Zachary Holman
Phone: 480-965-9959
BYENG 610 TEMPE, AZ 85287
Mail code: 5706Campus: Tempe
Zachary Holman is the Vice Dean for Research and Innovation for the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, as well as a Professor in the School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University. As Vice Dean, he leads the research strategy for the Fulton Schools, which is the largest engineering college in the country. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota for his work on plasma-synthesized silicon and germanium nanocrystals, after which he spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher developing high-efficiency silicon solar cells at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. His personal research interests include new semiconductor and solar materials, equipment, processes, and device designs. He has been named a Moore Inventor Fellow, Trustees of ASU Professor, Fulton Entrepreneurial Professor, and Joseph C. Palais Distinguished Faculty Scholar, and he is the co-founder of three start-up companies based on ASU research: Swift Coat, Sunflex Solar, and Beyond Silicon.
- Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota 2010
- B.A. Physics, Reed College 2005
Zak's broad research interests span the fields of solar cells, coatings, nanotechnology, semiconductors, plasmas, and aerosols. Specific interests include silicon-based tandem solar cells, contacts to solar cells, light management in silicon solar cells, novel uses of nanoparticles in devices, semiconductor nanoparticles, optical and electronic properties of nanoscale materials, plasma synthesis of powders, and deposition of powders and thin films.
112. Z. Leuty, W. Weigand, J. Ochoa, J. Carpenter, Z. Yu, M. Bertoni, and Z. Holman, “Ultra-high throughput inline deposition of silicon oxide for polycrystalline silicon passivating contacts,” (submitted).
111. D. Quispe, B. Eng, M. Kim, B. Coppa, M. Lee, and Z. Holman, “Evaluating the potential of polycrystalline Al0.25Ga0.75P and Al0.9Ga0.1As as hole contacts in silicon heterojunction solar cells,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics (in press).
110. D. Padmanaban, S. Sadhu, S. Dsouza, W. Mushtaq, Z Holman, V. Svrcek, and D. Mariotti, “One‐step synthesis and deposition of metal oxides: NiO quantum dots as a transport layer for perovskite photovoltaics,” Adv. Eng. Mat. 26, 2400826 (2024).
109. B. Hartweg, K. Fisher, J. Ro, and Z. Holman, “Qualification of laser-weld interconnection of aluminum foil to back-contact silicon solar cells,” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 266, 112647 (2024).
108. M. Mahaffey, A. Onno, C. Reich, A. Danielson, W. Sampath, and Z. Holman, “Measuring the absorber doping concentration of Si, CdSeTe, and perovskite solar cells using injection-dependent quasi-steady-state photoluminescence,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 13, 800–807 (2023).
107. G. Yang, Z. Yu, M. Wang, Z. Shi, Z. Ni, H. Jiao, C. Fei, A. Wood, A. Alasfour, B. Chen, Z. Holman, and J. Huang, “Shunt mitigation toward efficient large-area perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells,” Cell Reports Phys. Sci. 4, 101628 (2023).
106. D. Quispe, B. Eng, M. Kim, A. Onno, B. Coppa, Z. Yu, M. Lee, and Z. Holman, “Optical constants of polycrystalline Al0.25Ga0.75P and Al0.9Ga0.1As determined by variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry,” J. Appl. Phys.134, 073104 (2023).
105. J. Levi, S. Guo, S. Kavadiya, Y. Luo, C.-S. Lee, H. Jacobs, Z. Holman, M. Wong, S. Garcia-Segura, C. Zhou, b. Rittmann, and P. Westerhoff, “Comparing methods to deposit Pd-In catalysts on hydrogen-permeable hollow-fiber membranes for nitrate reduction,” Water Res. 235, 119877 (2023).
104. G. Yang, M. Wang, C. Fei, H. Gu, Z. Yu, A. Alasfour, Z. Holman, and J. Huang, “Recycling silicon bottom cells from end-of-life perovskite–silicon tandem solar cells,” ACS Energy Lett. 8, 1639–1644 (2023).
103. A. Bothwell, C. Reich, A. Danielson, A. Onno, Z. Holman, W. Sampath, and D. Kuciauskas, “Charge carrier lifetime determination in graded absorber solar cells using time-resolved photoluminescence simulations and measurements,” Solar RRL, 2201029 (2023).
102. A. Danielson, C. Reich, R. Pandey, A. Munshi, A. Onno, W. Weigand, D. Kuciauskas, S. Li, A. Bothwell, J. Guo, M. Murugeson, J. McCloy, R. Klie, Z. Holman, and W. Sampath, “Electro-optical characterization of arsenic-doped CdSeTe and CdTe solar cell absorbers doped in-situ during close space sublimation,” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 251, 112110 (2023).
101. B. Hartweg, K. Fisher, S. Niverty, N. Chawla, and Z. Holman, “Analysis of electrically conductive adhesives in shingled solar modules by X-ray imaging techniques,” Microelectron. Reliab. 136, 114627 (2022).
100. B. Chen, Z. Yu, A. Onno, Z. Yu, S. Chen, J. Wang, Z. Holman, and J. Huang, “Bifacial all-perovskite tandem solar cells,” Sci. Adv. 8, eadd0377 (2022).
99. G. Yang, Z. Ni, Z. Yu, Z. Yu, B. Larson, B. Chen, A. Alasfour, X. Xiao, J. Luther, Z. Holman, and J. Huang, “Defect engineering in wide bandgap perovskites for efficient perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells,” Nature Photonics 16, 588–594 (2022).
98. H. Bauser, M. Foley, M. Phelan, W. Weigand, D. Needell, Z. Holman, and H. Atwater, “Amorphous silicon carbide high contrast gratings as highly efficient spectrally selective visible reflectors,” Opt. Express 30, 26787–26793 (2022).
97. A. Onno, C. Reich, S. Li, A. Danielson, W. Weigand, A. Bothwell, S. Grover, J. Bailey, G. Xiong, D. Kuciauskas, W. Sampath, and Z. Holman, “Understanding what limits the voltage of polycrystalline CdSeTe solar cells,” Nature Energy, 7, 400–408 (2022).
96. K. Chen, B. Hartweg, M. Woodhouse, H. Guthrey, W. Nemeth, S. Theingi, M. Page, Z. Holman, P. Stradins, S. Agarwal, and D. Young, “Self-aligned selective area front contacts on poly-Si/SiOx passivating contact c-Si solar cells,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 12, 678–689 (2022).
95. N. Liew, Z. Yu, Z. Holman, and H.-J. Lee, “Parametric study about performances of a solar photovoltaic/thermal hybrid using a spectral beam splitting technique,” J. Renew. Sustain. Energy 14, 013701 (2022).
94. J. Ding, C. Campbell, J. Becker, C.-Y. Tsai, S. Schaefer, T. McCarthy, M. Boccard, Z. Holman, and Y.-H. Zhang, “Monocrystalline 1.7-eV MgCdTe solar cells,” J. Appl. Phys. 131, 023107 (2022). [Editor’s Pick].
93. K. Liu, B. Chen, Z. Yu, Y. Wu, Z. Huang, X. Jia, C. Li, D. Spronk, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, S. Qu, Z. Holman, and J. Huang, “Reducing sputter induced stress and damage for efficient perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells,” J. Mater. Chem. A 10, 1343–1349 (2022).
92. D. Kuciauskas, S. Li, J. Moseley, D. Albin, C. Lee, A Onno, and Z. Holman, “Voltage loss comparison in CdSe/CdTe solar cells and polycrystalline CdSeTe heterostructures,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 12, 6–10 (2022).
91. J. Bryan, T. Silverman, M. Deceglie, M. Mahaffey, P. Firth, and Z. Holman, “Systematic operating temperature differences between Al-BSF, PERC, and PERT-with-optimized-rear-reflector solar mini-modules due to rear reflectance,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 12, 293–300 (2022).
90. N. Liew, Z. Yu, Z. Holman, and H.-J. Lee, “Application of spectral beam splitting using wavelength-selective filters for photovoltaic/concentrated solar power hybrid plants,” Appl. Thermal Eng. 201, 117823 (2022).
89. G. Yeung, C. Reich, A. Onno, A. Bothwell, A. Danielson, Z. Holman, W. Sampath, and C. Wolden, “Robust passivation of CdSeTe based solar cells using reactively sputtered magnesium zinc oxide,” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 233, 111388 (2021).
88. M. Wright, B. Vicari Stefani, A. Soeriyadi, B. Hallam, Z. Holman, Z. Yu, W. Weigand, D. Macdonald, R. Basnet, and C. Sun, “Progress with defect engineering in silicon heterojunction solar cells,” Phys. Status Solidi RRL 15, 2100170 (2021).
87. S. Kavadiya, A. Onno, C. Boyd, X. Wang, A. Cetta, M. McGehee, and Z. Holman, “Investigation of the selectivity of carrier transport layers in wide-bandgap perovskite solar cells,” Solar RRL 5, 2100107 (2021).
86. J. Bryan, T. Silverman, M. Deceglie, and Z. Holman, “Thermal model to quantify the impact of sub-bandgap reflectance on operating temperature of fielded PV modules,” Solar Energy 220, 246–250 (2021).
85. J. Bryan, J. Carpenter, Z. Yu, A. Leilaeioun, J. Shi, W. Weigand, K. Fisher, and Z. Holman, “Aluminum-silicon interdiffusion in silicon heterojunction solar cells with a-Si:H(i)/a-Si:H(n/p)/Al rear contacts,” J. Phys. D 54, 134002 (2021).
84. A. Alasfour, Z. Yu, W. Weigand, D. Quispe, and Z. Holman, “Sub-micrometer random-pyramid texturing of silicon solar wafers with excellent surface passivation and low reflectance,” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 218, 110761 (2020).
83. Z. Yu, Z. Yang, Z. Ni, Y. Shao, B. Chen, Y. Lin, H. Wei, Z. Yu, Z. Holman, and J. Huang, “Simplified interconnection structure based on C60/SnO2-x for all-perovskite tandem solar cells,” Nature Energy 5, 657–665 (2020).
82. H. Bauser, C. Bukowsky, M. Phelan, W. Weigand, D. Needell, Z. Holman, and H. Atwater, “Photonic crystal waveguides for >90% light trapping efficiency in luminescent solar concentrators,” ACS Photonics 7, 2122–2131 (2020).
81. S. Fan, Z. Yu, R. Hool, P. Dinghra, W. Weigand, M. Kim, E. Ratta, B. Li, Y. Sun, Z. Holman, and M. Lee, “Current-matched III–V/Si epitaxial tandem solar cells with 25.0% efficiency,” Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 1, 100208 (2020).
80. Z. Ni, C. Bao, Y. Liu, Q. Jiang, W.-Q. Wu, S. Chen, X. Dai, B. Chen, B. Hartweg, Z. Yu, Z. Holman, and J. Huang, “Resolving spatial and energetic distributions of trap states in metal halide perovskite solar cells,” Science 367, 1352–1358 (2020).
79. B. Chen*, Z. Yu*, S. Manzoor, S. Wang, W. Weigand, Z. Yu, G. Yang, Z. Ni, Z. Holman, and J. Huang, “Blade-coated perovskites on textured silicon for 26%-efficient monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells,” Joule 4, 850–864 (2020). *Denotes co-first author.
78. C. Boyd, R. Shallcross, T. Moot, R. Kerner, L. Bertoluzzi, A. Onno, S. Kavadiya, C. Chosy, E. Wolf, J. Werner, J. Raiford, C. de Paula, A. Palmstrom, Z. Yu, J. Berry, S. Bent, Z. Holman, J. Luther, E. Ratcliff, N. Armstrong, and M. McGehee, “Overcoming redox reactions at perovskite-nickel oxide interfaces to boost voltages in perovskite solar cells,” Joule 4, 1–17 (2020).
77. S. Manzoor, M. Filipič, A. Onno, M. Topič, and Z. Holman, “Visualizing light trapping within textured silicon solar cells,” J. Appl. Phys. 127, 063104 (2020). [Editor’s Pick]
76. J. Xu, C. Boyd, Z. Yu, A. Palmstrom, D. Witter, B. Larson, R. France, J. Werner, S. Harvey, E. Wolf, W. Weigand, S. Manzoor, M. van Hest, J. Berry, J. Luther, Z. Holman, and M. McGehee, “Triple-halide wide-bandgap perovskites with suppressed photoinduced phase-segregation for efficient tandems,” Science 367, 1097–1104 (2020).
75. P. Muralidharan, A. Leilaeioun, W. Weigand, Z. Holman, S. Goodnick, and D. Vasileska, “Understanding transport in hole contacts of silicon heterojunction solar cells by simulating TLM structures,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 10, 363–371 (2020).
74. A. Atkinson, Y. Bi, P. Firth, O. Alrehaili, P. Westerhoff, and Z. Holman, “Aerosol impaction-driven assembly produces evenly dispersed nanoparticle coating on polymeric water treatment membranes,” J. Nanoparticle Res. 22, 102 (2020).
73. A. Onno, N. Rodkey, A. Asgharzadeh, S. Manzoor, Z. Yu, F. Toor, and Z. Holman, “Predicted power output of silicon-based bifacial tandem photovoltaic systems,” Joule4, 580–596 (2020).
72. R. Basnet, W. Weigand, Z. Yu, C. Sun, S. Phang, H. Sio, F. Rougieux, Z. Holman, and D. Macdonald, “Impact of pre-fabrication treatments on n-type solar-grade wafers for 21% efficient silicon heterojunction solar cells,” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 205, 110287 (2020).
71. A. Leilaieoun, A. Onno, S. Manzoor, J. Shi, K. Fisher, Z. Yu, and Z. Holman, “Power losses in the front transparent conductive oxide layer of silicon heterojunction solar cells: Design guide for single-junction and four-terminal tandem applications,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 10, 326–334 (2020).
70. A. Leilaeioun*, W. Weigand*, M. Boccard, Z. Yu, K. Fisher, and Z. Holman, “Contact resistivity of the p-type amorphous silicon hole contact in silicon heterojunction solar cells,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 10, 54–62 (2020). *Denotes co-first author.
69. A. Onno, C. Chen, P. Koswatta, M. Boccard, and Z. Holman, “Passivation, conductivity, and selectivity in solar cell contacts: concepts and simulations based on a unified partial-resistances framework,” J. Appl. Phys. 126, 183103 (2019).
68. E. Vadiee, E. Clinton, J. Carpenter, H. McFavilen, C. Arena, Z. Holman, C. Honsberg, and A. Doolittle, “The role of Mg bulk hyper-doping and delta-doping in low-resistance GaN homojunction tunnel diodes with negative differential resistance,” J. Appl. Phys. 126, 083110 (2019).
67. E. Clinton, Z. Engel, E. Vadiee, J. Carpenter, Z. Holman, B. Gunning, and A. Doolittle, “Ultra-wide-bandgap AlGaN homojunction tunnel diodes with negative differential resistance,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 082104 (2019).
66. B. Stefani, W. Weigand, M. Wright, A. Soeriyadi, Z. Yu, M. Kim, D. Chen, Z. Holman, and B. Hallam, “P-type upgraded metallurgical-grade multicrystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells with open-circuit voltages over 690 mV,” Phys. Status Solidi A 216, 1900319 (2019).
65. X. Meng, K. Fisher, L. Reinhart, W. Taylor, M. Stuckelberger, Z. Holman, and M. Bertoni, “Optical characterization of curved silicon PV modules with dichroic polymeric films,” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 201, 110072 (2019).
64. A. Basiri, X. Chen, J. Bai, P. Amrollahi, J. Carpenter, Z. Holman, C. Wang, and Y. Yao, “Nature-inspired chiral metasurfaces for circular polarization detection and full-Stokes polarimetric measurement,” Light: Science & Applications 8, 78 (2019).
63. S. Fan, Z. Yu, Y. Sun, W. Weigand, P. Dhingra, M. Kim, R. Hool, E. Ratta, Z. Holman, and M. Lee, “20%-efficient epitaxial GaAsP/Si tandem solar cells,” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 202, 110144 (2019).
62. N. Mundhaas, Z. Yu, K. Bush, H.-P. Wang, J. Häusele, S. Kavadiya, M. McGehee, and Z. Holman, “Series resistance measurements of perovskite solar cells using Jsc-Voc measurements,” Sol. RRL 1800378 (2019).
61. D. Chen, M. Kim, J. Shi, B. Vicari Stefani, Z. Yu, S. Liu, R. Einhaus, S. Wenham, Z. Holman, and B. Hallam, “Defect engineering of p-type silicon heterojunction solar cells fabricated using commercial-grade low-lifetime silicon wafers,” Prog. Photovoltaics, DOI: 10.1002/pip.3230 (2019).
60. N. Vulic, J. Carpenter, P. Firth, N. Rodkey, Z. Holman, and S. Goodnick, “Pore formation in silicon nanoparticle thin films and its impact on optical properties,” ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2, 8587–8595 (2019).
59. C. Sun, W. Weigand, J. Shi, Z. Yu, R. Basnet, S. Pheng Phang, Z. Holman, and D. Macdonald, “Origins of hydrogen that passivates bulk defects in silicon heterojunction solar cells,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 252103 (2019).
58. Z. Yu, K. Fisher, J. Hyatt, R. Angel, and Z. Holman, “GaAs/silicon PVMirror tandem photovoltaic mini-module with 29.6% efficiency with respect to the outdoor global irradiance,” Prog. Photovoltaics 27, 469–475 (2019).
57. C. Zhang, L. Ding, M. Boccard, T. Nærland, N. Faleev, S. Bowden, M. Bertoni, C. Honsberg, and Z. Holman, “Silicon nitride barrier layers mitigate minority-carrier lifetime degradation in silicon wafers during simulated MBE growth of III–V layers,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 9, 431–436 (2019).
56. B. Chen*, Z. Yu*, K. Liu*, X. Zheng, Y. Liu, J. Shi, D. Spronk, Z. Holman, and J. Huang, “Grain engineering for perovskite/silicon monolithic tandem solar cells with efficiency of 25.4%,” Joule 3, 1–14 (2019). *Denotes co-first author.
55. K. Bush, S. Manzoor, K. Frohna, Z. Yu, J. Raiford, A. Palmstrom, H.-P. Wang, R. Prasanna, S. Bent, Z. Holman, and M. McGehee, “Minimizing current and voltage losses to reach 25%-efficient monolithic two-terminal perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells,” ACS Energy Lett. 3, 2173–2180 (2018).
54. S. Manzoor, J. Häusele, K. Bush, A. Palmstrom, J. Carpenter, Z. Yu, S. Bent, M. McGehee, and Z. Holman, “Optical modeling of wide-bandgap perovskite and perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells using complex refractive indices for arbitrary-bandgap perovskite absorbers,” Opt. Express 26, 27441–27460 (2018).
53. C. Sun, D. Chen, W. Weigand, R. Basnet, S. Pheng Phang, B. Hallam, Z. Holman, and D. Macdonald, “Complete regeneration of BO-related defects in n-type upgraded metallurgical-grade Czochralski-grown silicon heterojunction solar cells,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 152105 (2018).
52. Z. Yu, J. Carpenter, and Z. Holman, “Techno-economic viability of silicon-based tandem photovoltaic modules in the United States,” Nature Energy 3, 747–753 (2018).
51. P. Firth and Z. Holman, “Aerosol impaction-driven assembly system for production of uniform nanoparticle thin films with independently tunable thickness and porosity,” ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 1, 4351–4357 (2018).
50. S. Husein, M. Stuckelberger, B. West, L. Ding, F. Dauzou, M. Morales-Masis, M. Duchamp, Z. Holman, and M. Bertoni, “Carrier scattering mechanisms limiting mobility in hydrogen-doped indium oxide,” J. Appl. Phys. 123, 245102 (2018). [Editor’s Pick]
49. D. Swanson, C. Reich, A. Abbas, T. Shimpi, H. Liu, F. Ponce, J. Walls, Y.-H. Zhang, W. Metzger, W. Sampath, and Z. Holman, “CdCl2 passivation of polycrystalline CdMgTe and CdZnTe absorbers for tandem photovoltaic cells,” J. Appl. Phys. 123, 203101 (2018). [Editor’s Pick]
48. B. Hallam, D. Chen, J. Shi, R. Einhaus, Z. Holman, and S. Wenham, “Pre-fabrication gettering and hydrogenation treatments for silicon heterojunction solar cells: A possible path to >700 mV open-circuit voltages using low-lifetime commercial-grade p-type Czochralski silicon,” Sol. RRL 1700221 (2018).
47. K. Bush, N. Rolston, A. Gold-Parker, S. Manzoor, J. Hausele, Z. Yu, J. Raiford, R. Cheacharoen, Z. Holman, M. Toney, R. Dauskardt, and M. McGehee, “Controlling thin film stress and wrinkling during perovskite film formation,” ACS Energy Lett. 3, 1225–1232 (2018).
46. J. Becker, C. Campbell, Y. Zhao, M. Lassise, X.-H. Zhao, M. Boccard, Z. Holman, and Y.-H. Zhang, “Monocrystalline 1.7-eV-bandgap MgCdTe solar cell with 11.2% efficiency,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 8, 581–586 (2018).
45. S. Manzoor, Z. Yu, A. Ali, W. Ali, K. Bush, A. Palmstrom, S. Bent, M. McGehee, and Z. Holman, “Improved light management in planar silicon and perovskite solar cells using PDMS scattering layer,” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 173, 59–65 (2017).
44. M. Boccard, P. Firth, Z. Yu, K. Fisher, M. Leilaeioun, S. Manzoor, and Z. Holman, “Low-refractive-index nanoparticle interlayers to reduce parasitic absorption in metallic rear reflectors of solar cells,” Phys. Status Solidi A 214, 1700179 (2017).
43. J. Carpenter, M. Bailly, A. Boley, J. Shi, M. Minjares, D. Smith, S. Bowden, and Z. Holman, “Substrate-independent analysis of microcrystalline silicon thin films using UV Raman spectroscopy,” Phys. Status Solidi B 254, 1700204 (2017).
42. R. Saive, M. Boccard, T. Saenz, S. Yalamanchili, C. Bukowsky, P. Jahelka, Z. Yu, J. Shi, Z. Holman, and H. Atwater, “Silicon heterojunction solar cells with effectively transparent front contacts,” Sust. Energy Fuels 1, 593–598 (2017).
41. M. Vaisman, K. Nay Yaung, E. Perl, D. Martín-Martín, Z. Yu, M. Leilaeioun, Z. Holman, and M. Lee, “15.3%-efficient GaAsP top cells for high-efficiency, low-cost III-V/Si tandem photovoltaics,” ACS Energy Lett. 2, 1911–1918 (2017).
40. J. Becker, M. Boccard, C. Campbell, Y. Zhao, M. Lassise, Z. Holman, and Y.-H. Zhang, “Loss analysis of monocrystalline CdTe solar cells with 20% active-area efficiency,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 7, 900–905 (2017).
39. K. Bush*, A. Palmstrom*, Z. Yu*, M. Boccard, R. Cheacharoen, J. Mailoa, D. McMeekin, R. Hoye, C. Bailie, T. Leijtens, I. Peters, M. Minichetti, N. Rolston, R. Prasanna, S. Sofia, D. Harwood, W. Ma, F. Moghadam, H. Snaith, T. Buonassisi, Z. Holman, S. Bent, and M. McGehee, “23.6%-efficient monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells with improved stability,” Nature Energy 2, 17009 (2017). *Denotes co-first author.
38. J. Becker, C. Campbell, Y. Zhao, M. Boccard, D. Mohanty, M. Lassise, E. Suarez, I. Bhat, Z. Holman, and Y.-H. Zhang, “Monocrystalline CdTe/MgCdTe double-heterostructure solar cells with ZnTe hole contact,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics7, 307–312 (2017).
37. M. Leilaeioun and Z. Holman, “Accuracy of expressions for the fill factor of a solar cell in terms of its open-circuit voltage and ideality factor,” J. Appl. Phys. 120, 123111 (2016).
36. Z. Yu, M. Leilaeioun, and Z. Holman, “Selecting tandem partners for silicon solar cells using spectral efficiency,” Nature Energy 1, 16137 (2016).
35. Z.-Y. He, C. Campbell, M. Lassise, Z.-Y. Lin, J. Becker, Y. Zhao, M. Boccard, Z. Holman, and Y.-H. Zhang, “CdTe nBn photodetectors with ZnTe barrier layer grown on InSb substrates,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 121112 (2016).
34. S. Vorndran, B. Chrysler, B. Wheelwright, R. Angel, Z. Holman, and R. Kostuk, “Off-axis holographic lens spectrum splitting system for direct and diffuse solar energy conversion,” Appl. Opt. 55, 7522–7529 (2016).
33. B. Chen, Y. Bai, Z. Yu, T. Li, X. Zheng, Q. Dong, M. Boccard, A. Gruverman, Z. Holman, and J. Huang, “Efficient semi-transparent perovskite solar cells for 23%-efficiency perovskite/silicon four-terminal tandem cells,” Adv. Energy Mat. 1601128 (2016).
32. J. Shi, M. Boccard, and Z. Holman, “Plasma-initiated rehydrogenation of amorphous silicon to increase the temperature processing window of silicon heterojunction solar cells,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 031601 (2016).
31. Z. Yu, B. Wheelwright, S. Manzoor, and Z. Holman, “Silicon wafers with optically specular surfaces formed by chemical polishing,” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 27, 10270–10275 (2016).
30. Y. Zhao, M. Boccard, S. Liu, J. Becker, X.-H. Zhao, C. Campbell, E. Suarez, M. Lassise, Z. Holman, and Y.-H. Zhang, “Monocrystalline CdTe solar cells with open-circuit voltage over 1 V and efficiency of 17%,” Nature Energy 1, 16067 (2016).
29. M. Boccard and Z. Holman, “Amorphous silicon carbide passivating layers for crystalline-silicon-based heterojunction solar cells,” J. Appl. Phys. 118, 065704 (2015).
28. Z. Yu, K. Fisher, B. Wheelwright, R. Angel, and Z. Holman, “PVMirror: A new concept for tandem solar cells and hybrid solar converters,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 5, 1791–1799 (2015). [Most downloaded paper in IEEE J. Photovoltaics in January and February, 2016]
27. B. Terheiden, T. Ballmann, R. Horbelt, Y. Schiele, S. Seren, J. Ebser, G. Hahn, V. Mertens, M. Koentopp, M. Scherff, J. Müller, Z. Holman, A. Descoeudres, S. De Wolf, S. Martin de Nicolas, J. Geissbuehler, C. Ballif, B. Weber, P. Saint-Cast, M. Rauer, C. Schmiga, S. Glunz, D. Morrison, S. Devenport, D. Antonelli, C. Busto, F. Grasso, F. Ferrazza, E. Tonelli, and W. Oswald, “Manufacturing 100-µm-thick silicon solar cells with efficiencies greater than 20% in a pilot production line,” Phys. Status Solidi A 212, 13–24 (2015).
26. J. Seif, A. Descoeudres, M. Filipič, F. Smole, M. Topič, Z. Holman, S. De Wolf, and C. Ballif, “Amorphous silicon oxide window layers for high-efficiency silicon heterojunction solar cells,” J. Appl. Phys. 115, 024502 (2014). [Highlighted by J. Appl. Phys. as part of the journal’s celebration of the International Year of Light]
25. M. Deceglie, H. Emmer, Z. Holman, A. Descoeudres, S. De Wolf, C. Ballif, and H. Atwater, “Scanning laser-beam-induced current measurements of lateral transport near junction defects in silicon heterojunction solar cells,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 4, 154–159 (2014).
24. Z. Holman, M. Filipič, B. Lipovšek, S. De Wolf, F. Smole, M. Topič, and C. Ballif, “Parasitic absorption in the rear reflectors of silicon solar cells: Simulation and measurement of the sub-bandgap reflectance for common dielectric/metal reflectors,” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 120, 426-430 (2014).
23. Z. Holman, A. Descoeudres, S. De Wolf, and C. Ballif, “Record infrared internal quantum efficiency in silicon heterojunction solar cells with dielectric/metal rear reflectors,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 3, 1243–1249 (2013).
22. M. Filipič, Z. Holman, F. Smole, S. De Wolf, C. Ballif, and M. Topič, “Analysis of lateral transport through inversion layer in amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells,” J. Appl. Phys. 114, 074504 (2013).
21. Z. Holman, S. De Wolf, and C. Ballif, “Improving metal reflectors by suppressing surface plasmon polaritons: A priori calculation of the internal reflectance of a solar cell,” Light: Science & Applications 2, e106 (2013).
20. L. Barraud, Z. Holman, N. Badel, P. Reiss, A. Descoeudres, C. Battaglia, S. De Wolf, and C. Ballif, “Hydrogen-doped indium oxide/indium tin oxide bilayers for high-efficiency silicon heterojunction solar cells,” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 115, 151–156 (2013).
19. Z. Holman, M. Filipič, A. Descoeudres, S. De Wolf, F. Smole, M. Topič, and C. Ballif, “Infrared light management in high-efficiency silicon heterojunction and rear-passivated solar cells,” J. Appl. Phys. 113, 013107 (2013). [Highlighted by J. Appl. Phys. as part of the journal’s celebration of the International Year of Light]
18. A. Descoeudres, Z. Holman, L. Barraud, S. Morel, S. De Wolf, and C. Ballif, “>21% efficient silicon heterojunction solar cells on n- and p-type wafers compared,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 3, 83–89 (2013).
17. B. Demaurex, S. De Wolf, A. Descoeudres, Z. Holman, and C. Ballif, “Damage at hydrogenated amorphous/crystalline silicon interfaces by indium tin oxide overlayer sputtering,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 171604 (2012).
16. R. Anthony, K.-Y. Cheng, Z. Holman, R. Holmes, and U. Kortshagen, “An all-gas-phase approach for the fabrication of silicon nanocrystal light-emitting devices” Nano Lett. 12, 2822–2825 (2012).
15. Z. Holman and U. Kortshagen, “Absolute absorption cross sections of ligand-free colloidal germanium nanocrystals,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 133108 (2012).
14. S. De Wolf, A. Descoeudres, Z. Holman, and C. Ballif, “High-efficiency silicon heterojunction solar cells: A review,” Green2, 7–24 (2012).
13. Z. Holman, A. Descoeudres, L. Barraud, F. Zicarelli, J. Seif, S. De Wolf, and C. Ballif, “Current losses at the front of silicon heterojunction solar cells,” IEEE J. Photovoltaics 2, 7–15 (2012).
12. A. Descoeudres, L. Barraud, S. De Wolf, B. Strahm, D. Lachenal, C. Guerin, Z. Holman, F. Zicarelli, B. Demaurex, J. Seif, J. Holovsky, and C. Ballif, “Improved amorphous/crystalline silicon interface passivation by hydrogen plasma treatment,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 123506 (2011).
11. Z. Holman and U. Kortshagen, “Nanocrystal inks without ligands: Stable colloids of bare germanium nanocrystals,” Nano Lett. 11, 2133–2136 (2011).
10. Z. Holman and U. Kortshagen, “Plasma production of nanodevice-grade semiconductor nanocrystals,” J. Phys. D 44, 174009 (2011).
9. Z. Holman and U. Kortshagen, “Quantum confinement in germanium nanocrystal thin films,” Phys. Status Solidi RRL 5, 110–112 (2011).
8. Z. Holman and U. Kortshagen, “A flexible method for depositing dense nanocrystal thin films: Impaction of germanium nanocrystals,” Nanotechnology21, 335302 (2010).
7. Z. Holman, C.-Y. Liu, and U. Kortshagen, “Germanium and silicon nanocrystal thin-film field-effect transistors from solution,” Nano Lett.10, 2661–2666 (2010).
6. C.-Y. Liu, Z. Holman, and U. Kortshagen, “Optimization of Si NC/P3HT hybrid solar cells,” Adv. Funct. Mat. 20, 2157–2164 (2010).
5. Z. Holman and U. Kortshagen, “Solution-processed germanium nanocrystal thin films as materials for low-cost optical and electronic devices,” Langmuir 25, 11883–11889 (2009).
4. C.-Y. Liu, Z. Holman, and U. Kortshagen, “Hybrid solar cells from P3HT and silicon nanocrystals,” Nano Lett. 9, 449–452 (2009).
3. U. Kortshagen, R. Gresback, Z. Holman, R. Ligman, C.-Y. Liu, L. Mangolini, and S. Campbell, “Plasma synthesis of group IV quantum dots for luminescence and photovoltaic applications,” Pure Appl. Chem. 80, 1901–1908 (2008).
2. R. Gresback, Z. Holman, and U. Kortshagen, “Nonthermal plasma synthesis of size-controlled, monodisperse, freestanding germanium nanocrystals,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 093119 (2007).
1. A. LaLonde, M. Norton, D. McIlroy, D. Zhang, R. Padmanabhan, A. Alkhateeb, H. Han, N. Lane, and Z. Holman, “Metal coatings on SiC nanowires by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition,” J. Mater. Res. 20, 549–553 (2005).
01/2025–12/2029 DOC National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program, “Substrate-based heterogeneous integration enabling leadership demonstration for the USA (SHIELD USA),” (Co-PI)
10/2024–09/2025 DOE NETL, “Center for clean energy materials,” (PI)
11/2023–10/2028 NSTXL Microelectronics Commons, “Southwest Advanced Prototyping (SWAP) Hub,” (Co-PI)
10/2023–05/2027 DOE SETO, “TEAMUP: Tandems for efficient and advanced modules using ultrastable perovskites,” (Co-PI)
07/2023–04/2024 DOE BES SBIR, “Development of new metallization pastes for front-side tunnel oxide passivated contact crystalline silicon solar cells,” (Co-PI)
07/2023–06/2025 TSMC, confidential project, (PI)
04/2023–03/2024 Applied Materials, confidential project, (PI)
10/2022–10/2023 DOE SETO, “PV Foundry: Increasing manufacturing innovation and capabilities in the US,” (PI)
09/2022–08/2024 US Department of State, “GIST Innovates the Balkans,” (Co-PI)
11/2021–10/2026 USAID, “Center of Excellence for Energy,” (Co-PI)
11/2021–10/2022 AZ New Economy Initiative, “Suns-ERE: A characterization tool to accelerate the learning cycle of thin-film photovoltaics,” (PI)
10/2021–09/2024 EDA Build to Scale, “Arizona semiconductor industry startup entrepreneurial development project,” (Co-PI)
10/2021–11/2025 DOE SETO, “Manufacturing 27%-efficient perovskite/silicon tandem photovoltaic cells using slot die coating at >5000 wafers per hour,” (Co-PI)
04/2021–03/2024 DOE SETO, “The role of hydrogen in the performance and long-term stability of high-efficiency silicon cells and modules,” (Co-PI)
01/2021–12/2022 Sunflex Solar, “Scaling Sunfoil solar modules,” (PI)
08/2020–08/2020 Corporate gift (PI)
04/2020–03/2023 DOE SETO, “Sonic Wafering™ of III-V substrates for high efficiency cells: A path to <$0.50/W,” (Co-PI)
10/2019–09/2020 US Government, “Flexible and advanced solar panel technologies,” (PI)
08/2019–07/2021 NSF, “Center to center (C2C) international collaboration on advanced photovoltaics: Electrode manufacturing and indoor power applications,” (Co-PI)
08/2019–07/2022 DOE SETO, “Scalable manufacturing of efficient perovskite/silicon tandem modules,” (Co-PI)
03/2019–02/2024 NSF CAREER, “CAREER: Transparent, passivating, and carrier-selective heterojunction contacts for silicon and cadmium telluride solar cells,” (PI)
01/2019–12/2021 DOE SETO, “Diagnosing and overcoming recombination and resistive losses in non-silicon solar cells using a silicon-inspired characterization platform,” (PI)
01/2019–12/2021 DOE SETO, “Bringing high-efficiency silicon solar cells with heterojunction contacts to market with a new, versatile deposition technique,” (PI)
01/2019–06/2020 DOE SETO, “Wide-bandgap polycrystalline III-Vs as transparent, carrier-selective heterojunction contacts for silicon photovoltaics,” (Co-PI)
01/2019–12/2020 NREL, “ASU-NREL joint silicon solar cell research: passivated contacts, metallization, and bulk defects,” (PI)
01/2019–12/2021 ARPA-E DAYS, “Solid state thermal battery,” (Co-PI)
01/2019–12/2019 FSE/CLAS/AMI Seed, “MRSEC planning and preliminary data collection,” (Co-PI)
10/2018–09/2020 Fulton Entrepreneurial Professors Program, “Aerosol impaction-driven assembly of functional nanomaterial coatings,” (PI)
10/2018–09/2021 Moore Foundation Inventor Fellowship, “Aerosol impaction-driven assembly of functional nanomaterial coatings,” (PI)
10/2018–09/2019 FSE/CLAS/AMI Seed, “Diamond and III-nitride integration for ultra-gap devices,” (PI)
06/2018–05/2019 NSF SBIR, “Non-thermal plasma source for functional metal-oxide nanoparticle coatings,” (Co-PI)
02/2018–09/2018 NREL, “PERC and SHJ silicon solar modules with high infrared reflectance,” (Co-PI)
01/2018–01/2021 ARENA, “Hydrogenated and hybrid heterojunction p-type silicon PV cells R&D project,” (Co-PI)
10/2017–09/2020 DOE PVRD-II, “Perovskite-on-silicon tandem solar cells,” (Co-PI)
10/2017–05/2020 DOE DuraMAT, “Silicon IBC modules with copper foil electrodes: Failure mechanisms of electrically conductive adhesive bonds between cells and foil,” (PI)
10/2017–09/2018 BAPVC, “Low capex solar manufacturing enabled by perovskite semiconductors,” (Co-PI)
08/2017–01/2019 ACAP, “P-type hybrid heterojunction solar cells,” (Co-PI)
05/2017–04/2019 NSF EAGER, “Collaborative research: 30%-efficient, stable perovskite/silicon monolithic tandem solar cells,” (PI)
02/2017–04/2017 NSF SBIR, “ The aerosol-spray deposition of photoluminescent quantum-dot coatings on substrates,” (Co-PI)
01/2017–12/2019 ARPA-E SHIELD, “Single-pane windows with insulating sprayed particulate coatings,” (PI)
12/2016–11/2017 NSF SBIR, “ Low damage sputter magnetron for silicon heterojunction PV production,” (Co-PI)
11/2016–10/2018 DOE NextGen-III, “Developing efficient silicon cells for perovskite/silicon tandem devices,” (Co-PI)
09/2016–08/2017 American Jobs Project, “Arizona’s advanced energy landscape,” (PI)
08/2016–07/2019 DOE PVRD, “Monolithic silicon module manufacturing at < 0.40 $/W,” (PI)
08/2016–07/2018 DOE PVRD, “15%-efficiency (Mg,Zn)CdTe solar cells with 1.7 eV bandgap for tandem applications,” (PI)
08/2016–07/2017 SolarReserve, “Hybrid heliostat development,” (PI)
07/2016–01/2017 FSE Technology Innovation Laboratory, “Advanced manufacturing of nanoparticle-based coatings,” (PI)
06/2016–05/2017 DOE PVRD SIPS, “A new class of tandems: Optically coupled III-V/silicon module with outdoor efficiency exceeding 30%,” (PI)
05/2016–11/2016 FSE Technology Innovation Laboratory, “Hybrid heliostat for combined photovoltaic and solar thermal power plants,” (PI)
04/2016–03/2019 NSF REU Site, “Solar energy research for the Terawatt Challenge,” (PI)
01/2016–12/2018 DOE SuNLaMP, “Overcoming bottlenecks to low-cost, high-efficiency Si PV and industrially relevant, ion implanted interdigitated back passivated contact cell development,” (Co-PI)
09/2015–08/2018 NSF Energy for Sustainability, “Collaborative research: 30%-efficient III-V/silicon tandem solar cells,” (PI)
08/2015–07/2020 NSF ERC, “Nano-Enabled Water Treatment: NEWT,” (Co-PI)
06/2015–05/2020 USAID, “U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies in Energy,” (Co-PI)
05/2015–04/2016 ARPA-E I-Corps Supplement, “PVMirror: Cost competitive solar with storage,” (PI)
02/2015–01/2017 RCSA Scialog, “Scalable tandem architecture for solar water splitting,” (PI)
06/2014–05/2017 ARPA-E FOCUS, “PVMirror: A solar concentrator mirror incorporating PV cells,” (PI)
09/2013–08/2016 DOE FPACE-II, “Thin silicon solar cells: A path to 35% Shockley-Queisser limits,” (Co-PI)
08/2011–07/2021 NSF/DOE ERC, “Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies: QESST,” (Co-PI)
06/2010–08/2010 NSF EAPSI, “Novel solar cells using silicon nanocrystals synthesized in an atmospheric-pressure plasma,” (PI)
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 592 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 593 | Applied Project |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 792 | Research |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 592 | Research |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MSE 792 | Research |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 592 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 593 | Applied Project |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
PHY 792 | Research |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 792 | Research |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 592 | Research |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 792 | Research |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 592 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 792 | Research |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 792 | Research |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 592 | Research |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 598 | Special Topics |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
EEE 565 | Solar Cells |
EEE 565 | Solar Cells |
MSE 792 | Research |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
IVD 562 | Innovation Studio III |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 792 | Research |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 592 | Research |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 598 | Special Topics |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
IVD 562 | Innovation Studio III |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 592 | Research |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 598 | Special Topics |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 592 | Research |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
EEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 592 | Research |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EEE 690 | Reading and Conference |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 599 | Thesis |
EEE 792 | Research |
EEE 799 | Dissertation |
EEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
EEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
MAE 598 | Special Topics |
EEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
EEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MSE 792 | Research |