Ross-Blakley Hall 358 PO Box 871401
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Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
Elizabeth Horan has authored, edited and/or translated ten books in the Literature of the Americas, examining how women writers have gained access to print and have come to represent the Americas nationally and internationally. Horan's current and most recent work is a literary biography in three volumes drawn from traditional and digital archives in English and Spanish. Her work has been supported with grants and prizes from the Organization of American States, the Fulbright program and the National Endowment for the Humanities. She has held writing residencies in Spain and New York. At ASU, Horan develops and teaches online and immersion courses in "American" Literature to Reconstruction, World War II Literature, the Literature of Nobel Laureates and Espionage Fiction and Film. She served a term as English Department Chair (2002-2004).
Horan's extensive biography of Gabriela Mistral, a queer, mixed-race poet, educator, journalist and diplomat who was the first Latin American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature (1945) is being published in Spanish in three volumes. The first volume of Mistral una vida (Mistral, a Life, Penguin Random Lumen, 2023) moves from the poet's birth in a remote corner of the Chilean Andes in 1889, to her early and lasting international fame as a startlingly original poet, an enterprising journalist, a pioneering educator and a savvy diplomat. Volume 2, about the poet's life and work with the Mexican diplomat Palma Guillén, will appear in 2025. The final volume, on the poet's life and work during World War II and the Cold War, will appear in 2026.
A.A. Simon's Rock (now Bard College at Simon's Rock)
A.B. Barnard College, Columbia University
M.A., Ph.D., Literature, University of California-Santa Cruz
post-doctoral study, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, School of Information
Literary Biography, Personal Letters, Archives, Literary Translation
Gabriela Mistral, Elizabeth Horan. Motivos: The Life of Saint Francis. (2013).
. . Review of: Gaby Brimmer: An Autobiography in Three Voices (2010).
. . Review of: Translating Empire: José Martí, Migrant Latino Subjects, and American Modernities (2010).
Elizabeth Horan. "Las Cartas de Gabriela Mistral y Doris Dana,". La Tercera, Santiago, Chile, Aug. 29, 2009 (2009).
Elizabeth Horan. "Un policía en la esquina y dos o tres espías adentro del hotel": Literature, Correspondence, and Diplomacy during the Spanish Civil War. Historia (2009).
Elizabeth Horan. Innocent Pornographers: Letters and Recordings of Doris Dana and Gabriela Mistral. Chroma (2009).
Horan, Elizabeth. "Una mixtura de Calvario y Arcadia": Consul Gabriela Mistral in Portugal, 1935-1937". Anales de la Literatura Chilena v. 10 (Junio 2009) no. 11, p. 13-43 (2009).
Horan, Elizabeth. "Una mixtura de Calvario y Arcadia": La Consul Gabriela Mistral en Portugal, 1935-1937". Anales de la Literatura Chilena v. 10 (Junio 2009) no. 11, p. 13-43 (2009).
Horan, Elizabeth. Off to Join the Online Circus: The Comic Heroic Journey of World Literature. Teaching World Literature (2009).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Alfonsina Storni. Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History (2008).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Gabriela Mistral. Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History (2008).
Horan, Elizabeth and Luis Vargas Saavedra. Usos de los archivos digitales: el caso del legado Gabriela Mistral. Taller de Letras (2008).
Elizabeth Horan and Luis Vargas Saavedra. "Working with Photography and Sound in Archives for Multimodal Learning,". Aprendizaje Multimodal, Multimodal Learning: Reflexiones en torno al potencial de la multimodalidad en el aprendizaje, la adquisición de lengua(s) y la interpretación literaria (2008).
Horan, Elizabeth. "La casamanía de Gabriela Mistral.". (2008).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Esta América Nuestra. (2007).
. . Review of: Territorio Doméstico (2007).
Horan, Elizabeth. Willis Buckingham: Discoveries of a Bibliographer. (2006).
. . Review of: Abundant Light (2005).
. . Review of: Killer Cronicas (2005).
. . Review of: Lur: Poemas (2005).
. . Review of: Killer Cronicas (2004).
. . Review of: Tu amante ultrajada no puede ser tu amiga: cartas de amor de Gertrudis Gomez de Avalleneda (2004).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Gabriela Mistral An Artist and Her People. (2003).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa, Meyer, Doris. This America of Ours: The Letters of Gabriela Mistral and Victoria Ocampo. (2003).
. . Review of: Castilla tajeada de sed como mi alma, Gabriela Mistral en Espana, Espana en Gabriela Mistral (2003).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa (Author) . Mirror to the Nation: Posthumous Portraits of Gabriela Mistral. Gabriela Mistral the Audacious Traveler (2003).
. . Review of: A Queer Mother for the Nation: The State and Gabriela Mistral (2002).
. . Review of: After Exile: Writing the Latin American Diaspora (2002).
Elizabeth Horan. Technically Outside of the Law Who Permits Who Profits and Why. The Emily Dickinson Journal (2001).
Hopenhayn, Martin, Cynthia, Tompkins Margarita, Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. No Apocalypse No Integration Modernism and Postmodernism in Latin America. (2001).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Lesbian Histories and Cultures. Lesbian Histories and Cultures (2000).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. The Subversive Voice of Carmen Lyra: Selected Writings. (2000).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa (Author) . Gabriela Mistral's Alternative Identities 1906-1920. En El Ambiente: Queer Sexualities in Latino, Latin American, and Spanish Writing and Culture (2000).
Agosin, Marjorie, Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. House of Memory: Stories by Latin American Jewish Women Writers. (1999).
. . Review of: Critical Acts: Latin American Women Writers and Cultural Criticism (1999).
. . Review of: Mujeres Poetas de Chile: Muestra Antológica 1980-1995 (1999).
. . Review of: Vuestra Gabriela: epistolario de Gabriela Mistral con los Tomic Errázurriz (1999).
. . Review of: Women and Urban Change in San José, Puerto Rico 1820-1860 (1999).
. . Passion, Memory and Identity: Jewish Women Writers in Latin America (1999).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Alfred Hampson. An Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia (1998).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Amherst. An Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia (1998).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Homestead. An Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia (1998).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Latin American Responses to Emily Dickinson. An Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia (1998).
. . Review of: Women, Feminism and Social Change in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay 1890-1940 (1998).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Reading the Book of Memory. Always from Somewhere Else: A Memoir of my Chilean Jewish Father (1998).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Gabriela Mistral. Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature (1997).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Marjorie Agosin. Latin American Jewish Writers: A Bio-Critical Dictionary (1997).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa (Author) . Matrilineage, Matrilanguage: Gabriela Mistral's Intimate Audience. Twentieth Century Spanish American Literature to 1960 (1997).
Elizabeth Horan. Redeploying the Spanish Lullaby in Latin America. Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres (1996).
Elizabeth Horan. To Market: The Dickinson Copyright Wars. Emily Dickinson Journal (1996).
. . Review of: Gabriela Mistral ante la crítica (1996).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Gabriela Mistral: Language Is the Only Homeland. A Dream of Light and Shadow: Portraits of Latin American Women Writers (1995).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Mabel Loomis Todd, Martha Dickinson Bianchi, and the Spoils of the Dickinson Legacy. A Living of Words: American Women and Print Culture (1995).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Gabriela Mistral, An Artist and Her People. (1994).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa. Gabriela Mistral. Latin American Writers on Gay and Lesbian Themes (1994).
Horan, Elizabeth Rosa, Agosin, Marjorie. Happiness: Stories. (1993).
Horan, Elizabeth. Expedition to Eshashi. Amherst (1990).
. . Review of: Neruda, Absence and Presence (1990).
Horan, Elizabeth. "Transnationalism in the Americas.". Association of Departments of English annual conference (Jun 2008).
Horan, Elizabeth. Transnationalism and the Hemisphere across US American, Latin American and Latino Studies: Chair and Discussant. American Studies Association Conference (Oct 2006).
Horan, Elizabeth. Writing Resistance: Saint Gabriela, Maldita Mistral and the Twisted Stories of Lucila Godoy. Decentered Latin America: 2006 Latin American Studies Association Conference (Mar 2006).
Horan, Elizabeth. This América of Ours. Letters, Biography, and Hispanic Heritage Month (Aug 2005).
Horan, Elizabeth, Aceredas, Alberto. Pablo Neruda Poet Turns 100. Pablo Neruda Centenary (May 2004).
Horan, Elizabeth. The Gabriela Mistral Controversy. Latin American Studies Association (Oct 2002).
Horan, Elizabeth. Bilingual Memories, Multilingual Poetics. Panel on Multilingual Poetics, Division of Latin American Literature and Culture, 20th century
Horan, Elizabeth. Gabriela Mistral: El Misterio de un Cicada. Gabriela Mistral Tribute Week, Rafael Cintrón-Ortíz Latino Cultural Center, U. Illinois Chicago
Horan, Elizabeth. Letters from the Spanish Civil War. English Department Colloquium on War and Peace
Horan, Elizabeth, Meyer, Doris. Reading and Signing, This America of Ours. Garcia Books
Horan, Elizabeth. Creative Paranoia: Gabriela Mistral’s not-so-imaginary-enemies. American Comparative Literature Assocation Conference
Horan, Elizabeth. Mal de Archivo: complicacions del legado mistraliano. Invited Address
Horan, Elizabeth. Multimodalidad y los usos de los archivos digitales en la ensenanza. Encuentro Internacional de Aprendizaje Multimodal
Horan, Elizabeth. The Spanish Civil War Seen through the Letters of Gabriela Mistral and Victoria Ocampo. Modern Language Association
Chasqui AND Latin American Literary Review Press Press, Senior Editorial Board Member (2005 - 2010)
Chasqui, Senior Editorial Board Member (2004 - 2009)
Latin American Literary Review and Press, Senior Editorial Board Member (2004 - 2009)
Latin American Literary Review and Press, Editorial Board Member (2004 - 2007)
Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics, Faculty Affiliate (2004 - 2006)
Modern Language Association, Nominated Candidate, Division on Biography, Autobiography, Life Writings (2005 - 2005)
Fulbright Selection Committee, Grant Reviewer (2005 - 2005)
Department of English, Chair (2002 - 2004)
Latin American Research Review, Reader-Reviewer for an Essay (2004)
Seminar, a Journal of Germanic Studies, U Alberta Canada, Reader-Reviewer (2004)
E-Learning, Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus, Presentation on Use of Blackboard for Faculty (2004 - 2004)
ABOR First and Second Committees of Review, LCE Grants, Team Leader (2003)
ASU, Deans Admin Council, Member (2003)
Arizona State Humanities Council, Facilitator (2003)
Desert Nights Creative Writing Conference, March 2003, Guest (2003)
English Department Awards Committee, Member, Ex Officio (2003)
English Department Community Outreach, Host, Organizer (2003)
English Department Computing and Web Committee, Chair (2003)
English Department Curriculum Committee, Member, Ex-Officio (2003)
English Department MLA Initial Contact Team, Member (2003)
English Department Personnel Committee, Chair (2003)
Feministas Unidas, Board of Directors (2003)
Feministas Unidas, Member of Board of Directors (2003)
GLQ/New York University, Manuscript Review (2003)
Graduate Scholars of English Association, Interviewer (2003)
Graduate Scholars of English Association, Panel Participant (2003)
Humanities Chairs Group, Member (2003)
Latin American Studies Center, Affiliate Faculty (2003)
Letras Femeninas, Manuscript Review (2003)
Northeastern University, Office of the Provost, Outside Evaluator, English Department Graduate Program Review (2003)
Office of the Provost, Host Organizer (2003)
Signs: A Journal of Women's Studies, Manuscript Review (2003)
University of New Mexico Press, Book Manuscript Review (2003)
University of Texas Press, Book Manuscript Review (2003)
Women's Studies Program, Affiliate Faculty (2003)
Search Committee, Asst Prof, Literary Theory, Member (2000 - 2001)
Dept. of English, Budget and Personnel Committee (1997 - 2000)
Dept. of English, Graduate Program Committee (1996 - 2000)
Dept. of English, Administrative Committee (1994 - 2000)
Comparative Studies in Literature, Director (1989 - 2000)