Profiles in "Spanish" Expertise Area

  • Javier García was born and educated in Spain and obtained his doctorate from the University of California, Davis.
  • Beaudrie teaches graduate courses in second and heritage language pedagogy and bilingualism. She is also the lead faculty for the PhD track in heritage language pedagogy and research.
  • Born in Protektorat Boehmen und Maehren, Volek grew up in Czechoslovakia, studied in Cuba, and, after the Russian occupation, emigrated to West Germany and to U.S.
  • In 2006, when the Downtown Phoenix campus opened, Petersen was invited to come and begin the lower division Spanish program and she has overseen the lower division Spanish program since then. She is currently an Associate Teaching Professor.
  • Vargas has taught courses in photography, silkscreen, Spanish language, culture, and literature.
  • Rosales' research focuses on Chicano literature and culture with an emphasis on Chicano literary history and Chicano narrative written in Spanish.