Enrique Vivoni
WCPH Room 418 777 E. University Dr. Building 79 Tempe, AZ 85287-8704
Mail code: 3005Campus: Tempe
Enrique R. Vivoni is the Fulton Professor of Hydrosystems Engineering in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment and the Director of the Center for Hydrologic Innovations at Arizona State University. His research focuses on water, climate and ecosystem processes and interactions with sustainability and management, with a specific emphasis on semiarid and arid regions of North America. Over the course of his career, Professor Vivoni has established long-term research collaborations on topics related to advancing numerical models, water resources management, climate change and sociopolitical interactions with natural resources. He is also involved in training, outreach and stakeholder engagement activities as related to technology transfer and the use of scientific knowledge for improving decision-making processes. He has won a number of local, national, and international awards, including being named Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, Mexican Academy of Sciences, and American Association for the Advancement of Science. His work has garnered the ASCE Arid Lands Hydraulic Engineering Award, Governor's Award for Arizona's Future, International Award from the Mexican Carbon Program, Fulbright Fellowship, Leopold Leadership Fellowship, Lincoln Institute Curriculum Award, Huber Prize for Civil Engineering Research, Quentis Mees Research Award from the Arizona Water Association, and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. He has served in administrative positions including as Associate Dean of the Graduate College, Associate Director of the School of Earth and Space Exploration, and Graduate Faculty Chair of the Hydrosystems Engineering Program.
- B.S. Environmental Engineering Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996
- M.S. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998
- Ph.D. Hydrology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003
- Numerical modeling of watershed processes
- Ecohydrology and hydrometeorology of semiarid regions
- Applications of environmental sensing technologies
- Climate and land use change impacts on water resources
- Stakeholder engagement and decision making support
- US-Mexico border isssues and relations with Latin America
Our research group at Arizona State University (Hydrologic Science, Engineering & Sustainability) studies hydrological processes in natural and urban environments and their interactions with ecological, atmospheric and geomorphic phenomenon. We are part of the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment (SSEBE) and the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory (GFL). Thus, we integrate scientific, engineering and sustainability principles in water resources. Our students are part of graduate programs in Hydrosystems Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Geological Sciences. We have a regional focus in the southwest US and northern Mexico, in particular with respect to US-Mexico border issues. Our work is part of the Center for Hydrologic Innovations.
- de la Fraga, P., Del Toro-Guerrero, F.J., Vivoni, E.R., Cavazos, T., and Kretzschmar, T. 2024. Evaluation of Gridded Precipitation Datasets in Mountainous Terrains of Northwestern Mexico. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 56: 102019.
- Raming, L.W., Vivoni, E.R., Mascaro, G., Cederstrom, C.J., Ko, A., Schreiner-McGraw, A.P., and Lizarraga-Celaya, C. 2024. tRIBS v5.2: A Multi-Resolution, Parallel Platform for Tributary Hydrology in Forest Applications. Journal of Open Source Software. 9(101): 6747.
- Cederstrom, C.J, Vivoni, E.R., Mascaro, G., and Svoma, B. 2024. Forest Thinning Effects on Watershed Responses under Warming. Water Resources Research. 60(6): e2023WR035627.
- Wang, Z., Vivoni, E.R., Whitney, K.M., Xiao, M., and Mascaro, G. 2024. On the Sensitivity of Future Hydrology in the Colorado River to the Precipitation Partitioning Method. Water Resources Research. 60: e2023WR035801.
- Keller, Z.T., Vivoni, E.R., Kimsal, C.R., Robles-Morua, A., and Perez-Ruiz, E.R. 2023. Hillslope to Channel Hydrologic Connectivity in a Dryland Ecosystem. Ecosphere. 14(11): e4707.
- Tang, X., Tang, D., Wang, Z., Cederstrom, C.J., and Vivoni, E.R. 2023. Impacts of Snow Surface Aerodynamic Resistance on Snow Water Equivalent Simulations in Forested Regions. Hydrological Processes. 37(9): e14985.
- Whitney, K.M., Vivoni, E.R., and White, D.D. 2023. Enhancing the Accessibility and Interactions of Regional Hydrologic Projections for Water Managers. Environmental Modeling and Software. 167: 105763.
- Whitney, K.M., Vivoni, E.R., Wang, Z., White, D.D., Quay, R., Mahmoud, M.I., and Templeton, N.P. 2023. A Stakeholder Engaged Approach to Anticipating Forest Disturbance Impacts in the Colorado River Basin under Climate Change. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 149(7): 04023020.
- Archer, S.R., Naito, A.T., Heilman, P., Vivoni, E.R., and Scott, R.L. 2023. Prosopis velutina Response to Aerial Herbicide Application. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 88: 129-134.
- Whitney, K.M., Vivoni, E.R., Bohn, T.J., Mascaro, G., Wang, Z., Xiao, M., Mahmoud, M.I., Cullom, C., and White, D.D. 2023. Spatial Attribution of Declining Colorado River Streamflow under Future Warming. Journal of Hydrology. 617(C): 129125.
- Xiao, M., Mascaro, G., Wang, Z., Whitney, K.M., and Vivoni, E.R. 2022. On the Value of Satellite Remote Sensing to Reduce Uncertainties in Regional Simulations of the Colorado River. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 26(21): 5627-5646.
- Wang, Z., and Vivoni, E.R. 2022. Detecting Streamflow in Dryland Rivers using CubeSats. Geophysical Research Letters. 49(15): e2022GL098729. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098729
- Wang, Z., and Vivoni, E.R. 2022. Mapping Flash Flood Hazards in Arid Regions using CubeSats. Remote Sensing. 14(17): 4218. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14174218
- Perez-Ruiz, E.R., Vivoni, E.R., and Sala, O.E. 2022. Seasonal Carryover of Water and Effects on Carbon Dynamics in a Dryland Ecosystem. Ecosphere. 13(7): e4189. http://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.4189
- Wang, Z., and Vivoni, E.R. 2022. Individualized and Combined Effects of Future Urban Growth and Climate Change on Irrigation Water Use in Central Arizona. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 58(3): 370-387. http://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.13005
- Kindler, M., Vivoni, E.R., Perez-Ruiz, E.R., and Wang, Z. 2022. Water Conservation Potential of Modified Turf Grass Irrigation in Urban Parks of Phoenix, Arizona. Ecohydrology. 15(3): eco.2339. http://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2399
- Salazar-Martinez, D., Holwerda, F., Holmes, T.R.H., Yepez, E.A., Hain, C.R., Alvarado-Barrientos, S., Angeles-Perez, G., Arredondo-Moreno, T., Delgado-Balbuena, J., Figueroa-Espinoza, B., Garatuza-Payan, J., Gonzalez del Castillo, E., Rodriguez, J.C., Rojas-Robles, N.E., Uuh-Sonda, J.M., and Vivoni, E.R. 2022. Evaluation of Remote Sensing-based Evapotranspiration Products at Low-Latitude Eddy Covariance Sites. Journal of Hydrology. 610: 127786. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127786.
- Vivoni, E.R., Perez-Ruiz, E.R., Scott, R.L., Naito, A.T., Archer, S.R., Biederman, J.A., and Templeton, N.P. 2022. A Micrometeorological Flux Perspective on Brush Management in a Shrub-encroached Sonoran Desert Grassland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 313: 108763. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108763.
- Wang, Z., Vivoni, E.R., Bohn, T.J., and Wang, Z-H. 2021. A Multiyear Assessment of Irrigation Cooling Capacity in Agricultural and Urban Settings of Central Arizona. Journal of the Americal Water Resources Association. 57(5): 771-788. http://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12920
- Ivanov, V.Y., Dwelle, M.C., Xu, D., Sargsyan, K., Wright, D., Katopodes, N., Kim, J., Tran, V.N., Warnock, A., Fatichi, S., Burlando, P., Caporali, E., Restrepo, P., Sanders, B., Chaney, M., Nunes, A.M.B., Nardi, F., Vivoni, E.R., Istanbulluoglu, E., Bisht, G., and Bras, R.L. 2021. Breaking Down the Computational Barriers to Real-Time Urban Flood Forecasting. Geophysical Research Letters. 48(20): http://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL093585.
- Peters, D.P.C., Savoy, H.M., Stillman, S., Huang, H., Hudson, A.R., Sala, O.E., and Vivoni, E.R. 2021. Plant Species Richness in Multiyear Wet and Dry Periods in the Chihuahuan Desert. Climate. 9(8): 130
- Sordo-Ward, A., Gabriel-Martin, I., Bianucci, P., Mascaro, G., Vivoni, E.R., and Garrote, L. 2021. Stochastic Hybrid Event Based and Continuous Approach to Derive Flood Frequency Curve. Water. 13: 1931.
- Diaz de Leon-Guerrero, S., Mendez-Alonzo, R., Bullock, S.H., and Vivoni, E.R. 2021. Hydrological and Topographic Determinants of Biomass and Species Richness in a Mediterranean-climate Shrubland. PLOS ONE. 16(5): e0252154.
- Iwaniec, D., Gooseff, M., Suding, K., Johnson, D., Reed, D., Peters, D.P.C., Adams, B., Barrett, J., Bestelmeyer, B., Castorani, M.; Cook, E., Davidson, M., Groffman, P., Hanan, N., Huenneke, L., Johnson, P., McKnight, D., Miller, R., Okin, G., Preston, D., Rassweiller, A., Ray, C., Sala, O., Schooley, R., Seastedt, T., Spasojevic, M., and Vivoni, E.R. 2021. Connectivity: Insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network. Ecosphere. 12(5): e03432
- Perez-Ruiz, E.R., Vivoni, E.R., Yepez, E.A., Rodriguez, J.C., Gochis, D.J., Robles-Morua, A., Delgado-Balbuena, J., and Adams, D.K. 2021. Landscape Controls on Water-Energy-Carbon Fluxes Across Different Ecosystems during the North American Monsoon. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 126(5): e2020JG005809.
- Vivoni, E.R., Perez-Ruiz, E.R., Keller, Z.T., Escoto, E.A., Templeton, R.C., Templeton, N.P., Anderson, C.A., Schreiner-McGraw, A.P., Mendez-Barroso, L.A., Robles-Morua, A., Scott, R.L., Archer, S.R., and Peters, D.P.C. 2021. Long-term Research Catchments to Investigage Shrub Encroachment in the Sonoran and Chihuahua Deserts: Santa Rita and Jornada Experimental Ranges. Hydrological Processes. 35(2): e14031.
- Meili, N., Burlando, P., Carmeliet, J., Chow, W.T.L., Coutts, A.M., Manoli, G., Roth, M., Velasco, E., Vivoni, E.R., and Fatichi, S. 2021. Tree Effects on Urban Microclimate: Diurnal, Seasonal, and Climatic Temperature Differences Explained by Separating Radiation, Evapotranspiration and Roughness Effects. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 51: 126970.
- Vivoni, E.R., Kindler, M., Wang, Z., and Perez-Ruiz, E.R. 2020. Abiotic Mechanisms Drive Enhanced Evaporative Losses under Urban Oasis Conditions. Geophysical Research Letters. 47: e2020GL090123.
- Vivoni, E.R. 2020. Advancing US-Mexico Science through the Education Network Effect. Atmosfera. DOI: 10.20937/ATM.52763.
- Schreiner-McGraw, A.P., Vivoni, E.R., Ajami, H., Sala, O.E., Throop, H.L., and Peters, D.P.C. 2020. Woody Plant Encroachment is Expected to Have a Larger Impact than Climate Change on Dryland Water Budgets. Scientific Reports. 10: 8112.
- Meili, N., Manoli, G., Burlando, P., Bou-Zeid, El., Chow, W.T.L., Coutts, A.M., Daly, E., Nice, K.A., Roth, M., Tapper, N.J., Velasco, E., Vivoni, E.R., and Fatichi, S. 2020. An Urban Ecohydrological Model to Quantify the Effect of Vegetation on Urban Climate and Hydrology. Geoscientific Model Development. 13: 335-362.
- Perez-Ruiz, E.R., Vivoni, E.R., and Templeton, N.P. 2020. Urban Land Cover Type Determines the Sensitivity of Carbon Dioxide Fluxes to Precipitation in Phoenix, Arizona. PLOS ONE. 15(2): e0228537.
- Navarro-Estupiñán, J., Robles-Morua, A., Diaz-Caravantes, R., and Vivoni, E.R. 2020. Heat Risk Mapping through Spatial Analysis of Remotely-Sensed Data and Socioeconomic Vulnerability in Hermosillo, Mexico. Urban Climate 31: 100576.
- Mascaro, G., Ko, A., and Vivoni, E.R. 2019. Closing the Loop of Satellite Soil Moisture Estimation via Scale Invariance of Hydrologic Simulations. Scientific Reports. 9: 16123.
- Bohn, T.J., and Vivoni, E.R. 2019. MOD-LSP, MODIS-Based Parameters for Hydrologic Modeling of North American Land Cover Change. Scientific Data. 6: 144.
- Schreiner-McGraw, A.P., Ajami, H., and Vivoni, E.R. 2019. Extreme Weather Events and Transmission Losses in Arid Streams. Environmental Research Letters. 14: 084002.
- Ko, A., Mascaro, G., and Vivoni, E.R. 2019. Strategies to Improve and Evaluate Physics-Based Hyperresolution Hydrologic Simulations at Regional Basin Scales. Water Resources Research. 55(2): 1129-1152.
- Shirzaei, M., Ojha, C., Werth, S., Carlson, G., and Vivoni, E.R. 2019. Comments on 'Short-lived pause in Central California subsidence after heavy winter precipitation of 2017' by K.D. Murray and R.B. Lohmann. Science Advances. 5(6): eaav8038.
- Bohn, T.J., Whitney, K.M., Mascaro, G., and Vivoni, E.R. 2019. A Deterministic Approach for Approximating the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation for Use in Large-scale Hydrologic Modeling. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 20(2): 297-317.
- Nardi, F., Annis, A., Di Baldassarre, G., Vivoni, E.R., and Grimaldi, S. 2019. GFPLAIN250m, a global high-resolution dataset of Earth’s floodplains. Scientific Data. 6: 180309.
- Navarro-Estupiñán, J., Robles-Morua, A., Vivoni, E.R., Espíndola-Zepeda, J., Montoya, J.A., and Verduzco, V.S. 2018. Observed Trends and Future Projections of Extreme Heat Events in Sonora, Mexico. International Journal of Climatology. 38(14): 5158-5181
- Bohn, T.J., Vivoni, E.R., Mascaro, G., and White, D.D. 2018. Land and Water Use Changes in the US-Mexico Border Region, 1992 to 2011. Environmental Research Letters. 13: 114005
- Schreiner-McGraw, A.P., and Vivoni, E.R. 2018. On the Sensitivity of Hillslope Runoff and Channel Transmission Losses in Arid Piedmont Slopes. Water Resources Research. 54(7): 4498-4518.
- Okin, G.S., Sala, O.E., Vivoni, E.R., Zhang, J., and Bhattachan, A. 2018. The Interactive Role of Wind and Water in Dryland Function: What Does the Future Hold? BioScience. 68(9): 670-677.
- Peters, D.P.C., Burruss, N.D., Rodriguez, L.L., McVey, D.S., Elias, E.H., Pelzel-McCluskey, A.M., Derner, J.D., Schrader, T.S., Yao, J., Pauszek, S.J., Lombard, J., Archer, A.R., Bestlemeyer, B., Browning, D.M., Brungaard, C.W., Hatfield, J.L., Hannan, N.P., Herrick, J.E., Okin, G.S., Sala, O.E., Savoy, H., and Vivoni, E.R. 2018. An Integrated View of Complex Landscapes: A Big Data-Model Integration Approach to Transdisciplinary Science. BioScience. 68(9): 653-669.
- Perra, E., Piras, M., Deidda, R., Paniconi, C., Mascaro, G., Vivoni, E.R., Cau, P., Marras, P.A., Ludwig, R., and Meyer, S. 2018. Multimodel Assessment of Climate Change-Induced Hydrologic Impacts for a Mediterranean Catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 22: 4125-4143.
- Rossi, M.J., Ares, J.O., Jobbagy, E.G., Vivoni, E.R., Vervoot, R.W., Schreiner-McGraw, A.P., and Saco, P.M. 2018. Vegetation and Terrain Drivers of Infiltration Depth Along a Semiarid Hillslope. Science of the Total Environment. 644: 1399-1408
- Verduzco, V.S., Vivoni, E.R., Yepez, E.A., Rodriguez, J.C., Watts, C.J., Tarin, T., Garatuza-Payan, J., Robles-Morua, A., and Ivanov, V.Y. 2018. Climate Change Impacts on Net Ecosystem Productivity in a Subtropical Shrubland of Northwest Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 123(2): 688-711.
- Templeton, N.P., Vivoni, E.R., Wang, Z.H., and Scheiner-McGraw, A.P. 2018. Quantifying Water and Energy Fluxes over Different Land Covers in Phoenix, Arizona. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. 123(4): 2111-2128.
- Bohn, T., and Vivoni, E.R. 2018. Comments on 'Regional Impacts of Irrigation in Mexico and Southwestern U.S. on Hydrometeorological Fields in the North American Monsoon Region'. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 19(2): 477-481
- Xiang, T., Vivoni, E.R., and Gochis, D.J. 2018. Influence of Initial Soil Moisture and Vegetation Conditions on Monsoon Precipitation Events in Northwest Mexico. Atmosfera. 31(1): 25-45.
- Bennett, K.E., Bohn, T., Solander, K., McDowell, N.G., Xu, G., Vivoni, E.R. and Middleton, K.S. 2018. Climate-driven Disturbances in the San Juan River sub-basin of the Colorado River. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 22: 709-725.
- Biederman, J.A., Scott, R.L., Arnone, J., Jasoni, R.L., Litvak, M.E., Moreo, M.T., Papuga, S.A., Ponce-Campos, G.E., Schreiner-McGraw, A.P., and Vivoni, E.R. 2018. Shrubland Carbon Sink Depends upon Winter Water Availability in the Warm Deserts of North America. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 249: 407-419.
- Schreiner-McGraw, A.P. and Vivoni, E.R. 2017. Percolation Observations in an Arid Piedmont Watershed and Linkages to Historical Conditions in the Chihuahuan Desert. Ecosphere. 8(11): e02000.
- Mayer, A.S., Vivoni, E.R., Kossak, D., Halvorsen, K.E. and Robles-Morua, A. 2017. Participatory Modeling Workshops in a Water-Stressed Basin Result in Gains in Modeling Capacity but Reveal Disparity in Water Resources Management Priorities. Water Resources Management. 31(15): 4731-4744.
- Xiang, T.T., Vivoni, E.R., Gochis, D.J. and Mascaro, G. 2017. On the Diurnal Cycle of Surface Energy Fluxes in the North American Monsoon Region using the WRF-Hydro Modeling Systems. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. 122(17): 9024-9049.
- Whitney, K.M., Vivoni, E.R., Duniway, M., Bradford, J. Reed, S.C. and Belnap, J. 2017. Ecohydrological Role of Biological Soil Crusts Across a Gradient of Development. Ecohydrology. 10(7): e1875.
- Cazares-Rodriguez, J., Vivoni, E.R., and Mascaro, G. 2017. Comparison of Two Watershed Models for Addressing Stakeholder Flood Mitigation Strategies: Case Study of Hurricane Alex in Monterrey, México. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 22(9): 05017018.
- Fatichi, S., Vivoni, E.R., Ogden, F., Ivanov, V.Y., Mirus, B., Gochis, D.J., Downer, C.W., Camporese, M., Davidson, J., Ebel, B., Jones, N., Kim, J., Mascaro, G., Niswonger, R., Restrepo, P., Rigon, R., Shen, C., Sulis, M., and Tarboton, D. 2016. An Overview of Current Applications, Challenges and Future Trends in Distributed, Process-based Models in Hydrology. Journal of Hydrology. 537: 45-60.
- Anderson, C.A., and Vivoni, E.R. 2016. Impact of Land Surface States within the Flux Footprint on Daytime Land-Atmosphere Coupling in Two Semiarid Ecosystems of the Southwestern U.S. Water Resources Research. 52(6): 4785-4800.
- Bohn, T.J., and Vivoni, E.R. 2016. Process-Based Characterization of Evapotranspiration Sources over the North American Monsoon Region. Water Resources Research. 52(1): 358-384.
- Advanced Water Observatory and Decision Support System. State of Arizona.
- Fostering Water Conservation in AZ Farms. Water Infrastructure Finance Authority.
- Airborne and CubeSat Methods for Snow Estimation. US Burea of Reclamation.
- Woody Plants and Subsurface Water Redistribution. Department of Energy.
- Advancing Ecological Understanding in Drylands. National Science Foundation.
- Effects of Solar Panels on Canal Evaporation: Phase 1 and 2. Salt River Project.
- Southwest Urban Corridor Integrated Field Laboratory. Department of Energy.
- Forests and Water Collaboration: Cragin Restoration 1 and 2. Salt River Project.
- Dude Fire Hydrologic Modeling Phases 1 and 2. Salt River Project.
- Managing the Colorado River as an Infrastructure Asset. NASA Applied Sciences.
- Investigating Urban Ecology and Sustainability. NSF LTER Program.
- Center For Bio-Mediated And Bio-Inspired Geotechnics. NSF ERC Program
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
SES 592 | Research |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
SES 599 | Thesis |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 592 | Research |
SES 599 | Thesis |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 580 | Practicum |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 440 | Hydrology |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 545 | Hydrology |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
GLG 471 | Hydrology |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 591 | Seminar |
SES 592 | Research |
SES 599 | Thesis |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GLG 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
SES 592 | Research |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
SES 599 | Thesis |
DSE 580 | Practicum |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 592 | Research |
SES 599 | Thesis |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 580 | Practicum |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 591 | Seminar |
CEE 549 | Ecohydrology Semiarid Landsc. |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 440 | Hydrology |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 545 | Hydrology |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
GLG 471 | Hydrology |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 591 | Seminar |
SES 592 | Research |
SES 599 | Thesis |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GLG 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
SES 592 | Research |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
SES 599 | Thesis |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 580 | Practicum |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 440 | Hydrology |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 545 | Hydrology |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
GLG 471 | Hydrology |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 591 | Seminar |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GLG 598 | Special Topics |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
SES 692 | Research |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
SES 592 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
SES 692 | Research |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 599 | Thesis |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 580 | Practicum |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
SES 593 | Applied Project |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 440 | Hydrology |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 545 | Hydrology |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
GLG 471 | Hydrology |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 591 | Seminar |
SES 592 | Research |
SES 599 | Thesis |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
SES 692 | Research |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GRD 598 | Special Topics |
GLG 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
SES 692 | Research |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
SES 592 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
SES 692 | Research |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 599 | Thesis |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 580 | Practicum |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 591 | Seminar |
GRD 598 | Special Topics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 440 | Hydrology |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 545 | Hydrology |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
GLG 471 | Hydrology |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 591 | Seminar |
SES 592 | Research |
SES 599 | Thesis |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
SES 692 | Research |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
SES 692 | Research |
SES 692 | Research |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
SES 592 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
SES 692 | Research |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 592 | Research |
CEE 580 | Practicum |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
- CEE 440/GLG 471/CEE 545 Hydrology - Introductory undergraduate/graduate course on hydrology; experiences provided with geographical information systems, laboratory and field methods, and numerical models; taught using active learning techniques.
- CEE 546/GLG 546 Advanced Watershed Hydrology - Graduate course on numerical modeling of watershed processes; experiences provided with three numerical models; field excursion for visiting watershed instrumentation sites.
- CEE 549/GLG 549 Ecohydrology of Semiarid Landscapes - Graduate course on ecohydrological processes in arid and semiarid areas; experiences provided on data analysis and numerical modeling activities; field excursion for visiting ecohydrological sites.
- CEE 591 Hydrosystems Engineering Seminar - Graduate seminar course on current research activities in water resources and hydrology as applied to agricultural, rural and urban systems.
- GRD 598 US-Mexico Training on Environment, Agriculture and Management - Collaborative online international learning (COIL) course sponsored by 100,000 Strong in the Americas Program with Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora.
- American Meteorological Society Fellow, 2025.
- Governor's Award for Arizona's Future, 2023.
- Mexican Carbon Program International Award, 2022
- Lincoln Institute Curriculum Innovation Award, 2022
- American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow, 2021
- Quentin Mees Research Award, 2021
- PLuS Alliance Fellow, 2016-present
- Fulton Faculty Exemplar, 2016-2018
- US Fulbright Scholar, 2015-2016, 2008-2009
- Leopold Leadership Fellowship, 2015-2016
- Distinguished Visiting Faculty, Mexican Academy of Sciences, 2015
- Walter Huber Civil Engineering Prize, 2014
- Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, 2009-2014
- Associate Editor, Journal of Arid Environments, 2009-2017
- Associate Editor, Water Resources Research, 2012-2013
- Associate Editor, Journal of Hydrology, 2006-2012
- Guest Editor, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2012
American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Geophysical Union, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Meteorological Society, Ecological Society of America, Union Geofisica Mexicana, Arizona Hydrological Society
Geological Sciences; Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering; Sustainability; Environmental Life Sciences; Geography and Urban Planning
- Director, ASU Center for Hydrologic Innovations, 2022-present
- Associate Dean, Graduate College, 2019-2021
- Associate Director for Graduate Programs, School of Earth and Space Exploration, 2016-2019
- Hydrosystems Coordinator, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, 2012-present
- Faculty Advisor for AAPG Student Chapter, SESE Grad Council, ASU Fulbright Student Chapter
- Director, US Mexico Border Water and Environmental Sustainability Program, 2012-2014
- Director, Center for Hydrologic Innovations, 2022-present
- Science Advisor, Planetary Skin Institute, 2011-2013
- Consultant, InterAmerican Development Bank, 2015-2017
- Consultant, FORDECyT-CONACyT, 2019-2020
- Corporate Board, Arizona Hydrological Society, 2022-present
- Executive Committee, Chicano/Latino Faculty & Staff Associated, 2022-present
- Executive Committee, Jornada Long-Term Ecological Reserach Project, 2011-present
- Executive Committee, ASU Global Drylands Institute, 2017-present
- Executive Committee, Decision Center for a Desert City, 2015-2020
- Council, ASU Future H2O, 2016-2019
- Advisory Board, MasterCard Foundation SIL Project, 2019-2021
- International program graduate curriculum consultant, 2015-present
- International program subject matter expert, 2018-present
- Arizona-Mexico Commission water/environment committee, 2019-2021