Stacey Moran is Assistant Professor in the School of Arts, Media and Engineering and the Department of English. Her work lies at the intersections of feminist theory and technoscience, design studies, and critical pedagogy. Her current research investigates how methods in the physical sciences provide a foothold for thinking about the materiality of knowledge production.
Moran is also Associate Director of the Center for Philosophical Technologies (CPT), a global hub for critical and speculative research on philosophy, technology and design. Visit CPT
Through the CPT’s Global Education initiative, Moran directs a design summer school in the Netherlands, and collaborates with the Laboratory for Expanded Design (LxD). Moran’s research informs her creative practice as a member of the design collective, NON+ based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Their work explores the relation between design, mythology and material practices.
Ph.D. Department of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley.
M.A. Department of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley
B.A. Comparative History of Ideas Program, University of Washington