Cala Coats
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts School of Art 900 S. Forest Mall Tempe, AZ 85281
Mail code: 1505Campus: Tempe
Dr. Cala Coats’ research incorporates philosophy, ethnography, contemporary art and art education; and is part of a contemporary discourse on ecologies, social justice, community, and transdisciplinary collaboration in art education. Dr. Coats is Associate Professor of Art Education. She serves as Director of the Art Education Program, as well as Associate Director of Curriculum Affairs and Initiatives for the School of Art. Her research focuses on intersections of ethics and aesthetics with an emphasis on nomadic inquiry, public pedagogy, and socially engaged art. Her book, New Materialisms and Embodied Encounters in Education: Curiosity's Vital Potential (Bloomsbury Academic) will be released in 2024. Dr. Coats has published in a range of journals, with book chapters in The Routledge Companion to Decolonizing Art, Craft, and Visual Culture Education; What Happens at the Intersection of Teaching and Conceptual Art; Makers, Crafters, Educators: Working for Cultural Change (Routledge), and Bridging Communities Through Socially Engaged Art (Routledge). In 2021, she was awarded Pacific Region Higher Education Art Educator Award from the National Art Education Association. She is currently the Co-Editor of The Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education. She served as Co-Editor for the Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, v. 41 (Theme: Encountering Uncertainty). In 2019, she organized the symposium, Imaginative Futures: Arts-Based Research as Boundary Event, and a week-long curriculum and studio workshop for regional art educators at ASU.
- Ph.D. Art Education, University of North Texas, 2014
- M.A. Modern Art HIstory, Theory and Criticism, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2006
- B.A. Art History, University of Texas-Austin ,1999
Coats, C. (2023). New materialisms and embodied inquiry in education: Curiosity’s collective potential.Radical Politics and Education Series (T. Lewis & D. Ford, Series Eds.). Bloomsbury Academic (Under Contract – in progress for 2023 publication).
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
Coats, C., Singha, S., Zuiker, S., & Riske, A. (2022). Imagining our neighborhood of nonhuman residents: Sensorial attunement as ecological aesthetic inquiry. In M. Sharma & A. Alexander (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Decolonizing Art, Craft, and Visual Culture Education. Routledge Taylor & Francis (accepted, in press).
Coats, C. (2021). Listen to the smell of distress. J. Lucero (Ed.), What Happens at the Intersection of Teaching and Conceptual Art(in press).
Coats, C. (2019). Transversalizing aesthetic practices: Engaging the vital force of community art work. Sabbaghi, V. & Wexler, A. (Eds.). Bridging communities through socially engaged arts(pp. 137-143). Routledge.
Coats, C. (2018). The walls tell the story: Making as collective force in the evolution of an earth home community. E. Garber, L. Hochtritt, & M. Sharma (Eds.).Makers, crafters, educators: Working for cultural change, (pp. 43-46). Routledge.
Coats, C. (2017). Feeling the sting of being a tattooed mother in the public eye. In (S. Travis, A. Kraehe, E. Hood, T. Lewis, Eds.) Pedagogies in the flesh: Case studies on the embodiment of sociocultural differences in education, (pp. 61-64). Palgrave.
Coats, C. (2016/2020).Artist-cum-Farmer: The collective aestheticization of farming as civic engagement. In (R. Shin, Ed.) Convergence of contemporary art, visual culture, and global civic engagement, (pp. 185-209) IGI Global. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1665-1.ch011 and In Environmental and Agricultural Informatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1233-1257). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9621-9.ch056
Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Articles
Coats, C. (2020). Stickiness as methodological condition. Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, 40, 16-28.
Coats, C. (2019). Realize collective value: Generating immeasurable potential through creative micro-economies and self-organized cultural activity. Art Education, 72(5), 40-46. (Special Issue: Entrepreneurialism and Creative Destruction; acceptance rate: 30%)
Coats, C. & Clyne, D. (2017). Welcome swarms: Opening up to art education’s force in a democratic global society. Art Education: The Journal of the National Art Education Association, 70(1), 44-49.
Coats, C. (2015). Materializing transversal potential: An ecosophical analysis of the dissensual aestheticization of a decommissioned missile base. The Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education, 32, 127-160.
Coats, C. (2014). Thinking through the photographic encounter: Engaging with the camera as nomadic weapon.International Journal of Education and the Arts, 15(9), 1-23.
Coats, C. (2014, Summer). Tracing suburban desire. Visual Arts Research, 40(1), 17-18.
Coats, C. (2012). Act locally: Considering possibilities with local art collectives. Trends: The Journal of the Texas Art Education Association, 2012, 48-49.
Invited Academic Journal Articles
Coats, C. (2020). Commentary: Embrace art education’s indiscernibility. Art Education, 73(4), 44-47. (Special Issue: The Future of Art Curriculum).
Coats, C., & Shields, A. (2019). Inviting the waste of studio practice: Cala Coats and Alison Shields in conversation. Visual Arts Research, 45(1), 103-109. (Special Issue: Women art educators in higher education: Conversations on studio practices).
Editor, Peer-Reviewed
Coats, C., & Sharma, M. (Eds.). 2021. Theme: Encountering Uncertainty, Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, 41.
Editorial: Encountering uncertainty: Shifting Orientations through Imagination and Disruption, (pp. 2-6).
Coats, C., & Justice, S. (Eds.). 2018. Special Issue: Disrupting the everyday: Encountering awareness and new curiosities. Trends: The Journal of the Texas Art Education Association.
Editorial: Disrupting the everyday: Encountering awareness and new curiosities, (p. 4).
Moran, S., Coats, C., & Koro, M. (2020-22). Designing the Pluriversity. Institute for Humanities Research Interdisciplinary Research Cluster & Pedagogical Programming for the Center for Philosophical Technologies, Arizona State University. Grant-funded.
Coats, C., & Zuiker, S. (2020-21). Green STEAM Studios: Designing Agential Ecologies for Wonder, Curiosity, and Interconnectedness through School Gardens. Seed grant funded research from Herberger Institute for Design & the Arts and Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. This research is an IRB Approved partnership with Paideia Academy in South Phoenix.
Coats, C. & Tinapple, D. (2020). Assembling global rhythms: sites of collective digital engagement. Protocol submission to Studio D: Experimentation with digital education beyond outcomes-based learning (T. E. Lewis & P. B. Hyland, Co-Investigators). American Educational Research Association. (in progress)
Coats, C. (2019). Principal Organizer & Panelist. Imaginative Futures: Arts-Based Research as Boundary Event. 2-day symposium with international group of artists, scholars, and educators. November, 8-9, 2019, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Coats, C. (2019). Coordinator & Workshop Leader. ASU Educators’ Summer Art Studio & Curriculum Development Workshop. Week-long studio and curriculum workshop with regional Art Educators.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ARE 592 | Research |
ARE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
ARA 522 | Studio Art Pedagogy |
ARE 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 695 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 799 | Dissertation |
ARE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARE 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARE 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 584 | Internship |
ARE 684 | Internship |
ARE 520 | Issues/Teaching Inquiry in Art |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARE 250 | Teaching Inquiry in Art |
ARE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 695 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 584 | Internship |
ARE 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
ARE 684 | Internship |
ARE 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 799 | Dissertation |
ARE 592 | Research |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ARE 592 | Research |
ARE 370 | Teaching Visual Culture |
ARE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
ARA 522 | Studio Art Pedagogy |
ARE 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 695 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 799 | Dissertation |
ARE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARE 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARE 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 584 | Internship |
ARE 684 | Internship |
ARE 525 | Research on Art Instruction |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARE 482 | Teaching Art Processes |
ARE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 695 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 584 | Internship |
ARE 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
ARE 684 | Internship |
ARE 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 799 | Dissertation |
ARE 592 | Research |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ARE 592 | Research |
ARE 370 | Teaching Visual Culture |
ARE 250 | Teaching Inquiry in Art |
ARE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
ARE 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 695 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 799 | Dissertation |
ARE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARE 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARE 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 584 | Internship |
ARE 684 | Internship |
ARE 525 | Research on Art Instruction |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARE 250 | Teaching Inquiry in Art |
ARE 496 | Methods/Assess/Learning in Art |
ARE 598 | Special Topics |
ARE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 695 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 584 | Internship |
ARE 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
ARE 684 | Internship |
ARE 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 799 | Dissertation |
ARE 592 | Research |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ARE 592 | Research |
ARE 370 | Teaching Visual Culture |
ARE 250 | Teaching Inquiry in Art |
ARE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
ARE 520 | Issues/Teaching Inquiry in Art |
ARE 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 695 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 799 | Dissertation |
ARE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ARE 493 | Honors Thesis |
ARE 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 584 | Internship |
ARE 684 | Internship |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARE 250 | Teaching Inquiry in Art |
ARE 496 | Methods/Assess/Learning in Art |
ARE 598 | Special Topics |
LSE 599 | Thesis |
ARE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 584 | Internship |
ARE 590 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
ARE 684 | Internship |
ARE 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 695 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 799 | Dissertation |
ARE 592 | Research |
ART 493 | Honors Thesis |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ARE 592 | Research |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
ARE 370 | Teaching Visual Culture |
ARE 250 | Teaching Inquiry in Art |
DCI 590 | Reading and Conference |
LSE 599 | Thesis |
ARE 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 695 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 799 | Dissertation |
ARE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 592 | Research |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
ARE 525 | Research on Art Instruction |
ART 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ART 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ART 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ART 592 | Research |
ART 592 | Research |
ART 595 | Continuing Registration |
ART 680 | Practicum |
ART 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ART 680 | Practicum |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ART 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ART 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 250 | Teaching Inquiry in Art |
ARE 496 | Methods/Assess/Learning in Art |
ARE 598 | Special Topics |
ARE 590 | Reading and Conference |
ART 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ART 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARE 584 | Internship |
ARE 599 | Thesis |
ARE 684 | Internship |
ARE 690 | Reading and Conference |
ARE 695 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 795 | Continuing Registration |
ARE 799 | Dissertation |