Carrie Sampson
Mail code: 3151Campus: West
Carrie Sampson is an associate professor in the Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University. Her research focuses on educational leadership, policy, and equity from three interrelated perspectives -- democracy, community advocacy, and politics. Drawing from a range of critical theories and employing mostly qualitative methods, Dr. Sampson's published work includes peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and policy reports on school boards, school desegregation, English learners, and community organizing in education. She has also received various awards and recognition for her scholarship, including the National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship, Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, American Educational Research Division A (Administration, Organization, and Leadership) Early Career Award, and the UCEA William J. Davis Award for the article entitled “(Im)Possibilities of Latinx school board members’ educational leadership toward equity."
- Ph.D. Public Affairs, University of Nevada Las Vegas 2016
- Graduate Certificate in Women's Studies, University of Nevada Las Vegas 2013
- M.S. Cultural Foundations of Education, Syracuse University, NY 2007
- B.S. Economics, University of Nevada Reno 2004
Guiding Research Questions:
- How do educational policies and practices shape educational opportunities for minoritized communities?
- How can we build community capacity and reframe leadership to expand educational opportunities for minoritized communities?
Past Research Projects:
- Dr. Sampson concluded a multiple-case study focused on three school boards located in the understudied region of the U.S. Mountain West. The purpose of the study was to understand how school boards addressed policies/practices for emerging bilingual students. This study explored important issues of representation, democracy, and politics in terms of educational equity.
- Together with a research team, Dr. Sampson is conducted a case study on the politics and impact of school district reorgranization in the U.S. West. In this work, we were interested in how restructuring influences educational equity and opportunities for minoritized students.
- Dr. Sampson, with a research team, is conducted a study on the role of community advocacy in addressing equity directed at school boards within school board meetings.
- Dr. Sampson explore various modalities to facilitate critical dialogue focused on educational equity in online courses.
- Led by Dr. Sonya Douglass Horsford, Dr. Sampson co-conducted research on the history of school desegregation in Southern Nevada.
Current Research Projects:
- Dr. Sampson is co-conducting a research project to examine how open-choice policies in Arizona influence school board goverance related to educational equity.
- Dr. Sampson is in the beginning stages of a study to explore the experiences, perspectives, and influence of Black, Indigeneous, and People of Color (BIPOC) school board members at the national level.
- Sampson, C, Demps, D., & Rodriguez, S. (online first, 2020). Engaging (or Not) in Coalition Politics: A Case Study of Black and Latinx Community Advocacy Toward Educational Equity. Race Ethnicity and Education.
- In School Boards We Trust? The Potential for Educational Equity in Public Education [Equity Alliance Blog, August 2019]
- Sampson, C. & Bertrand, M. (online first). ‘This is civil disobedience. I’ll continue.’: The racialization of school board meeting rules and structures. Journal of Educational Policy.
- Bertrand, M. & Sampson, C. (online first). Challenging systemic racism in school board meetings through intertextual co-option. Critical Studies in Education.
- Warr, M. & Sampson, C. (online first). Achieving critical dialogue in online doctoral programs: An exploration of student perceptions and experiences with multiple modalities. Tech Trends.
- Diem, S. & Sampson, C. (online first). Goals, rhetoric, and (in)equity: The rationales behind decentralizing a large, diverse school district. Urban Education.
- Sampson, C. (2019). From a lighthouse to a foghorn: A school board's navigation toward equity for English learners. American Journal of Education, 124(4), 521-546.
- Sampson, C. (2019). (Im)Possibilities of Latinx school board members’ educational leadership toward equity. Education Administration Quarterly, 55(2). 296-327.
- Sampson, C., Overholser, A., & Gatti, J. (2019). A critical paradox: The politics of an urban community-based nonprofit in expanding educational opportunities to underserved youth. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 18(2), pp. 210-225.
- Diem, S., Young, M. D. & Sampson, C. (2018). Where Critical Policy Meets the Politics of Education: An Introduction. Educational Policy, 33 (1), 3-15.
- Sampson, C. (2018). “The state pulled a fast one on us”: A critical policy analysis of state-level policies impacting English learners from district-level perspectives. Educational Policy, 33 (1), 3-15.
- Diem, S., Sampson, C., & Browning, L. (2018). Reorganizing a countywide school district: A critical analysis of politics and policy development toward decentralization. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26, 1. doi:
- Sampson, C. & Horsford, S. D. (2017). Putting the public back in public education: Community and education leadership under the Every Student Succeeds Act. Journal of School Leadership, 27(5), 725 745.
- Sampson, C. (2017). So it ‘‘became White activists fighting for integration?’’ Community organizations, intersectional identities, and education reform. The Urban Review. 49(1), 72-95.
- Horsford, S.D. & Sampson, C. (2014). Promise Neighborhoods: The promise and politics of community capacity building as urban school reform. Urban Education, 49 (1).
- Horsford, S.D. Sampson, C., & Forletta, F.M. (2013). School resegregation in the Mississippi of the West: Community counternarratives on the return to neighborhood schools in Las Vegas, 1968-1994. Teachers College Record, 115 (11).
- Horsford, S. D., & Sampson, C. (2013, Summer). Expanding equity and opportunity for English Language Learners: A look at funding in high growth ELL states. Voices in Urban Education. The Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 702 | Prosem Education Policy II |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
EPA 701 | Proseminar Education Policy I |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 792 | Research |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 702 | Prosem Education Policy II |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
EDA 593 | Applied Project |
EDA 593 | Applied Project |
EPA 701 | Proseminar Education Policy I |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
EPA 792 | Research |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
EDA 511 | School Law |
EDA 514 | Leadership in Curric/Assessmnt |
EDA 505 | American Education System |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
EDA 511 | School Law |
EDA 511 | School Law |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
TEL 791 | Seminar |
TEL 791 | Seminar |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
TEL 792 | Research |
EPA 691 | Seminar |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 791 | Seminar |
TEL 791 | Seminar |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |