April Boozer
Mail code: 5411Campus: Tempe
April Boozer is a clinical assistant professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. She serves as both the program coordinator and an instructor for early childhood special education. She's taught early childhood and elementary school in urban public schools prior to her role at ASU. She uses her teaching experience and current research practices to help prepare pre-service teachers. Professor Boozer's research interests include teacher preparation with an emphasis on early childhood special education and culturally responsive teaching practices. She is a faculty advisory board member of the W.F. Kellogg Foundation-iTeachAZ Community Embeddedness Project. The work this grant supports includes the design of a community engagement teacher preparation framework and community experiences for teacher candidates in the early childhood special education department in their senior year residency program. The team continues to leverage resources at Arizona State University and in local communities to improve student learning and social development in high-needs school districts.
Ed.D. Leadership and Innovation, Arizona State University 2014
Guiding Research Questions:
How do we design community engagement experiences for teacher candidates to become more knowledgeable about the communities in which they teach?
How do we leverage community partnerships to provide quality early childhood special education preschool internship experiences for students?
Current Research Projects:
Dr. Boozer is working as a Faculty Advisory Board Member of the W.F. Kellogg Foundation-iTeachAZ Community Embeddedness Project. Their work in the grant includes the design of a community engagement teacher preparation framework and community experiences for Teacher Candidates in the Early Childhood Special Education in the Senior Year Residency program. The team continues to leverage resources at Arizona State University and in local communities to improve student learning and social development in high-needs schools districts.
As a Clinical Experience Instructor, Boozer works with the Office of Clinical Experiences to establish and maintain relationships with local early childhood settings and educators to provide quality internship experiences for students in the Early Childhood Special Education program. Her role also includes providing quality supervision for students as they complete internships in preschool settings.
Boozer, A., & Carlson, D.L. (2016). Planning backwards to go forward: Examining pre-service teachers’ use of backward design to plan and deliver instruction. Teacher Education and Practice, 28(4), 522-547.
Ramirez, P., Jimenez-Silva, M., Boozer, A., & Clark, B. (2016). Going against the grain in an urban Arizona high school: Secondary pre-service teachers as culturally responsive educators. Multicultural Perspectives, 18(1), 20-28. doi:10.1080/15210960.2016.1127076
Boozer, A., & Mullady, A. (2015). Enhanced video supervision for early childhood interns in preschool. Imagine the Possibilities Conference, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 340 | Families, Communities&Cultures |
TEL 340 | Families, Communities&Cultures |
TEL 340 | Families, Communities&Cultures |
ECS 430 | Sys Pol Advoc in ECD/SPE |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ECD 505 | Foundations Early Childhood Ed |
ECD 505 | Foundations Early Childhood Ed |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ECD 505 | Foundations Early Childhood Ed |
ECD 505 | Foundations Early Childhood Ed |
TEL 371 | Prof Ed: Educational Policies |
TEL 340 | Families, Communities&Cultures |
TEL 371 | Prof Ed: Educational Policies |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ECS 430 | Sys Pol Advoc in ECD/SPE |
TEL 370 | Prof Ed: Building Prof Network |
TEL 340 | Families, Communities&Cultures |
TEL 340 | Families, Communities&Cultures |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ECD 505 | Foundations Early Childhood Ed |
ECD 505 | Foundations Early Childhood Ed |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ECS 430 | Sys Pol Advoc in ECD/SPE |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ECS 431 | Fam Com & Prof Support Syst |
ECS 397 | Student Teaching: Inclsve ECD |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ECS 397 | Student Teaching: Inclsve ECD |
ECD 396 | Student Teaching: ECD Birth-5 |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ECS 397 | Student Teaching: Inclsve ECD |
ECD 396 | Student Teaching: ECD Birth-5 |