Robert Kleinsasser
Phone: 480-727-0679
MC 1811 Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College TEMPE, AZ 85287
Mail code: 1811Campus: Tempe
Robert C. Kleinsasser is a teacher educator whose scholarly interests include the sociology of teachers and learners. He currently continues to serve a second term as Co-Editor in Chief of Teaching and Teacher Education An International Journal of Research and Studies. He completed his term as inaugural Book Review Editor of The Journal of Educational Research (2007-2019) and continues as consulting editor. He additionally serves as consulting editor for Social Sciences & Humanities Open. He was appointed a Fulbright Specialist (2013-2018) and served on a program in Hanoi, Vietnam. His scholarly research areas focus on teacher education issues including learning environments and school cultures; pedagogy; second language acquisition; online teaching, professional development, and group interactions; second language testing and assessment; teacher education and wickedity; and teacher educator work. He is a member of the graduate faculty doctoral interdisciplinary area committees in applied linguistics and learning, literacies and technologies.
Professor Kleinsasser has given international plenary, keynote, and invited papers in Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Oman, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam since arriving at ASU. He currently works with an ASU colleague investigating leadership identity. He also engages with colleagues at the University of Texas to consider professional development for online instruction regarding foreign and second language acquisition, learning, and teaching. Dr. Kleinsasser continues to study as a teacher educator through narrative inquiry, while also working with colleagues in Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand concerning data sets that deal with professional development of languages educators (both pre- and in-service).
- Ph.D. Education, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
- Certificate of Advanced Study. Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
- M.A. German and Foreign Language Pedagogy, University of Arizona
- B.A. German and Education (Elementary and Secondary), Dakota Wesleyan University
Guiding Research Issues: Teacher Education Practices and Knowledge including collaborative group work, professional development (online and face-to-face), and teacher educator narrative.
Publications, International Plenaries/Keynotes, and other Presentations
Kleinsasser, R.C., & Gudjonsdottir, H. (2024). Meet the journal editors. Philadelphia, PA: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, 2024.
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2024). Keynote (online)-- Differentiated instruction differentiated assessments: Definitions, understandings, & possibilities. Collaborative Webinar held by Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UHAMKA and MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMP DKI Jakarta. (Attendance: 375 teachers from Indonesia).
Kleinsasser, R.C. & Gudjonsdottir, H. (2023, 15 Dec). 21st Century technology and editing an international journal. Keynote Address for 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Development of Education in China and the World. Southwest University (SWU) in Chongqing, China (online).
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2023) Review of Crawford-Garrett & Carbajal’s Promising pedagogies for teacher inquiry and practice: Teaching out loud, The Journal of Educational Research, 116(3), 186. doi: 10.1080/00220671.2023.2212506
Gudjonsdottir, H., & Kleinsasser, R.C. (2023, 16 August). Getting your article published in Teaching and Teacher Education (TATE). Webinar (online) for Chinese Teacher Education Scholars. (Attendance: 3,400).
Liu, M-H., & Kleinsasser, R.C. (2023). Pre-service Chinese foreign language teachers in blended CALL preparation program: Case study in Taiwan (Chapter 3). In D. Tafazoli & M. Picard (Eds.), Handbook of CALL teacher education and professional development: Voices from under-represented contexts (31-48). Springer.
Kleinsasser, R.C. & Gudjonsdottir, H. (2023). Teaching and Teacher Education Journal Roundtable. Chicago, IL: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting.
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2023). Teacher educators 2030. Critical Questions in Education Conference, San Diego, CA.
Liu, M-H., & Kleinsasser, R.C. (2023). Multiple perspectives with online EFL practicum technology learning: Case study on a cloud. TechTrends, 67, 342-353. Advance online publication [2022].
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2022). Review of Bryk’s Improvement in action: Advancing quality in America’s schools. Journal of Educational Research, 115(6), 359-360.
Kleinsasser, R.C., & Veach, P.T.G. (2022). Review of Gutierrez’ A new canon: Designing culturally sustaining humanities curriculum. Journal of Educational Research, 115(5), 315-316.
Kleinsasser, R.C. & Gudjonsdottir, H. (2022). Teaching and Teacher Education Journal Roundtable. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. San Diego, California.
Kleinsaser, R.C. (2022). Language teacher education: World stage patterns. Journal of ELT Research: The Academic Journal of Studies in English Language Teaching and Learning, 7(2), 21-30.
Sato, K., Mutoh, N., & Kleinsasser, R.C. (2022). Longitudinal research on EFL teacher professional development in (Japanese) contexts: Collaborative action research projects. Language Teaching Research 26(3), 477-503. Online first 2019 DOI: 10.1177/1362168819893814
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2021, 9 October). Teacher education contexts and voices. Keynote (invited) online speech for UNESCO Teacher Education Center Forum: Better Teacher Better Future. Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.
Veach, P., & Kleinsasser, R.C. (2021, 25 October). Co-authoring stories: Narratives on female leadership identity. Theme: Reimagining Leadership Together, International Leadership Association’s (ILA’s) 23rd Annual Global Conference in Geneva, Switzerland (online).
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2021). Review of Johnson’s Where teachers thrive: Organizing schools for success. Journal of Educational Research, 114(4), 431-432. DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2021.1956163
Kleinsasser, R.C., & Gudjonsdottir, H. (2020). Transition. Teaching and Teacher Education An International Journal of Research and Studies, 96.
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2020). Review of Loveless’ Knowings and knots: Methodologies and ecologies in research-creation. The Journal of Educational Research, 113 (3), 245-246. DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2020.1786962
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2021) Professional development 21.0: Teachers, second languages, and CALL. [Published Plenary Address for 3rd UHAMKA International Conference on English Language Teaching (ELT) and Computer assisted language learning (CALL), Jakarta, Indonesia]. Journal of ELT Research: The Academic Journal of Studies in English Language Teaching and Learning, 6 (1), 1-10. Retrieved from:
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2020). Sketching panoramic landscape possibilities: 21st century research [Online Plenary Address]. 1st Annual International Conference on Natural and Social Science Education (ICNSSE). Theme: Innovative research in science and education in the disruptive era. University of Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. HAMKA. Jakarta, Indonesia.
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2020). Listen, Practice, and Dream: Teacher Education, COVID19 and Tomorrow [Online Keynote Virtual Address]. Teacher Education Colloquy Series sponsored by Teacher Education Council Department of Education and Santo Tomas University, Manila Philippines.
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2019). Review of Eisenbach & Greathouse’s The online classroom: Resources for effective middle level virtual education. Teachers College Record, Date Published: October 29, 2019 ID Number: 23126, Date Accessed: 11/6/2019 7:36:46 AM
Kleinsasser, R.C. (November 2019). Professional development 21.0: Teachers, second languages, and CALL [Plenary Address]. 3rd UHAMKA International Conference on English Language Teaching (ELT) and Computer assisted language learning (CALL) (UICELL 2019). Jakarta, Indonesia.
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2019). Language Teacher Education: World Stage Patterns. Plenary Address for 2019 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning--Conference theme: English Language Teaching and Learning on the World Stage. Tunghai University, Taiwan.
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2018). Puzzling hybrid, hybrid puzzling [Published Plenary Address for 1st UHAMKA International Conference on English Language Teaching (ELT) and Computer assisted language learning (CALL), Jakarta, Indonesia]. Journal of ELT Research, 3 (2), 107-119. DOI: 10.22236/JER_Vol3Issue2
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2018). Review of Waller’s The Sociology of Teaching. The Journal of Educational Research, 111(3), 382-383. [10th year anniversary celebrating The Journal of Educational Research Book Review Section]
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2017). A quest for teacher educator work. In D.J. Clandinin and J. Husu (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of research on teacher education (pp. 1033-1048, Chapter 59). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Kleinsasser, R.C. (2017). Puzzling hybrid, hybrid puzzling [Plenary Address]. 1st UHAMKA International Conference on English Language Teaching (ELT) and Computer assisted language learning (CALL) (UICELL 2017). Jakarta, Indonesia.
Kleinsasser, R.C., & Hong, Y-C. (2017). Graduate students’ antecedents to meaningful and constructive discussions. Developing potential collaborative online interactions. Journal of Formative Design in Learning, 1(2), 84-98. DOI: 10.1007/s41686-017-0009-x
Kleinsasser, R.C., & Hong, Y-C. (2016). Online group work design: Processes, complexities, and intricacies. TechTrends, 60, 569-576. DOI 10.1007/s11528-016-0088-6
Liu, M-H, & Kleinsasser, R. C. (2015). Exploring EFL teachers’ CALL knowledge and competencies: Inservice program perspectives. Language Learning & Technology, 19 (1), 119-138. [Special Issue “Teacher Education and CALL”]
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BLE 538 | Mthd Educate Mltilingual Lrnrs |
BLE 538 | Mthd Educate Mltilingual Lrnrs |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BLE 538 | Mthd Educate Mltilingual Lrnrs |
BLE 538 | Mthd Educate Mltilingual Lrnrs |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BLE 538 | Mthd Educate Mltilingual Lrnrs |
BLE 538 | Mthd Educate Mltilingual Lrnrs |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BLE 538 | Mthd Educate Mltilingual Lrnrs |
BLE 538 | Mthd Educate Mltilingual Lrnrs |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BLE 536 | Ed for Social Transformation |
BLE 536 | Ed for Social Transformation |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BLE 597 | Capstone |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BLE 529 | Lang Assess & Eval ESL/BLE St |
BLE 529 | Lang Assess & Eval ESL/BLE St |
2019 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BLE 597 | Capstone |
Co-Editor in Chief, Teaching and Teacher Education An International Journal of Research and Studies (2019-present)
Inaugural Book Review Editor, The Journal of Educational Research (2007-2019)
Consulting Editor, The Journal of Educational Research (2001-present)
Consulting Editor, Social Sciences and Humanities Open (2019-present)
American Educational Research Association (AERA), Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), American Association of Teachers of German (AATC), Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
Professional Certifications
Quality Matters (QM) Peer Course Reviewer (University & K-12 and K-12 Publisher [World Languages]) - 2014 (Update 2018, added K-12 2019; Update to 7th edition 2023) to present
Master Class for Teaching Online (100% [A], November 2020)
Global Advocacy Certificate Program (Completed December, 2019)
Applied Linguistics
Learning, Literacies, and Technologies
Service to School and Community
State of Arizona
Arizona Faculties Council (2008-2011)
The Education Coalition (2006-2007)
Arizona State University
University Hearing Board (2016-2018)
Memorial Union Advisory Board (Tempe campus) (2015-present)
Obama Scholar Mentor (2010-2012)
University Academic Council (2008-2011)
Senate Executive Committee (2008-2011)
Dean’s Search Committee, Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education (2010, ended 3/2010)
Senate Committee on Committees (2009-2010)
Ombudsperson/Grievance Taskforce Member (2008-2009)
ASU Governance Clearinghouse Committee (2008 – 2010), Chair (2009-2010)
ASU Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure (CAFT) (2009 – 2010), Chair (2009-2010), Member (2014-2017)
ASU Governance Grievance Committee (2007- 2009), Chair (2008-2009)
ASU Teacher Education Collaborative (Spring, 2007), Co-Chair (with Elaine Surbeck)
Senate Task Force on Research Policy (2007)
Teachers for a New Era Conference Committee, Arizona State University (2006-2007)
ASU MAT Creation Group (2008)
Elementary Education Task Force (2008-2009)
Arizona State University at the Polytechnic campus
University Academic Assembly and Senate at the Polytechnic Campus (2006-11)
President 2009-2010 (Polytechnic Campus)
Committee on Committees (2006-2008)
Governance Grievance (2006-2008), Committee Chair
Senate Executive Committee (2006-2011)
Polytechnic Campus Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee (2006-2008)
Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) seminar (2007)
ASU - Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
University Curriculum and Academic Programs MLF Teachers College Representative (2015-2017)
Dissertation Fellowship Committee (2014)
Curriculum Review Committee (elected) (2020-2022)
Personnel Evaluation Committee—Tenured/Tenure Track (elected) (2010-2013)
Personnel Evaluation Committee—Non-tenure track (elected) (2016-2019)
Division 1 Director Search Committee Member (2010-2011)
Co-Chair, Foreign Language Education/Spanish Applied Linguistics Search Committee (2010-2011)
Chair, Grading Issues Task Force (Fall, 2010- Spring, 2011)
ASU - College of Teacher Education and Leadership
Co-Chair, ELL Working Group (Spring, 2009)
Chair, Grading Issues Task Force (Spring, 2010)
ELL Search Committee Member (2009-2010)
ASU - School of Educational Innovation and Teacher Preparation
Interim Chair, Department of Elementary and Special Education (8/2008 – 5/2009)
Search Committee Chair for Reading/Language Arts position (2008)
Personnel Committee (2007-2008)
Search Committee for Administration position (2007)
Student Teacher of the Year Selection Committee (2006)
Education Fair (Make and Take presentations) (2006)
Show Your Love (Volunteer Golf and Silent Auction) (2007)
School of Educational Innovation and Teacher Preparation Curriculum Standing Committee, Chair (2006-2007)