Nicole Darnall
Phone: 602-496-0445
P.O. Box 877904 Tempe, AZ 85287-7904
Nicole Darnall is a Professor and the Arlene R. and Robert P. Kogod Eminent Scholar Chair in Sustainability at American University with appointments in the Kogod School of Business and School of Public Affairs. She is also Foundation Professor Emerita at Arizona State University (ASU). Previously, she was Foundation Professor and Associate Dean of Faculty Success and Strategic Initiatives in ASU's School of Sustainability and the College of Global Futures, in addition to ASU's Founding Director of the Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative.
Her research investigates organizations’ and individuals’ sustainability behaviors. She has received numerous awards for this research and her leadership. Darnall is a National Academy of Public Administration Fellow, a Social Science Research Council Abe Fellow, an Economic and Social Research Council and Social Science Research Council Collaborative Visiting Fellow, an Erasmus Mundus International Scholar, and Spanish Ministry of Education International Fellow. Her scholarship assessing firms’ decisions to pursue sustainability certification received the Decision Science Institute’s Distinguished Paper Award as well as the Academy of Management’s Organizations and Natural Environment Best Paper Award and its Public and Nonprofit Management’s Best Journal Article Award.
Darnall is president of the Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment, an international network of scholars researching sustainable enterprise, and commissioner for the US General Services Administration’s Acquisition Policy Federal Advisory Committee, recommending and advising the agency on how it should embed sustainability into federal acquisition. She was a senior editor of Production and Operations Management, associate editor of both Business & Society and Organization & Environment, and served on the editorial boards of Cambridge University Press, Public Administration Review, and Business Strategy and the Environment.
Prior to her academic career, Darnall worked as an economist for the US Forest Service.
- Ph.D. Public Policy Analysis (Management Strategy emphasis), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- M.S. Policy Development and Program Evaluation, Vanderbilt University
- M.A. Economics, University of Texas, Arlington
- B.A. Economics, Psychology, New Mexico State University
Sustainability and enterprise, Sustainability management, Sustainability governance, Sustainable purchasing and consumption, Sustainability policy, ESG
Academic Publications
- Darnall N, Iatridis K, Kesidou E, Snelson-Powell A. 2023. Penalty zones in international sustainability standards: where sustainability doesn’t pay. Journal of Management Studies. DOI: 10.1111/joms.12975.
- Agustinata DB, Eakin H, Darnall N, Jiang B, Romero H. 2023. Advancing recognition justice in telecoupled critical mineral supply chains: The promise of social media. Energy Research & Social Science 104, 103264. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2023.1032.
- Dimand AM, Darnall N, Behravesh SA. 2023. Leveraging procurement for sustainable futures. International Review of Public Management 28(3), 402-409. DOI: 10.1080/12294659.2023.22
- Behravesh, S-A, Darnall N, Bretschneider S. 2022. A framework for understanding sustainable public purchasing. Journal of Cleaner Production 376, 134122. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.134122.
- Darnall N, Ji H, Iwata K, Arimura A. 2022. Do sustainability ESG reporting guidelines and verification enhance firms’ information disclosure? Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 29, 1214-1230. DOI: 10.1002/csr.2265.
- Ji H, Darnall N. 2022. All are not created equal: assessing the design features of local sustainability programs. Boyd NM, Martin EC (eds.). Sustainable Public Management. New York: NY: Routledge, Chapter 7, pp. 159-180. DOI: 10.4324/9781003202479-9.
- Hafsa F, Darnall N, Bretschneider S. 2021. Social procurement: Addressing a critical void in public procurement. Public Administration Review. DOI: 10.1111/puar.13438
- Pretner G, Darnall N, Testa F, Iraldo F. 2021. Are consumers willing to pay for circular products? The role of recycled and second-hand attributes, messaging, and third-party certification. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 175(8), 105888. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105888.
- Chen Y, Bretschneider S, Stritch JM, Darnall N, Hsueh. 2021. E-procurement system adoption in local governments: the role of procurement complexity and organizational structure. Public Management Review. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2021.1874497
- Hafsa F, Darnall N, Bretschneider S. 2021. Estimating the true size of public procurement to assess sustainability impact. Sustainability 13(3), 1448. DOI: 10.3390/su13031448
- Ji H, Darnall N. 2020. How do external conditions affect the design of local governments’ sustainability strategies? Regulation and Governance. DOI:10.1111/rego.12334
- Hsueh L, Bretscheider S, Stritch JM, Darnall N. 2020. Implementation of sustainable public procurement in local governments: a measurement approach. International Journal of Public Sector Management. DOI: 10.1108/IJPSM-09-2019-0233
- Stritch JM, Bretschneider S, Darnall N, Hsueh L., Chen Y. 2020. Sustainability policy objectives, centralized decision making, and efficiency in public procurement processes. Sustainability 12, 6934. DOI: 10.3390/su12176934
- Darnall N, Welch E, & Cho S. 2019. Sustainable supply chains and regulation. Sarkis J (ed.) Handbook on the Sustainable Supply Chain. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Chapter 30, pp. 513-525. DOI: 10.4337/9781786434272
- Sarti S, Darnall N, Testa F. 2018. Market segmentation of consumers based on their actual sustainability and health-related purchases. Journal of Cleaner Production 192, 270-280. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.04.188
- Darnall N, Ji H, & Vazquez-Brust D. 2018. Third-party certification, sponsorship, and consumers’ ecolabel use. Journal of Business Ethics. 50(4), 953-969. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-016-3138-2
- Darnall N, Hsueh L, Bretschneider S, Stritch J. 2018. Environmental purchasing in the City of Phoenix. Garren SJ, Brinkman R. (eds.). Handbook of Sustainability: Case Studies and Practical Solutions. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch. 26. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71389-2.
- Stritch JM, Darnall N, Bretschneider S, Hsueh L, No W. 2018. Green technology firms and sustainable purchasing. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 46(1), 128-131. DOI: 10.1109/EMR.2018.2810080
- Darnall N, Ji H, Potoski M. 2017. Institutional design of ecolabels: Sponsorship signals rule strength. Regulation & Governance 11(4), 438-450. DOI: 10.1111/rego.12166
- Ji H & Darnall N. 2017. All are not created equal: assessing the design features of local sustainability programs. 2017. Public Management Review 20(1), 154-175. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2017.1293147
- Ferrón-Vílchez V, Darnall N, Aragón-Correa JA. 2017. Stakeholder influences on the design of firms’ environmental practices. Journal of Cleaner Production 142(4), 3370-3381. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.10.129
- Hsueh L & Darnall N. 2017. Alternative and nonregulatory approaches to environmental governance. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 1-7. DOI: 10.1093/jopart/muw042
- Kim Y & Darnall N. 2016. Business as a collaborative partner: understanding firms’ socio-political support for policy formation. Public Administration Review 76(2), 326-337. DOI: 10.1111/puar.12463.
- Ferrón-Vílchez V, Darnall N. 2016. Two are better than one: The link between management systems and business performance. Business Strategy and the Environment 25(4), 221-240. DOI: 10.1002/bse.1864
- Arimura T, Darnall N, Ganguli R, Katayama H. 2016. The effect of ISO 14001 on environmental performance: resolving equivocal findings. Journal of Environmental Management 166(15), 556-566. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.10.032.
- Barnett M, Darnall N, Husted B. 2015. Sustainability in constrained economic times. Long Range Planning 48(2), 63-68. DOI:10.1016/j.lrp.2014.07.001
- Lin H, Darnall N. 2015. Strategic alliance formation and structural configuration. Journal of Business Ethics 127, 549-564. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2053-7
- Darnall N, Milstein MB. 2015. Can eco-standards and certification create competitive advantage for a luxury resort? (with teaching note). Girling R, Gordy H, Lanier P. (eds.). The Good Company: Sustainability in Hospitality, Ecotourism and Wine. New York: Business Expert Press, Chapter 10. Reprinted from Case Research Journal, 34(3), 115-133.
- Darnall N, Milstein MB. 2015. Can eco-standards and certification create competitive advantage for a luxury resort? (with teaching note). Parsa HG, Narapareddy V, Jang S, Segarra-Ona M, Chen RJC, (eds.), Sustainability, Social Responsibility, and Innovations in the Hospitality Industry (Advances in Hospitality and Tourism). New York: CRC Press, 1-46.
- Darnall N, Aragón-Correa JA. 2014. Can ecolabels influence firms’ sustainability strategy and stakeholder behaviors? Organization & Environment 27(4), 319-327. DOI: 10.1177/1086026614562963
- Darnall N, Milstein MB. 2014. Damaí Lovina Villas: can eco-standards and certification create competitive advantage for a luxury resort? (with teaching note). Case Research Journal 34(3), 1-20.
- Kurapatskie B, Darnall N. 2013. Which corporate sustainability activities are associated with greater financial payoffs? Business Strategy and the Environment 11(1), 49-61. DOI: 10.1002/bse.1735.
- Darnall N, Kim Y. 2012. Which types of environmental management systems are related to greater environmental improvements? Public Administration Review 72(3), 351-365. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2011.02503.x.
- Darnall N, Sides S. 2012. Assessing the performance of voluntary environmental programs: does certification matter? Georg S & Hoffman A (eds). Business and the Natural Environment. New York, NY: Routledge. Volume 2, chapter 35.
- Darnall N, Ponting C, Vazquez-Brust D. 2012. Why consumers buy green. Vazquez-Brust D and Sarkis J. (eds.) Green Growth: Managing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy, Greening of Industry Network Series 1, DOI: 10.10087/978-94-007-4417-2_15, Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media, 287-308.
- Arimura T, Darnall N, Katayama H. 2011. Is ISO 14001 a gateway to more advanced voluntary action? The case of green supply chain management. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 61(2), 170-182. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeem.2010.11.003.
- Puente M, Darnall N, Forkner R. 2011. Assessing integrated pest management adoption: measurement problems and policy implications. Environmental Management 48(5), 1013-1023. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-011-9737-x.
- Darnall N, Henriques I, Sadorsky P. 2010. Adopting proactive environmental strategy: the influence of stakeholders and firm size. Journal of Management Studies 47(6), 1072-1094.DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2009.00873.x.
- Edwards Jr. D, Darnall N. 2010. Averting environmental justice claims? The role of environmental management systems. Public Administration Review 70(3), 422-433. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2010.02156.x.
- Lin H, Darnall N. 2010. Strategic alliances for environmental protection. Sarkis J, Cordeiro J, & Vazquez-Brust D (eds). Facilitating Sustainable Innovation through Collaboration: A Multistakeholder Perspective. New York: Springer, 233-246.
- Darnall N, Potoski M, Prakash A. 2010. Sponsorship matters: assessing business participation in government- and industry-sponsored voluntary environmental programs. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 20(2), 283-307. DOI: 10.1093/jopart/mup014.
- Darnall N. 2009. Regulatory stringency, green production offsets and organizations’ financial performance. Public Administration Review 69(3), 418-434. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2009.01989.x.
- Darnall N, Sides S. 2009. Do voluntary environmental programs improve performance? deLeon P & Rivera J (eds.) Voluntary Environmental Programs: A Policy Perspective. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 213-238.
- Darnall N, Seol I, Sarkis J. 2009. Perceived stakeholder influences and organizations’ use of environmental audits. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(2), 170-187.
- Darnall N, Henriques I, Sadorsky P. 2008. Do environmental management systems improve business performance in an international setting? Journal of International Management 14(4), 364-376. DOI:10.1016/j.aos.2008.07.002.
- Darnall N, Sides S. 2008. Assessing the performance of voluntary environmental programs: does certification matter? Policy Studies Journal 36(1), 95-117. DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-0072.2007.00255.x.
- Darnall N, Jolley GJ, Handfield R. 2008. Environmental management systems and green supply chain management: complements for sustainability? Business Strategy and the Environment 17(1), 30-45. DOI: 10.1002/bse.557.
- Darnall N. 2008. Creating a green brand for competitive distinction. Asian Business & Management 7(4), 445-466. DOI: 10.1057/abm.2008.19.
- Darnall N. 2008. What the federal government can do to encourage green production. The Business of Government Fall/Winter, 86-89.
- Darnall N. 2008. Addressing global environmental challenges: using information as a novel “local” policy approach. Global Studies Review 4(3), 1-3.
- Darnall N. 2008. What the Federal Government Can Do to Encourage Green Production. Washington, DC: IBM Center for the Business of Government, Presidential Transition Series.
- Darnall N, Jolley GJ & Ytterhus B. 2007. Understanding the relationship between a facility's environmental and financial performance. Johnstone N (ed). Environmental Policy and Corporate Behaviour. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, in association with Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), 213-259.
- Darnall N, Edwards Jr D. 2006. Predicting the cost of environmental management system adoption: the role of capabilities, resources and ownership structure. Strategic Management Journal 27(4), 301-320. (Lead Article) DOI: 10.1002/smj.518.
- Darnall N. 2006. Why firms mandate ISO 14001 certification. Business & Society 45(3), 354-381. DOI: 10.1177/0007650306289387.
- Darnall N, Carmin J. 2005. Greener and cleaner? The signaling accuracy of U.S. voluntary environmental programs. Policy Sciences 38(2-3), 71-90. DOI: 10.1007/s11077-005-6591-9.
- Darnall N, Jolley GJ. 2004. Involving the public: when are surveys and stakeholder interviews effective? Review of Policy Research 21(4) 581-594. DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-1338.2004.00095.x.
- Carmin J, Darnall N, Mil-Homens J. 2003. Stakeholder involvement in the design of U.S. voluntary environmental programs: does sponsorship matter? Policy Studies Journal 31(4) 527-543. DOI: 10.1111/1541-0072.00041.
- Darnall N. 2003. Motivations for participating in a voluntary environmental initiative: the Multi-state Working Group and EPA’s EMS pilot program. Sharma S. & Starik M. (eds.) Research in Corporate Sustainability. Boston: Edward Elgar Publishing, 123-154.
- Darnall N, Gallagher DR, Andrews RNL. 2001. ISO 14001: greening management systems. Sarkis J (ed). Greener Manufacturing and Operations. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing, 178-190.
- Andrews RNL, Darnall N, Gallagher DR, Keiner ST, Feldman E, Mitchell M, Amaral D, Jacoby J. 2001. Environmental management systems: history, theory and implementation research. Coglianese C & Nash J (eds). Regulation from the Inside: Can Environmental Management Systems Achieve Policy Goals? Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, 31-62.
- Darnall N, Gallagher DR, Andrews RNL & Amaral D. 2000. Environmental management systems: opportunities for improved environmental and business strategy? Environmental Quality Management 9(3) 1-9. DOI: 10.1002/1520-6483(200021)9:3<1::AID-TQEM1>3.0.CO;2-L.
- Davies T, Mazurek J, McCarthy K, Darnall N. 1996. Industry Incentives for Environmental Improvement: Evaluation of U.S. Federal Initiatives. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future.
- Darnall N, Nehman GI, Priest JW & Sarkis J. 1994. A review of environmentally conscious manufacturing theory and practices. International Journal of Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing 3(4) 49-57.
Practitioner Publications
- Stritch JM, Darnall N, Behravesh, S-A. 2024. The promise of digital technology to advance sustainable public procurement. Contract Management. October.
- Darnall N, Iatridis K, Kesidou E, Snelson-Powell A. 2023. Penalty zones and international sustainability standards. The FinReg Blog. October 25, 2023.
- Wierzbicki A, Stritch JM, Darnall N, Chen Y, Fox A, Swanson J, Adell A. 2002. Executive summary. Sustainable Public Procurement: 2022 Global Review, Part I, pp. xi – xxiii. Paris: United Nations Environment Programme.
- Darnall N, Stritch JM, Chen Y, Fox A, Swanson J, Adell A, Wierzbicki A. 2022. Introduction. Sustainable Public Procurement: 2022 Global Review, Part I. Chapter 1, pp. 1-6. Paris: United Nations Environment Programme.
- Swanson J, Darnall N, Stritch JM, Chen Y, Fox A, Adell A, Bres L. 2022. Recommendations and conclusions. Sustainable Public Procurement: 2022 Global Review, Part I. Chapter 4, pp. 71-79. Paris: United Nations Environment Programme.
- Fox A, Darnall N, Stritch JM, Swanson J, Bretschneider S, Chen Y, Ivy J, Wilkerson A, Carter L, Testa F, Iraldo F, Iannone F, Husted B, Perez-Castillo D, Amorós JE, Blanco AR, Lukacs De Pereny S, Schwarz G, Arimura T, Miyamoto T. 2022. Study from Arizona State University on sustainable procurement in local governments. Annex 3, pp. 67 – 77. 2022 Sustainable Public Procurement: 2022 Global Review, Part II. Paris: United Nations Environment Programme.
- Darnall, N., Stritch, J.M., Adell, A., Chen, Y., Fox, A., Swanson, J. 2022. Conclusions. 2022 Global Review of Sustainable Public Procurement. Chapter 9. Paris: United Nations Environment Programme.
- Ortega-Carrasco P, Ferrón-Vílchez V, Allur E, Elovitz A, Dubois M, Chen Y, Darnall N, Stritch JM, Bretschneider S. 2022. Advancing Green Purchasing in Spanish Municipalities. University of Granada and Arizona State University, Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19380.73609
- Ortega-Carrasco P, Ferrón-Vílchez V, Allur E, Elovitz A, Dubois M, Chen Y, Darnall N, Stritch JM, Bretschneider S. 2022. Análisis de la Compra Pública Ecológica en los Municipios Españoles. University of Granada and Arizona State University, Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6686962
- Chen Y, Darnall N, Stritch JM, Bretschneider, S. 2021. Using e-procurement systems to accommodate multiple sustainability objectives. LSE Business Review. September 22, 1-3.
- Chen Y, Darnall N, Stritch JM, Bretschneider, S. 2021. Do Multiple Sustainability Objectives Affect the Speed of Local Procurement Processes? ICMA Blog. April 6, 1-3.
- Hafsa F, Darnall N, Bretschneider S. 2021. Estimating the true size of public procurement to improve sustainability. LSE Business Review. March 26, 1-6.
- Bruns E, Darnall N, Flynn K, Fox A. 2021. Making government spending sustainable: protecting the environment one government purchase at a time. Policy Forum. January 21, 1-2.
- Lukacs de Pereny S, Schwarz G, Carter L, Chen Y, Darnall N, Stritch J, Bretschneider S. 2020. Advancing Green Purchasing in Australian Municipalities. University of New South Wales Business School and Arizona State University, Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25513.83045.
- Testa F, Iraldo F, Iannone F, Wilkerson A, Chen Y, Darnall N, Stritch J, Bretschneider S. 2020. Advancing Green Purchasing in Italian Municipalities. Sant’ Anna School of Advanced Studies, Institute of Management, and Arizona State University, Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20480.66569.
- Leal AR, Pérez Castillo D, Husted BW, Amorós E, Ivy J, Chen Y, Darnall N, Stritch JM, Bretschneider S. 2020 Advancing Green Purchasing in Mexican Municipalities. Technológico de Monterrey, EGADE Business School and Arizona State University, Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30546.99523.
- Arimura T, Darnall N, Miyamoto T, Nakai M. 2019. Three ways Japanese Municipalities can advance green purchasing. Social Science Research Council. March, 1-4.
- Sarti S, Darnall N, Testa F. 2018. Collectivists, individualists and indifferents: What the different types of consumers mean for the market for sustainable and healthy products LSE Business Review. July 13, 1-6.
- Darnall N, Ji H, Potoski M. 2018. Which eco-labels deliver what they promise? LSE Business Review. May 12, 1-3.
- Darnall N, Arimura T, Miyamoto T, Stritch JM, Bretschneider S, Hsueh L. 2018. Advancing Green Purchasing in Japanese Municipalities. Phoenix: Arizona State University’s Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative and Waseda University’s Research Institute for Environmental Economics and Management. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13769.77925.
- Burwell C, Darnall N. 2017. Want a successful sustainable purchasing policy? Six policy elements that cities should know. Professional Purchasing 45(11/12), 14-15.
- Darnall N, Stritch JM, Bretschneider S, Hsueh L, No W. 2017. Going green on purchasing: eight practices to reduce environmental impacts. Public Management Magazine 99(8), 28-29.
- Darnall N, Stritch JM, Bretschneider S, Hsueh L, No W. 2017. How cities are addressing climate change through sustainable purchasing. Public Administration Review, Speak your mind symposium on climate change and public administration, July 18.
- Darnall N, Stritch JM, Bretschneider S, Hsueh L, No W. 2017. US cities buy-green schemes reduce their environmental liabilities and costs. LSE Business Review, June 29.
- Darnall N, Stritch JM, Bretschneider S, Hsueh L, No W. 2017. Five practices to help cities green their purchasing. Cities Speak, August 25.
- Darnall N, Stritch JM, Bretschneider S, Hsueh L, Duscha M, Iles J, No W, Suarez J, Burwell C. 2017. Advancing Green Purchasing in Local Governments. Phoenix: Arizona State University, Center for Organization Research and Design, Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative.
- Darnall N, Bretschneider S, Stritch J, Hsueh L, Duscha M, Iles J. 2017. City of Phoenix’s Environmental Procurement Policy: Focus Group Findings and Recommendations. Phoenix: Arizona State University, Center for Organization Research and Design.
- Kim Y, Darnall N. 2016. Business-government collaboration may help solve complex social issues. LSE Business Review, Feb. 5, 1-3.
- Davies T, Mazurek J, McCarthy K, Darnall N. 1997. Voluntary incentives are no shortcut to pollution abatement. Resources 126, 18.
- Davies T, Darnall N. 1996. Getting the city on the hill to shine. Resources 125, 10-13.
- Darnall,Nicole, Behravesh, Shirley-Ann. Arizona State University – Co-principal investigator – AI Seed Grant Challenge - Phase 1 Planning and Convening Grant: Leveraging AI for Sustainable Procurement Futures (1/2024 - 12/2024).
- Darnall,Nicole, Behravesh, Shirley-Ann, Scarnavacca, Eusebio, Villena Martinez, Veronica, Stritch, Justin M., Welch, Eric. National Science Foundation FW-HTF-P: Sustainable Procurement Futures (10/2022 - 12/2023).
- Darnall,Nicole, Stritch,Justin, Bretschneider,Stuart. United Nations Environment Programme. 2022 Global Review Sustainable Public Procurement (05/2021 - 09/2021).
- Darnall,Nicole, Bretschneider,Stuart, Stritch,Justin, Husted,Bryan, Amros,Jose Ernesto, Arimura,Toshi. Global Consortium for Sustainability Outcomes. Advancing Sustainable Public Purchasing in Cities Globally (07/2018 - 01/2021).
- Hoerisch,Jacob, Darnall,Nicole, Husted,Bryan. Global Consortium for Sustainability Outcomes. Increasing the application of effective sustainability management methods in SMEs. (08/2018-12/2018).
- Walls,Judith, Darnall,Nicole. Nanyang Technological University. Navigating social and environmental disasters: how corporations use narratives for impression management (07/2018 - 07/2019).
- Darnall,Nicole. Social Science Research Council. Sustainable Public Procurement in Japanese Local Governments: A Multicity and U.S. Cross-comparative Analysis. (8/2017 - 01/2019).
- Darnall,Nicole, Bretschneider,Stuart, Hsueh,Lily, Stritch,Justin M. Sustainable procurement in state and local governments. V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation (08/2016 - 11/2017)
- Seager,Thomas Payson, Anderies,John M, Anderies,John M, Chester,Mikhail, Darnall,Nicole, Grimm,Nancy B, Janssen,Marcus Alexander, Johnson,Nathan Gregory, Lai,Ying-Cheng, Miller,Clark Anson. Collaborative Research: RIPS Type 2: Resilience Simulation of Water Power and Road Networks. NSF-ENG (9/2014 - 8/2017).
- Darnall,Nicole. Effects of Energy Efficiency Labels on Energy Conservation. Waseda University. (8/2013 - 3/12014).
- Oneill,Gerald Daniel, Allenby,Braden Richard, Basile,George Matthew, Brown,Nicholas, Buch,Rajesh, Darnall,Nicole, Galluppi,Kenneth Joseph, Seager,Thomas Payson. City of Phoenix Waste Diversion Development Plan. CITY OF PHOENIX (3/2013 - 9/2013).
- Darnall,Nicole. Sustainability labels as alternative management strategy tools. European Commission’s Erasmus Mundus Programme (05/2010 - 08/2010).
- Darnall,Nicole. Sustainability labels, individual behavior and corporate leadership to improve environmental and social sustainability. Economic and Social Research Council and Social Science Research Council (2009-2010).
- Darnall,Nicole. How the federal government can encourage more widespread green production. IBM Center for The Business of Government (2007-2008).
- Darnall,Nicole. Firm-level environmental management. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris, France (2002-2005).
- Overcash,Michael, Handfield,Robert, Darnall,Nicole. Factors related to firms “greening” their supply chains. National Science Foundation (2003-2004).
- Overcash,Michael, Handfield,Robert, Darnall,Nicole. Life cycle of industrial solvents. National Science Foundation (2002-2004).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 592 | Research |
SOS 596 | Capstone: Scientific Paper |
SOS 598 | Special Topics |
SOS 598 | Special Topics |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 582 | Project Management for Sustain |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 592 | Research |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 596 | Capstone: Scientific Paper |
SOS 598 | Special Topics |
SOS 598 | Special Topics |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 582 | Project Management for Sustain |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 592 | Research |
SOS 596 | Capstone: Scientific Paper |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 582 | Project Management for Sustain |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
SOS 509 | Leading Sust Transitions |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 394 | Special Topics |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
Invited Presentations
- 2024 National Academies of Sciences
- 2024 George Washington University
- 2024 University of St. Andrews
- 2024 Persefoni, Inc.
- 2024 NewDeal Forum, Ideas Summit
- 2023 United Nations Environment Program
- 2023 U.S. General Services Administration Federal Advisory Committee
- 2023 U.S. National Science Foundation
- 2023 Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council
- 2023 American Public Works Association
- 2023 Speaker Series on Sustainability, Arizona State University
- 2022 State of Utah Sustainability Summit
- 2022 City of Scottsdale, Environmental Advisory Commission
- 2022 Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment
- 2021 National Contract Management Association
- 2021 Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council
- 2021 Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment
- 2021 Security and Sustainability Forum
- 2020 National Academy of Public Administration
- 2020 University of Victoria, Gustavson School of Business, Victoria, Canada
- 2020 Social Science Research Council, Westchester, NY
- 2019 Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
- 2019 Production and Operations Management Society Conference, College of Sustainable Operations, Washington DC
- 2019 Pace University, Transatlantic Roundtable on Sustainable Public Procurement, New York City, NY
- 2019 George Washington University, School of Business, Department of Business and Public Policy, Washington DC
- 2018 Waseda University, Waseda Institute of Political Economy, Tokyo, Japan
- 2018 Waseda University, Top Global University Initiative, Tokyo, Japan
- 2018 International Sustainable Value Chain Scientific Workshop, Frankfurt, Germany
- 2018 Nanyang Technical University, Nanyang Business School, Center for Business Sustainability, Singapore
- 2018 University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- 2018 Macquarie University, School of Business, Sydney, Australia
- 2018 University of Queensland, School of Business, Brisbane, Australia
- 2018 Kyoto University, Future Earth Conference, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan
- 2018 Kobe University, Department of Economics, Kobe, Japan
- 2018 Nanzan University, Faculty of Global Liberal Studies, Nagoya, Japan
- 2017 EcoPro 2017, Japan Environment Association and Ministry of Environment Japan, Tokyo
- 2017 Kyoto University, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto, Japan
- 2017 Waseda University, Institute for Political Economy, Tokyo, Japan
- 2017 Waseda University, Research Institute for Environmental Economics and Management, Tokyo, Japan
- 2017 Ministry of Environment Japan, Tokyo, Japan
- 2017 ASU Undergraduate Student Government Executive Council, Phoenix, AZ
- 2017 University of Washington, Center for Environmental Politics, Seattle, WA
- 2017 Greenhealth Exchange, Phoenix, AZ
- 2017 City of Phoenix, Office of Environmental Programs, Phoenix, AZ
- 2016 Materials Science Research Society, Phoenix, AZ
- 2015 Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Institute of Management, Pisa, Italy
- 2014 Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, keynote address at Economic and Social Research Council Seminar
- 2012 Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Institute of Management, Pisa, Italy
- 2012 University of Paris Dauphine and French Agency for Standards, Paris, France
- 2012 Center for Law, Science & Innovation, Arizona State University, Arizona
- 2011 University of Granada, Faculty of Economics and Business, Granada, Spain
- 2011 George Washington University, Department of Strategic Management and Public Policy, Washington, DC
- 2010 Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
- 2010 Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
- 2010 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation, Policy and Program Change Division, Washington, DC.
- 2010 Lund University, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund, Sweden
- 2009 Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, Oxford University, Oxford, England
- 2009 Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability & Society, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales
- 2009 University of Granada, Faculty of Economics and Business, Granada, Spain
- 2009 Donald Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
- 2009 School of Business Administration, Portland State University, Portland, OR
- 2009 D.C. Chapter of the Society of Conservation Biology, Environmental Science and Policy Graduate Student Association, Fairfax, VA.
- 2008 US Environmental Protection Agency, National Center for Environmental Economics, Washington, DC
- 2008 Joint Public Advisory Committee, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- 2008 US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation, Washington, DC
- 2008 Small Business Development Center, Springfield, VA
- 2008 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, VA
- 2007 College of Science Board of Directors, Summit Meeting, George Mason University
- 2006 Multi-state Working Group on Environmental Performance, Park City, UT
- 2005 Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Washington, DC
- 2005 Multi-state Working Group on Environmental Performance, Grand Rapids, MI
- 2005 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- 2005 Resources for the Future, Washington, DC
- 2005 International Association of Business and Society Conference, Sonoma, CA
- 2005 Multi-state Working Group on Environmental Performance, White Plains, NY
- 2004 Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Paris
- 2004 Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway
- 2003 INSEAD, Center for Management and Environmental Resources, Fountainbleau, France
- 2003 US Environmental Protection Agency, National Center for Environmental Innovation, Washington, DC
- 2001 Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
- 2001 North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
- 2001 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Conference Presentations
- Academy of Management 2001, 2003-2011, 2013-2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2023
- American Political Science Association 2010
- Association for Policy Analysis and Management 1996-2011, 2013-2020, 2023, 2024 (pending)
- Conference on Environment, Innovation, and Performance 2007
- Decision Sciences Institute 2007, 2008
- Eastern Academy of Management 2008, 2013
- European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium 2009
- European Academy of Management 2014, 2017
- Greening of Industry Network 2001, 2003, 2010
- Group on Organizations and the Natural Environment (GRONEN) 2003, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2018-2020, 2022, 2024
- IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment 1995
- International Association for Business and Society 2005, 2007
- International City/County Managers Association 2017
- International Congress on Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing 1995
- International Cross-Sector Social Interactions Symposium 2016
- International Society for Ecological Economics 1994
- Mason Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2008, 2010
- National Administrative Studies Project Conference 2016
- Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) 2014
- OECD/EPA/Environment Canada Conference on Public Environmental Policy and the Private Firm 2005
- Public Management Research Association 2011, 2013, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2024
- Public Values Research Conference 2016
- Research Summit on Environmental Management Systems 1999
- Sinergie – SIMA Conference 2017, 2020
- Southeast Conference for Public Administration 2010
- Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council 2017, 2023
- Commissioner, General Services Administration Federal Advisory Committee (Acquisition Policy) and Chair, Acquisition Workforce Sub-committee, 2022-
- National Academy of Public Administration Fellow, 2019-
- Abe Fellow, Social Science Research Council, 2017-
- Organization Leadership Case Study Award, Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council – for Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative’s leadership in facilitating market transformation towards sustainability and enabling institutional purchasers to better understand and take responsibility for the consequences of their spending, 2023
- President’s Award for Sustainability – For Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative’s leadership in fostering innovative solutions that yield real-world change at Arizona State University and beyond, 2023
- Best Paper Finalist, Academy of Management, Public and Nonprofit Management Division, 2023
- President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness – For significant contributions to Arizona State University’s Project Cities, 2022
- Overall Best Paper Award, Sinergie SIMA Management Research Conference, 2020
- Best Paper Finalist, Academy of Management, Public and Nonprofit Management Division, 2018
- Distinguished Service Award, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University, 2016-2017
- Best Journal Article, Academy of Management, Public and Nonprofit Management Division, 2016
- Distinguished Service Award, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University, 2014
- International Fellow, Spanish Ministry of Education, 2011
- Mason Emerging Scholar Award for excellence in academic achievement (attained within 10 years of completing Ph.D.), George Mason University, Office of the Provost, 2010-2011
- Erasmus Mundus International Scholar Fellowship, European Commission’s Erasmus Mundus Programme, 2010
- 15 Green Supply Chain Studies You Should Know About, The Green Economy Post (two papers listed), 2010
- Collaborative Visiting Fellow, Economic and Social Research Council/Social Science Research Council, United Kingdom, 2009-2010
- Emerging Scholar Award for Research Excellence, Academy of Management, Organizations and the Natural Environment and Greenleaf Publishing, 2008
- Best First Case, The Case Association, 2008
- Distinguished Paper Award, Decision Sciences Institute, Accounting Theory Applications and Practice, 2007
- Oikos Sustainability Case Writing Competition Award (honorable mention), Oikos Foundation for Economy and Ecology, 2006
- Best Paper Finalist, Academy of Management, Organizations and the Natural Environment, 2005
- Carolyn Dexter Award for Best International Paper Finalist, Academy of Management, 2005
- North Carolina State University Departmental Award for Teaching and Learning Excellence, (shared award as a member of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration), 2003-2004
- Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, Organizations and the Natural Environment, 2003
- Best Dissertation Award, Academy of Management, Organizations and the Natural Environment and Sage Publications, 2003
- William H. Newman Award for Best Paper Based on a Dissertation (finalist), Academy of Management, 2003
Current and Previous
- Senior Editor - Production and Operations Management, Sustainable Operations Department
- Associate Editor - Business & Society
- Associate Editor - Organization & Environment
- Associate Editor - Academy of Management, Organizations & the Natural Environment
- Special Issue Editor - Organization & Environment, “Between circular paralysis and utopia: Organizational transformations towards the circular economy,” with N. Bocken, P. Ritala, J. Pinkse
- Special Issue Editor – International Journal of Management Reviews, “Tear down this wall! Engaging intra-, inter-, and transdisciplinary perspectives to move beyond silo thinking for sustainability in business,” with R. Hahn, D. Reimbach, E. Kessidou, C. Leonidou.
- Special Issue Editor - Long Range Planning, “Doing more with less? Sustainability strategy in constrained economic times,” with M. Barnett, B. Husted
- Editorial Board - Public Administration Review
- Editorial Board - Cambridge University Press, Organization & Environment Book Series
- Editorial Board - Business Strategy and the Environment
- Academy of Management
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management
- Group on Organizations and the Natural Environment (founding member)
- National Academy of Public Administration
- Public Management Research Association
- School of Sustainability
- School of Public Affairs
- Barrett the Honors College
Broader Profession
- President, Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment (GRONEN), 2024 -
- Commissioner, General Services Administration Federal Advisory Committee (Acquisition Policy), Chair, Acquisition Workforce Sub-committee, 2022-
- United Nations Environmental Programme, 10YFP Sustainable Procurement Programme Partner, 2017-
- Network Coordinator. Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment, 2022 - 2024
- Grant Reviewer, National Science Foundation, Science: Discovery, Communication, and Impact (SoS:DCI) program, 2022
- Emerging Scholar Award Adjudicating Committee, Academy of Management, Organizations and the Natural Environment Division, 2009, 2011 - 2014
- Grant Reviewer, Research on the Design of Policies for Pollution Control Using Market Mechanisms, U.S. EPA’s Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation and U.S. EPA’s National Center for Environmental Economics, 2009
- Chair, Membership and Nominations Team (elected), Academy of Management, Organizations and the Natural Environment Division, 2008-2009, member 2008-2009
- Program Committee Co-Chair, Environmental Policy Track, Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management, 2006
- Judge, American Chemistry Council’s Responsible Care® Awards Panel, 2006
- Grant Reviewer, Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Grant, Environmental Behavior and Decision Making, U.S. EPA’s Office of Research and Development, 2005
Arizona State University
- Founding Director, Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative, 2016-
- Chair, Search Committee, Sustainable Enterprise Open Search, School of Sustainability, 2023-2024
- Chair, Personnel Committee, College of Global Futures 2021-2022, Member 2022-2023
- Master's Programs Capstone Director, Masters of Sustainability Leadership, Masters of Sustainability Solutions, School of Sustainability, 2021-2023
- Associate Dean of Faculty Success and Strategic Partnerships, College of Global Futures, 2020-2021
- Associate Dean/Director of Faculty Success and Strategic Partnerships, School of Sustainability, 2018-2021
- Associate Director, Center for Organization Research and Design, College of Public Service and Community Solutions, 2014-2018
- Faculty Lead, Public Procurement Undergraduate Concentration, School of Public Affairs, 2017
- Chair, Search Committee, School of Public Affairs Director, College of Public Service and Community Solutions, 2016-2017
- Chair, Faculty Advisory Committee, School of Public Affairs, 2017, Member 2015-2017
- Faculty Executive Committee, School of Sustainability, 2015-2017
- Chair, Personnel Committee, 2014-2017, Member 2011-2013, School of Sustainability
- Chair, Director Search Committee, School of Public Affairs, 2016
- Director, Doctoral Program Committee, School of Public Affairs, 2012-2014, Member 2011-2012, 2014-2017
- Institutional Representative, Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management, School of Public Affairs, 2011-2015
- ASU Committee on Sustainability Education, 2013-2014
- Undergraduate Research Committee, College of Public Service and Community Solutions, 2013-2014
- Faculty Lead, Environmental Policy Concentration, School of Public Affairs, 2012-2013
- Search Committee (3 junior hires, 2 senior hires), School of Public Affairs, 2011-2012, 2014
George Mason University
- Environmental Economist Search Committee, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, 2010-2011
- Mason Center for Climate and Society, College of Science, 2008-2011
- Search Committee for Chair of the Department of Environmental Science & Policy, College of Science, 2008-2009
- Chair’s Advisory Committee, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, 2007-2011
- Faculty Senate (elected College of Science representative), 2010-2011
- College of Science/College of Humanities and Social Sciences’ Interdisciplinary Curriculum Committee, 2009-2011
- Department Coordinator—Led the development of a Bachelors of Arts, Department of Environmental Science and Policy degree in Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, 2009-2010
- Masters of Environmental Management Curriculum Development, 2009-2010
- Energy Policy Search Committee, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, 2008
- Executive Committee, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, 2005-2008
- Chair, Website Redesign Committee, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, 2005-2006
North Carolina State University
- Search Committee, Inaugural Chair of the School of Public and International Affairs, 2004-2005
- Diversity Task Force, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2003-2004
- Departmental Review, Promotion, & Tenure Standards Committee, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, 2004-2005
- Masters Admissions Committee, Public Administration Program, Chair, 2004-2005
- Comprehensive Exam Committee (Ph.D.), Public Administration Program, 2004-2005
- Faculty Advisor, Graduate Association of Public Administrators, 2003-2005
- Selection Committees (organization behavior [2], nonprofit search), Department of Political Science & Public Administration, 2002-2005
- Comprehensive Exam Committee (MPA), Public Administration Program, 2002-2005
- Doctoral Admissions Committee, Public Administration Program, 2002-2005
- Public Administration Research Methods Committee, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, 2001-2005
- Political Science Public Policy Minor Committee, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, 2001-2005
- William J. Block Award Committee, Public Administration Program, 2004
- Masters Admissions Committee, Public Administration Program, 2001-2004
- APS (Phoenix, AZ)
- Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (Phoenix, AZ)
- Arizona State University, Staff Committee for Sustainability Practices (Tempe, AZ)
- China Mist (Scottsdale, AZ)
- City of Phoenix, Office of Environmental Programs (Phoenix, AZ)
- City of Phoenix, Department of Public Works (Phoenix, AZ)
- City of Glendale, Department of Facilities Management (Glendale, AZ)
- City of Tempe, Department of Purchasing (Tempe, AZ)
- Damaí Lovina Villas (Bali, Indonesia)
- DMD Systems Recovery Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce (Fairfax, VA)
- ENSO Plastics (Mesa, AZ)
- First Solar (Tempe, AZ)
- GreenHealth Exchange (Chicago, IL)
- Lockheed Martin (Springfield, VA)
- Mayo Clinic (Phoenix, AZ)
- Medtronic (Minneapolis, MN)
- Mitco Global (Auburn, WA)
- Natural Resources Leadership Institute (Raleigh, NC)
- Nortel Networks (Raleigh, NC)
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Paris, France)
- PCA Skin (Scottsdale, AZ)
- Small Business Development Center (Springfield, VA)
- Salt River Project (Tempe, AZ)
- TS Designs (Burlington, NC)
- United Nations Environment Programme (Paris, France)
- Watershed Education for Communities & Local Officials (Raleigh, NC)
- Commissioner, Federal Advisory Committee, U.S. General Services Administration (Washington, DC)
- Research Assistant, Resources for the Future, Center for Risk Management (Washington, DC)
- Economist, U.S. Forest Service, Office of Planning and Budget, Wasatch-Cache, NF and Intermountain Region, RO (Ogden and Salt Lake City, UT)
- Data Analyst, Bio-recovery Systems, Inc. (Las Cruces, NM)
2023 - Lead Instructor & Designer. The “G” in ESG. Edward Jones/Arizona State University collaboration. One houron-demand online executive course for delivery to Edward Jones’ asset manager sustainability training series in collaboration with Global Futures Laboratory Executive Education Program and EY.
2023 - Designer. Sustainable Purchasing. Arizona State University/ThinkFour collaboration. Five five-minute videos for an online open-access course about sustainable purchasing to help young people understand the concept and its importance. The partner, ThinkFour, is a learning platform for young people that leverages the science of digital learning. The short courses are designed to engage young people in important sustainability topics that connect with their everyday lives.
2022 - Lead Instructor & Designer. ESG Assessment and Reporting. Arizona State University, 4-hour on-demand virtual course delivered via ASU’s CareerCatalyst,
2022 - Co-lead Instructor & Designer ESG Ambassadors. Arizona State University School of Sustainability and Learning Enterprise, virtual synchronous 11-hour customized course (over 7 weeks) delivered to corporate executives.
2017 - Lead Instructor & Designer. Assimilating Sustainability into Public Service, Bob Ramsey Executive Education Certified Public Manager Program – 4-hour professional continuing education course
2016 - Lead Instructor & Designer. Managing for Sustainability. Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiative, Global Institute for Sustainability – 3-hour professional continuing education course (offered twice)
2016 - Lead Instructor & Designer. Assimilating Sustainability into Public Service. Bob Ramsey Executive Education Certified Public Manager Program – 1-day in person professional continuing education course
2015 - Lead Instructor & Designer. Assimilating Sustainability into Public Service. Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability Management and Leadership Institute – 1-day in person professional continuing educationcourse
2010 - Co-lead Instructor & Designer. Partnerships for Sustainability. Saigon Tech and George Mason University Executive Education – 1-week professional continuing education course delivered in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam