and Do, H.H. (2018). Tourism students’ motivational orientations: The case of Vietnam. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(1):68-78
- Olsen, Lana M.*, Vogt, C. and Andereck, K. (2017). Sustaining the common good: Tourism professional motives to volunteer for the tourism industry. Tourism Recreation Research, 43(1):68-81.
- Zhao, S.*, Nyaupane, G.P., Andereck, K.L. (2015). Exploring the differences between educational and escapist experience stagers: A multiperspective approach. Tourism Review International, 19(3): 105-122.
- Nyaupane, G.P. and Andereck, K.L. (2014). Visitors to cultural heritage attractions: An activity-based integrated typology. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 14:17-26.
- Paris, C.M.*, Knopf, R.C. and Andereck, K.L. (2014). Tourism visioning: Implementing a primary stakeholder approach. Tourism Review International, 17(4): 267-282.
- Andereck, K.L., McGehee, N.G., Lee, S* and Clemmons, D. (2012). Experience expectations of prospective volunteer tourists. Journal of Travel Research 51: 130-141.
- Andereck, K.L. and Nyaupane, G.P. (2011). Exploring the nature of tourism and quality of life perceptions among residents. Journal of Travel Research, 50: 248-260.
- Chhabra, D., Andereck. K., Yamanoi, K.* and Plunkett, D.* (2011). Gender equity and social marketing: An analysis of tourism advertisements. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 28: 111-128.
- Lietz, C., Andereck, K., & Knopf, R. (2010). The breakthrough series collaborative on service integration: A mixed methods study of a strengths-based initiative. Advances in Social Work, 11: 248-266.
- Chhabra, D., Andereck, K., Yamanoi, K.* and Plunkett, D.* (2009). Gender depictions and lagging effects. (Research Note). Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(2): 16-21.
- Chhabra, D. and Andereck, K. (2009). Proposing perception-based unique marketing strategies for gamblers. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 26(4): 364-382.
- Andereck, K.L. (2009). Tourists’ Perceptions of environmentally responsible innovations at tourism businesses. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17(4): 489-499.
- McGehee, N.G. and Andereck, K.L. (2009). Volunteer tourism and the “voluntoured”: The case of Tijuana, Mexico. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17(1): 39-51.
- Nyaupane, G.P., McCabe, J. and Andereck, K.L. (2008). Seniors’ travel constraints: Stepwise logistic regression analysis. Tourism Analysis, 13(4): 341-354.
- Nyaupane, G.P. and Andereck, K.L. (2008). Understanding travel barriers: Application and extension of a leisure constraints model. Journal of Travel Research, 45(4):433-439.
- Hodge, D.R., Andereck, K. and Montoya, H. (2007). Examining the protective influence of spiritual/religious life-style profiles on tobacco smoking, alcohol use, and gambling frequency and expenditures: A cluster analytic approach. Social Work Research, 31(4):211-219.
- Andereck, K.L. and Knopf, R.C. (2007). The relationship between experiences sought, preferred settings, resource conditions, and management preferences in an urban-proximate recreation area. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 25(4):39-61.
- Andereck, K.L., Valentine, K.M.*, Vogt, C.A. and Knopf, R.C. (2007). A cross-cultural analysis of tourism and quality of life perceptions. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 15:483-502.
- Hodge, D.R., Andereck, K. and Montoya, H. (2007). Spiritual/religious life-style profiles and community substance abuse perceptions: An exploratory study among a predominantly Hispanic population in the American southwest. Journal of Social Service Research, 34(1):43-54.
- Silberman, J. and Andereck, K.L. (2006). The economic value of off-highway vehicle recreation. Journal of Leisure Research, 38:208-223.
- Fitzpatrick, T.R., McCabe, J., Gitelson, R., and Andereck, K. (2005). Factors that influence perceived social and health benefits of attendance at senior centers. Activities, Adaptations and Aging, 30:23-45.
- Andereck, K.L., Valentine, K.M.*, Knopf, R.C. and Vogt, C.A. (2005). Residents’ perceptions of tourism related community impacts. Annals of Tourism Research, 32:1056-1076.
- Andereck, K.L. (2005). Evaluation of a tourist brochure. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 18(2):1-13.
- Fitzpatrick, T.R., Gitelson, R.J., Andereck, K.L. and Mesbur, E.S. (2005). Social support factors and health among a senior center population in southern Ontario, Canada. Social Work in Health Care, 40(3):15-37.
- McGehee, N.G. and Andereck, K.L. (2004). Factors influencing residents’ support of tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 43:131-140.
- Vogt, C.A. and Andereck, K.L. (2003). Destination perceptions across a vacation. Journal of Travel Research, 41:348-354.
- MacKay, K.J., Andereck, K.L. and Vogt, C.A. (2002). Understanding vacationing motorist niche markets. Journal of Travel Research, 40:356-363.
- Budruk, M.*, Schneider, I.E., Andereck, K.L. and Virden, R.J. (2002). Crowding and satisfaction among visitors to a build desert environment. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 20(3):1-17.
- Andereck, K.L., Vogt, C.A., Larkin, K.* and Freye, K.* (2001). Differences between motorized and nonmotorized trail users. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 19:62-77.
- Wang, Y.*, Andereck, K.L. and Vogt, C.A. (2000). Constraints to college students’ participation in educational travel. Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 15:63-78.
- Andereck, K.L. and Vogt, C.A. (2000). The relationship between residents’ attitudes toward tourism and tourism development options. Journal of Travel Research, 39(1):27-36.
- Andereck, K.L. (1997). Case study of a multi-agency partnership: Effectiveness and constraints. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 15(2):44-60.
- Andereck, K.L. (1997). Territorial functioning in a tourism setting. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(3):706-720.
- Andereck, K.L. (1995). The Arizona rural tourism development program. Women in Natural Resources, 16(4):8-12.
- Andereck, K.L. and Caldwell, L.L. (1994). Variable selection in tourism market segmentation models. Journal of Travel Research, 33(2):40-46.
- Andereck, K.L. and Caldwell, L.L. (1994). Motive based market segmentation of a public zoological park. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 12(2):19-31.
- Caldwell, L.L. and Andereck, K.L. (1994). Motives for initiating and continuing membership in recreation related voluntary associations. Leisure Sciences, 16(1):33-40.
- Andereck, K.L. and Becker, R.H. (1993). The effects of density on perceived crowding in a built recreation environment. Journal of Applied Recreation Research, 18(3):165-197.
- Andereck, K.L. and Caldwell, L.L. (1993). The influence of tourists' characteristics on ratings of information sources for an attraction. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 2(2/3):171-189.
- Andereck, K.L. and Becker, R.H. (1993). Perceptions of carry-over crowding in recreation environments. Leisure Sciences, 15(1):25-35.
- Gramann, J.H. and Andereck, K.L. (1990). A human ecological analysis of response to changes in public education policy. The Social Science Journal, 27(3):327-338.
- Andereck, K.L. and Gramann, J.H. (1989). The effect of a state education reform act on environmental education and interpretive facilities. Journal of Environmental Education, 20(3):15-19.
- Reid, L.J. and Andereck, K.L. (1989). Statistical analyses use in tourism research. Journal of Travel Research, 28(2):21-24.
Book chapters
- Buzinde, C., Shockley, G., Andereck, K., Dee, E., and Frank, P. (2017). Theorizing social entrepreneurship within tourism studies. In P. Sheldon and R. Daniele (eds.) Social Entrepreneurship and Tourism, pp. 21-34. Cham, Switzerland: Spring Publishing International.
- Pachmayer, A.*, Andereck, K. and Goodman, R. (2017). Internationalizing the tourism curriculum via study abroad. In P. Beckendorf and A. Zehrer (eds.) Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Tourism, pp.336-350. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Pachmayer, A.*, Zhao, S.* and Andereck, K. (2015). Theoretical perspectives in the study of study of community residents and tourism. In K. Bricker and H. Donohoe (eds.) Demystifying Theories in Tourism Research. Boston, MA: CAB International.
- Andereck, K.L. and Nyaupane, G.P. (2011). Development of a tourism and quality of life instrument. In M. Budruk and R. Phillips (eds.) Quality of Life Community Indicators for Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Social Indicators Research Series 43, pp. 95-114. New York: Springer Science+Media.
- Myers, D., Budruk, M., and Andereck, K. (2011). Stakeholder involvement in destination level sustainable tourism indicator development: The case of southwestern U.S. mining town. In M. Budruk and R. Phillips (eds.) Quality of Life Community Indicators for Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Social Indicators Research Series 43, pp.185-200. New York: Springer Science+Media.
- Andereck, K.L. (2011). Inferential analysis of data. In E. Sirakaya-Turk, M. Uysal, W.E. Hammitt and J.J. Vaske (eds.) Research Methods for Leisure, Recreation and Tourism. Cambridge, MA: CAB International.
- Andereck, K.L. (2011). Push and pull motives (section in a chapter). In J.R. Walker and J.T. Walker (eds.) Tourism: Concepts and Practices. New York: Prentice Hall.
- Andereck, K.L. and McGehee, N.G. (2008). The attitudes of residents toward tourism. In S.G. McCool and R.N. Moisey (eds.) Tourism, Recreation and Sustainability: Linking Culture and the Environment, pp. 236-259. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing.
- McGehee, N.G. and Andereck, K.L. (2008). “Pettin’ the critters”: Exploring the complex relationship between volunteers and the voluntoured in McDowell County, WV, USA and Tijuana, Mexico. In K. Lyons and S. Wearing (eds.). Journeys of Discovery in Volunteer Tourism: International Case Study Perspectives, pp. 12-24. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing.
- Andereck, K., Bricker, K., Kerstetter, D., and Nickerson, N. (2005). Connecting experiences to quality: Understanding the meanings behind visitors’ experience. In G. Jennings and N. Nickerson (eds.) Quality Tourism Experiences, pp. 136-154. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
- Andereck, K. and Jurowski, C. (2005). Tourism and quality of life. In G. Jennings and N. Nickerson (eds.) Quality Tourism Experiences, pp. 81-98. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
- Knopf, R.C. and Andereck, K.L. (2004). Managing depreciative behavior in natural settings: A review of research and implications for management. In M.J. Manfredo, J.J. Vaske, B.L. Bruyere, D.R. Field and P.J. Brown (eds.) Society and Natural Resources: A Summary of Knowledge, pp. 305-314. Jefferson, MO: Modern Litho.
- Andereck, K.L. and Caldwell, L.L. (1993). The influence of tourists' characteristics on ratings of information sources for an attraction. In M. Uysal and D.R. Fesenmaier (eds.) Communication and Channel Systems in Tourism Marketing. New York: The Haworth Press. (reprint)
- Nyaupane,Gyan P*, Andereck,Kathleen L, Budruk,Megha S, Buzinde,Christine, Desouza,Kevin, White,Dave Douglas. Northstar 2025: Arizona BLM Futuring. DOI-BLM(5/27/2015 - 5/26/2017).
- Budruk,Megha S*, Andereck,Kathleen L. Arizona State Parks Trails Historic Preservation Study. AZ STATE PARKS(7/8/2013 - 6/30/2014).
- Nyaupane,Gyan P*, Andereck,Kathleen L. National Visitor Use Monitoring (NVUM) Study: Phase Three. USDA-FS-COCONINO NATL FOREST(8/17/2012 - 12/31/2013).
- Nyaupane,Gyan P*, Andereck,Kathleen L. Analysis of Sustainable Recreation Program. USDA-FS-TONTO NATL FOREST(8/14/2012 - 6/30/2014).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Chhabra,Deepak, Lee,Woojin, Nyaupane,Gyan P. West Valley Visitor Study. WICKENBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE(4/1/2012 - 8/31/2013).
- White,Dave Douglas*, Andereck,Kathleen L, Budruk,Megha S, Dallett,Nancy, Hirt,Paul Wayne, Nyaupane,Gyan P, Shockley Jr,Gordon Eugene, Wang,Lili, Warren-Findley,Jannelle. BLM Trail Cooperative Planning and Assessment. DOI-BLM(10/1/2010 - 9/30/2014).
- Budruk,Megha S*, Andereck,Kathleen L. BLM Needles Visitor Study. BLM CA(5/5/2010 - 4/1/2014).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*. Arizona Highways Magazine's Impact on Tourism. AZ DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION(1/1/2010 - 10/24/2011).
- Katz,Charles*, Andereck,Kathleen L, Autry,Cari Elaine, Decker,Scott Henderson, Ho,Ching-Hua, Rodriguez,Nancy. Evaluation of Maricopa County Crime Prevention Program. MARICOPA CNTY(12/21/2006 - 12/31/2009).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Knopf,Richard C. New Melones Reservoir Visitor Study. TETRA(12/1/2006 - 9/30/2008).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Hultsman,Wendy Z. Wickenburg Special Events Study. WICKENBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE(8/28/2006 - 5/30/2007).
- Knopf,Richard C*, Andereck,Kathleen L. City of Surprise Tourism Development. CITY OF SURPRISE(8/25/2005 - 8/15/2006).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Hultsman,Wendy Z, Knopf,Richard C. Glendale Special Event Study. GLENDALE(11/15/2004 - 8/31/2005).
- Hultsman,Wendy Z*, Andereck,Kathleen L, Knopf,Richard C. Marketing Analysis of The 2004 Arizona Republic Scottsdale Culinary Festival Participants. SCOTTSDALE LEAGUE FOR THE ARTS(3/15/2004 - 8/31/2004).
- White,Dave Douglas*, Andereck,Kathleen L. Lake Meredith National Recreation Area/Alibates National Monument 2003-2004 Visitor Study Proposal. DOI-NPS(7/1/2003 - 8/31/2004).
- Knopf,Richard C*, Andereck,Kathleen L. ANALYSIS OF GENLA WILDERNESS RECREATION ALLOCATION STRATEGY. DOI-BLM(5/1/2003 - 9/30/2006).
- Knopf,Richard C*, Andereck,Kathleen L, Virden,Randy Jay. THESIS WORK FOR THE GUNNISON GORGE NATIONAL CONSERVATION AREA/WILDERNESS-TASK 3. DOI-BLM(9/17/2002 - 9/30/2003).
- Knopf,Richard C*, Andereck,Kathleen L, Virden,Randy Jay. BLM VISITOR & COMMUNITY RESIDENTS PREFERENCE SURVEY FIELD TEST. DOI-BLM(10/1/2001 - 12/31/2003).
- Knopf,Richard C*, Andereck,Kathleen L, Virden,Randy Jay. GUNNISON GORGE NATIONAL CONSERVATION AREA VISITOR STUDY. DOI-BLM(10/1/2001 - 12/31/2003).
- Knopf,Richard C*, Andereck,Kathleen L, Virden,Randy Jay. GUNNISON GORGE NATIONAL CONSERVATION AREA VISITOR STUDY. DOI-BLM(7/1/2001 - 12/30/2003).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*. RURAL TOURISM COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT 2001. AZ DEPT OF COMMERCE(3/1/2001 - 9/30/2001).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Knopf,Richard C, Pritchard,Mark P. ARIZONA OFFICE OF TOURISM CONVERSION STUDY. AZ OFFICE OF TOURISM(11/7/2000 - 6/6/2006).
- Gitelson,Richard Jay*, Andereck,Kathleen L. OFFICE OF SENIOR INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT NEEDS ASSESSMENT. AZ DEPT OF COMMERCE(9/15/2000 - 1/31/2001).
- Knopf,Richard C*, Andereck,Kathleen L, Hultsman,Wendy Z. MARKETING ANALYSIS OF THUNDERBIRD BALLOON CLASSIC PARTICIPANTS. CITY OF SCOTTSDALE(9/15/2000 - 6/30/2001).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*. CITY OF GLENDALE TOURISM CONVERSION STUDY. GLENDALE(11/22/1999 - 4/30/2000).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Knopf,Richard C. A STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF TOURISM & THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN ARIZONA. AZ TOURISM ALLIANCE(10/30/1998 - 6/30/1999).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Vogt,Christine Ann. COMMUNITY RESIDENTS' TOURISM ATTITUDE ASSESSMENT, 1998. AZ DEPT OF COMMERCE(3/1/1998 - 11/30/1998).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Vogt,Christine Ann. STATE TRAIL USERS STUDY. AZ STATE PARKS(2/10/1998 - 9/30/1998).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Knopf,Richard C, Schneider,Ingrid, Virden,Randy Jay. ARIZONA STATE PARKS CARRYING CAPACITY & PARK UTILIZATION STUDY. AZ STATE PARKS(11/15/1997 - 12/31/1997).
- Vogt,Christine Ann*, Andereck,Kathleen L. TIFS METHODOLOGY STUDY. AZ OFFICE OF TOURISM(5/19/1997 - 8/22/1997).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Vogt,Christine Ann. RESIDENT ATTITUDE ASSESSMENT, 1996-97. AZ DEPT OF COMMERCE(9/1/1996 - 6/30/1997).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Vogt,Christine Ann. COMMUNITY RESIDENTS' TOURISM ATTITUDES. AZ DEPT OF COMMERCE(6/1/1995 - 12/31/1996).
- Andereck,Kathleen L*, Gitelson,Richard Jay, Vogt,Christine Ann. AOT WELCOME CENTER PILOT STUDY. AZ OFFICE OF TOURISM(11/7/1994 - 5/15/1995).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PRM 494 | Special Topics |
TDM 480 | Sustainable Tourism |
TDM 480 | Sustainable Tourism |
PRM 598 | Special Topics |
PRM 494 | Special Topics |
PRM 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PRM 203 | Program Planning |
TDM 205 | Intro to Travel and Tourism |
TDM 205 | Intro to Travel and Tourism |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PRM 494 | Special Topics |
TDM 480 | Sustainable Tourism |
TDM 480 | Sustainable Tourism |
PRM 598 | Special Topics |
PRM 494 | Special Topics |
PRM 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PRM 203 | Program Planning |
TDM 205 | Intro to Travel and Tourism |
TDM 205 | Intro to Travel and Tourism |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TDM 205 | Intro to Travel and Tourism |
TDM 205 | Intro to Travel and Tourism |
CRD 599 | Thesis |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CRD 599 | Thesis |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TDM 205 | Intro to Travel and Tourism |
TDM 205 | Intro to Travel and Tourism |
PRM 203 | Program Planning |
CRD 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CRD 500 | Research Methods |
CRD 620 | Community Research Methods |
CRD 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRD 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CRD 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRD 792 | Research |
CRD 799 | Dissertation |
CRD 799 | Dissertation |
Best visual paper award for “Sustainable promotion of homestay tourism in the remote Himalayas of India” with co-authors and Jyoti Sood and Deepak Chhabra, Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference, 2017.
Fulbright Specialist, Holar University College, Iceland, 2017.
Fellow, Academy of Leisure Sciences (elected), 2016-present.
Top three paper award for “Paintbrushes to Pruners: Tourism Professionals with a Purpose” with co-authors Lana Olsen and Christine Vogt, Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference, 2016.
Outstanding Alumnus Award, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Clemson University, 2012.
President’s award for contributions to the Travel and Tourism Research Association, 2008.
Best paper award for “Information Use over the Course of a Vacation” with co-author Christine Vogt, Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference, 2005.
Editorial Policy Board and Editorial Board, Journal of Travel Research
Scientific Review Board, Editorial Collection of the Laboratory of Tourism and Sustainability Studies, University of Brasilia.
Editorial Board, Tourism Analysis
Editorial Board, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research
American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association
Travel and Tourism Research Association – International & Greater Western Chapter
The Academy of Leisure Sciences
National Recreation and Park Association
Arizona Lodging and Tourism Association