Rodrigo Meirelles
50 N Centennial Way Mesa, AZ 85201
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Student Information
Graduate StudentSpeech and Hearing Science (Auditory and Language Neuroscience)
Health Solutions
Faculty Information
Assistant Professor |
Sound |
Sidney Poitier Film School
Affiliate Professor |
Popular Music Program |
School of Music, Dance and Theatre
Rodrigo Meirelles is a Sonic Artist and Assistant Professor at the Sidney Poitier Film School at Arizona State University (USA). He runs Sonora Audio Lab at the Media and Immersive eXperience (MIX) Center at ASU, with research and creative work on the immersive and transdisciplinary aspects of Sound. At ASU, he also serves as an Affiliate Professor in the School of Music, Dance and Theatre, advancing interdisciplinary collaborative work especially in the fields of Popular Music and Sound Art. Rodrigo has been working for more than 20 years in the audio industry in various art forms, from music to sound for picture and emerging media. He worked from 2009 to 2019 as the Sound Executive Supervisor for Globo, one of the world's largest media companies, which holds 17 International Emmy awards. During his 10 years of appointment he actively led milestones such as the multichannel audio production for digital television, the Brazilian Loudness standardization (Portaria 354), the restructure of production and post-production teams and sonic processes, as well as the implementation of immersive audio formats such as Dolby Atmos and MPEG-H. As a member of the UHD research and implementation group at Globo, the Audio Engineering Society (AES) and Brazilian Society of Television Engineering (SET), he contributed to the first live streaming in Dolby Atmos worldwide and the first Brazilian content mixed in Dolby Atmos released in a movie theater, milestones that gave him an international recognition by Dolby Laboratories with the Dolby Atmos Award earned in 2020. Rodrigo acclaimed excellence in public speaking made him the spokesperson and sound evangelist for Globo, presenting in the major audio conventions, industry meetings and workshops in the Latin America and the United States.
Meirelles' research investigates questions such as whose voices are included in the immersive experiences’ content creation and how to include the unheard ones; how the available canvas (movie theaters, streaming platforms, VRs, XRs, Installations etc.) can interconnect and create more robust cross-disciplinary workflows and tools; and how immersion is actually accessed and perceived by listeners. His recently created laboratory, Sonora, serves as a hub for advancing creative work, research, diversity and inclusion in the field of immersive sound. Sonora’s immersive sound research has 3 main pillars in its core: the Artist, the Experience and the Listener. Rodrigo's first book, co-written with two researchers in the field of sound studies, "Sonic Immersion in Cinema", will be published in Portuguese in late 2023. His research has been published in the Audio Engineering Society's journals and, most recently in the "Music, Sound, and the Moving Image" journal (Liverpool, UK).
As an Artist, Rodrigo is interested in exploring the subtle instances of sound in multimodal settings. Whether it's a headphone-driven streaming experience, an interactive mix, or an immersive installation with multiple speakers, designing the aesthetic approach in collaborative ways, engaging with different art forms, while investigating the sensory impacts of creative and spatial decisions in the listeners, is what drives his inspiration. Being a musician since 13 years old, exposed to a diverse set of genres and sonic cultures, Rodrigo tries to incorporate soundscapes in his art with awareness to listening positionally, aiming for projecting unheard voices and highlight thematics on the lenses of whom have their voice's projected. His creative work goes from the awarded shows he did Sound Supervising for Globo, and Audio Engineering for renowned Brazilian musicians, a VR Carnival experience for a motion/haptics Positron chair showcased at National Association of Broadcasters’ show in Las Vegas, to recent experimental work and immersive installations based on field recordings such as co-authored work Soundscape / Sound Escape at MIX Center's Enhanced Immersion Studio, and the three co-signed Ethnographic works part of the XIV Anthropology Meeting of Mercosur 2023, re-rendered to 7.1 from Dolby Atmos for a sound-only exhibition in a Movie Theater in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Rodrigo holds BAs in Electronics & Computing Engineering, and Music Recording & Production, and pursue a Master of Arts in Education and Media. Other than ASU, his experience in Education counts on 8 years of teaching in Brazil, and the work as a founder and director of ProClass, the first training center fully homologated by Avid as a certified learning partner in the country. There, Rodrigo also worked as a Pro Tools Certified Instructor, title that he keeps up to date and active until the moment. Meirelles a Full member of the Audio Engineering Society, volunteering in the Education and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committees, and an Associate member of the Cinema Audio Society.
Master's degree in Education awarded by the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2011. Area of research: Education and Media. Theme: TV Digitization and the Cultural Contexts
Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Computing Engineering awarded by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2006. Area of specialization: Audio Signal Processing. Final Project: Real-time 3D Sound Tool.
Bachelor's technologist degree in Recording and Music Production awarded by the Estacio University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
Spatial Audio, Immersive Audio, Sound Art, Transdisciplinarity, Cognitive Neuroscience.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo; OPOLSKI, D. R. ; CARREIRO, R. C. . A imersão sonora no cinema. 1. ed. São José dos Pinhais (PR): Estronho, 2022. v. 1. 196p . ISBN: 9786587071459. Recife, Brazil.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo; OPOLSKI, D. R. ; CARREIRO, R. C. . Sound of Metal: an immersive analysis. Music Sound And The Moving Image, 2023. Liverpool, UK. ISSN/ISBN: 17530776
R. Meirelles, F. Navarro, and J. Cedanna, "Transdisciplinarity in Sound Design and Music Composition for Film Post-Production: an Experiential Remote Learning Case Study.," Engineering Brief 664, (2021 October.).
Rodrigo Carreiro and Débora Opolski and Rodrigo Meirelles, 2021, O SOM DO SILÊNCIO: uma análise imersiva. (Sound of Metal: an immersive analysis) Em: Anais do 30° Encontro Anual Da Compós . Campinas : Galoá. 2021. Disponível em:…
CARREIRO, Rodrigo. “A Pós-Produção de Som no Audiovisual Brasileiro”. "The Post Production Sound in the Brazilian Audiovisual”. An e-book published in 2019 with interviews with 12 Brazilian Post Production Sound Professionals preceded by an introductory chapter that synthesizes the main results of the research. Chapter 13, pages 219-231, is an interview with Rodrigo Meirelles. ISBN # 978-85-67732-96-1. 2019, Paraíba, BRA.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo; KUWABARA, Helio; RONCONI, Carlos. "Immersive Audio and Remote Mixing of Rio's Carnival 2017 - Live Experience”. UHD case studies. Proceedings of NAB Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology Conference. April 7 – 12, 2018. ISBN # 978-0-89324-010-3. Presented at NAB Show 2018 in Las Vegas, USA.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. "Áudio imersivo: Evolução da experiência sonora, viável e para todos.". “Immersive Audio: Evolution of the sound experience, feasible and for all”. Article published in the Brazilian Society of Television Engineering (SET) Magazine. August 2017, Issue 172, Year XXVI, p.48.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. "Áudio imersivo: nova experiência em áudio para ambientes domésticos". “Immersive Audio: a new experience in audio for the home”. Article published in the "Home Theater & Casa Digital" Magazine. November 2017, Issue 258.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo; KRUSZIELSKI, Luiz. "A Broadcast Film Leader with Audio Channel, Frequency and Synchronism Test Properties”. Audio Engineering Society Convention e-brief 286. Presented at the 141st Convention, September 29–October 2, 2016, Los Angeles, USA.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. “Processamento de áudio - Reverberadores, parte 1”. Article published on “Plug-ins etc” audio software column in the "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia”1 Magazine. March 2011, Issue 234.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. “Processamento de áudio - Reverberadores, parte 2”. Article published on “Plug-ins etc” audio software column in the "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. April 2011, Issue 235.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. “Processamento de áudio - Reverberadores, parte 3”. Article published on “Plug-ins etc” audio software column in the "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. May 2011, Issue 236.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. “Processamento de áudio - Reverberadores, parte 4”. Article published on “Plug-ins etc” audio software column in the "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. June 2011, Issue 237.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. “Processamento de áudio - Reverberadores, parte 5”. Article published on “Plug-ins etc” audio software column in the "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. August 2011, Issue 239.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. “Processamento de áudio - Reverberadores, parte 6”. Article published on “Plug-ins etc” audio software column in the "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. September 2011, Issue 240.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. "AES Brasil 2010”. Article published in the "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. July 2010, Issue 226.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. "TV Digitization and the Cultural Contexts”. Master’s dissertation presented to the Post-Graduation Program in Education of PUC-Rio as a partial requirement to obtain a Master's degree in Education. Advisor: Maria Apparecida Campos Mamede Neves. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2010.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. "AES NY 2009”. Article published in the "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. December 2009, Issue 219.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo; TYGEL, Alan. “O conceito de plug-in de software - parte 1”. Article published in the digital edition of "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. February, 2009.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo; TYGEL, Alan. “O conceito de plug-in de software - parte 2”. Article published in the digital edition of "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. March, 2009.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo; TYGEL, Alan; HAMMERSCHLAG, Julio. “Digital Audio Workstations - onde estamos pisando? - Parte 1”. Article published in the digital edition of "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. October 2008.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo; TYGEL, Alan; HAMMERSCHLAG, Julio. “Digital Audio Workstations - onde estamos pisando? - Parte 2”. Article published in the digital edition of "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. December, 2008.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. “Real-time 3D Sound Tool”. Audio Signal Processing Final Project, presented to obtain Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Computing Engineering of UFRJ. Advisor: Luiz Wagner Pereira Biscainho. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2006.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. “Por Dentro do Formato Wave – Parte 1”. Article published in the "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. April 2004, Issue 152.
MEIRELLES, Rodrigo. “Por Dentro do Formato Wave – Parte 2”. Article published in the "Áudio, Música e Tecnologia” Magazine. May 2004, Issue 153.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 492 | Honors Directed Study |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 315 | Sound Design Film & Media I |
FMP 401 | Senior Practicum |
FMP 493 | Honors Thesis |
FMP 315 | Sound Design Film & Media I |
SOS 792 | Research |
FMP 592 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
FMP 415 | Sound Design for Film&Media II |
FMP 494 | Special Topics |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 315 | Sound Design Film & Media I |
FMP 401 | Senior Practicum |
FMP 493 | Honors Thesis |
FMP 315 | Sound Design Film & Media I |
FMP 294 | Special Topics |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 315 | Sound Design Film & Media I |
FMP 401 | Senior Practicum |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 180 | Prin of Production Technology |
FMP 180 | Prin of Production Technology |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 315 | Sound Design Film & Media I |
FMP 415 | Sound Design for Film&Media II |
FMP 401 | Senior Practicum |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
FMP 493 | Honors Thesis |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 180 | Prin of Production Technology |
FMP 180 | Prin of Production Technology |
FMP 315 | Sound Design Film & Media I |
FMP 415 | Sound Design for Film&Media II |
FMP 380 | Film Production Crew |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 481 | Film Lab II: Post-Production |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 481 | Film Lab II: Post-Production |
FMP 315 | Sound Design Film & Media I |
FMP 415 | Sound Design for Film&Media II |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 481 | Film Lab II: Post-Production |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
THF 125 | Orientation Film/Dance/Theatre |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 294 | Special Topics |
FMP 294 | Special Topics |
FMP 481 | Film Lab II: Post-Production |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 294 | Special Topics |
FMP 481 | Film Production Capstone II |
FMP 494 | Special Topics |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
THF 497 | Senior Project |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 481 | Film Production Capstone II |
FMP 481 | Film Production Capstone II |
THF 125 | Orientation Film/Dance/Theatre |
FMP 294 | Special Topics |
FMP 494 | Special Topics |
FMP 494 | Special Topics |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
FMP 194 | Special Topics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FMP 294 | Special Topics |
FMP 481 | Film Production Capstone II |
FMP 494 | Special Topics |
FMP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
“Dolby Atmos Music”
Full-day workshop for “We Make Noise” International Organization
December 2023, Mesa, AZ, USA
“Immersive Noisemaking” at Taliesin West
Guest lecture at Professor Serena Ferrando’s field trip at Taliesin West.
Noisemakers! Tracing the History of Modern Music in Italy. School of International Letters and Cultures
November 2023, Scottsdale, AZ, USA.
4-days workshop taught at ProClass Training and Pipoca Sound audio post house
July 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Co-presenters: Caio Loures (UFRJ)
“Sonic Challenges in the Wardrobe - an interdisciplinary study
Workshop Presented at Southeastern Theatre Conference - SETC Convention
March 2022, Memphis/TN, USA.
Co-presenters: Suellen Coelho (Hollins University), Zak Gutzwiler (ASU mentee).
Presented at the 151st Audio Engineering Society Convention,
October 2021, Las Vegas (virtual), USA.
O SOM DO SILÊNCIO: uma análise imersiva. SOUND OF METAL: an immersive analysis.
COMPÓS -The Brazilian National Association of Graduate Programs in Communication. Presentation at the annual conference.
July 2021. São Paulo, Brazil. Virtual.
“Dolby Atmos Music - Como e por quê?”
Audio Seminars Live Class 037.
June 30th, 2020. Virtual.
“Transitioning to Immersive Audio: from 5.1 to Atmos in the Mixer's perspective.”
Conference Panel: AES LAC 2020. Audio Engineering Society Latin America Virtual 2020.
September 22nd, 2020. Virtual. Moderator/ Speaker.
“Calibragem de sistemas de monitoração em estúdios de produção de áudio”. Invited by the speaker manufacturer Genelec to perform a studio alignment and calibration webinar with their GLM system.
Genelec Masterclass (online)
January 8th, 2020. Tempe, AZ, USA.
“Dolby Atmos for Broadcast”. Globo’s Dolby Atmos mixing case studies for drama, sports and live shows.
Mixer Talk event at Dolby Lab’s booth at the NAB Show 2019.
April 9th, 2019. Las Vegas, USA.
“Áudio Imersivo”. Immersive Audio concepts, content creation and technology.
Workshop for British Council and Oi Futuro’s ASA Project (Women in Sound), in partnership with British institutions Lighthouse and
December 1st, 2018. Rio de Janeiro, BRA.
“Audio Inmersivo. Una mirada a la producción de contenidos en Brasil”. Immersive Audio, an overview of content production in Brazil.
AES LAC. Audio Engineering Society Latin America Conference 2019.
September 25th, 2018. Montevideo, URU. Panelist
“Estándar de Loudness en Broadcast en Brasil”. Brazilian loudness standard for broadcasting.
TEDx event at AES LAC. Audio Engineering Society Latin America Conference 2019.
September 26th, 2018. Montevideo, URU.
“Pós-Produção”. Post Production lecture.
“Audiovisual and Media Convergence” post graduate specialization course at UNISINOS university.
August 31st and September 1st, 2018. Porto Alegre, BRA.
“A Experiência do Áudio Imersivo na TV - Dramaturgia”. Experimenting immersive audio in drama content creation on TV.
Communication week event at Casper Libero university.
August 31st, 2018. São Paulo, BRA.
“Produção de Áudio Imersivo”. Immersive Audio Content Production conference panel.
SET Expo 2018. Content and Media Production Trade Show and Conference.
August 30st, 2018. São Paulo, BRA. Moderator, Chairman.
“O Áudio na Criação em Realidade Virtual”. Audio for Virtual Reality (VR) content creation. Conference about the use of technology on immersive storytelling.
BUG Lab event at Oi Futuro Cultural Center.
August 30st, 2018. Rio de Janeiro, BRA.
“O som em dispositivos portáteis: desafios e oportunidades para a criação de conteúdo”. Lecture about the sound on portable devices, its challenges and opportunities for content creation.
SET Sudeste 2018. Brazilian Society of Television Engineering Southeast Regional Conference.
May 10th, 2018. Rio de Janeiro, BRA.Panelist.
“Immersive Audio for Drama Production”. Lecture about Dolby Atmos experiences and opportunities to the content creation for drama (Film and Episodical).
AES Expo 2018. Audio Engineering Society Convention - Brazil Section.
May 24th, 2018. São Paulo, BRA. Panelist.
“Produção de Conteúdo Sonoro para Realidade Virtual. Conference panel about Sound Content Production for Virtual Reality (VR)
AES Expo 2018. Audio Engineering Society Convention - Brazil Section.
May 23rd, 2018. São Paulo, BRA. Moderator, Chairman.
“Experimentações com Dolby Atmos no Brasil”. Lecture about the experiences with Dolby Atmos for Movie Theatre and Dolby Atmos for Home in Brazil at the Sound Conference Panel.
Semana ABC 2018. Brazilian Association of Cinematography (ABCINE) Annual Conference.
May 11th, 2018. São Paulo, BRA. Panelist.
“Produção de Áudio no Audiovisual - desafios e tendências”. Keynote for Film and Music Production students about the challenges and trends in sound production for audiovisual media.
Estacio University Fall Event.
May 6th, 2018. Rio de Janeiro, BRA. Keynote Speaker.
"Immersive Audio and Remote Mixing of Rio's Carnival 2017 - Live Experience”. Presentation of the National Association of Broadcasters Engineering and Information Technology Conference Paper for UHD case studies.
NAB Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology Conference.
April 8th, 2018. Las Vegas, USA. Panelist.
“Produtor de Som: novos conceitos para a realização sonora no audiovisual”. In 2017, the ABCINE Annual conference sound panel was dedicated to a case study about the role of the “audio producer”, implemented at Globo led by Rodrigo, and a discussion with regards to the creation of this new role overall in the Brazilian Film industry.
Semana ABC 2017. Brazilian Association of Cinematography (ABCINE) Annual Conference.
May 12th, 2017. São Paulo, BRA. Panelist
“Produção de Áudio - desafios do som no audiovisual”. Keynote for Social Communication students of Unicarioca about the challenges in sound production for audiovisual media and the careers in Sound.
Unicarreira - Unicarioca university event about careers.
May 18th, 2017. Rio de Janeiro, BRA. Keynote Speaker.
“Áudio em Dramaturgia”. Lecture about "sound for drama productions" at the audio engineering regional meeting on UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro’s campus.
Audio Engineering Society & COPPE/UFRJ Regional Meeting
November 18h, 2016. Rio de Janeiro, BRA.
"A Broadcast Film Leader with Audio Channel, Frequency, and Synchronism Test Properties". Presentation of the Audio Engineering Society’s e-brief Convention Paper.
141st Audio Engineering Society International Pro Audio Convention - Engineering e-brief 286.
September 30th, 2016. Los Angeles, USA.
“The case study of "Liberdade Liberdade”. A conference panel with a case study about the sound of the Globo's historic drama production (telenovela) called “Liberdade Liberdade”.
4th National Meeting of Film Sound Professionals.
September 9th, 2016. Conservatória, BRA.
“Pós Produção de Áudio”. Lecture about audio post production for the short-film documentary class, with students from all over Brazil that enrolled the Globo University’s project.
“Curtas Universitários” short-film documentary production project of Globo.
June 18th, 2015. October 31st, 2014. Rio de Janeiro, BRA.
“O Som nas Séries de TV”. Lecture about Sound on Globo’s episodical drama TV Series and a discussion about sound on Film and TV at the ABCINE’s Sound Conference Panel.
Semana ABC 2015. Brazilian Association of Cinematography (ABCINE) Annual Conference.
May 14th, 2015. São Paulo, BRA.
“Pós-Produção”. Post Production lecture.
“Audiovisual and Media Convergence” post graduate specialization course at UNISINOS university. Globo University Project.
May 10th, 2015. Porto Alegre, BRA.
“Som e Produção de Áudio para Cinema e TV”. Inaugural lecture about Sound at Estacio University's Film School.
Estacio University Film School's Spring 2015 inaugural event.
March 26th, 2015. Rio de Janeiro, BRA. Keynote Speaker.
“Pós-Produção”. Post Production lecture.
“Audiovisual and Media Convergence” post graduate specialization course at UNISINOS university. Globo University Project.
May 16th, 2014. Porto Alegre, BRA.
“5.1 em Séries de TV: desenho de som, técnicas e processos”. Lecture about 5.1 Surround Sound content creation for TV. Sound design, techniques and processes.
AES Expo 2014. Audio Engineering Society Convention - Brazil Section.
May 13th, 2014. São Paulo, BRA.
“Edição e Finalização de Som no Audiovisual". Lecture about sound editing and post-production for audiovisual media at the Brazilian Conservatory of Music.
CBM - Brazilian Conservatory of Music
April 25th, 2014. Rio de Janeiro, BRA.
“Pro Tools software para Pós-Produção". Webinar about using Pro Tools for Audio Post Production (Film and TV). published in the manufacture’s official Brazilian channel.
Webinar for Avid Technology
December 22nd, 2014. Rio de Janeiro, BRA. Guest Speaker.
“Edição de Imagem e Som”. Lecture about Sound Design and Editing for Film at Rio Market, part of the biggest audiovisual festival in Latin America.
Rio Market 2013 (Rio de Janeiro’s Film Festival)
October 8th, 2013. Rio de Janeiro, BRA. Guest Speaker.
“Novas Ferramentas de pós-produção de áudio”. Trends in audio processing tools for post production, with international guests from Fraunhofer IIS, Wohler, Solid State Logic and TC Electronics.
SET Expo 2013. Content and Media Production Trade Show and Conference.
August 19th, 2013. São Paulo, BRA. Panelist
“Áudio Imersivo”. Conference panel about Immersive Audio technologies and future perspectives regarding sound for film, tv, installations and multiple media formats, with international guests from Dolby Laboratories US and IOSONO GmBH .
AES Expo 2013. Audio Engineering Society Convention - Brazil Section.
May 8th, 2013. São Paulo, BRA. Moderator, Chairman.
“Ferramentas de Processamento de Áudio – aplicações em mixagem”. Conference panel about applications of digital audio processing tools in sound mixing, with international guests from TC Electronic and Solid State Logic manufacturers.
AES Expo 2013. Audio Engineering Society Convention - Brazil Section.
May 8th, 2012. São Paulo, BRA. Moderator, Chairman.
“Áudio 5.1 para TV”. Lecture about 5.1 Surround Sound implementation for television.
AES Expo 2012. Audio Engineering Society Convention - Brazil Section.
May 8th, 2012. São Paulo, BRA. Panelist
“Loudness”. Lecture in the conference panel about the loudness standardization in Brazil. 2012 was a decisive year for this subject and Rodrigo was part of Brazilian the technical committee for loudness standardization and had a prominent role in its specifications and education.
AES Expo 2012. Audio Engineering Society Convention - Brazil Section.
May 8th, 2012. São Paulo, BRA. Panelist
“Áudio 5.1 para TV”. Lecture about 5.1 Surround Sound implementation for television.
Audio Engineering Society - Brazil Section Regional Meeting
November 21st, 2011. Rio de Janeiro, BRA. Panelist.
“Áudio 5.1 em TV”. Lecture in the "Surround Sound" conference panel about 5.1 Surround Sound implementation for television.
SET Expo 2011. Content and Media Production Trade Show and Conference.
August 24th, 2011. São Paulo, BRA. Panelist
“Áudio 5.1 em TV”. Lecture about 5.1 Surround Sound implementation for television.
SET Nordeste 2011. Brazilian Society of Television Engineering Northeast Regional Conference.
July 13rd, 2011. Recife, BRA. Panelist.
“Áudio 5.1 em TV”. Lecture about 5.1 Surround Sound implementation for television.
SET Sul 2011. Brazilian Society of Television Engineering South Regional Conference.
June 14th, 2011. Porto Alegre, BRA. Panelist.
“Pro Tools e Produção Musical no Século XXI". Lecture about "Pro Tools and Music Production in the 21st Century" at the Brazilian Conservatory of Music.
CBM - Brazilian Conservatory of Music
August, 2010. Rio de Janeiro, BRA. Guest Speaker.
“3D Sound"
Electronics Engineering Week, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
May, 2007. Rio de Janeiro, BRA. Guest Speaker.
“A Tecnologia em Estúdios de Gravação”. Lecture about Technology in Music Recording Studios.
AES Expo 2005. Audio Engineering Society Convention - Brazil Section.
May, 2005. São Paulo, BRA. Panelist.
“Processamento de Plug-ins em DAW”. Lecture about “plug-in processing in digital audio workstations" at the Audio Engineering Society’s regional meeting.
Audio Engineering Society - Brazil Section Regional Meeting
November, 2004. Rio de Janeiro, BRA. Panelist.
Dolby Atmos Awards 2020 - LAC
Dolby Laboratories
2020. São Paulo, BRA.
Recognition for the essential contribution for the first live broadcasting in Dolby Atmos, in 2020. Awarded during the online event Dolby Atmos Awards Latin America 2020, on 12/12/2020.
Estacio University
2015. Rio de Janeiro, BRA.
Rodrigo was nominated and awarded for the collection of his work. The Diamond Alumni Medal aims to honor students and alumni Estacio who have relevant activities in social, educational, cultural and entrepreneurial initiatives. Those who experienced stories of personal and professional growth, overcoming, acts of bravery, that carried out relevant volunteer work, acted in times of public calamity and other actions for the benefit of society and that serve as inspiration and motivation for the entire Estacio community.
Technology Award - Technical and Operational Quality
2015. Rio de Janeiro, BRA.
Rodrigo was personally nominated and awarded by leading the “Audio Plan” project, with regards to its significant audio quality improvement at Globo Studios. This recognition prize is given annually during the Globo's Technology division end-of-year event.
AES - Audio Engineering Society.
Member #79932, since May 18th, 2009.
Los Angeles Section, Brazil Section
Peer reviewed upgrade from Associate to Full Member in June 2021
Active Board Member of the Education Committee, since April 2021
Active Board Member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, since October 2022
Jury member of the AES Europe 2022 and AES International 2022 and 2023 Students Recording Competition
USA (Los Angeles)
Associate Member #3288, since October 2019.
Member of the Student Recognition Awards’ Committee since 2022.
A3ps - Post Production Sound Professionals Association
Member E047 since March 17th, 2021
Globo (2009 - 2019)
• Sound Executive Supervisor (2014 - 2019)
Head of the Audio Producer's team (~10 people). Leading a high performance team, created to supervise both technical and artistic aspects of sound from pre production to post production. Deep involvement in the creative process. The audio producer is a new role in the Brazilian industry and its successful implementation at Globo was a case study presented by Rodrigo in the Brazilian Association of Cinematography (ABCINE) annual conference in 2017. The project that created the audio producer role, called “Audio Plan”, gave Rodrigo the 2015 Globo Technology’s Award for Technical and Operational Quality.
Rodrigo is also in the Globo’s UHD research and implementation group, in charge of immersive audio technologies such as Dolby Atmos and MPEG-H 3D Audio. Other than lectures and publications about this subject, some milestones were achieved. For instance, the first live streaming in Dolby Atmos worldwide and the first Brazilian content mixed in Dolby Atmos released in a movie theatre.
In-company educational projects such as the Audio School of the Technology Academy and the Artistic Concepts of Sound course of the Entertainment Academy were also led by Rodrigo during this period. Rodrigo also represents often Globo in universities over the “Globo University” program, a division of the company in charge of partnerships with universities all over the country.
• Post Production Sound Supervisor (2012 - 2014)
Head of the Sound Editing, Mixing and Audio Post Production team (~40 people). Leadership and team management roles as well as supervising the sound editing for all of the entertainment productions. New post production sound rooms were designed and the episodical drama series and telenovelas started to be mixed in surround 5.1. Sound designing case studies for these surround 5.1 content were presented by Rodrigo in conferences. From this period to nowadays, he was also part of the Globo University project, which is a company’s partnership with Brazilian Universities to approximate both industry and academy. He taught post production and audio classes in the Engineering school at UFRJ (RJ) and in Audiovisual and Media Convergence postgraduate specialization course at UNISINOS (RS).
• Audio Engineering Coordinator (2009 - 2012)
Leading the audio engineering processes and workflows for Post Production, with about 40 editors in 24 workstations and sound rooms, including a THX certified Film mixing room.
Some achievements were: migration from tape to file-based workflow in Post Production, 5.1 mixing format for TV implementation, investment in high performance up-to-date systems in audio post production and the development of customized training for the sound editors. During this time, Rodrigo was part of the Brazilian Technical Committee for loudness standardization that resulted in the Order 354/2012 of the Brazil’s Ministry of Communications.
ProClass Training (2008 - 2015)
• Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Founded the company, headed the marketing, sales and educational coordination teams, developed internal audio, video and IT curriculum, developed international partnerships and started a new facility, in Copacabana, in 2013.
In that period, ProClass became the:
- FirstsimultaneouslyAvidandApplecertifiedtrainingcenterinBrazil.
- FirstProTools100and200leveltrainingcenterinBrazil.
- FirstAvidMediaComposerTrainingcenterinBrazil.
- Reference in training solutions for digital music production, film and broadcast industries, being part of the career of various people all over Brazil.
• Instructor
Nas Nuvens Studio (2005)
• Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer, Music Studio, working with the renowned Music Producer Liminha. Some of the highlighted recording projects / albums are:
Hoje (2005). Artist: Os Paralamas dos Sucesso. Won the 2006's Latin Grammy as the best rock algum in the Portuguese language.
Até Onde Vai (2005). Artist: Jota Quest. Indicated to 2006's latin grammy as the best pop album in the Portuguese language. "Na Pista - Paralamas do Sucesso"
Na Pista etc. (2005). Artist: Djavan
Teoria Dinâmica Gastativa (2005). Artist: Forfun.
Estacio University (2004 - 2012)
• Professor
Taught in the following programs (schools): Music Production, Film, Audiovisual Production, Radio and TV, Games and Multimedia Production.
Taught the following courses: Sound Editing, Sound Design, Pro Tools, Recording and Miking Techniques.
Ground Control Professional Audio (2002 - 2008)
Instructor of the Pro Tools curriculum of the Avid Learning Partner program, as an Avid Certified Instructor with all certifications, including Pro Tools Expert Music, Pro Tools Expert Post and Pro Tools 400 (ACSR - Avid Certified Support Representative). Other than Pro Tools courses, Rodrigo has taught workshops and classes about audio and sound design in general.
Taught in the following programs (schools): Music Production, Film, Audiovisual Production, Radio and TV, Games and Multimedia Production.
Taught the following courses: Sound Editing, Sound Design, Pro Tools, Recording and Miking Techniques.
• Training Director (2006 - 2008)
Ground Control is an audio engineering company that does studio installations, training and maintenance. During this period, Rodrigo was the director of the training division.
He started Digidesign Pro Tools official certification in Brazil. Lately, it became the ProClass training center.
He also developed a partnership with IAV School (Instituto de Áudio e Vídeo, SP) for audio engineering courses.
Ground Control training became a reference in Pro Tools courses in Brazil.
Certification: ACI - Avid Certified Instructor
Issue organization: Avid Technology
Description: certified as an Avid Certified Instructor. Last update: 2023.
Certification: Pro Tools Expert Post Issue organization: Avid Technology
Description: certified as an expert in Pro Tools for Post Production (Film), the industry standard for digital audio workstation, officially by its manufacturer. 2010, Avid HQ, San Francisco, USA.
Certification: Pro Tools Expert Music Issue organization: Avid Technology
Description: certified as an expert in Pro Tools for Music Production, the industry standard for digital audio workstation, officially by its manufacturer. 2010, Avid HQ, San Francisco, USA.
Certification: Pro Tools Operator Post Issue organization: Avid Technology
Description: certified as an operator in Pro Tools for Post Production (Film), the industry standard for digital audio workstation, officially by its manufacturer. 2010, Avid HQ, San Francisco, USA.
Certification: Pro Tools Operator Music Issue organization: Avid Technology
Description: certified as an operator in Pro Tools for Music Production, the industry standard for digital audio workstation, officially by its manufacturer. 2010, Avid HQ, San Francisco, USA.
Certification: Pro Tools ACSR
Issue organization: Avid Technology
Description: certified as an Avid Certified Support Representative in Pro Tools, the industry standard for digital audio workstation, officially by its manufacturer. 2013, Avid HQ, San Francisco, USA.
Training: VENUE Live Sound
Issue organization: Avid Technology
Description: trained as an operator in VENUE system for live sound, officially by its manufacturer. 2010, Avid HQ, San Francisco, USA.
Certification: Netmix Pro
Issue organization: Creative Networks Design (CND)
Description: certified as a Netmix Operator, a media asset management for sound effects and music libraries, officially by its manufacturer. 2010, Avid HQ, San Francisco, USA.
Training: Sennheiser Professional Systems Seminar Issue organization: Sennheiser
Description: trained in wireless microphones, professional audio systems and workflows and immersive audio production tools. 2018, Sennheiser’s HQ, Wedemark, Germany.
Training: 5.1 Surround Sound Mixing Issue organization: Video Symphony
Description: trained in 5.1 surround sound mixing by Video Symphony pro school of media production in Hollywood. 2012, Video Symphony, Los Angeles, USA.
Training: Leadership
Issue organization: FDC. Fundação Dom Cabral
Description: trained in leadership by the school "Fundação Dom Cabral” at Globo, Rio de Janeiro,