Profiles in "Applied Linguistics" Expertise Area

  • Prior holds a doctorate in second language acquisition (SLA). He teaches courses in applied linguistics, qualitative methods, discourse analysis and pragmatics, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, and TESOL.
  • Lee is a teacher of German who specializes in language learning with disabilities/dyslexia, bilingual learning, and teaching methodology.
  • Turker teaches courses on Korean language and Korean linguistics as well as general linguistics courses.
  • Scherer's research interests include assessment of and early intervention for speech and language development of children with cleft lip and palate and service delivery models for early speech and language intervention.
  • Peter studies the genetic etiologies of disorders of spoken and written language. Her work contributes to the foundations for early identification of children at genetic risk and for proactive interventions.
  • In 2006, when the Downtown Phoenix campus opened, Petersen was invited to come and begin the lower division Spanish program and she has overseen the lower division Spanish program since then. She is currently an Associate Teaching Professor.
  • Bahtchevanova teaches undergraduate and graduate linguistics courses and French language courses. As the coordinator of the lower-division French program, she coordinates, trains, and mentors French language instructors.