Profiles in "Teams" Expertise Area
- Dr. Amazeen's research focuses on the discovery of common lawful mathematical principles that govern the behavior of psychological systems.
- Lynda has a deep passion for nursing, and realizes the opportunities well-equipped nurses will have to change the future of health care. Her teaching focus is in the areas of evidence-based practice and innovation leadership.
- Edward (Ned) Wellman's research investigates leadership and teams. His passion is in understanding the personal journey involved in becoming a leader and how leaders can inspire positive change in others.
- Jeff LePine's research centers on (1) teamwork and team effectiveness, (2) performance behaviors involving teamwork, citizenship, voice, and adaptability, (3) leadership, and (4) engagement and occupational stress.
- S.R. Aurora utilizes technology to develop future leaders and help people thrive in our volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world.
- Karen Stafford is a Faculty Associate with the W. P. Carey School of Business focused on coursework related to the Human Resources Management major degree program.
- Project Manager (PMP) with experience establishing operations in research centers and managing web projects, scientific projects, proposal development, and writing efforts.