Profiles in "Project Management - general" Expertise Area

  • Experienced and innovative marcomm manager with a successful background in the creation and dissemination of marketing campaigns, brand awareness strategies, effective communications and growing target audiences.
  • Marianna is a product leader working at the forefront of EdTech. With a diverse career and a passion for inclusive UX, Marianna is currently leading the development of ASU Pocket and teaches Project Management at CISA.
  • Debbie Kyle, MSBA, PMP, supports a large Department of Defense research portfolio involving leadership, grant & project management, data analytics, personnel management, and supervisory duties.
  • Anahí is a dynamic problem-solver with over two decades of experience in visual design, communication, business management, and bilingual interpretation and translation.
  • Lauren Whitby manages digital marketing, including email campaigns, web design and social media, for The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University.
  • Shyla is a Compliance Coordinator with the Office of Research Integrity & Assurance (ORIA) and teaches Religion courses for the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts.