Garth den Heyer
Mail code: 4420Campus: Dtphx
Dr Garth den Heyer is a leading researcher in policing and counter terrorism and is an instructor with the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University. He is highly regarded internationally with senior fellowships and appointments in the United Kingdom and the US.
He graduated in economics from the University of London in 2002 and completed his doctorate at Charles Sturt University, Australia. He was a New Zealand police officer for more than 38 years, retiring at the rank of inspector. For more than 20 years he was responsible for the research, development and application of national, organizational and border security, counterterrorism, emergency management, and search and rescue and disaster victim identification, policies, procedures, plans and responses. He was also responsible for the national co-ordination of protective operations, the delivery of national counter-terrorism exercises, and operational and technical security measures.
Dr den Heyer is a qualified economist and econometrican and a mixed-methods researcher whose interests include police organizational reform and performance, police service delivery effectiveness, the police response to terrorism and the militarization of policing. His work in these areas have included evaluations of policing reform and interventions and in understanding policing in developing and post-conflict nations. He has published more than 35 articles and written 14 books and 23 book chapters on a variety of criminal justice, terrorism and policing topics. He is a member of number police advisory committees and editorial boards and is a senior research fellow with the National Policing Institute (in Washington, DC) and an associate with the Scottish Institute for Policing Research.
Dr den Heyer has been with ASU since the summer semester of 2017 and teaches courses in homeland security, and international and domestic terrorism.
Ph.D. Charles Sturt University, Australia
Policing; militarization, service delivery effectiveness; policy development, strategic thinking and organizational reform; operational leadership and the police role in peacekeeping, countering terrorism, and organized crime, and policing in transitioning and post-conflict nations.
Books and Edited Volumes
- den Heyer, G. (in progress). Change management and strategic thinking in policing.
- den Heyer, G. (in progress). Gun violence: Response, challenges and policy. Springer.
- den Heyer, G. (in progress). The twin wick problems of bias and defunding in policing.
- den Heyer, G. (2023). The police response to the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, Paris, Brussels, and Manchester. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2022). Evidence-based policing: Use, Benefits and Limitations. Springer Publishing.
- Ho, L., Chan, J., den Heyer, G., Hsu, J-S. & Hirai, A. (2021). Policing the police in Asia: Police Oversight in Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2019). Police response to riots: Case studies from France, London, Ferguson and Baltimore. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2016). Delivering police services efficiently and effectively. CRC Press.
- den Heyer, G. (2012). The role of civilian police in peacekeeping: 1999-2007. Police Foundation.
- den Heyer, G. (2009). Use of econometric modeling and analysis to support operational policing. VDM Publishing.
- Keay, D, den Heyer, G. & Russell, N. (1998). Assaults review: A study of assaults on New Zealand police officers. Staff Safety Project, New Zealand Police.
- den Heyer, G. & Albrecht, J. (eds.). (In progress for publication in late 2024). Critical Issues in Policing: Contemporary Challenges and Global Perspectives, Volume 2. Springer.
- den Heyer, G. & Albrecht, J. (eds.). (In progress for publication in early 2024). Critical Issues in Policing: Contemporary Challenges and Global Perspectives. Springer.
- den Heyer, G. & Albrecht, J. (eds.), (2023). Police Use of Force: Global Perspectives and Policy Implications. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. & Albrecht, J. (eds.) (2022). Understanding and Preventing Community Violence: Global Criminological and Sociological Perspectives. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. & Albrecht, J. (eds.) (2021). Enhancing police service delivery: Global perspectives and contemporary policy implications. Springer Publishing.
- Albrecht, J., den Heyer, G. & Stanislas, P. (eds.) (2019). Policing minority communities: Current issues and global perspectives. Springer Publishing.
- Prenzler, T. & den Heyer, G. (eds.) (2015). Civilian oversight of police: Advancing accountability in law enforcement. CRC Press.
- Lemieux, F., den Heyer, G. & Das, D. (eds.) (2014). Economic development, armed violence and public safety. CRC Press.
- den Heyer, G. (In draft for submission 2024). Examining Workplace Stress through Survey Research involving the New Zealand Police. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), Critical Issues in Policing: Contemporary Challenges and Global Perspectives, Volume 2. Springer.
- den Heyer, G. (In draft for submission 2024). A Comparison of Police Critical Incident Management Systems in New Zealand and the United States. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), Critical Issues in Policing: Contemporary Challenges and Global Perspectives, Volume 2. Springer.
- Sanakoiev, D., & den Heyer, G. (Due for publication in 2024). Leadership in the legislation and the control of firearms in the conditions of war: Problems and prospects. In A. Akande (ed.), The business of leadership: Policy, politics, politicization and participation. Springer Nature - Palgrave Macmillan.
- den Heyer, G. (Due for publication in 2024). Traffic Safety in New Zealand: A Failed Experiment in Traffic Enforcement and Road Safety? In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), Critical Issues in Policing: Contemporary Challenges and Global Perspectives. Springer.
- den Heyer, G. (Due for publication in 2024). Community policing in New Zealand. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), Critical Issues in Policing: Contemporary Challenges and Global Perspectives. Springer.
- den Heyer, G. (Due for publication in 2024). The role of a police planners and their contribution to improving police services. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), Critical Issues in Policing: Contemporary Challenges and Global Perspectives. Springer.
- den Heyer, G. (Due for publication in 2024). Assaults on police officers: An international review of the factors that influence the occurrence of assaults. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), Critical Issues in Policing: Contemporary Challenges and Global Perspectives. Springer.
- den Heyer, G. (2024). Policing riots: Not your usual Saturday night violence. In G. Cordner (ed.). Policing Within a Crisis. Routledge.
- den Heyer, G. (2024). Post-conflict police-led peacekeeping in the Solomon Islands. In G. Cordner (ed.). Policing Within a Crisis. Routledge.
- den Heyer, G. (2023). A Review of the factors influencing assaults on New Zealand Police Officers. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht. (eds.), Police Use of Force: Global Perspectives and Policy Implications. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2023). A Comparison of the Use of Force in 2017 by Police in New Zealand and England and Wales. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht. (eds.), Police Use of Force: Global Perspectives and Policy Implications. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2023). An examination of the police response to riots and violent demonstrations. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht. (eds.), Police Use of Force: Global Perspectives and Policy Implications. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2023). Big data before its time: The case of the New Zealand Police Tactical Options Report Database. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht. (eds.), Police Use of Force: Global Perspectives and Policy Implications. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2023). Assaults on police officers: A review of the predictors. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht. (eds.), Police Use of Force: Global Perspectives and Policy Implications. Springer Publishing.
- Hoverd, W., den Heyer, G. & de Terte, I. (2022). What can we learn from the State policy responses to the Christchurch Mosque Shootings? In P. Birch, C. Murray & A. McInnes (eds.), Crime, Criminal Justice & Religion: A Critical Appraisal. Routledge.
- Ahmed, S. & den Heyer, G. (2022). Is far right terrorism another form of religious terrorism? In P. Birch, C. Murray & A. McInnes (eds.), Crime, Criminal Justice & Religion: A Critical Appraisal. Routledge.
- den Heyer, G. (2022). New Zealand’s Dirty Secret: Family Violence. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht. (eds.), Understanding and Preventing Community Violence: Global Criminological and Sociological Perspectives. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2021). Police reform and development within the context of peacekeeping deployments. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), International peacekeeping missions and post-conflict rule of law reform. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2021). The role of the New Zealand Police in international peacekeeping and providing post-conflict assistance. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), International peacekeeping missions and post-conflict rule of law reform. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2021). The Role of the New Zealand Police in International Peacekeeping and providing Post-conflict Assistance (Afghanistan, Bougainville, Solomon Islands and Timor Leste). In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), International peacekeeping missions and post-conflict rule of law reform. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2021). An examination of police officers experience with post-conflict missions. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), International peacekeeping missions and post-conflict rule of law reform. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2021). Policing of post-conflict nations and regions. In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), International peacekeeping missions and post-conflict rule of law reform. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2021). New Zealand Police’s policing excellence and prevention first strategy: A new approach police service delivery? In G. den Heyer & J. Albrecht (eds.), Enhancing Police Service Delivery: Global Perspectives and Contemporary Policy Implications. Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2019). The role of New Zealand police cultural liaison officers in preventative and community policing. In J. Albrecht, G. den Heyer & P. Stanislas (eds.), Policing Minority Communities (pp. 235-254). Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2019). The police response to a social problem: Whakatupato. In J. Albrecht, G. den Heyer & P. Stanislas (eds.), Policing Minority Communities (pp. 283-300). Springer Publishing.
- den Heyer, G. (2016). An interview with Peter Marshall, Commissioner New Zealand Police Service. In B. Baker & D. Das (eds.), Trends in Policing: Interviews with Police Leaders Across the Globe, Vol. 5 (pp. 89-104). CRC Press.
- den Heyer, G. (2016). Are the strategies of policing excellence and prevention first a new approach to police service delivery in New Zealand? In J. Ingram (ed.), Policing: Strategies, Management and Potential Risks (pp. 179-195). Nova Science Publishers.
- den Heyer, G. & Beckley, A. (2015). Police civilian and independent oversight in Australian and New Zealand. In T. Prenzler & G. den Heyer (eds.), Civilian Police Oversight: Advancing Accountability in Law Enforcement (pp. 205-227). CRC Press.
- den Heyer, G. (2015). Rainbows across the Mountains? The reform of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force since 2003. In K. Hope (ed.), Police Corruption and Police Reform in Developing Societies (pp. 179-194). CRC Press.
- den Heyer, G., Mitchell, M., Gnash, S. & Devery, C. (2011). An econometric method of allocating police resources. In J. Albrecht & D. Das (eds.), Effective Crime Reduction Strategies: International Perspectives, (pp. 347-376). CRC Press.
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Beckley, A., den Heyer, G., Wang, J. & Birch, P. (In progress for 2024). Comparative study of police officer welling in Australia, New Zealand and England and Wales.
- den Heyer, G. (In progress for 2024). Defunding the police: A rational or irrational approach to reforming the police? Policing: An International Journal.
- den Heyer, G. (In progress for 2024). Are police officers and institutions really racially bias? Policing: An International Journal.
- den Heyer, G. (In progress for 2024). Pattern and practice investigations (or consent decrees): A process for police reform? Policing: An International Journal.
- den Heyer, G. (In progress for 2024). The future of police training: A comparison of the findings from the reviews of the United Kingdom Police College and the Royal New Zealand Police College. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice or Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles or Journal of Security, Intelligence, and Resilience Education
- den Heyer, G. (Submitted 3 January 2024). New Zealand Gangsta: An outcome from social conditions, methamphetamine or from Australia’s crimmigration law? Journal of Gang Research
- den Heyer, G. (Submitted 15 December 2023). The use of public satisfaction surveys by the police in New Zealand. The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles. (or later Perspectives on Public Management and Governance).
- den Heyer, G. (Accepted 21 November 2023). Assaults on Police Officers: Comparing assaults on police in the United Kingdom and New Zealand from 2015 to 2022. International Journal of Police Science & Management.
- den Heyer, G. (2023). Comparing the impact of COVID-19 on police demand, capacity and capability in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Salus Journal: An International Journal of Law Enforcement & Public Safety, 11(2).
- den Heyer, G. (2022). Evidence-based policing: A review of its adoption and use by police agencies in the United Kingdom. Salus Journal: An International Journal of Law Enforcement & Public Safety, 10(2), 17-33.
- Oatley, G., Williams, S., Barnes, G. & den Heyer, G. (2022). Assessing policing officer agreement and reliability. Police Science Journal, 7(2), 22-30.
- den Heyer, G. (2022). Prevention policing: Two different strategic approaches. Public Organization Review. DOI: 10.1007/s11115-022-00633-w.
- den Heyer, G. (2022). The police response to riots in France 2005, the United Kingdom 2011 and the United States 2014 and 2015. Salus Journal: An International Journal of Law Enforcement & Public Safety, 10(1), 45-60.
- den Heyer, G. (2022). Evidence-based policing: A review of its adoption and use by police agencies in the United States. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice.
- den Heyer, G. (2022). International police liaison officers: An examination of practices and experiences. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 16(1), 29-43.
- Ho, L., Chan, J., Chan, Y., den Heyer, G., Hsu, J. & Hirai, A. (2021). Professionalism vs democracy? Historical and institutional analysis of police oversight mechanism in three Asian jurisdictions. Crime, Law and Social Change,
- den Heyer, G. (2021). An examination of the post-traumatic stress factors among New Zealand Police personnel: A cross-sectional study. Policing: An International Journal, 44(5), 909-925. DOI: 10.1108/pijpsm-01-2021-0001.
- den Heyer, G. (2020). An analysis of the use and effectiveness of the TASER by the New Zealand Police from 2009 to 2017. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 22(4), 356-365.
- den Heyer, G. (2020). Police strategy development: The New Zealand Police prevention strategy. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 22(1), 127-140.
- den Heyer, G. (2020). An evaluation and assessment of the response by law enforcement to the increase in criminal activity by transnational gangs – A pilot study. Journal of Gang Research, 27(2), Winter, 53-67
- den Heyer, G. & Mendel, J. (2019). Shaping the police workforce: Comparative perspectives. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 42(2), 165-178.
- den Heyer, G. (2018). Policing excellence and prevention first: A model for transforming police service delivery. European Journal of Police Studies, 5(4), 90-108.
- den Heyer, G. (2018). Is the development of policy in New Zealand based on prevention first? Public Policy and Administration, 33(2), 127-148.
- Mendel, J., Fyfe, N. & den Heyer, G. (2017). Does police size matter? A review of evidence regarding the merger of police. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 18(1), 3-14.
- den Heyer, G. (2016). The establishment of Police Scotland: An Analysis of the Reform. European Journal of Police Studies, 3(4), 417-436.
- den Heyer, G. (2016). Ghosts of policing strategies past: Is the New Zealand police ‘prevention first’ strategy historic, contemporary or the future? Public Organization Review: An International Journal, 16(4), 529-548.
- den Heyer, G. (2014). Examining police strategic resource allocation in a time of austerity. Salus Journal, 2(1), 63-79.
- den Heyer, G. (2014). Mayberry revisited: A review of the influence of police paramilitary units on policing. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 24(3), 346-361.
- den Heyer, G. (2013). American policing in an age of austerity and globalization: An option to face the challenge. Critical Issues in Justice and Politics, 6(2), 1-26.
- den Heyer, G. (2013). Shape or adapt? The future of policing. Salus Journal, 1(1), 41-54.
- den Heyer, G. (2013). Police as nation builders: Distinguishing between countries that contribute police officers to United Nations peace operations. International Journal of Peacekeeping, 17(1-2), 74-115.
- den Heyer, G. & Beckley, A. (2013). Police independent oversight in Australian and New Zealand. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 14(2), 130-143.
- den Heyer, G. (2011). Filling the security gap: Military versus civilian police. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 12(6), 460-473.
- den Heyer, G. (2011). New public management: A strategy for democratic police reform in transitioning and developing countries. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 34(3), 419-433.
- den Heyer, G. (2010). Measuring capacity development and reform in the Royal Solomon Islands police force. Police and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy. 20(3), 298-315.
- den Heyer, G. (2010). Evaluating police reform in post conflict nations: A Solomon Islands case study. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Spring, 34(1), 213-234.
- den Heyer, G., Mitchell, M., Gnash, S. & Devery, C. (2008). An econometric method of allocating police resources. International Journal of Police Science and Management, 10(2), 192-213.
- den Heyer, G. (2007). Stabilising the Solomons: A regional response. New Zealand International Review, July/August, XXXII (4), 17-21.
- den Heyer, G. (2006). New Zealand police's approach to countering terrorism since September 2001. New Zealand International Review, January/February, XXXI (1), 6-9.
Book Reviews
- den Heyer, G. (Accepted 2 March 2023). Divide and conquer: Race, gangs, identity and conflict. (Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 2022). Criminal Justice Review.
- den Heyer, G. (2020). Book review of The End of Policing, by Alex Vitale (Verso Books, New York, 2017). Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 14(2), 561-562.
- den Heyer, G. (2016). Book Review of Understanding the Modern Russian Police, by Ola Semukhina and Michael Reynolds, (CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2013). Police: Practice and Research, 17(3), 294-297.
- den Heyer, G. (2014). Book Review of Rise of the warrior cop: The militarization of America’s police forces, by Radley Balko (Public Affairs: New York, 2013). Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 8(1), 90-92.
- den Heyer, G. (2008). Book Review of Union influence and police expenditures, by Laurence J. Putchinski (IFB Scholary Publishing: New York, 2007). Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, June, 31(2).
- den Heyer, G. (2007). Book Review of Non-traditional security in Asia: Dilemmas in securisation, by Mely Caballero-Anthony, Ralf Emmers and Amitav Acharya (eds.), (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire, England, 2006). Global Crime, 8(3-4), August-November.
- den Heyer, G. (2005). Book Review of Contemporary policing: Controversies, challenges, and solutions: An anthology”, by Q. Thurman and J. Zhao, (Roxbury Publishing: Los Angeles, 2004). Law Enforcement News, XXXI (633), 12-14
- den Heyer, G. (2005). Book Review of Lawlessness and economics: Alternative modes of governance, A. Dixit (Princeton University Press: Princeton, 2004). Global Crime, 6(3-4), August-November, 413-414.
Articles in Other Journals (not refereed)
- Carranza, M. & den Heyer, G. (in draft for publication in 2024). Disinformation and misinformation: An existential threat? Sentinel.
- Carranza, M. & den Heyer, G. (Submitted 14 December 2023). Terrorism and violent non-state actors in the Republic of Chile. Sentinel.
- den Heyer, G. (2012). Lessons learned from the New Zealand police: Opportunities for the USA. The Police Chief, Vol. LXXIX: 12, December, 60-63.
- den Heyer, G. (2012). Post-conflict civilian police reform: 1999 to 2007. Coginta Working Paper Series, 44, July,
Principal Investigator – Arizona State University – “A New Identity? An Evaluation of the Methods Used by Police Agencies to Implement and Sustain Long-Term Organizational Change” - $US8,000 – 12 months.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 419 | Domestic Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 557 | Seminar in Domestic Terrorism |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 419 | Domestic Terrorism |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 230 | Introduction to Policing |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 558 | International Terrorism |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 419 | Domestic Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 419 | Domestic Terrorism |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 230 | Introduction to Policing |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 557 | Seminar in Domestic Terrorism |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 419 | Domestic Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 558 | International Terrorism |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 501 | Seminar in Criminal Justice |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 419 | Domestic Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 501 | Seminar in Criminal Justice |
CRJ 512 | Seminar in Policing |
CRJ 512 | Seminar in Policing |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 501 | Seminar in Criminal Justice |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 419 | Domestic Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 557 | Seminar in Domestic Terrorism |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 419 | Domestic Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 419 | Domestic Terrorism |
CRJ 419 | Domestic Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
CRJ 412 | International Terrorism |
CRJ 554 | Homeland Security |
Australia and New Zealand Evidence-based Policing Journal: Police Science
US Society of Evidence-Based Policing
UK Society of Evidence-Based Policing
Dr. den Heyer has completed a number of consulting projects in both the US and the United Kingdom.
2018 - present Editorial Board of American Journal of Qualitative Research
2017 – present Editorial Board of The Open Journal of Criminology & Sociology
2013 - present Editorial Board of Sociology and Anthropology Journal.
2010 - present Editorial Board of Policing Practice and Research: An International Journal.