Profiles in "Science Education" Expertise Area
- Debreczeni has been a General Chemistry Instructor in the School of Molecular Sciences at Arizona State University and has been teaching here since 2013.
- Dr. Dina Ziganshina Lienhard received her PhD in Biology (Biology & Society) from ASU in 2023 and currently works as the Senior Program Manager at the School of Complex Adaptive Systems at ASU.
- Facilitate the widespread production and consumption of geoscience Virtual Field Trips for place-based education as a tool to help students navigate the promises and perils of the Anthropocene.
- Knierman teaches astronomy and studies star formation in the tidal tails of merging galaxies using multiwavelength observations.
- Dr. Sweat’s teaching and research focuses on plant biology, forensic botany and environmental science.
- Emma Farrell has one foot in higher ed and one foot in spiritual care and social justice.
- Sara El-Sayed researches the power of deliciousness and wisdom of Indigenous foodways in addition to leading outreach for the Swette Center's organic farming initiatives in Arizona.