Profiles in "Physics" Expertise Area
- Scowen's interests include star formation, astronomical space mission development, imaging, detectors and mirror coatings.
- Easson is a theoretical physicist researching topics at the interface of fundamental particle physics and cosmology.
- Wang's research interests include thermal energy conversion, storage, and transport in nanostructured materials; thermoelectric power generation; thermal storage media; heat transfer, and phonon optics
- Sara Walker is a theoretical physicist and astrobiologist with major contributions in theoretical advances in astrobiology, developing new approaches to the problem of understanding universal features of life.
- An ASU professor since 2000, Lebed’s research focuses on many distinct aspects of theoretical elementary particle physics, particularly the structure of particles that feel the strong nuclear force (“hadrons”).
- Maulik Parikh's research interests are in classical and quantum gravity.
- Bose investigates dust and organics in extraterrestrial materials to understand their cosmochemical origins. She measures water and other volatiles in rocky and icy asteroidal regolith.
- Philip Mauskopf works on designing and building instruments primarily for astronomy and cosmology using superconducting detectors and devices.