Jamie Edmonds
Phone: 480-965-5128
Durham Hall 851 S Cady Mall 247D Tempe, AZ 85287
Mail code: 4202Campus: Tempe
I am a researcher, analyst, and educator seeking to discover, aspire, and imagine how the fabric of society can be transformed by equality, community development, and innovative practice.My passion for educating and facilitating education is driven by an awareness of how linguistic and socio-cultural investigation provides opportunities for growth from the personal to global ecosystems. I have developed my craft through 12 years of qualitative and quantitative research in higher education, cybersecurity, technology, and e-commerce to produce public and company-facing reports, presentations, and analyses. I build off my craft to mentor and support the development of others through collaborative management and people-driven insights.
Ph.D., 2021 Arizona State University (Religious Studies)
Dissertation: “Hunting Baraka: The Spiritual Materiality and the Material Spirituality Reconfiguring the Indonesian Islamic Landscape”
Dissertation Committee: Dr. Shahla Talebi (chair), Dr. Gaymon Bennett, Dr. James Rush, Dr. Chad Haines
Major Fields: Anthropology of Religion Minor Fields: History of Islam in Indonesia, Anthropology of Islam
M.A., 2012: University of California Riverside (Religious Studies)
Advisor: Dr. Muhamad Ali (chair), Dr. Amanda Lucia, Dr. Jennifer Hughes
Major Field: Islamic Mysticism Minor Field: History of Southeast Asia, Lived Religion
B.A., 2010 College of Charleston
Major: Religious Studies
Minor: Asian Studies
“Pilgrimage Sites as Mobile Cities: Islamic Piety on the Move,” Routledge Handbook for Religion and Cities. Elise M. Edwards and Katie Day ed., Routledge, 2021.
“Smelling Baraka: Everyday Islam and Islamic Normativity” in “(Mis)Representations of Islam: Politics, Community, and Advocacy,” ed. Timothy P. Daniels and Meryem F. Zaman, special issue. American Journal of Islamic Social Science 36, no. 2 (Summer 2019)
“(Re)enchanting the Material: Technological Manifestations of Baraka.” Introduction to Digital Humanities: Material Religion. Germany: De Gruyter, 2019.
Edmonds, James and Terry Shoemaker. "The Limits of Interfaith? Interfaith Identities, Emerging Potentialities, and Exclusivity." Culture and Religion, vol. 17, no. 2, 2016.
Edited Translations
Nircholish Madjid. Our Indonesia. Muhamad Ali trans. James M. Edmonds ed. Jakarta, Indonesia: Nircholish Madjid Society, 2019.
Op-ed Pieces & Scholarly Journalism
Edmonds, James. “Enveloped by the Prophet.” Center for Asian Research. January 30, 2019. < https://car.clas.asu.edu/content/jamie-edmonds>
“Smartphone Baraka: Technological Transference.” #AsiaNow. June 26, 2017. <http://www.asian-studies.org/asia-now/entryid/72/smartphone-baraka-tech…;
“Listening to ‘sholawat’ to combat radical Islam,” Jakarta Post. Published: June 2, 2017. <http://www.thejakartapost.com/academia/2017/06/02/listening-to-sholawat…;
“Introducing Asia Mediated: Interdisciplinary Curriculum Innovation at Arizona State University” #AsiaNow. April 19, 2017 < http://www.asian-studies.org/asia-now/entryid/44/introducing-asia-media…;
Book Reviews
Rebranding Islam: Piety, Prosperity, and A Self-Help Guru by James Bourk Hoesterey, Journal of Asian Studies. The Journal of Asian Studies, 77(4), 1136-1137. doi:10.1017/S0021911818002474
Practicing Islam: Knowledge, Experience, and Social Navigation in Kyrgyzstan by David Montgomery in Reading Religion < http://readingreligion.org/books/practicing-islam>
Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: Tolerance without Liberalism by Jeremy Menchik in Reading Religion < http://readingreligion.org/books/islam-and-democracy-indonesia>
Islam in Indonesia: The Contest for Society, Ideas and Values by Carool Kersten. Reading Religion, < http://readingreligion.org/books/islam-indonesia>
Structuring Equality: Handbook for Student-Centered Learning. HASTAC https://www.hastac.org/blogs/jmedmonds/2017/05/09/chapter-5-three-problems-observation-review-james-edmonds
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 321 | Religion in America |
REL 321 | Religion in America |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
LIA 194 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
IDN 394 | Special Topics |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 201 | Religion and the Modern World |
REL 201 | Religion and the Modern World |
REL 307 | Religion: Theory and Practice |
REL 307 | Religion: Theory and Practice |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
LIA 194 | Special Topics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 321 | Religion in America |
REL 321 | Religion in America |
SLC 294 | Special Topics |
SLC 294 | Special Topics |
PLC 201 | Intermediate Polish |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 201 | Religion and the Modern World |
REL 201 | Religion and the Modern World |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 321 | Religion in America |
REL 321 | Religion in America |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
REL 351 | Buddhism |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
REL 381 | Religion and Moral Issues |
REL 381 | Religion and Moral Issues |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 201 | Religion and the Modern World |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 321 | Religion in America |
REL 321 | Religion in America |
REL 321 | Religion in America |
REL 321 | Religion in America |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 201 | Religion and the Modern World |
Invited Public Lectures
“Hunting Baraka: Majelis Habib Syech and the Changing Landscape of Indonesian Islam” Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 2019. Language: English
“Pemburu Barokah: Majelis Habib Syech dan Perubahan Lanskap Islam Indonesia,” Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang Indonesia. Language: Indonesian
“Introduction to Ethnographic Theory,” Universitas Nadhlatul Ulama, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 2019. Language: Indonesian
“Pemburu Barokah: Majelis Habib Syech dan Perubahan Lanskap Islam Indonesia,” Universitas Islam Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, June 2019. Indonesian
“Introduction to Ethnographic Theory: Technological Advances,” Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia, June 2019. Language: Indonesian
“Reimagining Islamic Authority in Asia: Transnational Baraka,” School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies, Faculty Forum, March, 2019.
Selected Conference Presentations
“(Re)enchanting Religion,” North American Association for the Study of Religion,” Nov. 22-24, 2019
“Pilgrimage Sites as Mobile Cities: Indonesian Piety on the Move,” American Academy of Religion, Nov. 23-26, 2019.
“(Re)Enchanting Religion: Indonesian uses of Universal Definitions,” Western American Academy of Religion, March 10, 2019.
Presider. “Pop Culture as Argument: Contesting Religion, Gender, and Romance in Contemporary Indonesia,” American Academy of Religion, November 17, 2018.
“Reimagining Islamic Authority in Asia: Tracing Transnational Baraka,” “Asia on the Move,” Nordic Institute for Asia Studies, November 6, 2018.
“Disavowing Technology and the Formation of Digital Communities,” “Asia on the Move Ph.D. Course.” Nordic Institute for Asia Studies, November 9, 2018.
“Towards a Global Ummah and Indonesia’s Contentious Nationalism,” American Historical Association; Religious Nationalism in Flux section; January 6, 2018.
“Forming the Moderate Muslim and the Deception of Indonesian Islamic Exceptionalism,” American Anthropological Association in the Ethnography, Misrepresentations of Islam, and Advocacy Section; December 1, 2017.
“Flipping the Ethnographic: Illuminating the Importance of Belief,” American Academy of Religion in the Anthropology of Religion Unit; November 18, 2017.
“Secularism’s Ambiguity: Listening to the Streets of Jakarta,” Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict; April 7, 2017.
“Smelling Arab: The Possession at Solo, Indonesia,” American Academy of Religion in the Critical Theory and Discourse section; November 19-22, 2016.
“The Circulation of Islamic Ethics in Indonesia,” Asian Studies Research Center at Arizona State University; October 27, 2015.
“Popular De-Islamization of Yogyakarta’s Kraton,” Western American Academy of Religion Conference, Santa Clara; March 20-22, 2015.
Invited Respondent to The Act of Killing, Western Association for Asian Studies Conference, Arizona State University; October 8-10, 2014.
“Tasauf’s Transformation through Political Practice,” National American Academy of Religion; Chicago, Illinois; November 17-20, 2013.
“The Indonesian Muslims’ Experience in America,” Launch of the Institute for the Study of Immigrant Religions, University of California Riverside; June 1st 2012.
“The Revitalization of Islam through Dzikir in Indonesia: From Naqshbundi to Hamka,” Western American Academy of Religion Conference; Santa Clara, March 24-26, 2012.
Exterior Awards
FLAS Fellowship Fall 2020 – Spring 2021 - Javanese
FLAS Fellowship Fall 2019 – Spring 2020 – Javanese
FLAS Fellowship Summer 2019 – Javanese
FLAS Fellowship Fall 2018- Spring 2019 – Indonesian
Semi-Finalist for U.S. Student Fulbright to Indonesia 2017
HASTAC Scholar 2016 - 2018
International Institute for Islamic Thought Summer Research Grant 2016
Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict Friends of the Center Fellowship 2016
AIPS Summer Research Grant 2016 – Declined
Fulbright-Hays 2015
Honorable Mention Pre-Dissertation Ford Fellowship 2015
Institute for the Study of Immigrant Religions Research Grant 2012
Interior Awards
ASU Graduate College Millennium Completion Fellowship for the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 - declined
ASU Graduate College Fellowship Fall and Spring 2018, 2017
ASU School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies Travel Grant 2017, 2015
ASU Graduate Education Travel Award 2017, 2016, 2015
ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduate Excellence Award 2017, 2018
ASU School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies Spring Research Grant 2017
ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Leaders 2016
ASU Graduate and Professional Student Association Travel Grant Spring 2016, 2015
ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduate Excellence Award 2015
UCR Department of Religious Studies Travel Grant 2011
UCR Dean’s Distinguished Fellowship Award 2010-2012
Associate Editor for the Southeast Asian section of #AsiaNow, Association of Asian Studies: http://www.asian-studies.org/asia-now; 2017 - Present
Editor for Inside Indonesia: http://www.insideindonesia.org/ 2017- Present