Profiles in "Genetics" Expertise Area

  • Winingear researches under Anne Stone, PhD in the Laboratory of Molecular Anthropology. Her primary research interests include human genetics, ancient DNA, and pathogen evolution.
  • Varsani is a molecular virologist who works across ecosystems from plants to animals and from the tropics to polar regions.
  • Prof. Jensen is a population geneticist who develops theory and statistical methodology for describing and quantifying evolutionary processes in both natural and experimental populations.
  • The Harris lab uses genetic, molecular and imaging techniques to explore the genetics that underlie regeneration, and how we can improve the ability to repair and re-grow tissues after they're damaged.
  • Siford studies the interaction between evolution and culture, working to understand human uniqueness using genetics. She is investigating bonobo mutation rates and human and non human primate pigmentation evolution.
  • Geiler-Samerotte is an assistant professor in the Center for Mechanisms of Evolution and School of Life Sciences. Her lab investigates how basic features of cells influence the way those cells can evolve.