Profiles in "Aging" Expertise Area

  • Baehr is interested foremost in the biology of aging. Baehr seeks to understand aging through the context of evolutionary biology.
  • Sheehan is pioneering the intersection of social science and sleep, employing quantitative methods to unravel the intricate interplay between social determinants and lifelong sleep patterns as well as other health outcomes.
  • The SMack Lab sit as nexus of the environment & the genome to identify how environments "get under the skin" to affect our aging bodies & brains
  • Dr. Guest is interested in the predominant social and environmental domains older adults live in and how this knowledge can lead to increased understanding of and improvements in health.
  • Dr. Peckham uses critical institutional theories to lead actionable research. She applies co-design approaches to promote effective health system (re)design efforts.
  • Dr. Pohl is a Nurse Scientist investigating the health implications of social connectedness across multiple caregiver generations and various aspects of isolation.
  • Molly Maxfield is a clinical psychologist with research interests in psychology and aging. Ongoing projects focus on dementia-related anxiety and supporting behavioral change to reduce dementia risk.
  • Yu completed MSN/PhD at Penn and postdoc at Penn State and is a Fellow of Gerontological Society of the America and American Academy of Nursing. Her research focus on interventions to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease.